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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Written by Teachable stories)
“Ada, so this is how you want to pay me back for all the good things I have done for you and your family. I relocated you and your family from a village to this city and rented a well-furnished house for you and your family because of the love I have for you. Today you have the guts to open your mouth to tell me that you no longer have feelings for me, that you are in love with that st’nky strange m’ad man that you know nothing about.

“Eric, I am deeply sorry to b-tray you this way. Please, is not my fault, I tried my best to control my feelings for the m’ad man but the feelings are beyond my control.

“Ada, if I hear you saying that feelings again I will str’angle you right now. Ada, what’s wrong with you? Our wedding is next week on Saturday and you’re telling me you’re deeply in love with mad man whom you don’t know anything about. Ada, are you m’ad eh? Do you know I can just k’ll you right now and nothing will happen, I feel like tearing you into pieces right now.

“Eric, leave my neck, what have I done to you that you want to k’ll me before my time?

“Ada, you don’t know what you have done abi? You must be very stu’pid for asking me that question.

“Eric, please I am very sorry to hu’rt you, I understand how you feel right now, and I don’t want to lose you, you’ve proven to me beyond a reasonable doubt that you truly love and care about me. So please what do you want me to do at this juncture to let the sleeping dog lie and to make you happy? because I am extremely confused right now.

“Eric couldn’t utter a word, he was just staring at Ada with teary eyes.

“Eric, please talk to me, I am willing to do and sacrifice anything for your happiness, obim say something, please.

“Ada, if you truly want me to be happy and peace to reign, You will have to k’ll the madman.
“Jesssuss Christ… Ada screamed.
“Oh yes, you must k’ll him, because he’s our biggest problem right now and the only solution is for you to termi’nate him out of our ways. Eric said.

“Godfor’bid, I will never do that, it hasn’t gotten to that extent, why would you advise me to k’ll the innocent po’or m’ad man who does nothing wrong to you? Eric, are you this w’cked?

“Ada, see I can’t fold my arms and see a ma’d man take you away from me, so you’ve to k’ll him before everything is out of control. Eric said.

“Eric, I am very sorry, I will never attempt to k’ll the innocent ma’d man. I can’t even k’ll ordinary chicken let alone to k’ll human being like me. Godfor’bid, I will never do that, I will rather k’ll myself than k’ll the innocent p00r ma’dman.

“Ada, it’s crystal clear that you never loved me that’s why you are doing all these things to me, I just re’gretted the very first day I met you. Eric lamented.

“Eric, please stop this because you’re hu’rting me, I was extremely in love with you, and that was why I disturbed you badly to quickly get married to me because I was desperate to be your wife and to spend the rest of my life with you. But everything suddenly changed when I met the strange ma’d man. Obim, I am extremely sorry to break your heart and to severely hu’rt your feelings but I think we were not destined to be together as husband and wife because life is full of mystery. Obim please, let’s not ru’n our life and destiny because of love.

“Ada, keep your use’less apologies to yourself, Ada, no man born of a woman would take you away from me, not when I am still alive, and let me tell you if you don’t k’ll that ma’d man, I will k’ll you and k’ll myself too. Eric responded and walked away.

“Obim, are you walking away from me like that? please come back. Ada, don’t just touch me, I ha’te you, you’re very w’cked and heart’less, leave my hand and get out of my way b-trayal. Eric yelled.

“Oh God, what have I gotten myself into, I am finished oo What will I do now? let me go and meet Amarachi now.

*A moment later*
“Your Majesty is been 5 days since we’ve been waiting for the arrival of Obinna. And just 2 days to his Coronation, So where is our heir? Prime Minister(Onowu) asked.

“Onuwu, Obinna is nowhere to be found but Police officers are doing their job, I believe they will return to the Palace with good news. The King replied.

“They should better return to the palace with our Heir because our people are seriously worried. The King’s cabinets said.

“While they were conserving, Ebuka drove into the palace, sat on the ground, and began to scream fakely
“Ehhh.. yiiii.. It’s finished oo, who did my brother offend oo. .

“Is that not Prince Ebuka’s voice I am hearing? The Prime Minister asked.

“They all rushed out to see what happened to Ebuka.

“My prince, my prince, my prince what happened? They asked coincidentally.

“My brother oo, Ebuka cried out fakely.

“What happened to my son? The Queen and King curiously asked.

“I, I, I….. Ebuka stammered.

“Please my son, talk to us, what happens to our son the Prince. The Queen pleaded.

“I got a shocking call on my way returning to the palace that my brother Obinna, died in a plane crash 5 days ago. Ebuka responded.
“My son whaat?
“ Please my son, repeat what you just said, because I didn’t hear you. The Queen said.
“Mother, Obinna is dead, he d’ied in the plane crash.

“Oh!! no, I can’t take this, hmmmm… The king Mõ@ɲed and slumped.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty.
Guaaaaarrrd. Ebuka screamed.

“Please let’s quickly rush him to the Hospital. The Prime minister said and while they were trying to put the King in the vehicle the Queen too slumped because Obinna was everything to them, they invested so much in Obinna, unlike Ebuka. Obinna, was super intelligent, responsible respectful, meek, very disciplined, influential, and highly respected while Ebuka was very ar’rogant, proud, and irresponsible.

“So they rushed two of them to a nearby Hospital for an urgent treatment.

“Amarachi, you’re the only trusted and reliable friend I have in this life, I believe you are aware of the circumstances Eric and I are facing currently because of the Strange Ma’dman . Ada said.

“Yes, I know, so what do you want me to do or what is your plan(s)? Amarachi asked.

“I need your help right now because my life is in a serious da’nger. Eric told me to k’ll the mad man and I don’t want to do that. Ada murmured.

“Ada, what’s wrong with you? Why are you always behaving childishly? Amarachi asked.

“Amarachi, I don’t understand what you are talking about.

“Ada, you and I know how much Eric has invested in you and your family, he has proven to you numerous times that he truly loves you, so what’s there for you to k’ll the m’ad man?

“Amarachi, I know, but I can’t just k’ll the po’or ma’d man.

“Ada, what do you intend to do with the m’ad man? because I don’t understand you at all. Amarachi asked.

“Amarachi, I don’t know, that’s the question I keep on asking myself every blessed day but I am madly in love with the m’ad man and I have deep feelings for him too. Ada muttered.

“Ada, you’re the funniest girl I have ever seen. Ada let me tell you, if you lose Eric because of your stup’idity, I swear you will we’ep and re’gret for the rest of your life. The earlier you k’ll the ma’d man, it is better for you and don’t forget your wedding is Saturday next week.

“Amarachi, I will think about it, thank you.

“Ada, it’s very easy to k’ll the mad man, he’s ma’d and worthless. He’s like an obstacle for you so Just clear him out of your way to greatness before he ru’n your destiny. Amarachi said.

“When Ada, got home, she began to recall all the beautiful moments she and Eric had shared and she also reminisced all the amazing things Eric had done for her and her family and she eventually made up her mind to k’ll the madman.

“Thereafter, she went to Eric’s house and told him that she was ready to k’ll the mad man and Eric became extremely happy with her, so, at the end of their discussions, Eric gave her a deadly poi’son to put in the ma’d man’s food or water and she sadly collected the substance.

“The next morning, Ada put the poi’son in the ma’d man’s food and also sprinkled some in his drinking water. And just as she was about to go to where the ma’d man was staying to give him the poi’sonous food, she got a video call from Eric, so she sat on the couch to answer the call and all their conservations were about the poi’son and the ma’d man.

“Immediately after the video call, Ada dozed off and had a very strange dream and she was extremely shocked by what she saw in the dream.

To be continued…

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