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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{Taming the cold hearted & distant girl}



~Written by: Charlotte M~

Chapter 14:What Austin said

**** A restaurant ****

Emily sat with Francisco at a table one side while Justin sat with Emilia and Austin sat alone looking like a lost pup.

“How have you been?” Emilia asked trying to get the conversation going.

“Ok.” Emily said.

“Where do you stay?” Emilia asked.

“With him.” Emily said.

“What?!” Austin and Justin said at the same time looking at Francisco as though he just r*aped Emily!

“She’s my girlfriend after all.” Francisco said honestly.

The three looked at her as though they just saw a ghost.

“Oh h*ll no!” Justin said.

“WTF!” Emilia shouted.

“So I was right.” Austin said his eyes filled with clarity. ” Emily you are a wh-_-re! You are nothing you do nothing but rely on the men around you! And I am pretty sure Earnest was k*led by you on that mission! Right?

That’s why you didn’t even cry at his funeral you manipulative woman! All you do is hide yourself behind a mask and act like a naive child!” Austin shouted before Justin could stop him and walked out.

Actually if you looked closer at the necklace they all wore the was a 2 on top of the E.


It was on the third month after they were sent to the military and they were all suddenly sent on a mission.

Enrico a blonde guy with short hair and a pair of cold eyes similar to Emily’s but still a bit more mature.

“Stay behind me and don’t take out your gun unless something serious happens.” Enrico said pushing Emily behind him as they walked.

When they got further into the forest they could clearly see Commander Gilbert’s body fall in front then Enrico ran but he didn’t know that the girl behind him followed him.

When they got there Enrico started $h00ting and suddenly a bullet was thrown towards Emily as soon as it was close to her Enrico jumped in front of her subconsciously protecting her letting it hut his chest instead.

When his body went down Emily’s eyes cried for murder as she took out her two guns a d started $h00ting she pulled the first trigger and it went straight through the man who shot Enrico’s head.

She began $h00ting like it was no one’s business she shot as though she could clearly see behind and in front and all the people she shot were clear k*lls no mistakes.

* End of flashback *

Emily stood up and ran out of the restaurant Francisco behind her.

“So this is what’s going on? Austin is pointing fingers at Emily to ease his pain and take it out on her. Awhile Emily is trying to prove she can depend on herself and that she didn’t ki|| Enrico?” Emilia analysed.

“Mm.” Justin’s said biting his lip.

**** Parking lot ****

Emily sat at a corner covering her eyes as Francisco ran towards her.

“Emily?” He said forcing her to look at him.

“It hurts.” Emily cried wiping away her tears. “Make it stop!”

“I am sorry. It’s ok if it hurts baby it’s ok. It’s normal ok? Some people can hurt you emotionally and it’s normal it’s called being emotionally attached to someone. That even the hurtful things they say make you sad. It’s very normal ok?”Francisco said.

“I don’t want it to hurt it feels like he is stabbing my chest with a knife over and over again! It’s not normal I don’t want it how do I make it stop it really hurts me. I don’t want it to hurt please.” Emily said shutting her eyes as she held her chest tightly.

“It’s ok let it out it’s ok. You’ll feel better after you let it out talk to me.” Francisco said.

“He says I k*lled him I didn’t. I can $h00t anyone but not them it hurts it hurts. Why doesn’t he trust me? I just want him to believe me that’s all I didn’t k*ll him. ” Emily cried even louder as Francisco hugged her tightly rubbing her back.

For a long while Francisco just sat there hugging the crying Emily comforting and reassuring her.

**** A warehouse ****

Lily walked into the warehouse her heels clicking on the floor.

“Zipper!” She shouted as soon as she walked in causing several of the people there to look at her then go back to their job.

They all knew Lily by now.

“Zip-” Lily was cut if by a man’s low grunt.

“Stop shouting my name already I am here so what is it you want?” Zipper said looking at her questioningly his eyes were filled with hostility.

From the way he walked one could clearly see he had just woken up and lily really liked to tease him during the times she found him like this.

“Little annoyed Zipper shaking his @$$ like a Ç0çƙroach!” Lily shouted slapping his bum.

This was one reason why she liked coming here it was easier to bully the man here to take out her pent up frustration after Lucy’s punishments.

She knew Zipper wouldn’t dare to hit her as she worked for Lucy.

“Are you done yet?” Zipper asked looking at her.

Lily hissed finding it no fun at all to continue teasing him.

“Wh@ťěver I was sent to inform you to start sending daily thr_@ts to Francisco Rochester.” She said mouthing the name knowing very well that he could read her lips.

“Ok.” Zipper said as though he had just been given one if the easiest jobs ever.
“You could have just called.

And indeed it was.

**** Luxury apartments ****

Emilia and Justin stomped into Austin’s room.

“WTF is wrong with you?” Justin asked Austin who was seating on the bed. .

“What am I wrong?! As soon as she finds a job she gets a boyfriend! How amazing!” Austin said.

“You know how naive and inexperienced Emily is! Do you really think she knows what those mean or dud that guy trick her? You should think about whether you should be protecting or judging her!” Justin said.

Emilia gave him a long glare before walking out with Justin.

Am I wrong again?

Austin asked himself.

**** Francisco’s Mansion ****

Francisco carried the now sleeping Emily into her room before quietly seating besides her on the bed.

He looked deeply at the sleeping girl as his mind wondered his eyes looked as though he was looking for clarity withing the young girl as he looked at her as though he could see her soul.

“Why do you care about him?” Francisco asked himself.

Is this any different from the staff at the first floor making rumours about you?” Francisco asked as he brushed her hair dotingly.

“It hurts.” She said as she turned her head away.

“It’s ok.” He soothed trying to make her sleep more comfortably.

“I am here no one can hurt you.

𝐓 𝐁 𝐂 ♡

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