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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Country: Korean

Tags: Romance

Chapter 21

At the dinner table, Baek-Hyun was eating sluggishly and lost in deep and didn’t notice his mother was calling out to him.

“Baek-Hyun!”. Mrs. I-jun called by yelling out his name and he jerked up quickly. ” what is wrong with you? I have been calling out to you, and you seem lost and paled, is everything alright? And you barely even touch your meal”. she said.

“Are you ok son?”Mr.Dae-jung asked.

” um, am sorry I spaced out,”.he apologized with a sigh.

“Tell us what is wrong?”. Mrs. I-jun asked.

” Nothing mom, am just stressing out lately due to the upcoming examination and my traveling out to the state”.

“But you shouldn’t stress yourself that much, you know is not good for your health”. Mrs. I-jun said as she felt his hand tenderly.

” Your mom is right son, try to keep it cool, you don’t need to be stressed out about your traveling, I will handle that, all you have to do is focus on your exams,” Mr.Dae-jung said smiling at him.

“Okay Dad, I will”. he smiled forcefully.

” Eat your food, okay?.she said, and they continued eating.

A few days later, at the canteen, Byung-ho was busy chatting with Si-u on the phone smiling, Baek-Hyun, on the other hand, was also busy with his phone and not touching his lunch, Chan-yeol who sat between them stared angrily at them, suddenly, he snatched their phones from them.

“What thy–” Byung-ho said as he was caught off guard.

“Yo man!”. Baek-Hyun snapped as he was caught off guard.

” I think I have had it up to you two, this is supposed to be a canteen and is meant for eating not for operating phones”. he said angrily.

“Is that why you snatched our phones?” Byung-ho asked.

“Can I have my phone back?”. Baek-Hyun said with so much command.

“No, you two should do your worst! these are not my friends anymore, you guys have totally changed, you guys have never missed out on lunch or even tried to get busy with your phones, but everything suddenly changed because of your loss in love”. he frowned and they scoffed.

” Seriously, why are you acting childish? You should look at yourself in the mirror right now”. Baek-Hyun tease.

“You are one of the funniest kids I have ever seen, you should look at yourself in the mirror right now, just like what Baek-Hyun said”. Byung-ho laughed.

” is not funny, I need you guys back”. he said sadly.

“But we are here, we didn’t go nowhere”. Byung-ho said.

” Seriously, you two are crashing down our friendship, I want my buddies back, I miss everything”. he said with his head bowed to the ground and they sighed sadly.

“Okay fine, sorry we space you out and then we promise to make it right again”. Baek-Hyun said smiling.

” Exactly!” Byung-ho said and chan-yeol raised his face at them

“Really? ” he questioned excitedly.

“yeah, to make it up, I will be treating you guys out for guys’ night”. Beak-hyun said as their faces brightened up quickly.

“Really?” they chorus.

“yeah, a day to my traveling”.

” Woah, this is so cool, but can I choose the venue?” chan-yeol asked.

“of course”. Baek-Hyun replied.

“Okay, till then, let’s cheers to that”. chan-yeol said and they hit their glasses together.

Weeks later, after the exam interval, ji-ho came over to Baek-Hyun’s house for his private tutor and Mr.Dae-jung invited her to sit, they sat down in the living room as one of the maids served them a glass of juice.

” So, how have you been?”. he asked smiling.

“Fine sir” she replied nervously.

“That’s good, I can’t thank you enough for what you did for my son, because of your teaching, he got a straight “A” on his science”.

” You don’t have to thank me, sir, your son is intelligent on his own, so I just did a little”.

“Sure, am happy about that”. they chuckled.” Anyway, I have your full payment for this month”. he brought out a white envelope from his pocket and placed it on the table in front of her, ji-ho was a little bit surprised because there wasn’t a due date yet for the payment to be made.

“But sir is–” she got interrupted.

“I know, is just that my son won’t be around for your tutor anymore because he is leaving by tomorrow”. he said.

” leaving?” she asked confusedly.

“Er, yes, he will be leaving for the state tomorrow to continue his studies”. ji-ho was stunned.

” w-what? State? I don’t understand you sir”. she sputtered confusedly.

“wait, didn’t my son tell you about his traveling?” he asked, and ji-ho rolled her head.” oh, it must have skipped his mind, but anyway he is traveling to the state to continue his studies”.

“Does that mean he won’t be coming back or going back to school after the holidays are over?”. she asked sadly.

” No, he won’t be resuming with them, you know I once brought up this topic about him traveling, but he rejected it at that time, saying he wanted to finish up his studies here, but I am glad he decided it on his own and it makes me so happy”. he said smiling and ji-ho bow her head looking sad and pale. ” but anyway he is not home now, he is out with his friends and he will be home late”.

“Okay sir, thank you very much”. She stood up to leave and placed the money in her bag.

” Okay, do take care of yourself”.

“Thank you, sir”.She gave a slight bow and walked away.

Along the subway, ji-ho was walking slowly and was lost in deep thought, all the memories of her and Beak-Hyun were flashing through her head, and she couldn’t believe that she had started having feelings for him, and she never imagined she wouldn’t be seeing him again, all this thought was running through her mind and she didn’t know when tears fall out of her eyes, just then a car horned behind her making her jump out of fear, she turn and saw it was Dang-Geun that horned for her to stop, she cleans up her tears with her thumb. he parked and came down.

” What are you doing here? why do you look so lost?” he asked tensely

“Um, nothing, I was coming from my extra classes”. she said

” And you are walking home? Why didn’t you take a cab?”.

“Um, um,” she sputtered.

“You know what is ok, get in and I will drop you at your house”. he opened the car door for her to enter and shut it and rushed to the driver’s seat, he started the engine and zoomed off.

Some hours later, a cab drove Baek-Hyun and his friends to a clubhouse and they were surprised at how chan-yeol to know a place like this. they get down after paying the driver.

“Seriously! A clubhouse?”. Baek-Hyun snapped at him.

” Yeah, is not just any clubhouse, is the best in town”. chan-yeol said.

“How come you know of this place?”. Byung-ho asked.

” I have a lot of fans you know”.

“You know is illegal for you to be seen in a clubhouse”. Baek-Hyun said.

” How do you mean?”

“what he meant is that you are underage and this kind of place is not meant for people like you”. Byung-ho said.

” That also explains you two, if I can remember, am only half of your age, and besides it doesn’t matter” he smiled and they scoffed at him. “come on guys, let’s have some fun, and drink to a stupor”. he yelled excitedly and ran off. ” come on guys!”.

“He is seriously going to get us in trouble one day”. Byung-ho said and they ran to him, they went inside after the bouncer allowed them in because he was a fan of Chan-yeol and he also gave him a lot of tips. Everywhere was booming with loud music as people were dancing and enjoying themselves with friends and some with their partners. they sat at the bar and asked the barman to serve them a drink, he did as he was instructed and served them a Soju Ç0çƙtail, they cheered and drank in a gulp.

“Woah!” chan-yeol yelled and drank another glass of Soju Ç0çƙtail. “let’s get this party starting”. he moved to the crowd and started dancing to the music.” come on guys, hop in” he said and they refused, he persuaded them and dragged them to the crowd, some girls came and started dancing with them. Meanwhile, Dang-Geun drove into the clubhouse with ji-ho and her friends, it was Su-ho idea for them to come here.

“Really? Su-ho, this was your best idea for hanging out?”. ji-ho asked.

” yeah, is fun, you need to get a live girlfriend, at least Dang-Geun is not complaining”. she replied.

“yeah, this place is usually nice and comfortable, I have been here severally with my friends, so it’s cool”.Dang-Geun said.

” you see, now let’s go party!” she yelled excitedly as they came down and went inside, they were directed to the VIP room, it was Dang-Geun idea to make ji-ho comfortable, a while later, a bottle of champagne was brought to their table with glasses.

“Woah! “. Su-ho screamed in excitement as her body was swinging to the rock and roll music, the whole place was booming with music and excitement. Baek-Hyun and his friends returned to their seats in the bar and ordered the same drink.

” I told you this is going to be fun”. Chan-yeol said.

“Yeah, you were right, I am loving it”. Baek-Hyun said as they continued with their drink and started getting a little tipsy, then a girl walked up to Baek-Hyun smiling sweetly.

” Care for a dance?”. she asked and Baek-Hyun accepted her offer and moved to the dance floor with her, his friends cheering on them. suddenly, the music turns to rhymes and blues, and everyone holds their partners and dances slowly to the music, Baek-Hyun stares into her eyes and her face suddenly appears as ji-ho.

“Miss ji-ho?”. He called quietly and felt her chin as she smiled sweetly at him.

” Is that your girlfriend’s name?” she asked and her face changed back. Baek-Hyun pulled back quickly and rushed to his friends, the girl stared surprisedly at him including his friends as he gulped his drink in one shot.

“Are you okay?”. Chan-yeol asked.

” Am fine, I think I need some fresh air”. he replied.

“Okay, be careful”. Byung-ho said.

” Sure”. he takes another gulp of his drink and walks away. Meanwhile, ji-ho and Dang-Geun sat close to each other having their drink while Su-ho was out dancing in the crowd.

“Are you okay?”. He asked.

“Hmm, yeah, it’s fun here”. she said smiling forcedly.

” You don’t have to hide it if you don’t like it here”. he said.

“Of course, I like it here”. they chuckle, she takes a sip from her drink, and a little falls on her dress. ” oh”.

“Easy”.He brought out his handkerchief and she started using it to clean her shirt.” are you okay?”.

“yeah, let me use the restroom”. She stood up and left. Some minutes later, she came out of the restroom and was heading back to the club room, when she caught sight of a familiar figure from the balcony, she moved closer and it was Baek-Hyun, she was surprised as he bowed his head to the ground with his back against her.” Baek-Hyun?”. She called quietly and Baek-Hyun heard the familiar voice and turned in her direction. both went still staring into each other eyes, a moment later, she walked up to him with their eyes still fixed on each other.

“Miss ji-ho?”.

” Why are you here, Baek-Hyun?” she asked.

“Am here with my friends to have fun”. he smiles widely.

” Did you drink too much? You look tipsy”. she said as she smelled the alcohol from his mouth.

“yeah, a little”. he lurches a little and grabs her hand.” Miss Ji-ho did you come here to see me?”. he asked.

“um, no, I came here with Su-ho and Dang-Geun”.

” Oh, you came with your boyfriend too”. he chuckles.

“Baek-Hyun, you are a little drunk right now, you should go home”. she said trying to release her hand from his, quickly, she was caught off guard as Baek-hyun pushed her to the wall and pulled closer to her as their face were inch apart, she gulps nervously and tries to push him off.” what are you doing, Baek-Hyun? let me go”.

“Why should I? Tell me you don’t want me closer to you”. he whispered seductively into her ear and it sent shivers to her body. “I know you feel what I feel”. he creased her hair back to her ear and kissed her neck tenderly, ji-ho shut her eyes as her whole body was yawning at his touches.

” Baek-Hyun, Stop” She let out a gasp as Baek-Hyun kept flirty with her. “Baek-Hyun”. she Mõ@ɲed quietly as she squeezed tight his shirt, Baek-Hyun stared back into her eyes and cupped her face, ji-ho opened her eyes to meet his, but his gaze shifted to her lips.”Baek-Hyun, you are Drunk”.

“I am not that drunk, I have been waiting for this day”. he felt her lips with his finger.” I have always wanted to do this for a long time… you can push me off if you don’t want to”. he leans his face closer, their eyes are closed and their lips clash with each other softly.

Back at the bar, Byung-ho and Chan-yeol were worried about his whereabouts.

“Baek-Hyun is taking too long, what could he be doing?”. Chan-yeol asked looking worried.

” I think he will be back soon and he needs some time alone, you know it will be hard for him to leave for the state till he finishes his studies”. Byung-ho said.

“Yeah, you are right, am gonna miss him actually”.

” me too”. they sigh and sip from their drinks.

Back to Baek-hyun and ji-ho, both were still stuck in the same position, Baek-hyun pulled away from her slowly and they stared into each other eyes, he brought his lips closer to hers and was about to touch when suddenly they heard footsteps, and ji-ho pushed him off quickly and rushed off and almost bumped into Dang-Geun.

“Woah, are you okay? Why are you in a rush? I was wondering why you were taking so long, so I came to look for you”.Dang-Geun said seeing how anxious she looked.” Are you okay? Did something happen?”.

“Um, no, nothing happened, I met an old-time friend and we started talking, that’s why I took so long”. she said sputtering.

” Okay, let’s go, Su-ho is worried about you and thinks is time to go”. He took her hand and they left, A while later, Baek-Hyun moved to his friends.

“yo man, where have you been?” Chan-yeol asked.

“Sorry I took so long, I was cooling off”. he replied.

” But are you okay?” Byung-ho asked.

“Yeah,”. he takes a sip from his drink. ” shall we go now?”.

“yeah, sure”. Byung-ho said as they stood up and left.


The next day, Baek-Hyun’s flight was delayed till noon, his friends and his parents saw him off to the airport, everyone was sad, especially his mother who hugged him a thousand times before she finally let go, they bid each other goodbye as they watched him walked into the plane and later fly off in the air, they went back home feeling sad and lonely.

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