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Friday, October 18, 2024
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THE MAFIA HEIR – Episode 49 & 50

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Lilo was in his office trying to get through to his sister when a guard came running in.

“The boss is back! He just arrive” the guard said and immediately Lilo left his office.

He got outside to see Cesare dressed in the uniform of one of the security men.

“Boss! You are alive boss!” Lilo kept screaming like a girl while he felt so happy seeing him.

“I am alive and quit it with the talk. Find a way to prepare me my hot bath, I feel hot and sticky in this fat man uniform” he said heading to his room.

“Ahh…you escaped by defeating one of the savages guard” Lilo said, trailing behind him.

“No, I actually got help from someone” He replied as they both walk into the room.

“That must definitely be my sister, right?” Lilo asked expectantly but Cesare gave him a angry look.

“It was someone else” he said sitting on the large sofa.


“You finally came” Cesare said watching Bianca walk into the prison hold he’s in.

“Change your mind already?” Cesare asked.

“What exactly do I have to do to get rid of Camila?” Bianca asked.

“What happen? Did you have a fight with Mariano?” Cesare asked.

“The jerk told me that he only wants Camila and that nothing I do will ever make him leave her which is why am here. I want you to ki|| her” Bianca said.

“Whoa whoa whoa. Easy lady. I don’t intend to ki|| Camila cause just like you, I want her for myself which is why, I will take her away once you get me out of here” Cesare said.

“Really? Will you really get the Ɓîtçh out of my way?”

“I will cause just like you, I want Camila by my side for good”

“Good then. For now the camera is still on but I will be back in the evening once I get it switched off to release it and as not to get people’s attention. You will have to let me do this” Bianca said, punching him on the face.

“Ouch! That hurts ”

“It will make the clan believe that I h@ťě you as much as they do and it won’t link your escape to me, just wait until I return” Bianca said and left the escape room.

Just like she said, she came back after switching off the camera and open the lock on the chain binding down Cesare.

“If you hurry down the second route, you will be able to get out of here unharm and also, I stole a guard’s uniform for you, just wear it in case” Bianca said.

“Thanks but before I leave, I need to do something” Cesare said walking past her and out of the torture room.

He went into the other torture room and saw Matteo, looking pale and weak.

“Finally. You are here to save me” Matteo said, smiling at him lightly.

“Save you? Am not here for that” he said to the confused Matteo.

“You idiot! You rat me out and now you want me to save you?”

“I had to since Mariano thr_@ten to ki|| me but you are okay. There’s nothing wrong with you, so you can help me” Matteo said.

“There’s one thing about me, Matteo. I never forgive those who betray me” In one swift move, Cesare turn Matteo’s neck, snapping it and ki||ing him instantly.

“Say hello to the devil for me” He added and left the room.


“Can we really trust that Bianca lady?” Lilo asked.

“She’s going to work with me as long as I give her what she wants” Cesare replied.

“Which is?”

“Mariano. She wants Mariano just like I want Camila and we’ve both decide to work together and achieve that goal”

“But Boss…”

“Stop being negative about this and also , I don’t know how you will do it or how she will do it but I want your sister here. Make sure she finds a way to come here to see me today, I mean it Lilo” Cesare said, going to the rest room.


“Any news?” Mariano asked as Alexis walk into the room.

“We couldn’t find anything boss, the CCTV camera were turned off during the escape” Alexis said.

“I have a feeling that Its someone close to us who help him escape” Stephan said.

“What should we do boss?”

“Firstly, get some men to give Matteo a proper burial and…”

“And” Alexis urge.

“We prepare for battle. It’s time we get back at thy devils clan ” Mariano said , tightening his fist in anger.

Unknown to the three of them, someone stood at the door way listening to everything they were saying.


“Boss,my sister is here” Lilo said as he walk into Cesare office.

“About time, let her in” Cesare said and a minutes later, Lilo walk in with a lady following behind.

“Look how thin you are? Haven’t you been eating?” Cesare asked.

“I have and you know that since you once stayed in sand castle” Selena replied, sitting on the chair Lilo pulled out for her.

“But am now a spy and the most wanted criminal in the Savage clan. Isn’t that just perfect?” Cesare asked.

“Why did you ask me to come see you? Everyone is suspicious of one another and me leaving will certainly pull attention” Selena said.

“I called you here for two things. I need to know why you didn’t bother to help me? You know I was kept in the torture, you could have saved me but you didn’t, why?” Cesare demanded.

“They were camera around. If it had spot me, I would be in big trouble too” Selena said quickly.

“That’s a good reason. If you had been spotted then your cover would be blown which I don’t want since I need you to do something important for me”

“Which is?”

“I need to kidnap Camila and you will be the one to lure her out for me” Cesare said.

“Do you really have to do that? I mean, Camila is married to Mariano already and I doubt if he would let her of his sight, it will be…Argh!” Selena choke out as she was suddenly pine to the wall by an angry Cesare.

Selena stood against the wall, holding onto his hand by Cesare tightened it more.

“Boss!” Lilo called, frighten by the scene in front of him.

“I guess you and your brother have forgotten that you owe me a huge debt. When your God d@mn father was ki||ed by Mariano’s grandfather, I brought you two here to live with me and you swore then to always do what I want even if it’s to ki|| someone and now, you are trying to back out of your words!” He yelled at Selena.

“I..t…it’s not like…that…I ”

“You what? Just because you’re consider a part of the savages doesn’t make you one. Just like me,you are a spy and a spy will end up being ki||ed, so if you don’t want your cover to get blown and you don’t want me to ki|| your brother over there” Selena’s eyes widen when she heard the second part ” I don’t mind ki||ing Lilo if it will get you to see sense. As long as you do what I say then your brother will be safe, do you understand?” Cesare demanded and she blink her eyes rapidly to show him that she agree with him.

As soon as he let go of her, she fell and immediately, Lilo went to her.

“You didn’t have to strangle her, you know we will do everything you say” Lilo said to Cesare who looked unconcern.

“You definitely will and my warning isn’t for Selena alone. It’s also for you, if she fails to do what I want, I will ki|| her and you know I mean what I say” Cesare thr_@ten.


“What do I have to do?” Selena asked, cutting Lilo off.

“It’s very simple. You only have to bring Camila to the address I give you and make sure that no one follow you”


“We’ve been standing in the sun for hours now, can’t we stay under that shade” Camila asked Selena, her shopping bags dangling in her hand.

“No, let’s just stay here. We will be able to get a taxi here” Selena replied, starring at Camila guiltily.

When she return to Sand Castle last night, she kept thinking, wondering if she should take Camila to the address given to her by Cesare.

At first she decided to tell them the truth and get their help so she could get her brother away from Cesare but she knew it will be impossible since her brother would have been ki||ed before she gets him out and so, she chose to take Camila to the agreed place.

She had lied to her about shopping for a birthday gift for herself and they had left the castle without anyone guarding them.

A distance away, Selena saw a white car approaching them and she knew they were Lilo’s men.

“Wh@ťěver happens now, just know that I had no choice but to do it, am sorry” Selena said to a confuse Camila.

The white car stopped in front of them and it open to reveal…..


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