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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Tag: Romance, pain, heartbroken

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An hour later, everyone troops into the hospital, all the nurses were surprised to see people rushing into the hospital and also someone in her wedding gown, with the way all of them dressed, the nurses and everyone around quickly noticed they were coming from a marriage ceremony.

“Where is my son?!” Mrs.I-jun yelled out immediately after she walked in with the rest, suddenly, si-u caught sight of Ji-ho sitting on the floor near the emergency room and she was stained with blood.

“eonni”. she called and ran to her quickly and the rest followed her behind. Ha-jun was boiling in anger to see ji-ho still alive. “eonni, don’t cry I am here”. she sniffs as she holds her in her arms trying to calm her down.

“Ji-ho stop crying, nothing will happen to him, he is going to be fine,” Su-ho said as they helped her up, her face was swollen due to excess of tears.

“This is all your fault!” Ha-jun blunted angrily at Ji-ho.” Baek-Hyun is in there fighting for his life because of you, what else do you want? Aren’t you tired of tormenting him” she yelled and Si-u snapped at her angrily as she stepped a little closer to her.

“Don’t you dare point an accusing finger at my sister, this is none of her faults”.

” Oh really, how come whenever she is always around him, bad things always happen? Hasn’t she had enough with other men and she wants to–” She got interrupted by a hard slap across her face before she could complete her statement.

“I won’t let you use such words on my sister”. Si-u said staring hard at her, Ha-jun tried to slap her back, But Byung-ho quickly ran in to protect Si-u from getting the slap and it landed on his shoulder instead, then he turned to Ha-jun to see the rage in her eyes.

” I think you will have to keep it down, this is a hospital and it requires quietness, and I know Baek-Hyun will not want this”. He said and Ha-jun’s parents moved to calm her down, while Mr.Dae-jung was also calming down his wife.

“Ji-ho stop crying, this is not good for the baby”. Si-u said and Mrs.I-jun turned to them quickly.

” She is right, try and relax, you have been crying for how long now”. Chan-yeol said.

“What is going on? is she pregnant?” Mrs.I-jun asked confusedly as she moved to them and the rest was staring at them.

“Yes, Aunt, I guess this is no secret anymore”. Byung-ho said.”The reason why Baek-Hyun had to leave the ceremony to come to look for Ji-ho, is because he finds the truth about why she left and also to find out that Ji-ho is pregnant with his child”. he said and they went stunned.

“What?” Mr.Dae-jung said surprisedly.

“Oh my gosh”. Mrs.Do-yun said surprised and Ha-jun’s feet were clue to the ground.

” What did you just say?”Mrs.I-jun sputtered.

“Is the truth aunt”. Chan-yeol said and they got interrupted by Si-u and Su-ho who called out Ji-ho’s name who suddenly lost consciousness.

“Get the nurse, hurry! ” Byung-ho yelled and Chan-yeol rushed to call the nurse.

“eonni, please open your eyes”. Si-u sobs as Byung-ho carries ji-ho in his arms and follows the nurse behind who was leading them to another ward, Si-u, Su-ho, and chan-yeol follow behind. The rest was still in shock and was too stiff to move. Byung-ho lay Ji-ho gently on the bed, and the nurse ushered them out and closed the door behind them, Si-u was sobbing quietly and Byung-ho moved to calm her down.

” Don’t cry, nothing is going to happen to her”. he said patting her hair as Si-u was wrapped in his arms.

A few minutes later, they were already inside the ward waiting for Ji-ho to wake up after the nurse told them she was fine and the baby.

“eonni, wake up please”. Si-u said sitting next to her on the bed, then Mrs.I-jun entered.

” Si-u calms down, she will be fine”. Su-ho said and Mrs.I-jun moved to sit next to her on the other side of the bed and took her hand tenderly, then ji-ho moved her head and opened her eyes weakly.

“Look, she is awake”. Chan-yeol said.

” eonni, are you ok? Do you want me to get the nurse?”. Si-u asked.

“Baek-Hyun”. Ji-ho called quietly and quickly jerked up from the bed. ” Baek-Hyun, I want to see Baek-Hyun”. she sobs struggling to get up from the bed, Mrs. I-jun holds her quickly and cupped her face trying to make her relax.

“Calm down, nothing is going to happen to my son, just try to calm down for the baby’s sake “. She said and ji-ho suddenly felt relaxed and saw the sincerity in her eyes, she smiled at her and caressed her face. ” You don’t need to worry about anything, we are all here for you, nothing will happen to him”.

“I want to see Baek-Hyun” ” She sniffs and Mrs. I-jun cleans up her tears with her thumb.

” You will see him after the doctor is done with him, now try to relax”.

“No, no, no, I want to see him now and tell him that I am sorry for leaving him”.

” There is plenty of time to do that, but first of all try to relax”. Chan-yeol said.

“Yes, for the baby’s sake”. Su-ho said.

” Just try to relax” Mrs.I-jun sighs as tears crawl out from her eyes.” I am sorry you have to go through this pain alone, am sorry for not having enough time to meet you and have a chat with you”. she sniffs and caressed her face before pulling her into her arms.” I will always be here with you and my grandchild “. the rest smile at them.

Another minute passed followed by an hour, and everyone was still waiting for the doctor’s report, then the doctor came out and they rushed to him quickly.

” Doctor, how is my son?”Mr.Dae-jung asked looking tense.

“Is he ok?” Mrs.I-jun asked.

“Are you his parents?” the doctor asked.

“Yes”. they respond.

” Well, his condition is very critical, though we managed to stop the internal bleeding from the brain, he is being placed in the ICU”. he said and they went stunned.

“What? Will he be ok doctor?”. Ji-ho asked.

” Am not hundred percent sure, but we have to observe him for two days to know if his body is responding to treatment”. he said and then one of the nurses ran to him to complain about Baek-Hyun’s sudden change in his body.” excuse me”. he rushed off and they followed him behind them, but there was an opening in the door and they could see what was happening there. they saw the doctor trying to revive him back by using the defibrillator with the nurse to reanimate him back to life. everyone was looking tensely at the door, praying silently. After a while, the doctor came out wearing a sad face.

“Doctor, is my son ok?”. Mrs. I-jun asked.

“Am sorry, we tried our best”. he said and everyone was stunned, quickly Ji-ho rushed inside and stopped the nurse from touching him.

” No”. Mrs. I-jun screamed and blacked out, Her husband held her and helped her to sit down as the doctor was attending to her. Ha-jun cried in her mother’s arms as she was consoling her, the rest rushed inside to meet Ji-ho. Ji-ho knelt beside Baek-Hyun’s lifeless body and caressed his face sobbing bitterly.

“No, Baek-Hyun, please don’t leave me, you promise you will always be by my side, please I beg you come back”. she cried and they were trying to console her.

” Ji-ho “. Su-ho called as she sniffed.

” Please, I promise not to leave your side, I will always be by your side, please come back there are plenty of things I need to say to you “. she leans her face closer to him and rests her head on his forehead. ” Please Baek-Hyun, for the sake of our baby, you don’t want our child to grow up without a father, please” ” She kissed his forehead as her tears dropped on his face.” please come back, I love you”. she embrace him crying.” please, I love you Baek-Hyun, I love you so much”. she cried. Just then the sound of the monitor machine started to beep, Byung-ho looked at it and saw it was showing a zig-zag line, he rushed out to call the doctor, and the doctor asked everyone out and continued to examine the patient.

Everyone became calm and stood waiting for the doctor, not too long he came out and they rushed to him.

“He is out of danger now, your son is a strong man that determines to live with the people he loves, he is still unconscious, he will be up in a couple of weeks”. he reassured them with a warm smile and they all sighed in relief.

” Thank you so much, doctor, can we see him now?”.Mrs.Dae-jung asked.

“Not yet, I will suggest you all go home to rest, it being a long night, tomorrow you can see him”. he said.

” Okay doctor, thank you very much”.Mrs.I-jun said and the doctor left.

Days passed followed by a week, and Baek-Hyun hadn’t shown any sign of waking up but the doctor kept reassuring them that he would be up soon, Ji-ho never missed a day not to visit him at the hospital but also with his family and his friends. Ha-jun comes sometimes with her parents to check on how he is doing. Ha-jun parents decided to talk to the press about the marriage being on hold for now till Baek-Hyun is finally back on his feet, Meanwhile, Mrs.I-jun asks the police to investigate the accident after Ji-ho told them how Baek-Hyun saved her life.

Another week passed, and Ji-ho was sitting next to Baek-Hyun holding his hand tenderly and staring at his eyes that were closed.

“Baek-Hyun is being weeks now since you have been laid here, aren’t you tired of sleeping for so long, I am worried, I missed you and our child missed you too, please wake up, I want to see your eyes, and your sweet smile again, I want to hear you call me ‘Little pumpkin,’ I missed all that”. she sniffs and tears crawl out of her eyes.” I missed you, Baek-Hyun, I missed you so much”. she rested her head beside sobbing quietly.

“Don’t you know crying too much is harmful to our baby”? Baek-Hyun said weakly and Ji-ho raised her face quickly to see him smiling at him.

” Baek-Hyun”. she called happily and then the rest walked in.

“Baek-Hyun, you are awake”. Mrs.I-jun called happily and embraced him on the bed.

” I will get the doctor”. Byung-ho said as he rushed out to call the doctor.

“How are you feeling son?” Mr.Dae-Jung asked and Baek-Hyun just smiled at them as he returned his gaze back to Ji-ho.

A few minutes later, the doctor was done examining him.

“He is fine, but I will still conduct some text on him to see if there are any more complications”. the doctor said.

“Okay, thank you very much”. Mr.Dae-Jung said as he shook hands with the doctor before he left.

” Is so good to have you back”. Chan-yeol said.

“We missed you, man”. Byung-ho said and Baek-Hyun smiled as he kept caressing Ji-ho’s hand.

Two days later, after the doctor had done all the necessary tests on him, there were no complications which means he was perfectly fine, he was told to stay for more days to check on him properly before he could finally be discharged. Ji-ho was feeding him some food and his eyes never left her.

” Will you stop staring and eat more of your food”. she said trying to avoid his gaze.

“Why should I? Staring at you gives me more strength to live on”. he said and Ji-ho smiled. ” can I hear you say you love me?”. he said.

“Why, you already know I love you”.

” I know, I want to hear you say it again”. he caressed her face.” you don’t know how long I have waited to hear you say you love me back, please I want to hear it from you again”. he said smiling and Ji-ho sigh tiredly at him.

“Ok, fine, I love you”.

” Say it one more time”. he pleaded as he kept pulling her face closer.

“I love you, Baek-Hyun”. she said and finally, their face was an inch apart.

” I want to hear it one more time”. he kissed her forehead down to her cheek, Ji-ho shivered at his touch.

“I love you so much,” she said with her eyes closed.

” I love you more”. slowly. he moved his lips closer and kissed her. Ji-ho responded fast to his kisses as she had missed him so much. he deepened the kiss and caressed her body, and suddenly, the door was wide open interrupting their moment, they stopped and turned in the direction to see the angry look on Ha-jun’s face.

“Get away from my husband”. Ha-jun yelled as she rushed to push Ji-ho aside.” how dare you come close to him?”. she quarreled staring hard at her.

“Ha-jun, how dare you push her like that?” he yelled.

“She has no right to come close to you”. she said.

” Who told you that? She has every right, don’t you know she is pregnant that you have to push her off in that way”.

“I don’t care, ok”.

” Well, you should care, because she is carrying my child,”.he said, and Ha-jun scoffed.

“Oh really? How sure are you that she is carrying your child, what if it is somebody else child and she is trying to impose it on you”.

” Don’t you dare question my character like that”. Ji-ho said angrily at her.

“And what if I don’t ” she hissed and then Byung-ho walked in.

“Thank goodness that you are here, Byung-ho, please take Ha-jun out of here”. He said and Ha-jun went surprised.

” What? I am not going anywhere, I am your wife for goodness sake, and the only person who had to leave this room is her and not me “. she yelled.

” You heard me Ha-jun, leave!”.

“Never!”. she said and Byung-ho tried to drag her out but Ji-ho stopped him.

” Don’t Byung-ho, I will leave instead, maybe you two need to talk”. she said and Baek-Hyun tried to talk but she quickly shut him up with a kiss.”Is ok, I will be outside with Byung-ho”. she said and turned to him.”let’s go Byung-ho”, they left.


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