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Friday, October 18, 2024
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THE END: HIS BADDIE NERD – Episode 71 & 72

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{……Love me like I do❤️…}

Theme:Her innocence

EPISODE 71 💘72{Finale}

By;Princess Gold U.








Twinkle was on top of her and before he could do anything, she switched positions with him. She was now on top, her B-__-bs were dangling in his face.

“What are you doing?” He inquired, breaking the kiss.

“I want to ride you to cloud nine” She said in a low and seductive voice. Twinkle’s mouth fell open in shock. He wasn’t expecting that from her.

“My baddie girlfriend” He said with a sly smile giving her a spank on her @zz.

“Just for you knight” She answered almost in a whisper making Twinkle grin widely. He switched positions with her making her pout sadly.

“I want to ride you” She said blinking her lashes cutely causing Twinkle to laugh out.

“Just let the master do what they do best” Twinkle said with a smile before lowering down to her middle, she parted her legs wider for him to see his delicious meal.

“Wet for me huh?” He said teasing her with his finger. He rubbed on her ćƖĩť making her breathe unsteady.

“Just do it already” She said in a muffled voice. She was dripping wet for him, her juice had covered her entire V area.

“And what’s that?” He inquired wanting her to use her words properly.

“Eat me up, lick me clean and bang into me harder” She said, her breathe twitch as she spoke.

Twinkle deep his head into her půssy before proceeding to use his tongue on her. Her body vibrated due to the pleasure she was feeling as his tongue came in contact with her ćƖĩť. He licked off her cream before settling down with her půssy lips, eating it up.


“d@mn it!”

Her hand went to his hair and she ran her hand through it, unable to control the waves of pleasure that was hitting her.

He used his tongue to part her půssy lips and rolling his tongue stylishly, he went up and down her parted půssy lips.

He licked her clean in no time, he leaned closer to her giving her a deep short kiss making her taste herself in her mouth.

He removed his underpants making her bouncy and lengthy Ďïčk sprang into view. Rose’s eyes shone in excitement as soon she saw it. The memories of the b|__wj_b she did came replaying in her head making her smile widen.

“I have sure gotten naughty” She thought to herself smacking her both lips together. Her breathe almost seized as he pushed his whole length into her with one th-ru_st.

“So d@mn tight!” He said with a deep grunt trying to adjust himself in her. He remained that way not moving.

“I love you so much babe” He said fumbling with her B-__-bs, he played with her erected Ɲīpplës, which stood for him.

“I love you more, knight” She answered.

“My love for you is till eternity never ending, never changing, its like a burning fire that can never be put out, unquenchable” He said and with that, he gave her another th-ru_st and he kept on banging into her while she Mõ@ɲed his name crazily. On reaching his climax, he cummed into her, $h00ting his seeds in her.

He kept on th-ru_sting in and out of their till their satisfaction. After a while, he fell beside her tiredly before pulling her closer to himself. She looked up into his loving eyes and she couldn’t help but melt under his gaze.

He took her hand and placed it on his chest, making her feel his heartbeat.

“My heart only beat like this when I am around you and no one else” He said making a smile to linger at one corner of her lips.

“And this same heart will stop eating when you are not around me so please stay by my side every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every time” He added.

He looked at her face when he got no response from her, she was peacefully sleeping already. He adjusted her well in her arms before kissing her closer eyes.

“I love you, life line” He said in a low voice before closing his eyes.



Rose felt kisses all over her face making her stir up slightly

“Morning sunshine” Twinkle said loudly making her grunt.

“Hope you had a great night?” He added helping her up.

“Are you still asking me that? You drained out the energy in me” She pouted, he gave her a peck on her lips.

“I made breakfast” He said nudging at the tray on the bed stand.

“Awwn! So cute! Isn’t my boyfriend the best ever” She gushed blowing kisses at him. She stood up from the bed excitedly.

“I’ll just brush my teeth and I’ll be right back” She added. Her n@ked body came into view as she was not wearing anything, the duvet covered her n@kedness the whole time.

She turned back only to find him staring and she $h00t him a glare.

“What are you staring at?”

“My @zz and B-__-bs, it’s a complete package” He said drawing closer to her. He wrapped his hand around her waist before burying his head of the crook of her neck. He planted wet kisses there, he sucked on her neckbone making sure he leaves an hickey.

“Are they yours?” She asked with a small laugh.

“Of course they are mine because you are mine, the whole of you” He replied.

“Coming from someone who said that they are too small” She said

“Just take a look at your B-__-bs they are not even up to the size of my hand. Then your @zz…. you’re not exactly my spec” She mimicked him.

“Geez! Did I say all of that?” He laughed out.

“Of course you did and then you called me shortie too” She said making faces.

“I must be crazy, why would I call you shortie when there are other names like… cutie, hunny bunny, cupcake, my addiction, heartbeat, my sunshine and above all, my lifeline” He said causing her both cheeks to turn red into a deep blush.

“Are you Google? Cause you have everything I’m searching for” He added

“The f-__-k!” Her mouth flew open.

“Did I get you speechless?” He laughed.

“Where did you get that line from?” She asked instead.

“From my heart” He answered

“I love you” She said emotionally giving him a peck on his lips.

“If it touched your heart that much then you should reward me with something huge” He said.

“And what is that? You said you are addicted to my lips right? There is no better reward than allowing you to kiss my lips” She said with a sneer.

“But I want something else this time” He retorted.

“Don’t bother kissing me again for the whole of today” She mumbled looking away.

“Just take a knife and ki|| me” He said dramatically.

“What do you want then?” She inquired

“I’ll tell you later” He replied before hugging her n@ked body to himself. The hug was so tight that her B-__-bs pressed hardly on his chest.



Beryl glared at Mr Jones in disgust as he was brought forward by one of the cops. He had a prison outfit on and he was looking like a ghost, a shadow of his former self. He had gotten so pale and he looked like he is sick too. The prison life has taken a toll on him. There were bruises all over his face too, it appears as if he was being bullied in the cell.

“Why did you get caught?” Beryl demanded rudely as soon as he settled down.

“I don’t get you” His voice came out frailly.

“You should have escaped or something! I thought you’ve always been smart!” Beryl snapped causing Mr Jones to furrow his brows.

“Is that what you should be saying? You aren’t even concerned on how I am fairing here!” He retorted getting angry.

“My goodness! You should be concerned on how I am fairing too! Everywhere I go, I am being labelled as a criminal’s daughter! I can’t even breathe freely! I have eyes on my every movement, ears listening to my every words and then the harsh comments I read daily about you, about me, about the family as a whole!” She cried out in pains and anger all the same.

Mr Jones pressed his lips together not saying a word. He beckoned on the cop to the come closer.

“Take me back to the cell” He said.

“What!? I am still talking here and besides my five minutes is not over yet” Beryl protested.

“Just an advice to you, make sure that you don’t leave the life I lived, I am regretting it now. Love a good and honest life, learn to let go and learn to hold unto, learn to be yourself and learn to humble yourself. Have that thing called dignity, It goes a long way. I wish you all the best” Mr Jones said before he was finally taken back to the cell.


“Who came to visit you?” The king of the cell said and that drew everyone’s attention to Mr Jones who just entered, he was popular called the king of the cell due to the fact that he stayed long in prison and because of his strength too.

“Someone” Mr Jones answered only to receive a snack on the back of his head. Another person gave a quick shove making him land on his both knees.

He was sure older than these guys but fate had brought him to where he is. Karma really took it hard on him; what goes around will come around, that is life. Do to others what you want them to do to you.

“You never learn don’t you? He is the king here and you should give him the respect. If a king ask you a question then you should replied straightforwardly” the one who had smacked him on his head, a fellow cell mate, said.

“It’s my daughter” Mr Jones answered.

“You have a daughter and then you still planned an attack on another person’s daughter. How evil can you be!” The king of the cell said.

“I bet she must be sweet though, you should invite her in here some other time” He added licking his lips which Mr Jones found annoying.

“d@mn you!” He cussed loudly


Before he could say Jack, they all pounced on him. Hitting him on every part of his body.



“You may kiss your bride” The priest said.

Alexander removed the veil covering Nuella’s face before slamming his lips on hers. The crowd clapped happily for the newly wedded couples.

Twinkle and Rose exchanged glances and then smiled at each other, he held her hand fondly. They both played the role of the Best man and bride’s maid.

“Isn’t it so beautiful?” Rose gushed happily, she can’t be more than happy. Everything had been going on smoothly for her. They were done with their final exams and would be graduating tomorrow and Nuella, her best friend, is getting married today. Isn’t that double celebration for her?

“Love is beautiful life line” Twinkle said pecking her hand which he was holding the whole time.

“You are officially Mr and Mrs Newton!” The priest added after they broke the kiss. Nuella covered her face shyly. As for her, for the past one month, she had been taking online classes and would definately collect her certificate in two years or there about.

Music was played and everyone began dancing happily.



Rose searched frantically for her neck chain, she was already dressed in her grafuating gown, she was supposed to be out with Ariel but she discovered that her chain was no where to be found so she is back to the dressing room to check for it.

“Where are you? Twinkle is going to get mad if I don’t see you” She said like she is talking to someone. Her eyes suddenly caught a glistening object making a smile to appear on her face.

“Got you” She exclaimed picking the chain and she put it on. Just as she turned, she met Beryl at the entrance.

She gave her a questioning look waiting for her to talk.

“I’m sorry” Beryl uttered the unimaginable making Rose eyes to widen, she never expected that the Almighty Beryl would say such.

“I’m sorry for the way I treated you, I’m sorry everything. I have not been the best of my behaviour and coming to realization,I just thought that I should apologize to those that I had wronged. I’m deeply sorry” she added and left immediately not waiting for Rose’s response.

Rose blinked her eyes rapidly as she finally recovered from the shock. She ran after Beryl immediately.

“I never for once h@ťěd you, I grew up learning to forgive whosoever offended me so we are cool. Hope you continue being this way” Rose said and flashed her a smile before leaving to the main hall where the party was holding.

As for Ciara, she reloctead back to the states. After all that is where she originally stays.

“The woman of the moment is finally here!” Ariel exclaimed as Rose got to the hall. Rose let out a slight chuckle knowing how dramatic Ariel can be.

“What is she…..

The rest of her words got stuck as she saw what was finally happening. Twinkle was on one knee with a small ring box in his hand. A diamond ring was sitting gracefully in the opened ring box.

“I told you that I want something from you right? This is one I want…. I want you to n mine alone, I want to be there when you wake up, I want to there when you need someone. I want to always be by your side, I want to be the king of your heart. I want to love you like nothing else matters, I want to hold you up in my arms and scream it to the world that you are mine alone. I want to bathe you in wealth, oil you with money, I want other girls to be jealous and wish to be like you. I want to be the reason for your smile, I want…. I want to be the one to make you happy always. Marry me lifeline” Twinkle proposed right there.

Rose smiled brightly as she looked at him, still in shock. Every pairs of eyes waited patiently for her response.

“IT’S A f-__-kING YES!!” She scaremed happily, stretching her hand forth and he slid the ring on it.


“So cute!”

“I wish to have a boyfriend like Twinkle!”

Twinkle stood up to his feet and slammed his lips on her. Rose responded immediately, raising her hand to his neck, not minding the crowd of people watching them.

To her, he is the only one in her world, a world of just two people, her knight and herself, nothing else mattered.

“Let me just steal you away” Vince whimpered in Ariel’s ear from behind making her shiver as his hit breathe fanned her neck.

“Do you want to propose too?” She inquired


“Then I’m not interested in you stealing me away” She replied doing her both hands below her B-__-bs.

“I don’t care about your opinion miss, after all a kidnapper don’t take permission to kidnap a person” Vince said and with that, he swept her off her feet by carrying her in a bridal style.

“Drop me down!”

“I’ll call the cops on you!”


She screamed struggling to released herself from his grip.

“You can use that energy to Mõ@ɲ my name instead” He said and that for her shutting up almost immediately.


Twinkle helped Rose to massage her ankle and legs as she had commanded him. Her prtrouding stomach could be clearly seen with just a glance, she was due to deliver soon. They got married a month after their graduation and they’ve been doing quite well. Rose focused on modelling while Twinkle took cover her company with his own conglomerate which he established. Everything had been going on smoothly for them.

“Knight, I want cheeseburger, a pineapple juice, pizza, coffee, pasta and rice” Rose said suddenly. Twinkle almost screamed out loud but he held himself cause if he did that, she would start crying anytime soon.

“What is it you want again? Pasta, rice, pineapple juice…..

“You don’t remember what I told you right? I’ll tell mom that you are not taking care of me” She whined pushing him away from her.

“I remember okay? I’ll get get it for you” He flashed her an awkward smile before standing up. Just as he meant to leave, she suddenly let out a scream as the sharp pains hit her.

Her water broke mad it trickled down her legs.

“Arrrgh!!” She screamed out, digging her nails into his skin.

“Babe…what is it?” He asked concernly.

“The baby…..



Twinkle rushed into the ward only to meet Rose resting, the baby was also sleeping in May’s arms. It’s a girl!

Twinkle smiled out tears, it’s tears of joy this time as he held his child in his arms. That perfect feeling of being a father overwhelmed him. The child opened his eyes slightly and took a peep at Twinkle.

“My goodness! Did you see that mom? She just opened her eyes!” Twinkle exclaimed happily, May let out a smile seeing the ecstatic look on Twinkle’s face.

He leaned over to Rose before kissing her lips.

“Thank you for bringing my child to this world, I love you” He said in her ears.









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