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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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The main building, security lights surrounded the house so much that it felt like the sun was shining specifically on the building. Three Ninjas walked in front of someone wearing a black hooded gown as they made their way to the white building.

The front door was locked, so one of the ninjas hacked the code and the door clicked open. From the crack, the sitting room was dark. The ninja didn’t go in but rather took some steps back. He mumbled some words to the others before they brought out their night vision glasses.

“Ma’am, please stay out here,” one of them instructed before he went forward and stuck a round object to the door.

They all moved back before the door exploded and fell forward followed by a loud ‘boom!’ and a cloud of smoke.

The next minute, gunshots went off as the ninjas shot at the dark while slowly making their way into the house.

The sound of people falling or crying before hitting the floor like sacks of potatoes rang in the quiet living room for a while before the lights were turned on.

“Well, well, well… look who we have here, THE SIN?”

The ninjas had ki||ed off everyone hiding in the sitting room, so they instantly turned and looked up at the stairs when they heard the voice.

It was Slice with a couple of men, all holding their guns in one direction. When they looked, the hooded person at the door was held hostage with lots of red dots on their black gown.

“Did you bring Mrs. Hwang along to steal from us? Haha, this is the first time,” Slice said. There were beads of sweat on his forehead and his hands were balled in fists were slightly trembling, so he immediately put them in his pockets to avoid anyone knowing that he was scared. Making ‘Mrs. Hwang’ a target was already something to scare him to death, but for a facade of courage, he had to do it.

The hooded person stepped into the ruined sitting room and sat on one of the couches. Without raising their heads, their voices fell.

“Release her and I’ll give you a quick death.”

The red dots from multiple guns were still on her, get she was fearless to make such thr_@ts.

Slice frowned. That voice didn’t sound like Nancy’s, or anyone that he knew. At that moment, he thought of something and his eyes shot wide. But before he could speak, the guard whom Brian slapped in the morning, yelled, “They are not from THE SIN! ki|| them all!!”

But before their men could pull their triggers, gunshot sounds were heard from behind them and all of them, except Slice and the guard who ordered the ki||ing, were left standing. Looking behind them, they saw some ninjas and one unknown guy. He looked very handsome but with a bloodthirsty air around him.

Fear gripped the two. No way to escape and they don’t wish to die.

“Ah, I h@ťě arrogant people.” The lady’s voice sounded again. But this time, she stood up and pushed the hoodie off her head.

Slice and the guard’s eyes widened in alarm.

“Jeslyn?!” they mumbled halfheartedly.

Walking towards them, Jeslyn said lazily, “I sent my brother to bring my mother, but you said no. Who are you to do that? Huh?”

She climbed the stairs, one step at a time.

“When I was told that my lovely Pink who left me in the Capital with her two legs had become a cripple, I was extremely mad and wanted nothing but to make the perpetrator suffer. But–” she looked at the gun she was holding and smiled.

The gun Nancy gave her is one of a kind. It’s light and can hold fifty tiny bullets.

Slice knew that the only way out will be if he could convince Jeslyn that Nancy is the bad guy, so he tried his luck.

“Jeslyn, what are you trying to do? You have connived with your enemy, the woman who stole your father from you, caused your Cousin’s death and made your mother a cripple. You listened to her words to go against your own father. Can’t you see what she’s trying to do? You are Alpha Chaos’ wife. Can’t you tell she needs your husband’s power to back her up against your father?”

“Your beautiful rubbish is indeed the best I’ve heard in a while.” Rex’s voice sounded before the young man walked in from the door with blood all over him and some ninjas following him from the rear.

“Rex Lu?!” Slice frowned. What is he doing here?

“Sister-in-law, ki||ing your father’s people is very enjoyable. Hope you’ll take me along next time?”

“I have no problem with that, provided Hwang is left for me to take care of.” She turned to the two guards that were forced to their knees on the stairs and asked, “Where is Pink?”

“Little bunny?”

Jeslyn looked up to see her dear mother looking at her from a wheelchair. Seeing the condition of the friend with whom they had fun together in prison, the older sister who stayed by her side as her guard and finally became the mother that had been in the shadows protecting her, a teardrop slipped down her left cheek.

“You look awful sitting there,” she jokingly said as pain clawed her chest.

“It’s actually not that bad. I can still ki|| a few bad guys,” Pink responded with a laugh, in an attempt to lighten the situation.

Jeslyn knew she was only saying that to ease her heartache but instead, it made her feel worse, so she raised her gun and, bang!

A small round bullet with the fastest speed any of them had ever seen, flew out and lurched straight into the other guy’s right eye.

Slice, who was kneeling beside the guy, shook violently and fell back from the impact of the bullet. The guy was already peeing himself from fear.

“Bring him to me,” Jeslyn ordered.

Slice was dragged on the stairs by Code 5 who was beside Pink on the stairs, and brought in front of Jeslyn.

“Tell me everything your boss is planning. An attempt to lie to me, I’ll peel your skin, layer by layer until your bones and organs are sprawling on the floor!”

“Y–yes… My Master kidnapped your mother to make it look like Mrs. Hwang did…” Slice continued to betray his Master because of fear of death.

If Nancy was here, he wouldn’t have been this scared because he knew Nancy can’t ki|| him, unless she wants trouble with Hwang Min. But standing right in front of him was Jeslyn, Alpha Chaos’ wife, and ruthless brother!

Slice might be powerful, but he’s sure that he cannot escape these formidable powers standing around him. Most of all, he’s not the loyal dog who would die for their Master no matter what.

Besides, Hwang Min didn’t hesitate to sacrifice his own family to get what he wants, so why should a subordinate sacrifice his life for him?

After Jeslyn heard all that Slice had to say, which was exactly what Nancy told her, she asked, “So it was you who caused my mother to be a cripple?”

“I was sent to scare her and then run in to save her, but before I could do that, she jumped out of the window.”


“All of that just so Brian, you, and your mother could h@ťě Mrs. Hwang.”

“How does that benefit him?” Rex asked.

“He said that once Jeslyn knew that Mrs. Hwang was repeatedly going after her mother’s life and also thought that her father is helpless against Mrs. Nancy, Jeslyn would use her husband’s people to engage Ms. Nancy in a war. The SIN is a formidable force, likewise the Lu faction. So once the two sides are fighting, it would weaken Mrs. Nancy’s defense, then he could take her away and force her to give him her Coca farm.”

“All of these for Coca farm? It must be a gigantic one.” Rex threw in a light comment.

Pink shut her eyes and took a deep breath. So, she had been nothing but a tool of success for Hwang. How did she not see this? Has he ever been like this? She tried to remember some behaviors that she might have ignored in the past, and some things slowly started to make sense to her.

Diana was never a foolish person. If truly Hwang Min had nothing with her, would Diana be so obsessed over him? Before she could dive deeper into her thoughts, Jeslyn’s voice interrupted her.

“Where is he now?”

“He went to the organization some weeks ago.” Slice replied. He was answering everything in hopes that he might be told to go.

“Where is the location of this organization?” Jeslyn asked.

He regrettably shook his head, “I have no idea. He never took me along.”

This is another reason Slice never thought to be loyal. He had been with Hwang Min the longest, yet has no idea where the location of the organization is. He even trained Brian how to fight on his own accord when he thought the man loved his son until he realized it was just a facade. A plan for Hwang’s greater good!

“Then you’re worthless.” Just as Jeslyn was about to $h00t him, a bullet flew in from the door and pierced into Slice’s forehead.

The man died without knowing who ki||ed him.

“He was my teacher and the ones he hurt are my mother and sister. I should be the one sending him to hell.” Brian walked into the room, looking clean and fresh.

When they left for this mission, Jeslyn didn’t involve him because of his stance, but Brian came along to find out the truth on his own. He thought when the fight was ongoing, he could sneak in to ‘save’ his teacher, then convince him to clear his doubt. Who would have known that he’d meet such a confession?

Brian walked into the room and stood in front of Jeslyn. He didn’t know what to say. She had been right all along.

“No need for apologies. I’m glad you know your father for who he truly is. If you should feel sorry for anyone, it should be your foster mother. She truly loves you and has been rather protecting you. Her toxicity was a facade to hide her weakness, which is you.”

She grabbed his shoulder and asked, “did you know, she is terribly sick and has a few months to live?”


Jeslyn nodded. “The marriage she intended for you and her friend’s daughter was so you could have a strong backing if she eventually died… Before I came here, I got a call from Piper. She said Nancy sent her a dowry and an apology lett–”

Jeslyn didn’t get to finish her words before Brian dashed out of the house. Pink didn’t know how to react to what she just heard. So all along, they’ve all been played by Hwang?!

Brian rushed home after leaving Jeslyn and the other but by the time he reached, Nancy was nowhere to be found. Instead, the butler gave him a drive.

“Your mother asked me to deliver this to you.”

Brian had a premonition as he collected the flash and went into his room. After inserting it, her image appeared on the screen.

“My son, by the time you receive this, I must be long gone. I know that you’ve found out the truth about your identity. I am sorry for stealing you from your mother, Alex, but if such an opportunity is granted to me again, I’ll do it again. If having you is a sin, I accept to be called a sinner.
“Coming into my life is the best thing that happened to me. I know I made some mistakes in how I treated you, but I had my reason for not openingly showing you love. I thought that you would one day understand why I was being toxic but I failed to see that I was rather pushing you away.

“I only realized my mistake after Jeslyn made the bold step to come into my life, even though she knew I was an enemy she couldn’t fight against. Her courage and determination opened my eyes to understand that when you love something, you fight for it.

“My only regret is not openingly declaring my love to you. I longed for things that I deprived you of. I wished so badly for you to come to my office one day and dominantly ask me out for lunch,” she chuckled sadly.

“How can I wish that when I stopped you from revealing your identity? Whenever I saw you on TV, I was always proud. I would tell Crawler and Death, ‘That is my son, in whom I’m proud.’ Funny, right?

“I ki||ed the women you liked in the past because they had bad intentions towards you. I didn’t want you to marry someone and end up like your father and I. So when I saw that you liked Piper and she was a bit better than the others, I didn’t object but wanted you to see her for who she was, so I paid deaf ears to the struggles you went through in their hands.
“You didn’t give up like I thought and for that, I couldn’t destroy the mother and daughter for hurting your feelings. When you tortured her in the industry, I knew you were doing it because of love, so I stayed away.

“When you finally accepted your feelings, I wanted to immediately bring you two together, but your father sent people after her and your sister, so I had to do something. Separating you two was never my intention. I know I’ve hurt you more than anyone else and I’m deeply sorry.

“I set you free, Son. You can return to your family and what you love. I left all my money in a card for Lawyer Zee. He’d give it to you to start a new life with Piper. Also, I sent her the dowry I’ve been saving for your future wife. She’s very beautiful and I hope you can make her happy.
“I love you so much, Brian!”

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