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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Maverick watched him leave through a steel door before making a move.

It appeared that he didn’t take action against Reuben at first because he wasn’t sure if his wife was here or taken away. Now that he knew she was, it was time to get her back!

The men surrounding them were holding modified firearms but that wasn’t enough to stop Maverick’s knives from flying to the enemies and stabbing them in fatal places.

Once Maverick made his move with two knives, the enemies started $h00ting while Maverick’s crew sought cover.

Randy badly wanted a doctor but that can only happen after they make it out of there alive. So even though he was badly injured, he took part in the fight for survival.

Using the couches and the bar as cover, Maverick and his men, including Yellow who was shot, all pulled out their guns and started trading bullets with the enemies.

Sounds of bullets hitting objects, shattering glasses, and bottles, and even humans’ cries of agony after getting wounded by a bullet, rang through the space.

The gunfight wasn’t as easy as they thought. The men they were fighting were also as great as them in dodging bullets and $h00ting.

Maybe that was why Reuben wasn’t worried and left them behind.

Bullets were running out, yet less than ten were ki||ed. The fight wasn’t in Maverick’s favor, but neither the man nor his crew felt bothered.

A long while of $h00ting was finally over and the men got into a fistfight. Heavy punches and kicks that embodied rage, descended on Reuben’s men without courtesy.

Maverick lost counts of those he’d ki||ed. He snapped his opponent’s neck, he looked around him and saw there was only a few enemies left. His men can handle the rest, so he left the fight and went to the door Reuben left in. He tried to open it, but it was locked. Maverick glanced at the bloody knife he was holding and a thought crossed his mind.

Just as he was about to start picking the lock with his pin lock knife, an enemy moved to his back. As he was about to throw a punch at Maverick’s head, Maverick turned sharply, grabbed the man by the back of his neck and slammed his forehead against the door knob.

The enemy’s forehead slit open and blood gushed onto the knob but that wasn’t enough!

With the knife tightly held between his fingers, he passed it across the enemy’s neck. The guy’s slit throat pumped blood onto Maverick’s face before he shoved the dead body aside.

Right now, with Maverick’s aura, the thick smell of blood in the room, and the red colour on his face made him look way scarier than he had ever been.

Behind the door was nothing but a kitchen. He narrowed his eyes and observed the walls closely, yet there was no door like he thought. Even the floor had nothing out of place.

While Maverick was standing there, a cabinet’s design caught his attention. It wasn’t overly decorated but at the same time, was odd for it to be there considering the design of the kitchen, so he opened it.

At the other end was a secret passage. It must be a tunnel Reuben legt from. He thought.

Maverick got in and started following the path. After what seemed like forever, he came out into the open.

Although it was dark, Maverick could make sense of his surroundings. He was standing by the bank of an ocean.

This must be the Mystery sea!

He looked around, yet couldn’t see anyone. However, he could see a white object which looked like a wrecked plane in front of him, so he started walking towards it.

Inside the wrecked plane, Reuben could be seen with an unconscious Jeslyn sleeping beside him as he ogled her beauty.

“Good thing I asked the doctors to make you fall asleep, if not, it wouldn’t have been easy to escape with you. Sleep, my love. By morning, everything would have been over. Your husband will be dead and I will bring you out to the open.
“When we get out, then I shall make you fall in love with me. I know that you misunderstood me, thats why it looks like you h@ťě me. You thought that I slept with you or even left hickeys on you.
“I didn’t. I asked my female Army to create the illusion, so I could trap you. Don’t worry, when we leave this place, I’ll prove it to you. But before then, we need to get rid of this baby. You are a stubborn one and might h@ťě to be with me if you find out you are carrying his child.
“I knew the doctors lied to me when they said they couldn’t take the baby out. But don’t worry, I will do it well and you won’t feel any pain, my love.”

With an injection in one hand, he started pulling tugging at Jeslyn’s pajamas. His aim was to inject her stomach. Weird!

Just as he was pulling Jeslyn’s pajamas up to reveal her stomach, a faint orange light from her ring shrouded her immediately.

Reuben was dazed at the colour that popped out of nowhere. He traced the origin and saw the ring on her finger.

“Wow, the rainborite stone! Maverick is indeed very stupid.” He clicked his tongue.

The surprise only lasted for less than a minute before he continued. However, before he could touch her clothes again, a kick sent him flying across the plane.



Maverick glanced at his wife, lowered his height and pulled her pajamas shirt down to cover her stomach before standing back up.

Reuben also stood up and chuckled menacingly, “Hello, Maverick! I assume my Army is down?”

His smile disappeared as he continued, “I must confess, it is quite shocking that you left without an injury. Those were the best men in the world, selected from my father-in-law’s people from the organization.” He started walking back and forth as he spoke in the quiet plane that only echoed with his voice.

“What are you even here for? A woman who is pregnant with my baby? Is your taste so bad that you would want back a woman I have tasted? Or was it because of how sweet and hot she is in–”

Maverick threw his pin lock knife, but only brushed Reuben’s cheek. Reuben touched the blood on his cheek and looked at it.

“Very well then, a good evidence to show her you attacked me first so she won’t blame me for ki||ing you!”

Reuben took a fighting stance, however, Maverick went for a quick jab to his jaw, but Reuben ducked and retaliated with a brutal uppercut!

Maverick dodged Reuben’s uppercut and countered with a sweeping kick to his legs, sending Reuben stumbling backwards. Reuben recovered quickly and charged forward with a roar, tackling Maverick to the ground. They scuffled, exchanging blows in the tight space of the wrecked plane.

A punch hit Maverick on the side of his face. With a fierce growl, Maverick manages to push Reuben off him and get back on his feet. The fight continued, swift and hard fists and kicks were sent flying. In the midst of the chaos, Reuben pulled out a gun.

He thought he could win this fight fair and square but he overestimated himself.

Maverick paused at the sight of the gun.

“Jeslyn is mine. Not you or anybody can take her away from me! Her father already bestowed her to me, so who are you to come in between us?!
“Maverick, I saw her first! I have always been there, watching over her and waiting for the right time to own her. But you–”

“She’s not a property to be owned!” Maverick kicked up a piece of metal. His move was too fast for the distracted Reuben to catch. Before he could $h00t, Maverick swung the metal like a club, knocking Reuben off balance.

Reuben, who became furious, got up and launched himself at Maverick once again, but Maverick used the piece of metal like a shield, deflecting Reuben’s blows. The clanging of metal echoed through the plane as the two circled each other, searching for an opening. Suddenly, Maverick spots an opportunity and th-ru_sts the metal at Reuben, catching him off guard. Reuben stumbled and Maverick delivered a fierce right hook that sent Reuben reeling.

Reuben hit the ground with a loud thud, stunned by the blow. Maverick stands over him, his face is a mix of rage and triumph. But Reuben wasn’t out yet – he sprung up, determined to keep fighting. He let out a battle cry and charged at Maverick, but this time Maverick was ready. He sidestepped Reuben’s attack and landed a powerful kick to Reuben’s chest, sending him tumbling backwards. Reuben hit the plane hard and groaned before he fell to the ground again, this time not getting back up.

Maverick stood over him, looking straight at him. He didn’t want to give Reuben an honourable death. No, he never had that thought in mind.

“What do you… you won!” Reuben said as he struggled to breathe.

Maverick grabbed the metal. Without uttering a single sound, he raised it and let it fall heavily on Reuben’s kneecap.


His scream tore through the silence of the night.


Another metal hit his other kneecap. Maverick continued until he was sure that Reuben’s legs were broken. He then proceeded to the arms and dislocated his elbows.

Once he had achieved his desired result, he pulled out a small plastic bag from his back pocket and wore it on Ruben’s head, then secured it around his neck to prevent air from going in and out.

Reuben desperately tried to move his hands and legs to take the bag off, but couldn’t. He wanted to scream but couldn’t. The suffering was unbearable!

Maverick watched without an iota of emotions on his face as Reuben struggled to overcome the feeling of suffocating. His eyes were wide open as he took deep and hurried breaths with his mouth– it was as painful as the first; It was as though his lungs were about to burst.

In no time, his struggles came to a stop and he breathed his last. With the plastic bag still placed over his head, Maverick dragged him to the sea and threw him in.

Maverick didn’t want Reuben to have an intact body, let alone one to be buried.

The sea is filled with poisonous creatures, so he believed they’d be excited to feast on something new today.

The man returned to his wife, carried her in his arms, kissed her forehead and headed back to the exit. The orange light around Jeslyn slowly started to dissipate until it vanished completely.

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