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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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LIVING WITH MY GRANDMA (18+) – Episode 10

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Living With My Grandma

? Episode 10 ?

This episode is rated (18+)

The prospect of knowing Darlington and Annabel were having something irked me. I probably shouldn’t feel bad my cousin was having something to do with my close friend, but the fact Annabel hid it from me made me feel bad. Darlington on his part irritated me too. Maybe he didn’t know the secret affairs we had had a bond it brought afterward. I was simply mad at the duo.

Annabel was gradually getting tired of my attitude towards her after I met her with Darlington. She didn’t expect me to react the way I did but she barely knew
exactly how I felt. Our friendship was on the verge of breaking by the day.

Well, long story short, Annabel stopped coming to our house. We met only during the lesson period and barely talked like we used to. She had other friends she mingled with after the lesson unlike myself who half knew anyone else.
It was all my fault. Maybe I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did. I just couldn’t handle the sort of jealousy that clouded my heart. Annabel once queried angrily if I’d marry my cousin? Of course, I didn’t have any response to her query. I wasn’t sure what was doing me then. I was just young and naïve.

Within a few weeks, I subdued those thoughts and moved on. My Meska was there for me, too. JAMB exam was what occupied my mind. It did come and pass. My aggregate score was 286, and that was a big boost to my chances of getting my desired course, Applied Microbiology and Brewing. I was excited I made the cut-off mark. Annabel scored 254. Of course, she didn’t tell me herself. I found out through one of her friends. Annabel and I didn’t choose the same University. She chose Unical.

All while I was preparing for my journey to the University, grandma and my uncles were making plans for another person who would stay with grandma just in case I scale through the admission process and eventually get admitted.
I called my Dad and mom, telling them my score. They were glad I made the cutoff mark. My Dad said I should put more effort into the screening test so that all my efforts wouldn’t be in vain. I also called my uncles, indirectly sending them signals that I was on the verge of leaving their mother for school.

Post utme was the next thing in my mind. I chatted with Meska and informed him I’d be coming to their school for my screening exam (Post utme). I asked him to help me contact one of his female friends who could easily accommodate me for the two days I’d be staying in Awka. He obliged and promised to do the needful. He said I shouldn’t worry about accommodation. I knew Meska lived alone off-campus, but I didn’t want to stay in his apartment or perhaps pass the night there before writing my exam the next day. I needed maximum concentration to come out in flying colors, and he understood that too.

Meska equally assisted me with useful past questions which he sent across via pdf format. Even though he was an Art student, he was still able to get my subject combination, Phy—Chm—Bio from his friends. He played a major role in giving me the necessary orientation I needed for the upcoming screening test, which was a computer-based test.
I was anxiously anticipating as the days passed by. It was a different kind of feeling entirely. All my life, I haven’t seen the four walls of any University. Not only that, I was going to meet my guy again—and that was enough reason to be enthusiastic.

While waiting for the screening test, I didn’t relax at all. I was told Unizik was very competitive and one would only need a connection to succeed if eventually, you fail to meet up the required score. I wasn’t the kind of student that would read once and get it retained in my memory. I’d have to study and study before it sticks, so I steadily burn midnight candles. It was one of the periods I read like never before. The way some of my friends online hyped the exam stole sleep away from my eyes. Besides, I didn’t want to settle for Polytechnic. My Dad wouldn’t accept such from me. He made it clear that it was either a University or another University. He meant, it’s either I gain admission or I wait and rewrite another JAMB.

The day before the exam, I called Meska and informed him I would be coming in the evening so he could take me to the place I’d stay against tomorrow’s exam. Meska was excited he would see me in a few hours. Well, the feeling was mutual. I was delighted too. I had missed him so dearly.

It was around 3:30 pm when I started preparing. I took my bath, brushed my teeth, and did a light make–up that concealed all the black spots on my face. I needed to dress like a campus girl, too. So I wore one of my favorite chevon tops and black jeans. I glanced in the mirror, carefully staring at my reflection, and applying lipstick to my lips. My hair was beautifully tied up in a bun. I reached into the wardrobe and picked two other clothes of mine that I cherished. I picked other accessories I’d be needing over there. And they were neatly arranged in my small red and white bag. I was finally done dressing up, I wore my most expensive perfume, and I made sure it was obvious I had a cologne.

Grandma was sleeping in her room when I entered to inform her I was about to leave for my exam. I tapped her gently and she rose. Grandma sat me down and gave me motherly advice. She cautioned me to be watchful and to always mind my movement. She knew it was my first time traveling to Awka, so she counseled me to mind my business and avoid trouble with anybody. She equally said a short prayer and wished me success, and that made me emotional. Grandma had me at heart. She wanted the best for me even though I was on the verge of leaving her for school, but she still wanted me to succeed, and I felt her good intentions.

“Thank you, grandma. I made soups for you and they are in the freezer. I’ll be back tomorrow evening, by God’s grace,” I said.
“Ngwanu, jee nke oma. Gbadokwa anya,” she bid me farewell in the Igbo language. I left her room with a half-smile. I hit back to my room, picked up my bag, and zoomed off. It was 4:15 pm when I left the house.

From our hometown to Awka was less than an hour’s journey, but we spent two hours in transit. There was a disastrous accident along the highway. A long lorry collided with a truck and the outcome was terrible that all moving vehicles diverted to one lane. It was the rainy season too, and the roads were awful. Throughout our journey, almost everyone on the bus complained bitterly about how the government had failed to work on the major roads across the state.
Meska was steadily checking up on me. He called severally to know if I had arrived.

It was 5:58 pm when I finally arrived at Awka. I stopped at Unizik junction as directed by Meska. Cars and trucks swooshed past. Students were on different sides of the road. The weather was unclear. It seemed it would rain. I quickly dialed Meska’s number, and in a twinkle of an eye, he came from behind, tickling my ribs. He hugged me as soon as I turned. “So fast? Have you been waiting here?” He nodded his head affirmatively. Meska was all smile on his sleeves and a black short. “Ziggy, I miss you,” Meska said. I was all smiles. I was timid to reciprocate when I saw the number of people close by.

Meska took my bag and lead the way to his lodge at Aroma. He didn’t want us to trek even when it was about ten-fifteen minutes walk. We boarded a bike and we soon arrived. It was twilight and the sun had gone down completely.
His apartment was a storey building painted in green and yellow. There were many numbers of students moving in and out of the building. Meska’s room was upstairs, so we climbed the staircases. The moment he opened the door, Nepa restored light. Meska’s rough face came through the white bulb. “What happened to your face? Have you used any ointment? I moved towards him, using my fingers to burst the ripe pimples carefully. He groaned in pain as soon as I punctured his skin. “See your ugly face. You have changed.” I taunted him.
We laughed.

Meska took my bag and dropped it under his wooden wardrobe. His room was littered with his drawing materials. I wasn’t surprised to see some of them on the bed. Meska went ahead to apologize again for what transpired between us. I quickly pleaded with him not to bring back the past.

“Have you called the girl I’d be staying with this night?” I asked. I needed us to divert from the past which seemed like he wasn’t ready to let go.
“Yes. I called her around 4:00 pm.”
“What did she say?”
“She said she is going to be back from church from 6:00 pm upwards.
“Okay then.” I finally sat at the edge of his bed and asked him to bring my bag. He did—and I gently unzipped it—and brought out black nylon which contained a row of sachet tea, milk, and corn flakes. There was butter and bread too. Meska was smiling when I handed them to him.
“Thank you, babe.” He kissed my forehead. He was overwhelmed seeing his girl again. She joined me in the bed and we got talking.

At 6:45 pm, Meska called the girl, but she didn’t pick up. She called back immediately, saying she was still in church. She promised she would stop by and take me along to her apartment once she is out of the fellowship center. It was quite relieving hearing that from her. So, Meska and I relaxed. We got talking and laughing out loud. I have missed his vibes. I moved closer and rested on his thighs while he played with my hair.

At 7:15 pm, the girl called back. She told him they just dismissed and she would soon be on her way. I quickly arranged my bags and zipped them.
At 7:20 pm, the roof began banging with drops of rain. It was raining heavily that we closed the windows because of the heavy waves that had blown up. And not long, the light went off. The room got illuminated by Meska’s rechargeable lamp.

While we waited for the rain to stop, I told him I was feeling famished. He asked if noodles would be fine with me because that was the only fast food available. I told him to go on with it. I had no option. And it eventually turned out well, he came minutes later with two plates of spiced noodles and fried egg. We dined on his bed, feeding each other like couples. Meska was romantic. Not to exaggerate, my guy was d@mn incredible.
Seconds turned minutes and minutes turned hours, yet the rain didn’t stop. Time was ticking away. There was no point calling the innocent girl since it was still raining

At 10:38 pm, the rain finally stopped. Everywhere became dark and quiet. Meska said it was unsafe to go anywhere at that time, and I didn’t argue. It was really late. The serenity of the compound and its neighborhood spoke volumes. Meska’s phone came beeping. It was the same girl calling. I heaved a big sigh of relief. I guess she was finally outside. But sadly, she only called to inform him she wouldn’t make it again. She was already in her apartment. It finally dawned on me I had no option but to stay back with Meska.
The long hours on the road from our hometown to Awka really sapped my strength. I was tired. I later took my bath, removed my undies, and wore a short; a sport short. I searched through Meska’s wardrobe and found one of his sleeveless.

Meska lay on his bed pressing his phone. I sat at the edge of the bed scrolling through the past questions on my phone. Many dirty thoughts started running in my head. I was thinking of making out with Meska, or a least feeling his touches. But we were both glued to our phones. I knew Meska was doing everything possible to put himself under control, knowing I have an exam the following day.
After 10-15 minutes, he slept off unannounced. I stayed up with my phone. I did my last revision before retiring beside Meska.

At around 4 am, I was woken by some touch around my waist and it moved inside my shorts! I turned around to find that the touch was that of Meska’s hand. He was awake—and when I tried resisting him, he planted a tight kiss on my lips, and we kissed passionately, tasting our tongues. The light from the rechargeable lamp has gone down; it became dim. We got rolling on the sheet. Meska took charge and stayed on top. He quickly pulled the sleeveless, revealing my bare Břě@šť. He fondled, caressed, and suckled on my hardened nips. I knew he had missed my B-__-bs. A certified Břě@šť lover.

I arched against him when he moved to my other Břě@šť. Two fingers worked inside me, a little uncomfortable but nothing I couldn’t handle. Not so long as he kept his mouth on me, lavishing my Břě@šťs with attention. His thumb rubbed around a sweet spot and my eyes rolled back into my head. So close. The strength of what was building was staggering. Mind-blowing. My body was going to be blown to dust, and atoms, when this hit. If he stopped, I’d cry. Cry, and beg. And maybe ki||… I came, groaning, every muscle drawn taut. It was almost too much. Almost.

To be continued…
© Frank The Writer

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