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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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β›”β›” EPISODE_13 β›”β›”

πŸ’™Claras p. O. VπŸ’™

I was waiting for her to carry me into the car so we can go to the hospital when she slapped my cheek gently
I opened my eye she smiled
” hey I am a doctor, it’s obvious you are All right β€œ, She said with a very cute playful face
I started coughing
” oh am I, I didn’t realize”, I said
She smiled and dragged me up
” hy my name is nuella, nuella….
β€œMaraverlla β€œ, i added
She smiled in surprise
” how do you know me β€œ, She asked
” actually everybody knows you, infact you are my role model ” i said
” so whats your name β€œ, she asked
” oh its Clara, I said smiling, Clara David β€œ.
” nice meeting you Clara I know you must have hurt your leg so I will transport you, if you don’t mind β€œ, she said
**Arrrgh no I need money **
” well where I am going is very different from where you are going β€œ, i added
” oh really? β€œ, She asked
” yes I am going straight then you will go left, you go right them you bend, you stand then you cross the road, you run then you walk, you go left and straight then right. β€œ, I said
” that’s quite a distance, ok no problem. ”
She opened her purse and brought out money she didnt even count it she just placed it in my hand I smiled widely
β€œThank you but you didn’t have to do this its totally normal to get hit by a car its not a big deal anyways thank you, bye β€œ, i bowed and ran away.
I headed back into the hospital since I didn’t buy food i decided to avoid the room where the woman lay she always like sending somebody around
Am so happy
I can’t believe I am rich.
I slipped my money into my purse.
I walked into alisons room
She already opened her eye
Her surgery was indeed a success she lay there quietly smiling
I wish Anna can wake up and smile like this
I really miss Anna I miss her so much that I am willing to do anything for her just anything.
But everywhere is so tight I can’t visit Anna anymore am so scared I know Anna is being poisoned but am not yet sure if I know who is doing it so I can’t tell anyone before I tell the wrong person and get ki||ed.
But am still suspecting doctor Tim.
I touched alisons hands
Hey, are you ok β€œ, I asked her
She just smiled
” don’t worry you will Soon go back to school and lead your cheerleading squad i always watch you on t. V β€œ, I said and she smiled..

❀️Anastasia p. O. VπŸ’™

I have reached that Point in my life where I feel meaningless.
My mother Is missing I don’t know if she is happy or she is sad.
My dad i have not heard from him
My sister and her mother are bent on taking all my shares from me
But they can’t because I am the only heir to everything my dad owns
It’s all in my name it will only move to his other child of I am gone but as long as i am alife
Everything my father owns still resolves around me
Danielas mother got jealous when she saw the will for the first time
After she confronted my dad about the will
I had my accident
And my mother disappeared
But I will never let them take anything away
Everything that belongs to me I will place under my mother and my unborn child
Not daniella and Mrs tonia
I will fight them with my last breath and they wont win
It seems like this drug is getting too much in my system
My stomach pains so badly

❀️Doc Tims p. O. VπŸ’™

I am still bothered about the fact that the drip changer might know who I am
I was lost in thoughts when Daniela called
” any good news”, I asked
” i should be asking you, I mean isn’t Anna suppose to die by now, I am just tired of her sleeping that’s the reason why Ryan is still waiting for her assuming she is dead everybody will move on, She said
β€œI am not a junior doctor Daniela I know what I am doing, Anna has taken a lot of that drug and it is damaging her liver slowly just a little more if it and Anna will be out of your way, Anna will die very Soon trust me on That, just make sure her drips are not changed anymore. β€œ, I said
β€œOk”, she added and dropped the call..

πŸ’™Nuellas p.o.v❀️

It’s useless my dad has decided.
I need to cancel my schedule with nivea…
This is really going to break me down. But i have no choice
I better call my manager so that he can cancel.
I placed the call when my assistant walked in
My manager picked the call
β€œNuella, I hope you are getting ready for nivea, i don’t need any stories β€œ, he said
β€œJust cancel it I have a more important meeting β€œ, i added
” this had been your dream for 5 years girl, what could be more important β€œ, he said
” please just cancel don’t make it more difficult for me β€œ, I added
Just then my assistant spoke up
β€œMadam don’t cancel I have an idea β€œ, she said
I dropped the call
β€œTell me queen β€œ, i said
β€˜This might sound a little crazy but what if we use that girl who looks like you β€œ, she said
β€œReally β€œ, i asked her
β€œRemember she is a doctor so what to say and which terms to use won’t be hard for her β€œ, she added
β€œShe will be in a. G. H. C while you will be in nivea since the contract signing is indoors
β€œAnd after the contract signing I will Come out for the main $h00t won’t people ask how Come I am also in (A. G. H. C)
β€œNo no no clara will be very fast.
once the contract signing is complete she must have left
A. G. H. C. then you will come out for the $h00t.
People will think you just left
A. G. H. C and rushed to nivea they wont know that it wasnt you. β€œ, she said
β€œWow so wonderful but how do i find this clara girl now β€œ, i replied
β€œShe is a nurse so she’s either a nurse in A. H. H. C or a nurse in r. D. β€œ, she said
We will look for her and kidnap her
Omg I hope she agrees

❀️Claras p. O. VπŸ’™

hours later
I am so tired I guess I am more tired because I am sad
I ran out of the hospital while checking my time
Anyways I am looking good I better walk
I stopped runing and started walking
Just then a black jeep stopped in front of me
I tried runny away but 4 men in suite chased after me.
No no
I started runing fast but the kept chasing after me
What to do I better run left
I tried runing left when the other one of them finally caught me
He carried me up
This is kidnap
I kept kicking my leg up and down and shouting
They placed me in the car I tried shouting but they covered my mouth with a handkerchief
Now I don’t know anything any more.
1 hour later
I don’t know where I am
Seems I am naked
Someone is romancing me
Jesus’s Christ
” aaaarrrrgghh” I screamed

Hmmmmmmm CLARA is R@P£D 😭😭😭😭

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