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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Subtitle : (Cursed by the gods…….)


TAGS: Werewolves, Vampire, supernatural, Dark Romance, Ill-fated.








Remember??” Mira asked but the next thing she did is to threw away the blanket and rushed out of her chamber even before Mira and Livia could catch up with her.

“Luna!!” They shouted behind her but she didn’t answer until she got to Olcan’s door before she stopped.

“You can’t go in Luna, Alpha isn’t expecting you” Livia stopped her but she shook her head.

“There is something he is not telling me!” She said and barge into his chamber immediately but Livia and Mira couldn’t even go in, so they just left her not until they heard the Alpha’s mind told them, they can go.

Alpha could sense it already as he just took his shower and was still trying to dry his body when she barged in.

“Oh goodness!” She exclaimed turning around from him which makes him chuckled softly.

“You can face me and tell me why you are here” he told her and she slowly did, thinking she had probably uses his super power to clothed himself but no, he didn’t.

His bare body is still visible with water dripping from his head down to his body. She gulped down trying to concentrate, it’s her first time seeing a full grown man body,
Olcan’s body seems to make her mouth watered and amused, because the hell he is too huge.

Olcan scoffed reading her thoughts as she ran her gaze through him, “Are you here to check on my body?” His question made her choke and scoffed “why will I be..?” She scoffed and when she remember why she is here, she gulped.

“I remember something” Olcan’s eyes furrowed instantly, Remember something? Could it be she remember……?

“Fire” she mentioned and his eyebrows raised again “fire?” He asked and she nodded before starting to narrate her dream.

“I remembered my mother and I struggling to get out of fire but I can’t pinpoint of what exactly or how it happened, I’m confused…I can’t..Olcan, I think I need to see my mother” Olcan gave her void expression when she mentioned her mother.

“Your mother?” He repeated and she nodded.

“I’m sure they are worried about me, They…they must be looking for me, I don’t know I’m having a sting in my heart” just as she is trying to make her speech, her heart started hurting for real, she placed her hand on her chest and suddenly, she started choking.

“Olc….” She tried to called but she couldn’t because her breath wouldn’t let her, Olcan already moved to her side, trying to bring her back but it’s not working.

Suddenly, she screamed and moved away from Olcan as if his touch burns with her eyes closed, that same dream appeared exactly the same and vividly and that is when she started mumbling “mother, Don’t leave me!” Her screamed turned into sobbed slowly as she bend down.

She opened her eyes and sobbed silently “What is wrong with me? ”she asked but Olcan didn’t say a word as he only stood beside her.

“Nothing is wrong with you, come on” he assisted her up and helped her to his bed. he slowly wiped her tears “Nothing is wrong with you, I’m afraid it’s because your powers are getting out of hand” She furrowed “my powers?” She asked and he shook his head “nevermind”

“Olcan is there anything you are not telling me?” She asked but he only shrugged walking away to where his clothes were hanged.

“We need to make the wedding oath as soon as possible, so you can move to my chamber” he said and her eyes blinks on their ow“Move….move to your chamber? Why? She questioned and he shrugged “because, you are my mate, Aren’t you?” He asked but she couldn’t utter a word.

“wait,you have feelings for that Lurking vampire?” He asked her but she furrowed her eyebrow “Vampire?” Totally lost and confused of what he is saying

“Nevermind, you won’t know” He said dressing up and that made her huffed I ith a roll of an eye “why talked about it in the first place? And also why do I feel there is a lot you aren’t telling me, apart that I’m your mate” she said and Olca looked at her briefly before he smirked.

“Lucian” he called instead, the door opened and Lucian entered as the Beta wolf he is which made Phoenix flinched up from where she sat and ran up to Olcan in fear.

Lucian transformed back to his normal state and that made Phoenix scoffed,

“Wait, everybody in this kingdom can …can transform like this?” She turned to Olcan and he chuckled softly, “why is it called Wolves Kingdom?” He said and walked out while Lucian followed, She quickly rushed up to them walking side by side as Olcan talk to Lucian

Unknown to them, The Alpha’s mother and Ameera were watching them.
“That pig” The Alpha’s mother groaned,Ameera almost curse Phoenix too but she only pretended to be good with her fake smile.

“I should pay Alpha and the Queen visit since I’m here” she said and Alpha’s mother scoffed.

“She is not the Queen, the ritual has not been completed” she said and makes Ameera happy that she is not alone in this,
“Still I should pay my respect to them” she said, Alpha’s mother scoffed and started working.

Ameera smiling expression faded and got replaced with a frown “I h@ťě her” she gritted.

Melanie groaned as she made her way through the jungle, she breath heavily looking so homeless and tired.
“Water” She groaned about to take a step, she fell to the floor with her clothes and that made her groaned the more.
She has been on this journey for the four nights without resting, no food and water.

Camila who helped her grandfather with the harvest saw her from afar, at first she was scared probably it is some kind of not old or something not until she moved closer and saw Melanie groaned and mumbling “water”

With confusion, She dropped the crops and brought out the small bottle from her small bag and gave her “Are you okay?” ….

After some while, Melanie was back into reality, “please which jungle am I?” She asked, Camila bend down to her form “You okay now? You are in Mesula village” she told her and Melanie furrowed her eyebrow “Mesula??” she repeated and Camila nodded.

Layzal wiped the blood stain from his mouth and breath out as he felt more alive after sucking blood, he almost passed out due to how weak he is.

“You ki||ed human?” He turned swiftly immediately he heard Edgardo.
Edgardo looked at him strangely as the blood is still visible in his mouth. Layzal scoffed at his silly thinking that he ki||ed human..

“Dumb, I will never ki|| human” he said still yet Edgardo still find it hard to believe him.
‘you still won’t believe me?” He asked and moved closer to him with his fang visible which startled Edgardo as he already put on the flame with his hand.

Layzal only chuckled with a roll of eyes, “if I ki|| human, I would have ki|| you” he told him and Edgardo scoffed “You won’t” he said and that made Layzal chuckled and turned back to normal without his fangs.

“Yeah, I won’t, I need to save your princess. I kinda have a cool spot for her and that is why I’m doing all this to save her, Tonight. I’m going into the Palace”

“What?” Edgardo exclaimed but Layzal only smirked.

Alpha walked back into his room and met Phoenix going through his thing, he didn’t made a sound as he only watched her brought out a book out of his shelves.

She opened the book and suddenly, she bursted into laughter which kinda amused him.

“Oh Goodness! I can’t believe, they’re cursed to become wolves’’ she suddenly said sadly, Olcan scoffed and fast speed to her side which startled her “oh $h|t!” She exclaimed but Olcan said nothing but just took the book from her and placed it back to the shelves.

“I remember clearly telling you not to touch my thing, so tell me what are you doing?” His voice is calm but held so much powerful aura as a king he is. Phoenix got her tongue cut as she couldn’t find the right word.

“i…I was just…I mean it is too boring in here” she rasped but Olcan said nothing which made the room awkward,

Why isn’t he saying anything?” She thought even though he heard her mind yet he said nothing as his eyes burned through her eyes.

“Your eyes” he mumbled while Phoenix blinks confused “my eyes?”

“We must coupled before the next red moon” he told her not breaking the gaze and Phoenix started wondering what he meant by that “Coupled? What are you talking about?”

“segz before the next red moon” her eyes widened immediately as he mentioned the word “segz”…….

TBC🤭😂🔥🔥segz WHAT????
Melanie is now in Mesula village, will soon reach the wolves kingdom
Our baby is in danger 😑😑
Layzal and Edgardo 😑😑
Olcan is cool and sweet🤭😍

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