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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Yellow sighed. “Pink is mysterious. No one knows much about her. We all know she’s as evil as your husband. I should instead tell you my story and how I met Pink.”

“That’s good too. I’ll ask her in the future. So what’s your story?”

“I grew up in a family where boys were loved. One day, I ki||ed my cousin brother who had been taking advantage of me for years. My family knew he was segzually abusing me but no one did or said anything. They said he was the breadwinner of the family and for that, I have to sacrifice myself. I got pregnant for him a few times, but each time, my mom terminates the pregnancy.
My other relatives insulted me and called me names, saying I was the one seducing my older cousin. The secret was revealed to everyone in our community by my older cousin’s girlfriend and I became a laughingstock, still, no one did anything.
One day, I grew tired of living and wanted to end my life but then, I saw your husband in a rare interview. He said some words but the only thing I remembered was him saying; “ruin he who annoys you instead of ruining yourself.”

After that, I returned home and waited until he had gone to sleep after he had his way with me again, then ki||ed him. After I ki||ed him, my family no longer had a backbone to stand against other families that had their eyes on our properties, so my grandfather sent me to a Don. The guy said he wanted me as an exchange for the loan my older cousin brother took. Nobody stopped my grandfather…”

“What about your mom?” Jeslyn felt sad hearing her story.

“She had no power over anything. She was just like them, only cared about my brothers… I ran away from the Don who made it a compulsory task to have my body daily but he still found me…”

“How old were you?”



“Little bunny, don’t pity me. Some people in Country M have it worse. My life is considered good because I met Pink when I was seventeen. We met at a club where Don wanted to trade me for a business deal. I had no idea at first, so when Don’s business partner was touching me inappropriately, I slapped him. The man then said he liked fierce girls and wanted to ruin me in the presence of everyone. As he was tearing off my dress with the intention of having his way with me right there and then, Pink burst the door open and without a word or second wasted, she opened fire at everyone. She ki||ed them all and turned around to leave but I begged her to help me and she did.”

“Wow,” Jeslyn felt like crying but remembered that Yellow had told her not to pity her. Again, she wasn’t telling the story like it was hers.

“Little bunny, we are here.”

Yellow stopped the car and waited for Jeslyn to get down before she drove off. Instead of going home, she drove out of the Estate and went straight to an underground club.

She entered a boot and sat on a couch, then she brought out a pack of cigarettes and lighter.

She took out a stick of cigarette and was about to light it when her mind flashed.

“You said you won’t smoke anymore, what are you doing? Is your past haunting you?”

Yellow sighed and broke the cigarette into two, just in time for a waiter to walk in with a tray of drink.

Why did she tell Jeslyn all that? It was to remind her that there was no good person in Country M. Everyone only cares about themselves and wouldn’t mind sacrificing their family for their own good. She hopes that Jeslyn would remember this story when she finds out the mistake Maverick had made.

Meanwhile, Jeslyn’s phone kept beeping with new messages as she talked to her friends.

“What’s going on? Who is messaging you so much? Why don’t you just reply to make them stop?” Lolita asked.

“Don’t bother, it’s some nuisance.”

“Then block them.” Ruben chimed in.

“Have you checked your Email? Teacher sent a list of companies that we should sign with.” Lolita said.

“Oh? Let me see,” Jeslyn opened her mail and saw the message. After going through it, she smiled. “I will go with this new company… Fearless entertainment.” Jeslyn smiled.

“That’s my pick too…. Why didn’t you choose sparkle or Velvet entertainment? Those two are the top entertainment in the world.” Lolita asked.

“I’m not interested in unhealthy competition with fellow artists. Sparkle entertainment was Ms. Celestine’s company. Although they didn’t treat her badly, there are too many hungry wolves there. As for Velvet entertainment, they are known for overworking their artists and using underhanded means to get rid of artists they are tired of.”

“That’s true, I didn’t think too deeply like you but I did think that starting with a new company might get me more opportunities because the company would really put in their all to groom me and secondly, once the company grows bigger, I will be recognised as the foremother of the company. Am I not brilliant?” Lolita beamed.

“Of course,” Ruben sneered.

“Do your face like that again and see how I redesign it with a slap,” Lolita dared.

“Go fight outside. I need to practice my notes before Ms Celestine arrives.” Jeslyn shooed Lolita out of her seat before sitting down.

“By the way, Rossa, where do you go? I kept calling you all through last week. Your response was even weirder.”

“M– me too. You read my messages but didn’t respond.”

Jeslyn didn’t look at them but she answered; “let’s just say, I was overwhelmed by the…”

“Your problems!” Lolita interrupted her. “You were thinking about your problems that you isolated yourself and didn’t want to relate with anyone… I understand. I feel that way sometimes too.”

“You are right. That’s what happened.” Jeslyn smiled.

However, Ruben was thoughtful. He wanted to tell Jeslyn what happened at the Karaoke but couldn’t voice it out, so he stayed silent.

A while later, Celestine walked into the class.

“Good morning,” she greeted and they responded.

“About last week, something urgent came up, so we had to skip last week. Hope you all saw the mail?” Seeing them nodding, she continued; “what companies did you choose?”

The students all responded. They all chose same company.

“You made a weird choice, but that’s fine. If you can raise the company, then it’s excellent. But it will take time. That’s that. As for the party, it’s happening tomorrow night, so make sure you are all ready and rock the dresses you choose.”

After closing, Maverick came to pick up Jeslyn. Seeing who was in the driver’s seat, Jeslyn felt powerless.

“Plum, why is it you? Where is Yellow? And also, the rules stated that you can’t be here, right?”

He turned to look at Jeslyn who was trying to buckle her seat belt. He leaned closer to her, just a few inches away from their lips joining.

Jeslyn gasped at the closeness and Maverick curled his lips. “What do YOU say? Do you not want me here?”

Jeslyn blinked. Can she still say ‘No’ when he’s obviously seducing her? He was supposed to be buckling her belt but why was he staring into her eyes and his hands…. What are they doing?!

Jeslyn instantly looked down, his fingers were unbuttoning her shirt. She hurriedly slapped away his hand. She looked out the window in a panic, Trying to see if no one saw them.

Her behavior reminded Maverick of a thief looking out to see if he was caught.

Maverick chuckled richly, surprising Jeslyn who had never heard him laugh before.

“Do you laugh?” Jeslyn was genuinely surprised.

“I’m still human.” He replied and buckled her belt before driving off.

“I do forget you are, most times.”


“You don’t behave like a human… By the way, that reminds me. Why did you allow me to stay for so long in jail? I thought you ran away.” She looked at him.

“The lawyer was busy courting death.” Maverick said unbothered

“Oh? So you got me a lawyer and he didn’t come?”

“Mn,” he responded.

“That’s so bold of him. Where is he now?”

“Dead,” Maverick’s lips curled into a smirk.

“You ki||ed him? Why?!”

“I’m innocent. He died in jail.”

“You sent him to jail? Talk like a human, ah.”

Maverick chuckled before he turned his head in Jeslyn’s direction. “You make me talk too much.”

“Yes, talk so your mouth won’t smell. I won’t kiss you anymore if that happens.”

“Hahaha… Fine. His crimes sent him there. Those he sent to jail had fun with him for a few months and the lawyer couldn’t take it and died.”

“Why don’t I believe that story? Did you pay them to torture him?” Jeslyn raised a brow.

“I don’t stoop so low.” He side-eyed her.

“That’s true…. Lawyer An is still roaming Country A without guilt. I want him to be shaken a little.” Jeslyn’s face turned sinister at the thought of that lawyer.

“How do you want to punish him?”

“Make him lose all cases from now on. His reputation should be damaged without redemption, his wife and children should run away with another man, then, he should be driven to near death until he finally ki||s himself. My grandfather gave him everything, including his worthless life, so I want to take everything back from him in the most devastating way.”

Maverick smiled and responded; “Done.”

“When do you intend to go after your step sister?”

“We’ll meet in the industry. But I have something I’d like you to help me find out about her. Her success is shockingly fast and I don’t trust that. She’s the most popular celebrity in the whole of Country A and other Countries including Country Y are attempting to poach her but she’s rejecting them all. Her goal is to sign with either Velvet entertainment or Sparkle entertainment. Why is that so?”

“Do you want me to help her get in so you’ll find out?”

“Of course, not. Tch!”

Maverick smiles with his eyes focused on the road.

Jeslyn’s phone beeped and she unlocked it to see it was a message from Same unknown number. “Why is Vera bothering me?”

Maverick whipped his head to see that Jeslyn was already reading the message with a frown on her gorgeous face. He flattened his lips into a thin line, waiting patiently for her outburst.

After a while, Jeslyn raised her head from the phone and her cold eyes met Maverick’s blank eyes. She turned her face away and stared outside the window.

The silence in the car was deafening and it remained that way until they got home. Jeslyn got down from the car and closed it with a loud ‘bang!’ before marching towards the house. Maverick stared at her lone back until she disappeared through the door before he looked down at his ringing phone.

He picked it up and after hearing the other person’s words, he replied; “Mn, schedule the meeting to Vipers tomorrow.”

Maverick entered the house but couldn’t get into Jeslyn’s room. The door was locked.

“Are there spare keys?” He asked Aunt Martha.

“Eldest Miss took the keys from me and said no one is allowed to disturb her.”

“You can leave,” Maverick said and stared one more time at the door before walking away. She needs her space and he won’t deprive her of that.

Inside the room, Jeslyn was hugging her pillow and bawling her eyes out.

How could he? She understood the first time was a mistake but how could he sleep with her again? Not just that, he got her pregnant! Was Maverick playing with me? Or is he just being greedy? He can’t let me go because I’m Rossa and also can’t let Vera go because she’s the one he truly loves? What’s all this?!

Jeslyn picked up her phone, wiped her tears and called the number again. It rang for a while before it was answered.


Jeslyn frowned. This isn’t Vera’s voice, still she answered. “Hi, ma’am, can I speak with Vera?”

‘Who are you?’

“I’m her friend, Rossa.”

‘Oh, you mean, Jeslyn?’

Jeslyn knitted her brows. Who was this person that knows her so well? It was because she wanted to hide her identity that was why she gave Vera the wrong name.

“Who are you?”

‘Who else? I’m Maverick’s mother.’

Jeslyn froze for a while. Maverick’s mother? Then how was she supposed to respond to her?

“Good evening, ma,” Jeslyn greeted for a start. Her voice sounded respectful even though she was having the thought of lashing out on Vera a whole ago.

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