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Friday, October 18, 2024
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⛔⛔ EPISODE 27⛔⛔


Ryan’s p. O. V
Why don’t this movie just end already.
She started laughing again and her painful hand Landed on my head.
” Clara!! “, i shouted.
” hahahahahaha sorry sorry “, She replied.
I faced the screen and next thing she hit me again. I think this girl is doing this in purpose.
She just keeps laughing.
Claras p. O. V
Hahaha if only sir Ryan knows how hard it is to love him alone he will accept this beating with love.
I have not touched you before so i will touch you now.
Hahaha how can this movie be so funny. I laughed and hit him again.
He stood up and ran away. I ran after him we got outside.
He leaned by his car.
” hey my friendship “, I said and tried moving closer to him he ran away leaving me behind with his car. I chased after him.
“Hey sir Ryan, stop. “, I shouted
” arrrgh you want to ki|| me “, he said
” the movie Is over “, i shouted
Where is this guy runing too arrrgh.
I kept running after him but he won’t stop runing is he trying to stress me .
I started shouting
“Sir Ryan , forgive and forget , you left your car here .
” no , run along clumsy
” hey my friendship , a friend doesn’t do this .
” does a friend hit someone to death ?, he shouted.
I laughed.
I kept chasing after him , you won’t believe the distance we have run I can’t even find our car again.
Just then I shouted
” ouch my leg pains ‘, i shouted
He finally stopped I caught up with him and angrily hit him.omg that wasn’t intentional.
” ouch , why do you keep beating me “, he said.
” no sorry , it wasn’t intentional. I said and started caressing his arm where I hit.wait what am i doing .I looked in his face he just looked at me.
Awww I was carried away.
” Sir I was uhhmm cleaning the dirt on your arm “, i lied .
” is my arm dirty , he asked .
” no , not anymore.
Just then he looked around.
” hey where is my car”, he asked .
We both looked around .
” sir the truth is , we are lost , i said .
” we aren’t I know this place as the back of my hands “, he said with pride
Oh do you
” oh really sir, so how did we get here?
” well we went left no no right , let’s go “.
He walked and I ran behind him we trekked down the right . No sign of the a car sir Ryan followed another route and connererd left.
It’s getting darker does he really really know the way.
I am tired of walking about.
” but Ryan , do you know where you going “, i asked
” hey I am surgeon , my brain is very sharp in remembering roads.let’s go “, he said
Okay today I and sir Ryan are going to sleep in the police station I am sure of that.
We turned left again.
Daniellas p.o.v
Mom walked into the house like a hungry lion , i really wonder what’s wrong.
” mom , what’s wrong.I asked .
” Anastasia Alexandra Grande the first really wants to challenge me.”, she said.
” mom don’t tell me Anna ruined the share holders meeting.
” she did , she’s in a wheel chair and they are fearing her like this what happens when she finally walks.”, she said.
” mom Anna is really a thr_@t , we need a plan b, I said .
” how is your Dad , she asked
” hes stronger now he was really weak in the morning , he already called Anna, he said he would visit her in the morning .secondly he started a search for Isabella .
” what ?, how , why.”, she shouted.
” I don’t understand mom, do you know where issabella is? ,.
” no but at least your father should have informed me , but he dint .
” mom maybe he was waiting for you to return.
“Ok , have fun. She said and walked out.
Oh I am so bored and i keep missing Ryan .is there a way I can ever give up Ryan, i mean its been so many years , i still want him so badly.
Anna’s p.o.v
Finally talking to dad made me feel better , its really late , my maid left seems her mother is sick.
Whenever the door opens I expect only two people Tony or miss delvaliers.they are the only ones who know the main lock password as well as Rita my hand maid .
But now it seems all of them are gone.I suddenly feel lonely and scared . I looked around my room.It’s big enough and comfortable . The bright lights made me happy .at least I am content.
I tried calling Ryan today but i better call him tomorow.Tony is still my best friend .I want to say with him .I feel scared in this house
I feel helpless always looking at the door not knowing who is coming.
Oh I miss that clumsy nurse too.
Just then the door opened , who am I expecting now.
Wow it was Tony I almost thought it was Ryan.
He walked closer .
” hy, i need to inject you with this directly , it will help you walk, i know you h@ťě injectioms so….”, he said
” arrrgh really ok.I gave him my hand and he smiled .
He tried injecting me but I kept shaking and shivering .he chuckled.
” I wish those board member can watch you now ,he said .
I smiled .
Soon he was done ouch painful.
He placed the cotton there and sat beside me as he kept wiping it gently. Memories of our days together tried streaming in but I blocked them out.
He dropped the cotton in the bin .
” lie you need to rest “, he said .
” are you going already “, i asked him
” yes , he replied.
” I am scared can you stay just until Rita returns ?, i asked him.
He looked around for a while
” Anna you know you are still dating Ryan right and Ryan h@ťěs me , if he heard about this he would get mad”, He replied .
I know bit am really scared Rita is not coming back tonight am trying to trap you.
” but you are still my best friend right , even before we became intimate we were close.secondly a doctor should not leave a scared patient like that “, I said and he chuckled gently.
” fine Anna you win . He said .
” I knew i would i replied and he walked up the stairs into the other room .
Another presence makes me feel better.I need to call dad lets cut Ryan’s health trip short .I really miss him I want him here being my doctor and my boyfriend.
Claras p.o.v
You won’t believe it but I and sir Ryan are sitting flat on the road right now. What a crazy date. We didnt find our car, we are lost.
” hey clumsy , its all your fault .he said
” hey you caused it , you said you knew the road so well , i replied.
” let’s go , there is a hotel down the road , lets sleep over .He said
” what , me and you .well sir. I touched my hair smiling
” hey what are you thinking, stop it ,you are not really my taste , i like taller girls “, he said.
” better because I like uuhhmm shorter boys ,I said .
He chuckled.
” better “, he said
” wh@ťěver “,i replied .
” clumsy “, he said.
I can’t believe he wants to exchange words I Will just leave him here and stand up first.Oh no it seems he wants to stand up too.
I tried standing he tried standing too I dragged him down.
” what , hey !!. He said.
I tried standing up he dragged Me down too then he tried standing I dragged him down again .
Both of us started laughing people looked at us like mad people .
” Clara stop dragging me down “,he said
” but you won’t stand before me”, I replied.
I tried standing and he dragged me down .
Hahahahhha so funny .
Finally both us dragged ourselves up.
We walked down the street
” thank you “, he said
” why?.
” for being my friend .he replied .
Omg I feel like hugging him now.
We both walked further .
Ryan’s p.o.v
Craziest day of my life, finally I am even car less.
We walked down just then Clara jumped up and shouted .
” omg its a club , its a karaoke club. She said .
I looked forward and she was right.I turned to her.
” shall we go .I said .
” yes !! She shouted .
We both rushed in.
We sat down a group of crazy drunk girls sang on stage this is so funny Clara started laughing again I quietly shifted from her.
Just then Clara stood up.I dragged her shirt
” hey , where to .?
” am going to sing , better watch “, she said .
Hahaha this is gonna be fun.Clara ran up to the stage and took the Mic .she sang crazily her voice was so funny everyone laughed . This girl is making my night . This is the funniest song I ever heard.
Claras p.o.v
Why did i come on stage am suddenly so shy.everybody is laughing so loudly even sir Ryan .well if my singing Is making him happy I don’t Care if they laugh.
I continued singing loudly I tried dancing like Nicky minaj just then I fell on my tummy .everyone started laughing.
Sir ryan is forcing himself not to laugh.
I feel shy how will I stand up just then I saw Somene stand in front of me I looked up it was sir Ryan .He gave me a hand and I stood up .
” you were awesome “, he said .
I smiled everybody clapped .
Just then they chanted at sir Ryan to sing for them . He smiled.
He switched off the pop music I was singing to .every where was quiet.
People clapped .
He sat down and picked the guitar .
” This song is dedicated to a very special someone “, he said .
I tried rushing down to my seat .
” Clara of you go then who am I singing for , he said .
What me .I turned and he smiled at me as he pressed the guitar.
” thank you for everything ,my secret angel, he Said.
Every body clapped I stood in front of him smiling.
He started singing .He sang so perfectly well that all the couple’s in the club started dancing.
I don’t want him to stop singing .He has an amazing voice.
Just then he stopped .he walked down.
Everybody clapped and chanted kiss her .
What kiss no he’s not mine
What to do.He walked down to me and looked in my eye.the chanting continued .everybody kept shouting kiss her !! Kiss her !! Kiss her !!.
Sir Ryan smiled
” what do we do .He asked me.
I want you to kiss me but I am being selfish.maybe lets just run away


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