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Friday, October 18, 2024
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IN LOVE WITH A MAFIA BOSS – Episode 49 & 50

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(She’s too holy and innocent)





CHAPTER 49 & 50•••••••

“This isn’t Luciano’s body! ” Emily shrieked…

Blade frowned and Jordan gasped,
“If Luciano’s car exploded when he had got into the car then none of his body parts is supposed to be seen. ” Emily retorted, sharply.

Blade scratched his head when it dawned on him,
How could he forget, they had only

seen a man’s body around the vicinity without his head so they thought that it was Luciano….

“Emily you’re so smart! That means Luciano is alive! ” Jordan retorted, happily.

Emily nodded and she suddenly became sad,

“But am still wondering why he didn’t come back to me….am still wondering where he is….am wondering if he even miss me? ” Emily mumbled, sadly.

“Don’t worry miss, we’ll try to search for him” Blade uttered seriously and Emily gave him a forced smile.



Meanwhile, in a big and fancy building, a man was seated on the couch as he flipped through a newspaper,

“Sir would you prefer the crimson coloured suit or the red–

“Black! Get me the black one.. ” The man muttered, dryly, cutting off the young man, abruptly.

“Okay sir” He mumbled, awkwardly and dropped the black suit on the couch.

The man massaged his temple, tiredly and slammed the newspaper on the table, frustratedly.

He took his phone and made a call,
“Jake why am I seeing myself on a newspaper? And it is stated clearly

Rip to a great legend…do I have a twin or what? ” The man muttered with a frown.

📱I…i don’t really know but I think you shouldn’t think much about it, maybe it’s just a coincidence…

“Oh… Okay ” Luciano mumbled, confused and hanged up.

A woman appeared from the staircase, dressed in a tight red gown which stopped below her @zz, her heels making a loud clicking sound on the tiles.

She stood in front of him and sat on his thigh, pressing her big butt on his Ďïčk area.

“You look so disturbed honey….is there a problem? ” She asked, coquettishly as she roamed her palm on his neck down to his chest.

The man shut his eyes and pursed his lips,
“I saw myself in a newspaper, it was clearly written, Rip–

“You don’t have to think about that, it might just be a coincidence…” The lady retorted, flirtatiously as she nibbled on his earlobe…

“But Xiao Lin–

“Hush now darling, my p@zzy is craving for your monster down there. Let’s f_ck before we’ll go for the business meeting ” The lady known as Xiao Lin,

uttered, seductively and tried to touch his Ďïčk but he pushed her off him, slightly.

He groaned when he felt his head ached, badly. He sprang up from the couch,

“I don’t really feel like f_cking you, I don’t know why I feel sick these days” He retorted, coldly and quickly took off his shirt as he put on his suit.

Xiao Lin felt anger surged in threw her and she clenched her fist, tight.
“Do you need me to get you your drugs? ” She asked, coolly.

He shook his head,
“Let’s just leave for the business meeting ” He muttered, coldly.

“Oh I forgot…let’s leave fast before we’ll miss our flight ” Xiao Lin retorted, coolly and smirked.

The man turned and faced her, his gaze cold and devoid of any emotion.
“I thought the business meeting is held here in SA?” He asked, confused.

“Oh my gosh! We’re in Mexico Luciano!” Xiao Lin gasped.

The man known as Luciano gazed at her surprised,
“Mexico? I didn’t know…I thought we were in–

“Maybe you need to start taking your drugs Luciano, you seem to be forgetting things lately ” Xiao Lin cut him off, sharply.

Luciano nodded, lazily.
“Let’s go” He stated dryly and strode outside with his briefcase.

Xiao Lin smirked,
Emily…am going to show you who’s the winner now….Luciano is finally mine in the end…..

She thought and giggled, maliciously. She quickly strode outside.


Meanwhile, Luciano and Xiao Lin couldn’t go back to SA due to some issues, the business partners had called them, telling them that instead

of them coming over to SA, they should just book a restaurant so they’ll come over instead.

Luciano and Xiao Lin decided to book a fancy restaurant.

Meanwhile, two looking rugged and rough ladies strode into the restaurant,
It was Andrea and Alexa, they had came to look for aunt Vera since she worked in that same restaurant.

“Where do you think aunt Vera is, can’t even spot her” Alexa mumbled, dryly as she glanced around the place.

Andrea’s phone rang and she glanced at the screen, it’s Emily that was calling her. She smiled, sweetly.

“I’ll be back Ɓîtçh, need to take this call” Andrea retorted and strode upstairs towards the restroom.

She got into one of the restrooms and answered the call,
“How you doing baby?! ” Andrea shrieked, loudly.

📱Guess you’re enjoying your stay in Mexico? Am coming over anyway, am on my way.

Emily’s dry voice emerged from the other end.
Andrea let out a sad smile.

“You’re still thinking about him…right? ” Andrea asked, calmly.

The other end was silent for a while,
📱Yeah…..Andrea I think Luciano is still alive, I have the feeling…i did checked the body which was buried, It wasn’t Luciano’s body…..

Emily’s sad voice emerged from the other end. Andrea’s eyes widened.
“What?! But we weren’t able find any extra dead body inside the car! ” Andrea gasped.

Andrea suddenly heard some faint voices outside and she opened the door and came out from the restroom, she saw a girl walking beside a man as they head to the VIP area.

She let out a slight cough because of how lovey dovey they were, but her cough earned their attention. They turned and faced her,

Andrea’s eyes widened and she gasped when she saw the man’s face,
“Lu…Luciano?! ” She shrieked.

Emily’s voice emerged from the phone.

The phone slipped from Andrea’s grip and landed on the floor,

Xiao Lin sized Andrea up and down and hissed,

“Honey I think you’re turning into a celebrity, seeing the way ladies are calling out your name
and even admiring your handsomeness. ” Xiao Lin stated, sarcastically.

“Let’s hurry up Luciano, the business partners are already here in Mexico ” Xiao Lin uttered, flirtatiously.

Luciano gave Andrea a cold and piercing gaze, he scoffed and strode off with Xiao Lin trailing behind him like a dog.

Andrea snapped back to reality when she heard her phone ringing, she quickly picked up her phone from the ground,

“Emily I think we’ve got a problem! ” Andrea retorted, quickly.

📱You mentioned Luciano’s name, is there–

“Luciano is alive! I think he’s dating a white Chinese Ɓîtçh! He glanced at me but I don’t know if he recognized me or not! ” Andrea cuts Emily off, restlessly.


Meanwhile, Emily and blade arrived at Mexico, Emily glanced at her phone, absentmindedly.

Luciano is alive! Andrea had told her everything…she wants to see him, she was really anxious to meet him..

“Miss this way” A man in black uttered, politely. Emily nodded and trailed beside him, blade followed.

Soon, they got to the restaurant and the man left them upstairs towards the VIP area.

Emily barged into the VIP area and her gaze fell on the man seated on the couch, his face hard, his gaze cold and devoid of any emotion. He was looking more handsome.

But Emily felt anger surged in through her when she saw a lady dressed like a slut seated on Luciano’s thigh as she kissed his neck, seductively.

“Lu..Luciano….” Emily called out, sadly.

Luciano’s cold and piercing gaze was fixed on the tiny lady in front of him, the way she was staring at him, it felt like she was heartbroken. She was

putting on a yellow flared gown which highlighted her small baby bump.
She’s pregnant?? Is she married??

For some unknown reasons, it felt like he was making a big mistake, he pushed Xiao Lin off him, slightly.

Xiao Lin landed on the couch, she gazed at Emily and let out a Ç0çƙy grin, she stood up and strode to where Emily was,

“Oh welcome…i thought you guys wouldn’t be able to make it here…and you’re? ” She asked, pretentiously.

Emily’s gaze was just fixed on the man seated on the couch,
“I think you already know who I am….Xiao Lin ” Emily retorted, coldly.

Xiao Lin frowned and smirked,
“Well I think I’ll just do the introduction myself, am Xiao Lin and the man seated there on the couch Is Luciano, my husband ” She blurted out, Ç0çƙily.

Emily gasped, tears finally rolled down her cheek,
“What?! What are you saying?! did you call me out here in the name of

business meeting just to claim what belongs to me?! Luciano is mine! ” Emily screamed in tears.

Luciano frowned, he felt a sharp pain on his head and he groaned and shut his eyes,

Luciano…promise me that you will stay with me forever, promise me that you won’t ever leave me…?

I love you Luciano….

Luciano heard different voices in his head, he clutched his head tight and groaned.

“Luciano! Are you okay? are you hurt? ” Xiao Lin asked, worriedly as she tried to
touch him, Emily gripped Xiao Lin’s hair

tight and pushed her down on the floor.
Xiao Lin flinched and crawled back when she saw Emily’s murderous glare.

Emily bent and touched Luciano’s cheek, tears rolled down her cheek as a sob escaped her lips,

He was in pain, she could tell that he lost his memory,
“It’s okay Luciano…am here now…am here for you… ” Emily mumbled, softly

Luciano’s headache slowly calmed down when she touched him, her soothing voice resounded in his ear. It felt like they were close before

because the way he was feeling, it felt like her touch ignited something in him, a segzual fire!

Luciano thought.

But since he couldn’t recognize her, he pushed her off him, harshly. His face contorted into a frown mixed with confusion.

Emily staggered and felt her heart sank, he still couldn’t recognize her…

Luciano sprang up from the couch,
“Please don’t touch me next time, else you won’t like my next reaction ” Luciano stated, coldly and strode outside leaving Xiao Lin on the floor.

Emily felt all her world crumbled and she sobbed, bitterly.

Andrea and Alexa stormed into the room, worriedly. They had seen Luciano outside that was why they

came in, Alexa went to console Emily while Andrea clenched her fist tight when she saw Xiao Lin on the floor.

She ran towards her and yanked her hair, hard.

“You senseless, white Ɓîtçh! How dare
you try to claim my Emily’s man!? Are you blind?! ” Andrea roared and slammed her head hard on the table twice, the wooden table broke.

“Ah!! ” Xiao Lin screamed in pain.


Emily couldn’t return back to S.A so she had to spend the night at aunt Vera’s place. She couldn’t even sleep, all she could do is to cry…

Meanwhile, Luciano was deep in his slumber, he was having a dream which felt like it was something that had happened before….

Inside the dream, a girl lay on the bed as he caressed her thighs, she roamed her palm on his chest and wrapped her tiny arms around his waist,

He bent and kissed her deeply as he positioned himself and th-ru_st his Ďïčk into her honeypot…he started moving slowly and soon, his pace became fast…

I love you….Luciano….
I love you… Luciano
I promise to stay by your side forever…

He heard her sweet and faint voice which was like a music to his ears…
She turned and he saw her face clearly…

Luciano gasped and woke up as he panted heavily, his face and his body was soaked with his sweats.

He suddenly felt hot, it felt like he needed her… He gazed at his pant and saw that his Ďïčk was twitching in his pant, he was already hard!

“f_ck!” Luciano cussed.

All his memories kept flooding into his head and he groaned in pain….

He recalled what the doctor had told him, that the only way he would regain his memory is if he collides with the one person he loved most in the past…

He raised his head up as memories of Emily hit him hard, her smile…her soft Mõ@ɲs whenever he’s f_cking her…

“Emily ” Luciano called out, breathlessly…..


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