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HomeDON'T GHOST MEDON’T GHOST ME – Episode 29 & 30

DON’T GHOST ME – Episode 29 & 30

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“With this you will be able to see ghost” Grandma said as she gave Dina the glasses.

“Wow” Dina mouthed as she wore it.

“But there’s a disadvantage…” she heard Grandma say and paused

“Jewel can see only Luke but you will see all”

“All??????” Dina asked as she faced Jewel.

“Yes all” Grandma said

“Well, don’t be worried I can handle…”

“Including evil spirits” Grandma said interrupting her

“Don’t worry about that, I’m a strong girl. I learnt kunfu from a movie so be rest assured I can handle myself” Dina said as she did some silly moves causing Grandma to laugh.

“Jewel???” Dina called but Jewel was lost in her own world.

“Peanut???” Grandma called but still got no response.

“JEWELLLLL” Dina should and Jewel jerked to reality.

“What is it?” Jewel asked shocked at how loud Dina had called her.

“You’re asking me???? I should be the one asking you why you suddenly traveled to wonderland” Dina said not understanding Jewel anymore.

“I’m sorry”

“What’s going on? You’ve been getting lost in thoughts recently. Not like you have children to feed, or wait, are you pregnant?????” Dina asked as she dramatically touched Jewel’s stomach

“Stop that. I don’t even have a boyfriend” Jewel said as she moved Dina’s hands.

“Peanut?????”Grandma called questioningly

“It’s nothing”

“You know you can’t keep a secret from me” Grandma said and Jewel sighed.

“It is very unusual. I mean it is new. Luke has never stayed away from me…”

“Luke again, where on earth is he???” Dina muttered loud enough to interrupt Jewel

“I… It’s just that I…I don’t know how to explain it, grandma. He should be here. What if something bad happened to him???” Jewel asked as she picked her nails.

“Jewel, Luke is a ghost. He can crossover anytime. And he might still become an evil spirit….”

“In twenty days” Jewel interrupted grandma and there was silence.

“Anyways, I can now see Luke with this glasses, but how can I hear him” Dina said breaking the silence.

“Jewel needs to charge it. She should hold it all through the night every day for you to hear him” Grandma said.

“We’ll head home then” Jewel said standing up

“But it’s late already” Grandma said

“Don’t worry, we’ll be safe” Jewel said heading out with Dina.

Grandma stood there with a sad and confused face.

“I hope it’s not what I’m thinking” She muttered sadly.

“Aren’t you going home?” Jewel asked as Dina took a pair of pajamas from her closet.

“Are you chasing me? I’m spending the night with you and I have already informed my dad” Dina said and Jewel mood switched

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”

“It’s alright” Jewel said as she put up a smile that betrayed her.

“Okay” Dina as she sang heading to the bathroom.

Jewel was all alone in the room. She suddenly felt a presence and she turned around to see no one

“Luke where are you? You didn’t leave me too right??” Jewel muttered as a single tear fell from her eye.

“Why am I crying?? I’m sure he is out there. That’s how boys are, right??? Maybe he is exploring the world one last time” She said as she cuddled herself on the bed, sleeping off.

*******STREET, 11PM*******
Luke wandered around, his head in a mess. He had avoided Jewel all day on purpose. He wanted to keep his head straight but he had returned just now but disappeared before Jewel could see him.

“My head is in a big mess” He muttered looking at the moon.

“I’ll sure miss this view” He said as he looked around.

“Isn’t that Zach, The jerk who stole my music” Luke said aloud as he followed Zach into the studio.

“So this is where he records the music” Luke sneered looking at Zach with disdain.

“Welcome” the producer said as he went to his computer to play the song Zach had recorded last.

“Wait, what, you can’t sing ONLY ONE. That song is for Alex. I wrote it for just Alex.” Luke said as if they could hear him.

The producer played the song and Zach nodded his head in approval.

“I love it. Get ready cause it would be released next week” Zach said as he walked out with Luke following him.

“Don’t you dare release that song you hypocrite… Gosh this isn’t working. He can’t even hear me” Luke sighed loudly as he continued following Zach.

Zach came to an office and stepped inside. Mr. Ryder was in. “You said it will be done. You said you would find the package so why is it taking so long”

“My boys are working on it, son” My Ryder said

“Don’t call me son until you get me the package” Zach said as he walked out.

“What’s going on???” A confused Luke asked.


Luke appeared in the room and found the girls sleeping. He couldn’t help but chuckle.

“She looks cute while sleeping” Luke muttered out before he could stop himself.

‘Gosh I’m going crazy’ He thought as he broke gaze with her.

That moment Jewel opened her eyes and saw Luke.

“You’re here” She said smiling lightly

“Did you miss me?” Luke asked as he face her. They both locked gaze and Luke couldn’t help but to bite his lower lip.

“Don’t do that” Jewel said

“What???” Luke asked

“Bitting your lower lips” Jewel said as she smiled

“I can’t believe you are really here…..” Jewel passed as she rubbed her eyes to clean off any bit of sleepiness.

When she was done she turned to see Luke was still there.

“YOU’RE HERE” She shouted and Dina jerked up from her sleep.

“FIRE, FIRE, FIRE” Dina screamed as she ran out only bump into a wall and she fell down.

She had actually dreamt of her cooking and burning the food causing a fire in her dream.
But that wasn’t Jewel’s concern.

“What are you doing here?” She asked in a calmer voice but got no reply from Luke.

“Why did you come back?” Jewel asked with a hurting voice.

“I’m sorry” Luke said noticing the hurt in her voice.

“You’re sorry???? You didn’t even tell me where you went. Do you know how worried I was????” Jewel said before she could stop herself. She just turned around and headed to the bathroom.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. But I’m glad you are back” she said inwardly to no one’s hearing.

“Ouch, my head hurts” Dina said as she stood up.

“So today’s activity is to visit Alex, then school ”
Dina said.

They were currently still in Jewel’s room and Dina was telling them the plans of the day. She was wearing the glasses.

“Visit Alex????” Luke asked

“It’s a long story that started in the cafe and ended in his house” Dina said and Luke faced Jewel confused waiting for an explanation but Jewel avoided his gaze.

Luke felt hurt at her attitude. He went out the previous day to clear his head. And can’t tell her that. Because she would ask him why he wanted to clear his head.

“After visiting Alex, we would go to school and then Jewel will act” Dina said noticing the weird atmosphere between Luke and Jewel.

“What do you mean?”

“Make Zach fall for you” Dina said

“Oh no, you know I can’t do that right??? I haven’t even dated before and I…”

“Ask Luke how to make a guy fall for you ” Dina said interrupting Jewel.

“That’s it for today. We need to visit Alex now so we can arrive early at school” Dina said leading the way out as the remaining to followed her out.

The moment they stepped out the aroma coming from the Kitchen swept them off their feet.

Dina and Jewel rushed to the kitchen and they found Glenda making breakfast.

Dina rush and took a pie as she ate while Jewel’s facial expression changed.

“I made breakfast” Glenda said slowly.

“Didn’t ask you to make one” Jewel said as she rushed out.

“Don’t worry, she will come by” Dina said after packing some food in a takeaway as she went after Jewel.

“Jewel” Luke called but she wouldn’t stop running

“Jules” he called again and she stopped

“I know how you cry every night saying you missed your mom, and now she is back but you’re pushing her away” Luke said when he got to her.

“You know nothing” Jewel said and some passerbys looked at her strangely but she cared less.

“What do you want me to do? Open up to her so she can leave me again???? I don’t need her anymore. She can go on being a workaholic while I remain the crazy one”


“Don’t you dare say open up to her” Jewel said as her walked away but what Luke said next made her stop.

“I only wanted to say that I know more than anyone that you don’t h@ťě your mom. You are just hurt and broken. I know she has changed, so Please let her heal you”

*******ALEX’S HOUSE********
They were all sited and silence reigned.

“So where’s what you wanted to show me” Alex asked looking at one person to the other.

“Are you ready” Jewel asked facing Luke and he nodded while Alex stared at her in confusion

‘I think her maniac episode has started’ Alex thought inwardly.

“We will show you then we will leave for you both to talk” Dina said taking of the glasses and giving them to Alex.

“What is this?” he asked

“Just put it on” Dina said and Alex did as told.

The moment he put it on he felt time stop as he saw who he was looking for.

******POTTER’S COLLEGE********
Lectures just ended and everyone headed to the notice board.

Everyone has been paired in twos for the next dance class so Dina and Jewel went to check her names.

Dina saw her partner but was surprised when she saw Jewel’s partner.

“You got paired with Zach????” Dina asked as Jewel gulped down her spit.

“What am I going to do?” Jewel said bitting her bottom lip unconsciously.

“You dance” Dina said excitedly.

“This is your chance. I guess fate is in our support” Dina said

“There they are” Sheila said as she pointed towards Dina and Jewel.

The moment Dina saw Natasha she burst out laughing loud which drew the attention of passerby students and some began filming the scene

“What is so funny, huh????” Sydney asked Dina

“Oh nothing, it’s just how she parked makeup on her face making look like the masquerade I saw years ago” Dina said as she laughed out while Jewel only chuckled.

Dina’s father was the fourth investor of the school so Natasha could not bully her so she decided to face Jewel.

“What are you chuckling at, huh??” Natasha asked and Jewel laughed

“What there not to laugh at” Jewel said remembering the scene at Zach’s house but her laugh was stopped when Natasha slapped her.

“You piece of trash, how dare….” Natasha’s words hanged in her throat as Jewel returned the slap in ten folds


One of Natasha’s tooth flew out as she spinned twice in a circle before falling down unconscious.

As e dey hot 🔥🥵

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