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Friday, October 18, 2024
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⛔⛔EPISODE 31⛔⛔

Ryan’s p.o.v conts
Am I not dead…wait am not…just then I felt someone drag me up from the water . I forced myself to look and it was Clara .
She swims really fast like a fish. I know she moved me to shore .
Claras p.o.v
I am finished . What will I do.sir Ryan is not waking up.
I did everything I know how to do when someone enters water.but he’s not even going to cough.
Just the lady behind tapped me.
” why don’t you pass air through his mouth “, she said .
” what I should kiss sir Ryan “?.
She laughed .
I looked at him ..well i have no choice , fighting ..this Is my second time ..Anna please dont ki|| me.
I bent down then I kissed him… no I passed air.
Finally I stupidly stopped passing air and got carried away.
He opened his eye .I got shocked and moved away.
He chuckled …so cute…his lips are now red owing to my lipstick.
He gently wiped it.
” hey , were you really passing air?😍
” yes , i was’s what I do for a living.I am really sorry I almost ki||ed you..”, i said.
He smiled and I lifted him up
He stood , he’s eye was now red segzy
I tried dragging him forward but he dragged me back and hugged me.
What?.. he hugged … did he hug me…I am short but this is the best hug ever .I won’t hug anyone for 10 years.
He held me tight I almost died in his arms.then he whispered .
” thank you for not failing me.
I smiled gently and still held him tight.
Sir what if I push you into the water again ..will you hug me again after I kissed you ….oh my so sweet.
Finally he let Me free.and we both walked further although am seriously trying to control my feelings which just spinned out of control.
Soon we lodged and changed into dry cloths.
I wonder how many hotel we will Visit this week.
He lay back on the bed with his eyes closed cute I feel like kissing him again.
Oh no I said it my emotions had spinned out of control.i gently placed my hands on my heart ….this is really love ,”oh Clara” .
I gently lay by his side ….I heard him say he catches cold easily …I hope that was a lie too..
I also closed my eye.


Finally Anna is making progress.
She had walked a while before her legs pained again.
She might start walking this week.I had rushed to get her water.
She sat quietly with her legs on the bed just like a kid that Anna.
Soon I arrived with the water I gave it to her.
A smiled and I sat bedside her.
” do you still feel pain ?.
” no am better ..
” that’s a relief .
” I plan on reinstating Tonia as m.d .
” did she thr_@ten you ?.
” not only for that ..
” it’s fine , do what you want.
” so how’s dad ?.
” I ran tests on him , he’s ok , he’s weakness might be the weather.
” ah ok , that’s possible , thanks.
She gently slipped herself into my arms and I hugged her tight while touching her hair.
Anna you are too young to go through what you you have been through .
Hours later


Sir Ryans phone rang again, its his mother he’s sleeping .
I eneded the call then I snuck out and called her on phone with my own phone .
It rang twice before she finally picked up.
” hello , jesephina dervantes here
” oh hy, am Clara , Clara David .
” oh hy , do I know you.
” no but am the nurse with sir Ryan”.
” oh really ,am glad you called.
” I just wanted to tell you that sir Ryan is ok , you don’t have to bother.
” am happy to hear that , what does sir Ryan say about me dear
” ahhh he said he h@ťěs his mum alot.
She chuckled.
” yes , thats my fault.
” but he still needs his mom, we can never really h@ťě our mom. Like me even when am angry at my mom and she’s angry at me I still see her call every early morning .by 3:30. Before she does anything else. I might ignore that call but seeing that call makes me happy so if I don’t see that call I get worried ..I wonder If my mum Is ok….. because she didn’t do the thing she always did.
” wow.
” so ma’am , what does sir Ryan miss about you , i will say nothing .. so why don’t you create something that you do for sir Ryan non stop.untill he misses you for that thing”..
” thank you Clara , you just thought this ajumma something today , am very happy you called me. But that child is he okay .
” yes he’s fine , he’s sleeping now .but that’s not y he didnt pick your call actually even when he’s with he’s phone he normally ignores your call..
” uh , i knew, but am going to try what you thought me thanks
” bye “omonni. -(mom)
She laughed .
and mom said my Korea is lacking behind .
I dropped the call and rushed into the room.
I can’t believe it’s already dark.
Sir Ryan was fully awake .he drank cold water .I instantly took the cup from him.
” yah!!, oppa bi cho so .
” what’s that.
” I meant are you crazy.
” why will you ask that.
” you just came out of the pool and you are taking cold water.
” no its good for my health .
” AHHHH ,shiroooooo.
” are you from Korea .
” my dad .
” no wonder your Korea sucks .
Lols..I sat on the bed .
He brought out the list .
” wow jebaang , we almost finished all the places to go .
” what’s jebaang Clara “, he asked .
” amazing oppa .I replied.
” hey what did you drink today ? He said.
I chuckled and took the list its remaining only clubbing.
sir Ryan lets go clubbing this night.
” promise you won’t drink .
” no I won’t “, i said .
” ok we will go .he said .
I smiled and clapped my hands together.


My assistant called so I picked up.
” tell me.
” sir as we speak Liam king is in Africa , he is on a tour a 3 days tour starting tomorow .he already arrived Africa today.
” nice this means we need to send and agent to Africa “.
” no sir that would take time don’t we have any smart agent who is already in Africa .
” oh I forgot my son Ryan is in African , he’s smart enough.transfer the files to him, i will call him in the morning , Ryan is more than able to get me Liam .
” ok sir that would be after we discuss with the board tomorow , who knows Better ideas might come up.
” Bette Idea or not ..I want Liam king as a shareholder .
” it will surely work sir .
” good .
I dropped my call.
Fine I have feeling Liam won’t be a hard Bird to Catch.


It’s time to go clubbing right now am standing outside the boutique.
I told them to dress her up for clubbing.
Am taking her to the most classic club in this city.
.where is miss clumsy. She’s taking time .
thank God this list is completed I can finally concentrate on the hospital.but these two days could make the best two days of my life .
Finally she came out wow she looked hot .
She looked cute ..she looked nice.little by little Clara is becoming a proper girl.
She waved at me.
” how do i look “, she asked
” awesome , let’s go.
I took her hand and we both entered the car.


Ahh my life is the spark.I can’t believe the owner of r.d health so close to me .I am below him but he’s my friend .
Awesome . He drove quietly this act has mastered him.
But he is looking cute he always looks cute .
” Miss clumsy , what are you thinking about.
wait did he just talk , i finally thought him how to be a friend .he finally learnt.
” Ryan , you just got am A in friendship…I said.
” ahhh why not , i learnt from The best .he said
I smiled .
Soon we arrived at the I love it the sound is so high its beating in my soul.
I looked at sir Ryan he smiled.
we both walked …wow so clolouful. Sir Ryan entered the highest v.I.p section.did I forget he Is the son of a multi milloniare.
I sat beside this place is’s obvious I haven’t been to a club before I kept holding sir Ryan tight before someone kidnaps me.
All the Men keep looking at me as if I am a cup of ice cream.
I tapped Sir ryan
” but Ryan , why are they looking at me like that ?.
” isn’t it obvious , you are he most beautiful woman in the room .he said .
” wow now I finally believe am pretty .I smiled then I tapped him again.
” tell me.
” why are those girl smoking in public , hey its wrong.
He laughed .
” it’s just them. He said .
I smiled people kept dancing.

🌹🌹 RYAN’S POV 🌹🌹

Wow feels like am Writing an exam Clara is good at throwing questions .
Just then she tapped me again.
” but why is that girl following that man upstairs and why is he kissing her in public.
” seems she is an escort Clara. I said.
” what prostitute , ahh thats very should keep your body holy , its wrong to sleep with a stranger for money or anything ahhh I can’t do that.”,She said .
” Clara , i am with u.”,I said.
She’s right but could she really still be a virgin , no shes to pretty , her mother must be kidding. I looked at her again.


Ahhh escort my foot.I tried pouring myself a hot drink when sir ryan poured an expensive juice into the cup.
” hey !!!
” a proper girl doesn’t get drunk in public , she doesn’t drink when her safety is not assured .
” but am with you.
” what if I get attracted to a petty girl and leave with her ….will you be able to take yourself home without being harassed ?.
Omg he’s right .
I Gladly drank the juice ..but wait .this cute guy won’t stop looking at me .I wonder who he is.


She really pretty. If wishes were horses I need that girl on my bed this night.
She’s just everything I need in a woman .I will give anything to have her .
Cute baby face
Wide smile
Set wide hip.
Slim waist.
Long hair.
Spot less colour .
Nicely set Břě@šť.
Atttactive shoulders .
Set butt.
Attractive skin.
Talkative .
very obvious innocence.
I wonder who she Is…Ryan dervantes is engaged to annastasia alexandra Grande …I will look into this goddess.

LIAM ❎❎❎❎ if I catch you eeeh

keep off📴📴📴📴📴

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