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Friday, October 18, 2024
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County :Korean

Tags: Romance

Chapter 16

Miss ji-ho walked into the class and there was a scream of admiration from all the students blushing and cheering for her, she was confused and surprised at the same time.

“Is everything okay, what is the screaming all about?” she asked wondering, and one of the students spoke out.

“We are just happy for you miss ji-ho, you do have great taste “. she said and all the classes agreed to smile knowingly at her except Baek-Hyun and his friends who were staring at all of them not showing interest in what they were all saying.

” I don’t understand what you all are talking about, how do you mean?”. she asked

“We saw you with your boyfriend outside the school gate yesterday and you two look cute together”. Another student said.

” What? Of course not, he is not my boyfriend, you all saw wrong, he is not my boyfriend”.

“Really? But you guys look cute together, if I were you Miss Ji-ho I wouldn’t let him pass me by, although he kinda looks familiar”. A male student said and they turned to him.

” Really? Do you know him?”. His seatmate asked there was murmuring and ji-ho was trying to calm them down, then they went shocked and quiet at once as Baek-Hyun hit the table hard and stared hard at all of them including ji-ho who was also surprised at his sudden behavior.

“Does this place look like a boy’s night or a girl’s night where you discuss such rubbish, this is a class for learning not for some stupid avocation”. he said angrily and turned his gaze to ji-ho. ” please Miss ji-ho can you please continue with your normal teaching since that is what you are paid to do”. he said unlikely and his friends were surprised at him, including ji-ho who felt insulted by his words, but she managed and compose her emotions as she smiled at the class and continued her teaching. the whole class was as cold as ice as they all paid attention to her teaching, they dared not make another noise, because Baek-Hyun was a person who never repeated his words and they all feared him a lot. Some hour later, during lunch, Byung-ho and Si-u were sitting at the field chatting and having their snacks.

“You think so?”. Si-u laughed at his silly jokes.

” Am just saying”. they chuckle.

“Yeah, but I like it though”. she said and they smiled at each other.

” So, you came here to pay a visit to your sister?”.

“yes, but I am leaving tomorrow”. she said and Byung-ho went surprised.

” So soon?”.

“yeah, am resuming school in two days, my holiday is over, so I need to go back”.

” Oh, I thought you were staying for a longer time”. He said sadly.

“No, but don’t worry, we can always be in touch”. she said as she took his phone and dialed her number. ” you always reach out to me”.

“Sure”. he said and saved the number on his phone and they went mute for a while.” so, I was wondering if I could come and see you off tomorrow?”.

“um, I don’t think so, you have classes tomorrow”.

” yeah, but–“he got interrupted from behind by chan-yeol.

“So, this is where you are, you backstabber,”.chan-yeol said angrily, and they turned to him quickly.

” Hey, chan-yeol, are you okay? What’s with the look”. Byung-ho asked.

“Are you seriously asking me that? You and Baek-Hyun left me all alone at the canteen, since when do we start separating ourselves during lunch”. He said furiously and Byung-ho scoffed.

” Don’t be too dramatic chan-yeol, we –” he got interrupted as Si-u’s cell phone rang.

“um, I have to run along now, my big sis is calling me” ” She stood up and waved at them before leaving.

” So, it was because of her, you always skipped lunch with me just to go be with her?”. chan-yeol said and Byung-ho stood up and patted his shoulder.

“Stop being dismissive and let’s go find out what is wrong with Baek-Hyun”. he said and they walked away. They searched around the school building including their inn, Baek-Hyun was nowhere to be seen, they tried reaching out for his cell phone but it wasn’t connecting. ” Where could this good-for-nothing boy be” he wondered.

“let’s check the school roof.” chan-yeol suggested.

“You think he will be there? If I can remember, I have never heard or seen him going to the school roof”.

” You never can tell, I heard the best place to cool off is the rooftop”.

“Why will Baek-Hyun need to cool off? Is he under any kind of pressure or what?” Byung-ho asked confusedly

“I think so, didn’t you see the attitude he has been giving Miss Ji-ho, he barely says her name, and he has been skipping lunch like you, although I have found out about yours because you went to be with Si-u”.Byung-ho stares hard at him.” what! You know that’s true, now we need to find out why the sudden attitude from Baek-Hyun, I guess he is having issues with Miss Ji-ho”. he added.

“You think so? But anyway, let’s see if he is truly on the rooftop”. he said and they left the roof, they weren’t surprised to see him standing and holding the rail as he was staring at one spot.

“I told you he would be here”. Chan-yeol whispered in his ear and they moved closer to Baek-Hyun.

” There you are man, what are you doing here?”. Byung-ho asked and Baek-Hyun turned to them.

“were you guys looking for me?” he asked and chan-yeol scoffed and suddenly interrupted Byung-ho

“Obviously, man! what do you think you are doing? why are you always moody these days?” he asked staring hard at him

“How do you mean?” Baek-Hyun asked

“You know exactly what I mean, so, don’t try to play pretense with me”. he yelled.

” Woah, calm down Chan-yeol, and let’s solve this once and for all”. Byung-ho said with a sigh and then turned to Baek-Hyun “So, man, start talking, what is eating you up these days? Why are you so unfriendly towards Miss Ji-ho? Did something happen between you two?”. He asked waiting for his response.No response. ” You know you can’t hide anything away from us, we are your buddy”.

“oh please! let just assume that he got ditched by Miss Ji-ho, that’s why he is all looking moody”. Chan-yeol voices out and Byung-ho sighs tiredly at him.

” Don’t say what you don’t know, chan-yeol”. Baek-Hyun said.

“it is! You know I can never lie because the look is all over you, you should have seen the way you look right now in front of the mirror, you look a mess and heartbroken”.

” Will you stop talking right now, chan-yeol”. Byung-ho snapped at him and he rolled out his eyes, then Baek-Hyun let out a deep sigh.

“he is right, I really do look a mess, I need to keep it down a little and accept my fate”. He said and turned to them smiling faintly and they stared confusedly at him.

” How do you mean?” both asked, he smiled and started to explain the whole situation to them. Some minutes later, after the whole explanation to them.

“you mean she ditched you? My instincts were right after all”. Chan-yeol said.

” Why will she do that?”.Byung-ho asked.

“Excuse you! isn’t obvious, they are practically not meant to be, now you see what we…no, I especially have been telling you about, there is no way, Miss ji-ho will wanna have a relationship with you, you two are way different in every area of your lives, is it by age or grades, you see it can’t work”.chan-yeol said emphasis on the last word.

” But why can’t it work!” Baek-hyun snapped as he stood up. “why can’t she see my point of view”.

” You have to keep it cool and also try to see her point of view, she is your teacher, and you are her student”. Byung-ho said politely.

“And so? Is it a forbidden affair?”.

” Oh yes, it is, you are blinded by lost, not love”. chan-yeol sighed and gave a grump as he stared at the sky, They stared confusedly at him.”God, why? Why do you want me to lose two friends into one family “. he said.

” What are you saying?”. Baek-hyun asked and he turned to them.

“What you heard bro, you are not the only one who is falling for Miss Ji-ho, but someone else is also falling for her sister”. he said.

” huh?” Byung-ho said.

“yes, Byung-ho, is falling for Si-u”.

“Hey! Will you stop saying rubbish”. Byung-ho warned.

” Who is Si-u?” Baek-Hyun asked.

“Miss ji-ho younger sister, who came some days ago to visit Miss Ji-ho, so Byung-ho has been missing lunch with me, just to go be with her.”.

” Of course not, I am not falling for her”. Byung-ho said trying to defend himself.

“Really?” chan-yeol stares knowingly at him.

“Wow, how come I didn’t know about this”.

” How would you know, when all you do is mourn about being ditched by someone”. Chan-yeol teased and he got hit on his head by Baek-Hyun.”ouch! That hurt”. he groans in pain.

” serve you right, because you talk too much”. Byung-ho laughed and he frowned.”So, what are you going to do now Baek-Hyun?” he asked.

“Nothing yet, just trying to respect her privacy for now”. he replied with a sigh


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