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Friday, October 18, 2024
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(Childhood lust….🔞)

THEME: War of heart






Legs descended the stairs of the private jet and two guards trailed behind the figure immediately, one with his briefcase and the other with his hands tugged behind his back. He walked towards the Black Bugatti Veyron W16 Mistral with his face still hidden in the black nosemask he’s putting on.

One of the guards immediately stepped forward to open the car door for him and he stepped in immediately, the one who opened the door for him walked to the other side and entered the car from there while the other one opened the front door and sat with the driver.

The driver ignited the engine and the car roared to life speeding towards the road and the remaining two cars followed suit. He removed his nosemask immediately the car stepped into the road and his face came to view.

“Are you okay?” the guard beside him asked and he sighed

“I’m fine Alex” Angelo answered and gave him a little smile which Alex returned. They are his personal guards and he took them as his brothers even if they don’t consider themselves as one.

“What about me?” the other guard asked looking at Angelo through the rear mirror and Angelo chuckled

“Stop been jealous Adrian” Alex said and Adrian glared at him, that’s how they have always been, always fighting and bickering at each other, he’s actually a cold guy but when he’s(Adrian)with both of them, they tend to bring out his playful side

“At least he’s talking now, let’s enjoy it till the moment it’s gonna last” Angelo said referring to Adrian and he chuckled. Adrian is a cold guy, it takes a lot for him to voice out or be playful and most times, he gets mood swing while Alex is actually the opposite of him, Angelo still wonders how they became best friends when they both have different attitudes.


The driver suddenly pressed the horn and gate opened and they all turned their heads towards the mansion in front of them.

“We are here sir” the driver said and Angelo nodded, Alex immediately stepped out of the car, he opened the door for Angelo to step out and Angelo rolled his eyes giving him a funny look. He started walking towards the gigantic door and they both followed him, Alex pressed the doorbell and the door opened immediately like it has been expecting someone

“He’s here” They heard someone scream from the living room and they all chuckled. They walked inside the living room and met everyone at the dining with different sort of dishes in front of them, a teenage girl suddenly ran to Angelo and jumped on him, wrapping her legs around him and he held her tight with a smile on his face

“I missed you champ” she said and kissed his cheek

“I missed you too baby” he said ruffling her hair before dropping her and she smiled out dimples, her eyes landed on Alex and Adrian, she waved her hand at them but only Alex waved back while Adrian looked elsewhere and a frown settled on her face immediately

“Hey mum” Angelo said walking towards her and she ruffled his hair immediately

“Welcome back son” she smiled and he nodded. His eyes moved to his dad and he walked towards him also

“Dad” he called bowing slightly and his father nodded reluctantly. He looked at everyone and his eyes landed on his father second wife and her son, Waylon, he smirked before moving closer to them

“Won’t you greet me brother?” Angelo asked and Waylon looked at him intently

“I didn’t know you were gonna come back safe, I would have prepared to greet you in a grand style” Waylon said and everyone gasped looking at him.

“Waylon” Roselyn (Angelo’s mum) called angrily

“Hey, don’t call my son’s name like that” Caroline (Waylon’s mom) snapped

“Brother, why would you say such thing?” Lexi ( Waylon’s kid sister) asked

“You, shut up there, you don’t know anything” Caroline snapped and Lexi flinched

“Were you expecting me not to come back safely?” Angelo suddenly asked and everyone looked at him, he moved closer to Waylon and leaned towards his ear

“You should be grateful you are still in this house because if it were up to me, I would have thrown you outside with your Ɓîtçhy mother with nothing left on you, you son of a Ɓîtçh” Angelo whispered into his ear and Waylon tightened his fist. Angelo moved his face away from his ear and smiled at him

“Be good bro” he said patting his shoulder and Waylon glared at him

“Won’t you greet me Lexi?” Angelo smiled at her and she jumped on him immediately

“Welcome back handsome” Lexi said and Arielle rolled her eyes jealously

“Are you jealous Arielle?” Zendaya asked and she rolled her eyes at her while everyone laughed

“Get down from him, I’m the only one that can hug him that way” Arielle said and Angelo chuckled

“I didn’t greet you mistress, would you like to accept my greetings now” Angelo said referring to Caroline

“What?….mis.. mistress?” Caroline stuttered

“Isn’t that want you are?” Angelo asked again and Caroline raised her hand to slap him

“If that hand should touch me, trust me that will be your last day in this house” Angelo said codly and her hands stopped midway

“Angelo!!” His father shouted

“What?” Angelo asked

“Stop all this” he said but he raised his hand to stop him

“All these wouldn’t be happening if you had kept your Ďïčk in your pants” Angelo snapped and everyone looked at him with widened eyes

“if you wanted a peaceful home, you should have married only one wife” Angelo muttered and walked upstairs to his room and his guards followed him immediately. He entered his room and threw his suit angrily on the bed ruffling his hair, he grabbed a bottle water from the freezer in his room and drank it all in one gulp and both Alex and Adrian stared at him

“Are you okay?” Alex suddenly asked

“No I’m not, they always bring out the worst in me” Angelo said angrily and they both sigh

“You just have to calm down and deal with it carefully” Adrian said and Angelo sighed.

“You have a lot of things to deal with, you can’t make them spoil your day for nothing” Alex said and he nodded before sitting on the bed

“You both can go, I wanna rest” He said and lay down on the bed closing his eyes immediately and they both stepped out of the room, immediately the door closed, he opened his eyes thinking about everything that has happened throughout the years.

His home has always been a peaceful home, it all started the day his mum found out his father had a mistress outside


5 year old Adrian stepped out of his room only to meet his parents arguing

“How could you do this to me?” Roselyn asked poking his father’s chest angrily

“I didn’t know how it happened, she just came to me telling me she’s pregnant and there’s nothing I could because I can remember I actually slept with someone at the club that day” Stefan(Angelo’s father) said

“Seriously? And you are saying this with all confidence, you are not even feeling remorseful stefan, 3 years, stefan, you had a mistress for 3 years” Roselyn said with glassy eyes

“I’m sorry and I have another confession, they are both coming to stay in this house as from today, she should be on her way by now” Stefan said nonchalantly

“What…do…yo…you…mean?” Roselyn asked and immediately the doorbell sounded, Caroline and 3 years old Waylon stepped into the house

“There they are” Stefan smiled walking towards them

“Trust me Stefan, Karma will surely f-__-k you up real hard you nutjob and I will be there watching you then” Roselyn said and walked upstairs with tears in her eyes.

And that was the day his troubles and worries started.


He wiped the little tear that escaped his eyes and chuckled sadly

“Why are you crying Angelo? You should have gotten over this all these years” he muttered to himself and sighed, his eyelashes kisses his cheek immediately and he slept off.


A knock sounded on his door and his eyes snapped open immediately

“Can I come in?” Alex asked from outside

“Yeah” Angelo answered and got down from the bed, Alex and Adrian stepped in immediately

“Good morning boss” They greeted immediately

“Morning” he answered reluctantly

“How…..” Alex was still saying

“I’m really not in the mood for questions right now Alex” Angelo interrupted him and Alex kept quiet immediately

“I’m sorry, I’m just stressed” Angelo sighed and Alex nodded with a smile on his face. Angelo took his towel and stepped into the bathroom immediately.


Angelo stepped out of his room with Alex and Adrian, they descended the stairs to the living room and met everyone at the dining, he ignored everyone and was about walking towards the door when his father stopped him

“Are you not gonna join us?” Stefan asked and he scoffed

“I can’t imagine myself eating with those two lowlifes at the same table” Angelo said and walked out immediately leaving everyone shocked. Alex and Adrian stared at him in disbelief not believing he’s the one saying all these because the Angelo they once knew would rather keep quiet than to talk to anyone but ever since he came back from Italy, he changed totally and they kinda love the new him who can’t get rided on in his father’s house.

Just as he was about entering his car, Arielle and Lexi stopped him immediately

“Champ, can we ride with you, so you can drop us off at school” Alexa asked and he nodded.


Fleets of cars suddenly swerved in front of the company and Angelo Wilkerson came out of a brand new Lamborghini cladded in a white shirt and a black tie with a navy blue suit and brown shoes.

Immediately he walked in with his guards, everyone turned their heads towards their direction and started murmuring

👥When did he get back?

👥I missed seeing his face

👥I want Angelo

👥 Adrian keeps getting hot

👥Alex is so segzy

Angelo kept walking with his cold face, his guards might know him as someone playful but outside, they think he’s a cold, mean devil. They all walked into the elevator and Alex pressed the first floor leading to Angelo’s office, they stepped out of the elevator immediately it stopped and they entered his office immediately. Angelo looked at everywhere before sitting on his chair and he sighed in relief

“Works start immediately and I need a new P.A, you know how to do that Adrian, he or she should be here tomorrow

“Sure boss” Adrian said and walked out immediately

“Schedules?” Angelo asked

“You have to meet up with the workers so they can know you are back, they also came up with a new perfume but that haven’t said anything about it yet, they are waiting for who is gonna supervise them

Wilkerson Enterprises deals with perfumes, creams and so many skincares and it’s the best, it sells for almost every countries

“Let’s go then” Angelo said but was interrupted by a knock on the door

“Come in” he said and Stefan stepped in with a lady whose head was bowed on the ground

“Will you tell him to excuse us?” Stefan asked referring to Alex and Angelo waved his hand for him to go. Immediately Alex stepped out of his office, the lady raised her head and Angelo recognised her immediately, he let out a scoff immediately, it was his fiancee that his dad sends her picture to him everytime.

He sat down back on his chair and his father and the last sat on the two chairs in front of him

“I’m sure you know her already, I just came here to tell you to start preparing for marriage” Stefan said and Angelo chuckled and the lady whose name turned out to be Zendaya looked at him

“And who said I was gonna marry her?” Angelo asked and their eyes widened

T .B .C

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