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Friday, October 18, 2024
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“WTF!!” Alex and Adrian said together.

Angelo suddenly smirked looking at her keenly

“You both can go, I will call you when I need you” Angelo said referring to Alex and Adrian and they both bowed their head before walking out of the room.

Alaina suddenly snapped out of it and tried to act like she doesn’t know him

“Welcome to our restaurant sir, I’m gonna take your orders now” She said looking down and Angelo chuckled

“You already gave yourself away immediately you called me Mr, it’s of no use trying to act like you don’t remember me” Angelo said and she sighed

“Can you please not make things hard for me Mr Angelo” She said

“Woah, so you know my name now” Angelo chuckled

“I found out when you came to give a speech at my school” Alaina said and he nodded his head remembering the moment he saw her coming out of her car in school

“I will like to take your orders now Mr, ohh f-__-k” she slapped her mouth

“I meant to say Mr Angelo” she muttered and he chuckled

“I just need a wine and pasta” He said looking at her writing what he ordered on a book

“Is that all?” She asked looking back at him and caught him staring at her and he looked away immediately

“I want it in three places” he said and she nodded before walking out of the room also. She met Alex and Adrian at the door

“I think you can both go in now, I’m done with him” she said and they stared at her with no expression on their faces.

“We will go in when he calls us” Alex suddenly said and she nodded not wanting to interfere anymore.

Alaina sighed out immediately she stepped out of their sight

“Gosh!! That was intense” she muttered before walking to the deck to take his orders


Alaina and Mandy had to go together since she can’t carry all the orders by herself. Mandy dressed herself first before carrying the order and Alaina stared at her weirdly

“You don’t have to do so much, I don’t think he will notice you” Alaina said

“I don’t mind, at least I get to see him” Mandy said and took the lead. Alaina shaked her head before carrying the order also. They got to Angelo’s room at the same time and Mandy knocked before opening the door, they both walked inside, Alaina smiled when she saw that Alex and Adrian were inside already

“I thought he won’t call them” She thought

They both set the orders in front of them carefully

“Should I serve the wine?” Mandy asked trying to look segzy and Alaina shaked her head

“Don’t worry about it, you can go” Angelo said coldly and she frowned, they both bowed their head already walking out of the room but Angelo stopped them

“Not the both of you, I mean only her” Angelo said and they looked back

“I should stay?” Alaina asked pointing at her chest and Angelo nodded without looking at her, Mandy frowned before walking out of the room and Alaina walked back to him

“So what am I supposed to be doing?” Alaina asked, Alex and Adrian stared at her wondering what relationship she has with their boss

“Just sit and serve the wine” Angelo said already eating his food and they all stared at him shockingly. Alaina walked reluctantly to the couch beside him and sat down, she served the wine in the three cups and dropped her hand on her thighs looking around to keep herself less busy

“You can order for yours if you want” Angelo said after a while, Alex and Adrian raised her brow

“Don’t worry about me, I’m fine” she said


Alaina looked at Angelo shockingly, even after 30 minutes, he still hasn’t eaten half of his food, when it comes to eating, he’s really slow, she looked at Alex and Adrian who had already forgotten they even ate anything, they were used to this already, it’s not a new thing to them

Angelo suddenly dropped his fork and they all stared at him

“I’m okay, let’s go” Angelo said already standing up and Alaina chuckled shockingly

“Don’t tell me that little he ate is okay for him” she thought

“Are you not gonna stand up, you have to continue what you are doing right?” he asked and she stood up immediately

“It was nice having you here today” she said and walked out of the room.

“Let’s go” He said and they both nodded before they all walked out of the room. Angelo saw her already serving her customer and he smiled before walking out of the restaurant.


Arielle stepped out of the bathroom cladded in her towel around her body, she walked to her dressing table and was about applying cream on her face when her phone suddenly chimed, she dropped the cream and walked to the bed grabbing the phone, she sat down on the bed before checking it and it was a message from Jordan, she sighed before opening it

JORDAN: Hey Ari, do you have plans for tomorrow?

ARIELLE: No, what’s up?

JORDAN: I wanted to ask if you can make time for us to visit the cinema tomorrow or anywhere you want

Immediately she read it, she sighed

ARIELLE: Okay, no problem, we can visit the cinema then, what time is it?

JORDAN: Woah, I didn’t know you will actually go with me, it’s by 5pm though

ARIELLE: Okay, tomorrow then

Immediately it read sent, she dropped her phone and sighed thinking about Lexi

“It’s just a friendly date, don’t think too much about it Arielle” she assured herself.


“Osmosis and Diffusion, how many of you have read about it?” the teacher asked and a few students raised their hands up including Arielle, Jordan and Kingston

“Woah, that’s nice” the teacher smiled, he looked around before his eyes settled on someone

“Jimmie, why don’t you tell us? the teacher asked

“I didn’t raise my hand” Jimmie said. Jimmie is Jordan’s best friend

“I know, that’s why I’m calling you” the teacher said and he stood up reluctantly

“Osmosis can be defined as the movement of water molecules from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration through a semi permiable membrane” Jimmie said and everyone looked at him

“Why didn’t you raise your hand then?” the teacher asked and he shrugged

“You can sit, I want someone else to give me the definition of Diffusion” the teacher said and everyone raised their hands

“I’m very sure even those that do not know it are among all of you raising up your hands” the teacher said and he looked around before he settled for a male student

“Leo, what is diffusion?” the teacher asked and he stood up reluctantly

“I’ve not read that part sir” He said and everyone bursted into laughter including the teacher

“Then why did you raise up your hand?” he asked

“So you won’t call me” Leo shrugged and everyone bursted into laughter again.

“Sit, Arielle tell us” the teacher said

“Diffusion can be defined as the movement of water molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. It is the….” she was still saying but the teacher cut her short

“I didn’t say you should say all what is in the textbook for me” the teacher said and she chuckled

“An applause for her” he said and they all clapped.

“So we are…..” the bell cut him short

“We will continue next time” he said before packing his books, he walked out of the class.

“Let’s go to the cafeteria” Arielle said and they all rushed out of the classroom.


They all walked to their seat with their foods and sat down

“Kingston said we should read in the library together today” Arielle suddenly said

“You both are getting closer” Mikaela said raising one of her brows up

“It’s nothing, we just want to read” Arielle said and they all laughed before concentrating on their food


Arielle and Kingston walked to the library immediately school ended , she had totally forgotten about her date with Jordan

“What do you want us to read?” she asked immediately they got to the library

“How about chemistry? We read for some hours and we ask each other questions” He suggested and she nodded

They grabbed their textbooks and notebooks and settled down,

“Do you watch Korean series?” Kingston suddenly asked and she looked at him

“Yeah, do you?” she asked and he nodded

“Woah, this is the first time I’m seeing a guy watching Korean series” she said and he smiled

“Have you watched My demon, it’s a new drama, it just came out” she asked and she smiled widely

“Gosh!! That drama keeps me on the edge everytime” she said

“I love it also, what was the first kdrama you watched?” he asked and she thought for a little while

“The king’s daughter” she answered

“Mine was to the beautiful you” he said

“I watched that also” she said. They continued chatting until they both dropped their books one side talking about dramas and movies till an hour passed


Arielle suddenly gasped when she saw the time

“We were supposed to be reading but we talked about kdrama all through” she laughed

“Let’s read now then” he said opening his book but she stopped him

“Let’s just continue, it’s getting interesting for me to stop” she said and he smiled

“Your wish is my command” he said funnily and they both laughed before continuing their conversation.


Jordan stood outside the gate expecting to see her soon because the movie is about to start, he kept looking left and right but there was no glimpse of her

“She can’t forget right?” he asked himself but shoved the thought away. He checked his wristwatch and it was 5:30 already, he sighed still hoping she will come, the movie started already and they had missed a lot but that was the least of his worries right now, he was just hoping she will come.

He suddenly felt some liquid on his body and he looked up only to see that it was drizzling already, he decided that moment to just take a cab and go home, he stopped a cab, he was about entering when he stopped and the taxi driver looked at him

“Are you not coming?” the man asked

“What if she comes and she doesn’t meet me?” he thought

“You can go sir, I’m waiting for someone” Jordan said and the man nodded before driving away

He stayed under the rain because there was no shelter around, the rain was already getting heavy at this moment but he was still hoping she would come, minutes later, his lips was trembling already, his body shaking so much, he wrapped his hands around his body to keep himself warm but it was of no use, his face was white and his lips was getting pale

“I’m sure she’s on her way” he muttered trembling badly.

T. B. C

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