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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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After the charity event, Jeslyn left to find her husband’s car waiting for her at the parking lot. Full of happiness, she ditched her friends and hurried to him. Before she could get closer, Code 5 got out and opened the car door for her.

“Code 5?” She was stunned when she saw him.

The guy bowed, “At your service, Madam.”

“It’s really you!” Excited, Jeslyn almost hugged him but Code 5 was quick enough to stop her.

Inside the tinted car, Maverick, who was reading a book, closed it while looking at his wife who almost hugged another man in his presence.

A few moments later, Jeslyn entered the car only to come face to face with her husband’s dark looks. It Startled her for a moment.

“Plum?” she called, uncertain about why he looked gloomy.

“Hm… you are done,” he said passively.

Jeslyn looked at him skeptically for a moment before she smiled. “You don’t look happy.”

Maverick ignored her and turned his gaze to code 5, “Take a few days break to heal.”

Code 5 glanced at his boss from the rear mirror before nodding, “Yes master …”

Jeslyn was dazed. She couldn’t Place fingers on why he’d suddenly give Code 5 who just returned to work after so long, off days. Wh@ťěver, that’s not her problem.

As the car drove quietly across the city, Jeslyn broke the silence.

“Plum, I received a message from Rex telling me what was going on at your end. hope you weren’t given too much trouble at the Lu residence?”

Maverick shifted his gaze from his book and looked at his wife. “You wanted to hug another man?”

“Huh?” Jeslyn took a few seconds to register what her husband was talking about. She looked at him speechlessly for some time before she burst out into a pile of laughter.

Code 5 was horrified as he drove the car in silence. His mind started blaming him for the decision he made. If he had known he wouldn’t have taken the Job from code 2, however, he did that because he wanted Jeslyn to see that he is fine now and also, to make things easier for Code 2. Who was meant to stay with Rex at the hospital.

When he was in coma, he could hear words whenever she came to visit him. The days that only his master would drop by, he man would thr_@ten to start his funeral If he didn’t wake up soon.

Although those words might have sounded mean to people, Code 5 knew that his master cared about his health and was worried that his wife would keep coming to the hospital if he didn’t wake up.

Code 5 sighed softly. He was carried away by his thoughts for a while. After not hearing their voices anymore, he glanced at the rear mirror only to see the two engaging in an intimate position.

Code 5 Immediately brought down the divider and tried to focus on the road but the image of the two kept coming to his vision.

The poor single man was at a loss for what to do. The dog food he was dished was way beyond him.

The two disengaged after a while but Maverick was crazy for more.

“Plum, let’s save some shame until we get home…” She whispered. Holding his handsome face, she asked him, “Tell me, how did your meeting go? Rex sent me a message and told me what was up.”

Maverick’s hand moved over her body and in no time, he unzipped her gown from behind, catching Jeslyn unaware.

“You smell good,” he kissed her neck and bit it softly.

Jeslyn gasped. This was going overboard!


Before she could speak further, he sealed her lips.

The two got into another hot section of foreplay with quiet Mõ@ɲs coming from Jeslyn while Maverick was breathing heavily from what she was doing to him.

After Maverick had had enough to sustain him until they got home, he finally decided it was time to answer her question.

“The Living ancestors of my Lu family are courting death… Your mother-in-law is mentally exhausted and has been sent to a hospital,” he replied.

Jeslyn looked at his emotionless eyes and shook her head, “You don’t look happy with your achievement. You are hiding things from me, what happened?”

He shifted his gaze to her and brushed her messy hair back, “Your brother-in-law was wounded.”

“What? How come? By who?!”

“His birth mother.”

“Has that woman gone crazy?” she raged.

“By tomorrow,” he replied while soothing her hair.

“Huh?” she blinked a few times. “What did you do to her?”

“You said she’s crazy. I felt so too, so I sent her to a hospital–”

“Mental asylum?” she looked at him suspiciously.

“Hm,” he nodded.

“Ha! You sent a sane woman to the mental asylum? Does that not mean that you want her to go mad?”

“Hm. She doesn’t behave like a sane person anyway.”

Jeslyn giggled. “She deserved it… Ah, I forgot to tell you. Piper is missing.”

“She followed her mother home and got shot.”

“Oh my God! Your mom is–”

“Hm,” he grabbed her Břě@šť before leaning in to kiss her again. All these to prevent her from saying more.

Even though his mother is the worst mother anyone would ever have, he refused for her to be talked bad about, not even by his wife. Which is why, nothing bad about Madam Caroline was published even though it was captured on camera and watched by thousands of people on and offline.

People got to know the hidden truth about the wicked woman but no one dared to speak about it. The few who were bold enough to do so, had their own secrets exposed to the media the next minute.

*Some hours later*

Damien arrived at Maverick’s home after he was called. On reaching there, he met Doc Matt whom, without words exchanged, ushered him to the laboratory.

“I called you here in respect of the virus in you. We found a cure but we are not 100% sure about it, so–”

“You want to use me as a lab rat to see if it would work for Jeslyn?”

“Right on the spot. You owe her a lot and it’s only right that you do this for her.”

Damien looked at Doc Matt quietly, “Does Chaos know this?”

“I do,” Maverick walked out of one of the wards and leaned on the door frame.

Damien chuckled. “I was wondering why you didn’t allow your wife to punish me like she did to her enemies. Now I know why.”

“You’ve always been intelligent,” Maverick uttered nonchalantly.

“If I do this and come out alive, will you let me marry your sister?”

“She’s old enough to make her own decisions.”

“Kim said she can only marry me if you approve.”

“Then don’t die… I have no business being friends or inlaws with worthless people.” Those were the last words he said before going back into the room he came out from.

Damien’s eyes lit up and a genuine smile spread across his lips. “Chaos agreed!” he laughed out loud before shifting his gaze to Doc Matt. “How dangerous is this treatment? Is my life guaranteed?”

Randy shook his head and sighed. He had seen more than enough from his Boss and his woman over the space or weeks. Now he isn’t surprised at his Master’s stupidity anymore. If he wants to die for love, what can Randy do to stop him? The devil might even go as far as commanding Randy to die with him.

Doc Matt replied, “The dangers are not known so I can’t be specific. However, I’m quite certain that you won’t die in the early stages.”

“There are stages?!” Randy gasped.

“Yes, but don’t ask me how many. If I knew, I wouldn’t call it an experiment.” Matt retorted.

“How could you not know, yet you want to carry experiment on my Boss?!”

“Then, do you want to take his place? It’s easy to get some ATOM for you, you know,” Matt replied like he was discussing weather.

Randy took a step back, “Thank you, I’m not…” His voice trailed off when he caught sight of his Master’s hard stare. ‘What, why are you looking at me like that? I didn’t ask you to do stupid things for love!’ he thought and looked away.

“If you don’t know about the stages, you should know how long the treatment will last.”

Matt shook his head, “I’m not sure, but we’ll see.” with that, he walked away, leaving Damien and Randy flabbergasted.

Inside one of the wards, Maverick was sitting on a chair beside Rex whose head was bandaged. He flipped his book to keep reading before he heard a low grunt.

Turning his head, his eyes came in contact with his brother’s.

“You’re awake.”

“Brother,” Rex struggled to sit up without his brother rendering help. “I’m alive?”

“The blow to your head is not enough to ki|| you.” he continued reading his book.

“How can you say that? I was hit twice!”

“You deserve a third hit,” Maverick gave him a slightly annoyed stare.

Rex sighed, “Indeed, I was too soft at that moment.”

“You weren’t, you were stupid.”

“Hey, show me some love, I just returned from the land of the dead!”

“I didn’t invite you back. You are free to return.” Maverick closed the book and looked at his brother, then changed the topic. “I’m entering the red room, you know what to do. Also, protect the family.”

Rex remained speechless for a long time while staring at his brother. He knew this would come but never expected it to be this soon. Finally, he spoke before the door was pushed open.

“Brother… You might not come back.”


Doc Matt frowned. “Mav, are you going somewhere?”

“Brother is going into the red room.” Rex immediately exposed him.

Doc Matt moved closer to Maverick, looking worried, “Is there no other way? Didn’t you say you’d try something else?”

“None that is effective.”

“You should take our people with you,” Rex chimed in but Maverick shook his head.

“So your real reason for this experiment is to keep Damien busy and prevent him from going with you?”

“Hm.” Maverick answered with a nod.

Doc Matt and Rex couldn’t find words for Maverick’s kindness. If Damien was in Maverick’s shoes, he’d take along as many people as the red room could allow and use most of them as shield for wh@ťěver accident might occur.

Damien knew that Maverick had something very special in his house but had no idea what it was, that was why, when he sent Vera into the house, he gave her two missions.

One was to destroy Maverick’s happy home, and the other was to know what was being hidden in Maverick’s red room… something he had sent a few assassins to check out in the past but failed.

Even though he showed no interest in the room anymore, it didn’t mean that Damien was not curious to know.

Although, the reason Maverick doesn’t want to take him along to the red room is far from what Matt and Rex are thinking. With Maverick gone, trouble might come knocking. Also, if he’s able to achieve his aim, Ruben will be released, and the first person he’d come for will be Jeslyn. That guy is more dangerous than Damien, but Damien is capable of stalling Ruben until Maverick returns.

Also, there’s still the SIN lurking around them. Although they’ve not shown themselves ever since the Ore disappeared, one can’t be sure that they won’t appear again. After all, destroying the Dark Age will definitely get Nancy very upset.

Maverick needed to make a backup plan, and Damien was the right person. Also, he had done his part in the destruction of the organization, so the rest is left for Maverick.

“Sister-in-law, what excuse will you give her?” Rex suddenly interrupted Maverick’s train of thought.

Maverick looked intently at him. He knew his brother is a not happy, “Tell her I traveled.”

“Brother, you know her, she’s very stubborn, and I can’t hold my tongue if she gets angry.”

Maverick shifted his gaze to Doc Matt, “Can you numb his tongue?”

Doc Matt nodded, ignoring Rex’s shock.

“If he ever says what he shouldn’t, you have my permission.”

“Brother!!!” Rex screamed and started coughing. Maverick didn’t wait around and left without caring about Rex’s health… With Doc Matt there, nothing bad will happen.

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