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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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DON’T MARRY, DATE – Episode 9 & 10

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{….hearts meant to be….}

Theme: The billionaire’s addiction









“Marry me” Amdrew blurted out

“Yes” She answered without thinking. A smug smile appeared on his face.

“Wait…. what!” She exclaimed as the realization finally dawned on her. Did she just accept his proposal? Just like that?

“I actually mean…. you have a bride right?” She asked when she finally found her voice.

“My wish” He let out a scoff moving closer to her. Karen could feel her breathe seizing as she watched him approach her.

“Will you marry me?” He asked again and this time, his face was very closer to her. His dark metallic eyes pierced into hers.

An hiccup attacked her immediately, he was just too close.

“Will you?” He repeated, looking serious as ever and that made her know that he means what he is saying.

“Yes” She answered in a low voice, nodding her head too. He let out a sad smile before getting his phone and he dialed a number.


“This is actually crazy, what the hell am I doing?” Karen wondered to herself, she palmed her face in the mirror not believing her eyes. She was looking totally different; she was now in a white wedding gown and she had her make up done too.

“Are you set to go ma’am?” A woman called out to her stretching her hand forth. Karen placed her hand on the woman’s.

“You are doing this Karen, just take a deep breathe” She tried reassuring herself as she exhaled sharply.


Everyone’s attention was diverted to her as she stepped into the hall. Karen got nervous immediately, she’d never pull this much attention to herself.

She played with her sweaty palm as she walked down the aisle. The veil did a great deal in concealing her nervous countenance too. She comported herself trying not to miss her steps and she did it.

She stood beside Andrew who didn’t even spare her a glance. He just focused on the alter, looking as cold as ever.

“We’ll take the marriage vows!” The priest began in a clear voice.

“Please repeat after me” He added referring to Karen.

“I, Karen Jones, do solemnly swear to take Andrew Lamcelot as my husband. For better and for worse, for richer and poorer, in good health and bad, until death do us part” Karen repeated after the priest, she was trying hard to act bold but her voice gave her away. She was quivering as she spoke.

Murmurs arose from the crowd on hearing the bride’s name. There was confusion on everyone’s faces. Granny Brenda was not left out too. Andrew had contacted with the priest and had requested for a change in the bride’s name.

Andrew moved closer to her, he took her hand into his and have it a light and gentle squeeze and that made her turn to face him. She somehow felt reassured by this little gesture of his.

“Do you, Karen Jones,take Mr Andrew Lancelot as your husband?”

“Yes, I do” Karen answered confidently, she was not sure of what she was doing but whatsoever the consequences may be, she was ready to face it all.

“Do you, Andrew Lancelot, take Miss Karen Jones as your wife?”

“Yes, I do” He replied in a deep voice.

“By the authority given to me, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife” The priest said. Unlike a normal wedding where there would be loud cheers admits the congregation, nothing happened, no one clapped or cheered. Confusion lingered in the air.

“You may kiss your bride” He added causing Karen’s eyes to widen immediately. She just stayed still rooted in a spot.

“Are they going to kiss in the presence of all? Can’t the priest just skip that part?” She wondered, burying her eyes to the ground.

The main door to the hall opened widely and Yasmine stepped in, dressed in a wedding gown. She walked briskly to the alter, her eyes fuming in rage.




“I demand to know what is going on here!” Mr Ivan, Yasmine’s dad, was the first to speak up.

“You’ve been cheating on me the whole time Andrew! How could you!? Why did you choose to betray me in such manner? What did I do to warrant this embarrassment!?” Yasmine said almost close to tears. Karen swallowed into nothing as guilt ate her up on her spot.

“What was I thinking when I accepted his proposal? He has a bride, Karen! Why did he propose to me then? Could he be a cheat? Or perhaps…..” Karen scolded herself momentarily. She turned to look at Andrew expecting him to say something at least to clarify the whole situation but he just remained mute.

The glare she received from Yasmine was enough to send her six feet deep, it was so deadly.

“Shouldn’t you interfere in this?” Paige, Granny Brenda’s assistant whispered in her ears.

“I don’t know why I am feeling this way but I am happy at the whole turn up of events. I never had a good feeling about that Yasmine. I’m only doing this because Andrew wants it but since he changed his choice of bride, I’m sure he knows what is best to himself” She replied, reclining well on her chair.

Andrew moved closer to Karen, removing her veil covering her face. He cupped her cheeks before slamming his lips on hers. As soon as his tongue came in contact with her mouth, Karen senses flew out immediately. She could feel a spark of emotion and she didn’t even know when she responded to the kiss, she wrapped her hand around her neck, kissing him back.

“Andrew!!” Yasmine yelled unable to watch the scene further. The newly wedded couples didn’t bulge by her screams, they continued kissing passionately not mind the pairs of eyes on them.

“You will pay for this humiliation, I promise you” Mr Ivan said before walking off angrily. Yasmine ran after her dad in tears.

It was at this point that Andrew broke this kiss. Karen stared into his expressionless eyes which held no emotions.

She is officially Mrs Lancelot!



Karen kept on watching the wall clock tickled by, it’s 9pm already and Andrew is not yet back. He left her since after the wedding and he hasn’t come back since then. His manager, Redford, was the one who brought her to the mansion.

“I wonder where he went to” She muttered to herself, standing up. She was dressed in the clothes she had put on to the event before changing into her attendant uniform since there were no clothes for her.

She walked to the door and opened it, she was feeling really frightened being alone in the house. She felt her heart leaped as a car horn blew loudly. The gate opened automatically by itself and he drove it.

He got down from his car and took slow strides towards her. Her heart was beating faster at his every move. He stopped in front of her, staring down at her blankly making her gulp into nothing.

“You are late” She began when she finally found her voice.

“And?” His voice came out cold, very cold.

“I… I was just worried” She said in a low voice.

He moved closer to her and since he was taller, he had to bend down to make sure taht their faces were few inches apart. She caught a whiff of alcohol on him.

He raised her head to look at him by holding her chin. His eyes were dark as they stared at her frightened eyes.

“There’s no need for the pretence, you all are all the same. Cheap Ɓîtçh!” He said picking on his words one after the other making sure that it sinks deeply into her head.

Karen could feel her heart breaking into pieces,unexplainable pains tugged her heart as she watched his retracting backview stagger off. She bit her bottom lips trying to prevent her tears.

“What was I expecting?” She thought to herself.

“After all, I am really cheap. I have myself cheaply to him and now I got married to him cheaply too” She said sniffing in continuously.



Yasmine opened her eyes gently and the first thing that got her attention was the duvet, it wasn’t hers. Her eyes flew open and she jumped down from the bed almost immediately.

“You should calm down okay?” Seven laughed

“Why…. why am I here?” She inquired.

“I met you at the bar, dead drunk and I brought you here” He answered. Yasmine sighed deeply as she fell back to the bed.

“You kept on calling Andrew even in your sleep” He added handing a cup of coffee to her.

“That jerk! He will pay for what he did” Yasmine said with gritted teeth, a chuckle escaped from Seven’s lips.

“But I’m still here, let’s just get married instead” He proposed causing Yasmine to turn to him sharply, she scanned him from his head down to his toe before bursting into laughter. Seven’s countenance changed immediately

“We…. can’t get married, we can’t be together! Is that hard for you to grab? We are just s£x mates and nothing else! No string attached remember!” She snapped at him.

“It’s Andrew and no one else” She continued before sipping from her coffee.

“But he’s married now, he choose another person instead of you” Seven retorted.

“Maybe when she is gone, he’ll finally realize what he is doing” She answered, a deadly smirk smeared on one corner of her lips.



Karen let out an awkward smile as the door opened, she had come to get some clothes. Kimora rolled her eyeballs leaving the door wide open.

“Good morning” She greeted.

“The bride of the moment is finally here” Kimora said with a loud scoff.

“I’m really sorry, it just happened okay? I would have informed you but my phone ran out of battery yesterday. He is the father of my child and…..

“Just save wh@ťěver explanation you have for yourself, Ɓîtçh!” Luciana cuts her off, she just stepped out of the bathroom as she was clad in just a towel.


“What else should I use to qualify you? You are nothing but a wh-_-re and a gold digger too!” Luciana added.

“Lucy!” Kimora called loudly.

“What? I wouldn’t have a backstabber as a friend, just get out! And from now on, we are no longer friends and mind you….. Andrew is mine” Luciana said.

“Wait what? Her husband is yours…. I don’t understand what is going on here” Kimora muttered with furrowed brows of confusion.

“I’ve known him the whole time until this Ɓîtçh threw herself cheaply to him. He is my boss, the one have been crushing on for years” Luciana explained further glaring at Karen with nothing but hatred laced in her eyes.

“Woah! This is epic!” Kimora exclaimed.

“Now you, enjoy the fame while it lasts afterall that’s what you’ve always wanted, slût!” Luciana said to Karen.

“Don’t you think you are over reacting? We should let her explain at least, I’m sure she has a reason for getting married to him suddenly” Kimora reasoned.

“You can listen to her $h|tty words but I’m never going to do that. Wh@ťěver we shared, ends here. Get out of my house and my life!” Luciana snapped at her.

Tears found its way out of Karen’s eyes without much effort.

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