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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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PSYCHOPATH IN LOVE – Episode 15 & 16

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Around seven in the morning, An excited Sierra could be seen running into the school premises, heading to the music room.

As soon as she got in, she clean the room and brought out the cake she had got up to bake for him and also his favourite coffee.

Since she knows everything about him, she knew that his birthday is today which is why she prepared a birthday surprise for him.

Ever since the day she confess her feelings to him, she’s been following him around trying to get him to be friend with her but he keeps rebuffing her.

She hope that with this surprise, she can get him to agree to be friends with her. If they are friends, she can find a way to get into his heart.

She heard footsteps and knowing that it’s him, she quickly hid behind the door, waiting for him to come in.

When he walk past her, she quickly yelled a happy birthday from behind, startling the dude.

“Happy birthday, Luther. I personally made this cake myself to celebrate your special day” She said lighting the candle.

“Come make a wish” she said taking hold of his hand but he pulled away almost making her fall in the process.

“Who gave you the right to come in here to do all this?” He ask gruffly.

“I…I only wanted to surprise you” Sierra said, seeing the anger in his eyes.

“Did I ask you to? And what makes you think I will want to eat this” he said kicking the table so the content on it could fall off, including the cake and coffee she bought.

Sierra stared with tear filled eyes even as he walk towards her.

“Look here, little girl. Am sick and tired of you already, you stalk me around, get me things I don’t want and you act like we are friends when we aren’t. Can’t you just take no for an answer and get lost already!” He yelled at her.

“You claim you know everything about me but yet you brought me a cake. Don’t you know that am allergic to sweet things? Look, have had a rough time this morning so don’t add to it. Do me a favour and leave” he said, pointing at the door.

Sadly, Sierra picked up her bag and began to leave but something made her stop at the door way.

“Just so you know the cake is sugar free! I already know about your allergy, you big bad jerk!” She yell at him and ran out of the music room, passing Charlotte by.

Charlotte stared at Sierra for a while before going into the music room.

Charlotte went into the music room and found Luther standing by the window, his back turn to her and the room is in disarray.

“I just need to know one thing, Luther. Are you cheating on me?” Charlotte ask and that got him turning to stare at her.

“Where’s that coming from?”

“That girl. The one who ran out of this room. Have often seen her with you and I can tell that it’s not mere friendship she wants” Charlotte said starring at the cake and coffee on the floor.

“Quit imagining things and…”

“It better be that am imaging things. I won’t accept you cheating on me, we are engage to be married. Keep that in mind” Charlotte said possessively.

“Can we stop kidding ourselves about this engagement bullshit. Back when we agreed to it, we had no choice and now that we do, don’t you think its best we end it”

“I don’t want to end anything. I must admit that when we first got engage, I was reluctant about but not anymore, I want to marry you, I want to be your wife, your woman. I want you to love me back as much as I love you” Charlotte said, wrapping her arms around his waist.

“Am sorry Charlotte. I don’t feel the same way you do” he said, pulling her hand away before leaving the room.

An angry Charlotte pulled out her phone and made a call to Tony.

“We need to meet”


Luther took a seat by the window, thinking of the things he said to Sierra.

He would admit that she’s been very annoying with the way she’s been stalking him but there were times that she made him laugh, brought him out of his sad mood to make him look forward to the rest of the day.

He had arrive to school after having a fight his parents. He had ask them for permission on a trip but they had refuse, using Tony’s coronation as an excuse.

The truth is they’ve always refuse him a lot of things while they gifted Tony wh@ťěver he wants and going on a trip have always been something he wanted his whole life which is why he ask them for permission but they had refuse which led to a fight and him taking out his anger on Sierra.

He shook off the thought and was about to call the waiter when a cup of coffee was place in front of him.

He looked up to see Sierra there and she had on the waiter uniform.

“Before you come to the conclusion that I am stalking you. You should know that I work here and this coffee is bland, no milk, no sugar just as you like it” She said, placing the menu in front of him before going back to the counter.

Luther pretended to be immerse by the menu but his gaze followed Sierra around the restaurant.

He watch chat with some of the customer, making them comfortable. He knew she was friends with most of them due to the familiar way she spoke to them.

He got a bit angry and jealous when he saw a male customer touching her, he was about to go help when Sierra handled the situation as gently as she can making his head swell with pride.

She came back to his table to know what he has order and was about to leave when he took hold of her hand.

“I’d like to apologise to you for what happen earlier. I was angry and I lashed out at you when you did nothing wrong. I….anyway, am sorry”

“I don’t want your apology ” Sierra said suddenly and he look up to stare at her.

“You really hurt me, you know. All I wanted was to celebrate your birthday with you but you…forget it, I will stay away like you want me to” Sierra added turning to leave but Luther quickly pull on the seat beside him.

“What are you doing? I need to work”

“You need to work just as I need to apologise to you. What do I have to do to make it up to you, I said a lot of things that hurt you but I…I didn’t mean it”

“So you are saying that you didn’t mean the part where I have to stay away from you?” Sierra ask and he gave a nod.

“Do you want to know how you can make it up to me?” She asked, earning his utmost attention.

“Take me out on a date tomorrow”

“A date? Isn’t that…are you sure it’s what you want?”

“I am. You don’t have to prepare anything, just wait for me after school tomorrow” she said getting up.

Happily, she went back to her desk and brought him his food before going to the rest room to ease herself.

During her absence, Tony chose that moment to arrive. He’s been spending the past few days getting info about Sierra.

Luckily for him, the people in the shabby restaurant didn’t seem to recognize him but he did recognize someone and he went to join him in his seat.

“If it isn’t the birthday boy” Tony said, taking Luther’s fries.

“What are you doing here?”

“Can’t I go to any restaurant of my choice?” Tony replied.

“You can but you prefer the high class ones not this kind of restaurant”

“You are right. I wouldn’t step a foot in such a distasteful place but something or someone here has caught my attention” Tony reply.

“Then I might as well leave you to it” Luther said, getting up to leave.

“You know, you can as well set aside that arrogant pride of yours and ask me to help you beg our parents so you can go on this ghastly trip of yours” Tony suddenly said.

“I don’t need your help. I never did and I never will”

“And that’s why you will keep on being a loser” Tony said as Luther left the restaurant.

Sierra got back outside to find Luther gone but in his place is his brother.

“Go attend to his highness, I just can’t believe the soon King to be is in my restaurant” Sierra boss said, pushing her towards the table where Tony was seated.

“Good afternoon your highness” Sierra greeted as Tony kept starring at her, totally mesmerized by her beauty.

“Will you like me to get you something to drink or do you already have something in mind?” Sierra ask again when he kept starring at her.

“Er…how about you tell me what you have” he said and after telling him, he ordered a drink.

Tony eyes followed Sierra as she went back to the counter.

“Not only is she beautiful, she’s also well endow” he muttered to himself.

She return with his drink and was about to leave when he took hold of her hand.

“You don’t mind me asking if you have a boyfriend, right?” He ask.

“Well I don’t” Sierra said, pulling her hand out of his.

“Since you are free then you are part of the maiden giving out their names to be chosen as queen” he said.

“No. Am not interested in being the queen, if you’d excuse me, I need to get back to work ” Sierra said, leaving his table.

Tony smelt the hand he use in holding Sierra and it smell nice.

And as he ate his lunch, he wonder how much of her smell this nice.


“Your highness, Miss Charlotte is waiting for you in your office” Larry, Tony’s assistant inform as soon as he got back to the palace.

“And to what do I owe this surprise?” Tony ask, moving towards Charlotte to give her a kiss but she pulled away.

“If you aren’t here for s*x, what do you want then?” Tony ask.

“There’s a girl at school who’s trying to get close to Luther”

“That’s not a new thing. We both know that Luther is very handsome and he’s got admirer left and right but you shouldn’t worry, since he never pays them attention” Tony said.

“That’s what I do too but I think that this time it’s different. Because of this stupid girl, Luther wants to call off our engagement” Charlotte said.

“It’s about time don’t you think? Luther isn’t good enough for you”

“He is and that’s because I love him. I love him a lot and I won’t let him go which is why I need your help”

“I need you to help me seduce this girl just like you’ve always done in the past” Charlotte added.

“Sorry sweetheart but I can’t. Have got my eyes set on someone who Is going to be my queen, I don’t want to ruin my reputation in front of her. Just warn her off or better yet find some other guy to do the job for you” Tony told her.

“You are the only one who can do it perfectly”

“And I said that am not interested. Why are you even scared, you are beautiful and am sure that you are much more beautiful than her”

“You say that because you’ve not seen this girl, take a look at her picture” Charlotte said, showing him a picture of Sierra.

“You mean she’s the one that is going after Luther?” Tony ask, feeling shock.

“She is! Do you know her?”

“I do. She’s the girl I plan on making my queen and if she’s fallen for Luther then it’s impossible for me to make her….”

“Nothing is impossible since they aren’t married. You’ve got the upper hand Tony, if you go to your parents and tell them that you want her as your queen then certainly, they will do their best to make it happen or do you want Luther to take the girl you want from you?” Charlotte ask.

“Of course not! For the first time ever, I want a girl so badly and am not gonna lose her to Luther. I will go speak to my parents to get everything ready for my wedding with Sierra” Tony said before leaving the room……


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