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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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He smile ” on the contrary ” I still do not understand most of what he says ” not every woman taste better than angels, I will like to keep you ”

I had no idea what he meant and I woke up still perplexed by his words, I look at the window, how the sunlight is bright and the glass window, somewhat crooked.

” You’re awake ” I turn left and stare at a man, he look young, brown short hair, dark eyes and tall figure ” I suppose it’s the first time you’re seeing me after getting your sight back ” he smile ” am Trevor, Thanatos old Butler”

” Old?”

” Am appointment to be your new bodyguard”

” I don’t need one ”

” Lord Thanatos seem to disagree ”

” Where is he?”

Trevor smile ” am sure he will he with his wife ” I keep forgetting that he also got married to Freya, am not his only wife, for some reason, that sting.

” Do I have any agenda for today?”

” Am sorry but your schedule is really less, they is literally nothing to do today ”

” Is they any room I can invest my time? Like the library? Or a music room?”

” Certainly” he smile ” one of the maids already set your bath, I will be outside ” I watch him leave before getting Into the bathroom, showered… Dress up in a pretty white and short dress, tied my hair in a ponytail, apply a natural makeup, strawberry perfume and then finally step out.

Trevor continued to walk ahead of me, I look around, they were only old women, I couldn’t get a sight of any young lady, how is that even possible? Aren’t maids supposed to be young? What surprise me is the fact that they seem to be seriously working.

” My punishment is almost over ” I heard one of them mumbling while smiling ” I will finally get to go home ”

I look at Trevor who’s whole expression hints on the fact that he cares less about their little chatter ” how long have you work for lord Thanatos?”

” Years” his reply short

” How many years?”

” Centuries ” he mumble when we step into a painting room ” I heard you love to paint?” He look at me but I decided to ignore that question, moving closer to him, I hold his hand and look at him.

” Does that mean you’re also an angel?” I notice how his face suddenly heat up and he step back, withdrawing his hands from mine, he clear his throat and cough slightly.

” Milady, I do not believe in such ” I notice how he look at everywhere but my gaze ” my master is far scary compare to an angel ”

” Then what is he?” I ask ” what are you?”

” I believe it’s not my place to answer such a question ” he smile ” do you prefer this room? Or the library will do?” It was then I look at the huge room, more like a hall with lots and lots of paintings, my gaze stop on a particular huge one.

Moving closer I stare at Thanatos but it wasn’t him because, in this painting, the hair appear to be white ” who is he?”

” Lord Thanatos twin brother ”

” He has a twin?” I look at Trevor and he nod, I never expected Thanatos to have a relative, I mean angels don’t, except he isn’t an angel, if he is not an angel then what is he? A devil? Satan himself? Hades?

If he is one of these beings, does that mean it is his fault demons attack me?

I doubt it, he wouldn’t do such a thing, he has to be an angel, Trevor must be wrong ” it’s a lie right?” I look at Trevor ” he can’t possibly have a brother ”

He remain quiet for a brief second before smiling ” of course, the painter just decided to creat a twin brother, his imagination of what lord Thanatos brother would look like if he had any ”

” Oh” I could finally breath ” I think you heard wrong, I have no talent for painting ”

” Then you will be interested in playing the piano?”

” Absolutely”

” Follow me then ”

The music room wasn’t really far from the painting room, I was finally left alone with the piano, of course, the music flow naturally from me, the moment I started playing, I couldn’t stop, even when I wanted to, I just couldn’t.

Fear grip me, my eyes closed shut but it felt like I could see clearly, sad music fill the entire room, a song I have no idea of, a song I have never played before and just like that, I could see myself crying, tears of blood drop from my eyes while Thanatos lay on the floor, he looks dead.

Dead bodies fill everywhere, blood, swords, my heart begin to race fast, more fast than it has ever raced before, I could hardly breathe, the pain, that chest pain is back again.

Breaking free from the piano, I fall from the chair, my gaze travel to the door but it’s close, I couldn’t stand up, I had no power, I can’t possibly walk in this pain…. Why is my heart pain coming faster these days.

Is my death bed closer than expected?

” I can’t heal people” I heard a distant voice ” I can’t bring the dead back to life!!!!” Same voice again ” not when am death himself” that voice keep playing in my head till I lose my consciousness.

Thanatos remain seated while Freya is naked on the bed, she could barely move, bruise all over her body ” don’t you think, this is quite horrible?” I asked and Asmodeus sit next to her on the bed, putting on a black short and cigarette in his mouth ” I mean she is my wife ”

” And she was amazing” he smile ” a virgin at that , look how pretty she is ” he grab her face and she woke up, I notice the fear that creep in her eyes immediately ” I just want to eat her up ”

” My husband” she force the words out, tears drop from her eyes ” help me ” now this is how a normal woman act, fragile and cry, Chloe never cries and it’s annoying ” please ”

” Asmodeus ” I mumble ” you should let her rest, it was her first time ” looking at her, I just couldn’t get any pity for her, I care less if she dies ” like I always say, she is my wife ”

” Why?” She slap Asmodeus hands from her face ” why do you let someone else touch me? You’re my husband, not him….how could you let your friend defile me!!!”

” I must be a horrible person then ” I stand to my feet ” seeing as you didn’t enjoy yourself”

” My husband!!!”

” Stop looking at him ” Asmodeus jealous side kick in, I watch how he grab her face and turn her gaze to meet him” you look only at me, no one else ”

” Asmodeus” I frown ” they is something important I came here to talk to you about ”

” I prefer not to talk about anything now ” he frown ” this woman keep getting into my skin”

” If you touch her again” I look at her body, she is almost breaking ” she might die ”

” I care less ” he smile then withdraw from her ” but I will let her be ” Freya grab the blanket and quickly cover herself, she must h@ťě her life right now ” she is the best I have ever had in a long time ”

” I see ” Freya gaze meet mine, hatred evident in them ” let’s go ” walking out of the room, Asmodeus shut the door and I quickly look at him ” I got a message”

” A message?”

” From mother ” I frown ” did you send to her about me getting married to two sisters?”

” She needs to know, I mean she is your mother ”

” Do you have any idea the predicament you just placed me!!!!”

” Why, you are upset that hades daughter will find out?” Asmodeus frown ” I told you countless times, that girl will never reciprocate your feelings” refusing to say any other thing, I watch Trevor rum towards me, breathing heavily

” Milord ” he rush his words ” miss Chloe just passed out, in the music room ” I look at him, the thought of Chloe dying for some reason sting my heart a little, but still yet, I didn’t move in haste.

” Where is she?”

” The physician ward”

Nodding my head, I exhale, why do that woman keep passing out, she won’t ever accept the fact that she is this weak. Arriving in the physician ward, I walk into room number five and stare at Chloe, sitting up and looking somewhat confused.

I stood still for minutes before she noticed me, the moment she did, I watch how she stood up and run into my arms, it made me confused” I think am dying ” she said it with so much pain in her voice ” I don’t want to go now, I don’t want to leave here ”

” Why not ” I asked and she look up to meet my gaze ” why do life seem so precious to you ”

” Because you’re here ” she mumble ” I want to stay with you, can’t I do that?” Looking at her, I smile at the sincerity in her eyes

” You can ”

” Really ” her voice is back to being excited ” that means you will have to treat me with love” I said nothing to that, just watch her talk more on how I should treat her, how much times I should also kiss her.

” Hmmm” getting hold of her hand, I made her sit right back on the bed then place my hand on her chest ” how is your heart now?” My gaze meet hers ” are you okay now?”

She shake her head ” why is it suddenly beating?” I frown” that too this fast ” I touch her forehead ” are you okay?” Her face is also heating up ” what’s wrong ” what surprised me is the fact that am panicking.

” You ” she smile ” you always make my heart skip a beat ”

Am not stupid, this means, this means that she likes me, I mean is something I expected to happen but why? Why am I blushing at that Statement!!!!!!


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