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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Chloe blink her eyes thrice “I can’t see anything!!” Fear was beginning to increase in my body, I couldn’t hear properly without yelling or bleeding and now I can’t see ” Asmodeus?” I mumble, trying to stand to my feet.

” Am right here ” he held my hand and help me up, the sounds were still very loud, I couldn’t see and I could barely process my feelings

” I don’t want to be here ” swallowing I bend my head ” take me to my chambers ” I couldn’t count how many steps I took before arriving ” you can leave ”

” Leaving you in this condition?”

The pain was getting unbearable ” yes,find Thanatos for me ” for some reason, I feel like he is the only one that can help me at the moment ” please ” the sound of the door closed and I fall to the floor,my hands to my chest.

My eyes were burning, I couldn’t see a thing, different thoughts clouded my head at thing moment, why horrible things keep happening to me, who I really am and why clifor talk to me in high respect but still yet pierced my body.

Lowering my hand to my stomach, I realized the wound already closed up and suddenly I couldn’t hear anything, I blink and I could see…..i knew I asked Asmodeus to take me to my chamber but right now, what am looking at is a very thin lady, her blond in colour, dark eyes.

” Milady ” she bowed down, the tress behind her seem calm but yet, I looked backwards and noticed my bed, am still in my chamber but staring at someone in another location? ” Your eyes have awaken?” She look happy ” is a time to rejoice ”

Am hearing perfectly fine, but how?

” Who are you?” I asked ” what is the meaning of all these?”

” Milady, don’t tell me you have forgotten?” She frown for a split second ” but no worries, you are with Thanatos now ”

” What does this have to do with me?”

” it’s your destiny” she frown ” the reason you are on earth”

” What do you mean ”

” Being Thanatos bride ” she smile ” you already succeeded, now all that is left is to bless him ” I had no idea what this woman speaks of, her words, language and tone all seem fake to me ” Thanatos is the god of death ” I blink at that, he is not an angel? A god ? That too of death?

Asmodeus voice came back to me, if you die, he can’t bring you back to life.

Could that be because he is death himself? I have been living with death? ” How is that…..” I couldn’t complete my sentence after blinking, the lady is gone, all I could see now is my chamber wall and the pains, they came back and at the same time the door to my room burst opening.

Freya stop on her feet when she saw me, I did expect her reaction, she step back and cover her mouth ” Chloe ” she gasped ” you have a third eye, on your forehead” my eyes widen at that.

I forced myself to move to the mirror, looking at myself, I couldn’t believe my eyes, they were completely black and three at that… a complete monster ” oh my God!!!” Turning around I stare at Freya with a knife

” Let me end your horrible life ” she kept moving closer, one could see it in her eyes, she is truly trying to help me ” let me end it for you ” tears drop from her eyes,since when do she get all affectionate with me?

” Stay back ” I growl ” do not come close to me ”

” Chloe ”

” Leave my room or I might end up ki||ing you ” that got her, she drop the knife and ran, I remain standing, couldn’t care less about the pain anymore, the fact that am this monster is eating me up.

Hugging my knee to myself, I hear the sound of the door opening once more ” I told you to leave !” My voice sounding pitiful, still no respond ” go away!!!!” Lifting my head I stare at Thanatos, standing few inches away from me.

His expression cold, those dead eyes of his watch me, no reaction on his expression while his hands are placed behind him ” Chloe ” he look at me dead in the eyes ” do you wish for death?”

How could he? Asking me something like that ” how about you” I clench my hands ” can you live without me?”

” Without you?” He bend now ” Chloe you have three dark eyes, your ears are bleeding… might as well die ” I had no idea when I slap him across the face

” I know I look horrible ” yelling, he just stared at me like someone that has gone insane” you don’t say that to people’s face, do you think I wished for this? Yes,my life has been difficult since birth, that doesn’t mean I wish for death!!!”

” Chloe ” he frown ” you keep living for stupid reasons, your life isn’t important, doesn’t add anything to my life and I don’t need you ” I remain quiet while he speaks ” yes,I can live without you ”

” Then ki|| me ” I mumble ” I dare you ”

And just like that, we stood still, staring at each other ” what do you think? That I love you?” I chuckle ” am just here because you send off demons, come to your senses Thanatos, you’re nothing special” that made him smile

” Never wanted to be “he stood up” look in the mirror ” I did as he said, realizing am back to my normal self, how? When did he do it? ” Good night Chloe ” the pains are gone too.

” Thanatos ” holding his hand, he stopped and look at me ” stay” I exhale ” I knew I said a lot of things, I do mean them but stay with me ”

“Can you cry for me?” He blink, looking uninterested in my words ” that would make me stay ”

” I can’t cry ”

” What can you do?” Why does he look so lifeless, where have he been?

” Kiss you” usually that would make him blush hard but right now, he look drained and starving…. Thanatos smile,a weird one.

” Kiss me if you wish to loss your youth ” what is he saying ” I have been dealing with souls for days now, I have lost energy to run away from certain temptation” he turn around to face me fully, his eyes not leaving mine ” do you still want to kiss me?”

” Thanatos?” His hands moves to my cheek, cold hands, that of the dead……he looks at me for few minutes and during that time, I got chills run down my spines, his eyes look so dead and cold.

For a split second I thought I might meet death today

” Good night Chloe ” and just like that, he left…leaving me alone and scared.


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