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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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🦋GENRE: Romance❤, Tragic 😭, Teenfic 👫
♨️The Fight ♨️
*Chad High School hallway*
“Do you have to go to chemistry class?” Anna Leigh groaned as I took my notebook from my locker.

“You know I need this subject to fulfill my dream of being a photographer, opening my own studio, calling the shots.” He mentioned, smiling and imagining.

Wow! He’s really in love with photo stuffs, that explains all the pics of me in his bedroom. It’s all taken by him.

I shook my head with a scoff “Okay Ansel Adams, see ya after class.”

“I love you.” He flirted, putting his hand around me.

“I love you too.” I blushed as we gave each other a kiss “Don’t forget about our date after school.” I smiled then he entered his class.

I sighed as I headed straight to the library since I have nothing to do.

I walked into the classroom, paused to see Evelyn sitting alone, using her phone.

“You’re late, Adam.” The chemistry teacher snapped.

“I’m sorry but it’s just 3 minutes.” I shrugged.

“Wh@ťěver, just look for a lab partner to sit with for your project.” He said checking his books.

Evelyn spotted me and litted up, waved “Adam!”

I rolled my eyes inwardly, searching for other places to sit but everywhere’s full, I have no choice but to sit with her.

I released a deep breath, put on a fake smile as I went to her “Hey Evelyn.” I greeted as I sat beside her.

She smiled “I guess you’re my new lab partner on my first day.”

I made an eyebrow flash, taking out my textbook from my backpack.

Wow, hurray for that.

“I heard you and your girlfriend are going on a date after school. So sweet.” She smiled.


“I know I’m not supposed to ask but…” She whispered “Why didn’t you tell Anna Leigh about us?”

I raised an eyebrow at her “Us?”

“You know what I mean.” She scoffed.

I sighed “Look, I don’t want anything to come between us, whether it’s a lie or true. I love her and I can do anything for her.”

He said that with honesty which hurts me. He’s really in love with Anna Leigh.

This is not supposed to hurt me
I’m not supposed to care but I don’t know why I still have feelings for him.

But we can be friends. Right?

“I totally understand, lover boy.” She smiled “So you should talk to your parents.”

I scoffed “Like they’ll listen to me.”

“I know.” She groaned “Like some parents are so frustrating, they all want us to do what they want.”

“Right?!” I exclaimed in agreement.

“Quiet class.” The teacher shouted, we went quiet as he started teaching.

Evelyn and I are secretly discussing and laughing without the teacher seeing us.

I gather say, she’s fun to talk to, and did I say she’s pretty?

After 30 minutes of teaching, the bell rang, people are preparing to leave.

“Okay class.” The teacher stood in the front of the classroom “There’s a project assignment I want you to present on Monday, next week. So each team should bring up the best science project that could change the mankind. Good day class.” He left the class.

My classmates were leaving the class, I inserted my book into my backpack.

“You’re really nice to talk to. Like I poured out all my mind out. Thank you. Enjoy your date.” Evelyn smiled as she walked out.

I paused for some seconds. Wow, she said I’m nice to talk to, no wonder Anna Leigh loves me. She understands me than this.

I blushed lightly as I wore my backpack and left the class.

I sipped my bottle of orange juice, slide to the next page of the English textbook I’m reading.

“Hey Annie.” Chris leaned on my table.

I glared at him “Don’t call me that.”

Only Adam calls me that.

“I get it.” He sat in front of me as he drank out of my orange juice “So are you ready for the movies tonight, it’s one just launching today.”

“What movie is that?” I asked.

“The Perfect Find.” He mentioned with a light smirk “I promise you’ll love it.”

I giggled “Yeah right.” I continued with my studies.

“Sometimes, I wish I’m smart like you.” He smiled.

I smirked at him “Is that so? So you won’t be copying me and being ungrateful.”

“I do say Thank you.” He whined.


I rolled my eyes, reading my book.

“Fine, I don’t say that and I’m really sorry. Look, I’ve changed. I’m Chris 2.0.” He grinned.

I scoffed “If only I can focus on my studies to be smart, but someone keeps distracting me.”

He stood immediately “Sorry, I’ll be going.” I watched him walking away.

I shook my head with a smile, reading the English book.

$h00t! I forgot that Adam and I are going on a date after school. I have to cancel the movies I wanna see with Chris. Sorry Chris.

How should I tell him?

I was walking around the hallway, searching for Anna Leigh. Where is she?

I reach Evelyn’s locker “Have you seen my girlfriend?”

She sighed “No, maybe she’s in the restroom.”

“I’ve checked, even the cafeteria, can’t find her.” I shrugged.

“Hey!” A tattooed guy was trolled by a black guy storming into the hallway.

He grabbed the black guy “You bastard!!” He punched his face and he fell. We all gasped in shock.

He stood “How dare you?!” He retaliated the punch, they grabbed each other, fighting violently and shamelessly in the hallway.

Instead of people to settle fight, they were busy filming with their phones, some are hailing, some are leaving the area.

I should stop them. I h@ťě violence. “Hey!” I shouted.

Adam grabbed my hand “Evelyn, no…”

I yanked my hand and approached them “Stop fighting in the school!!” I screamed, trying to push them away but they’re too strong.

“He kissed my girlfriend!!” The tattooed guy yelled.

“She kissed me, you motherf×cker!!” The black one yelled back.

“Argh!!” They kept fighting each while I’m trying to separate them.

“Stop it guys!!” I cried.

“Evelyn, get outta there!” Adam shouted.

“Ow!” I received a punch on my face, I fell and passed out.

*After School*
I walked around the school, looking for Adam but I can’t find him, I even called his number several times and texts messages. No answer.

“Anna Leigh.” Chris ran to me.

“Have you seen Adam?” I asked.

He shrugged “Nah, but I heard there’s a big fight in the hallway, it’s everywhere.” He laughed.

“What?” I exclaimed.

“And I heard the guys were suspended for a month.” Chris added.

“But where’s Adam?” I asked.

“Maybe he’s one of em.” Chris shrugged.

I scoffed in disbelief “I know Adam, he’s nothing like that unless you started it.”

He laughed nervously.

“I’m supposed to go on a date with him.” I whined, dialing on my phone.

“What?” Chris frowned.

“Shhh.” I shushed him, avoiding the subject. I called his number again, it went straight to voicemail again.

“d@mn it!” I exclaimed.

“I’m sorry you said you’re supposed to go on a date with him? What about the movies?” Chris exclaimed.

As soon as Adam answers and tell me where he is, bye Chris.

“Can you be quiet for a moment?” I snapped, he was annoyed, folding his arms.

Adam didn’t answer.

“Oh man! Now who’s gonna pick me up?” I hissed.

“I will, we’ll go straight to the movies, have fun before it starts, then I’ll drop you. I promise it’s totally safe.“ He smiled.

I guess Adam’s busy and I can’t turn down Chris again.

“Fine.” We both entered a taxi and it drove off.

I woke up and found myself in an emergency room in an hospital.

d@mn it! I shouldn’t have try to separate those guys. It’s not even my business. It’s my first day and I’m already like this.

I winced as I sat up right “Oh God… Wha?”

I was flabbergasted to see Adam sitting on the couch in the room.

He saw me and smiled “Wow, you’re finally awake.” He stood and sat at the edge of the bed, beside me, making me blush inwardly.

I frowned with a nod “Yeah, what are you doing here?”

He scoffed “You got knocked out while trying to separate crazy guys fighting so I brought you here. Does that answer your question?”

I bent my head in embarrassment “Yeah… But you’re here?”

He sighed “Yes, I’m here for you if you need anything till your parents come, the doctor said you’ll be fine and discharge tomorrow.”

I blushed lightly. So he’s so concerned about me that he cancelled his date with his girlfriend and still stays for me to wake up. So sweet of him.

F×ck! I’m not supposed to think that way. Sorry Anna Leigh.

She gulped nervously, hugging herself with the blanket “I’m sorry I ruined your date with your girlfriend.”

My eyes widened “Gosh!!” I stood immediately and ran out of the emergency room.

I checked my phone, I gasped “20 missed calls?!”

So many text messages from her?!
How can I forget about the date? I haven’t seen Anna Leigh since. What was I thinking? She’s going to be so mad and I don’t want that.

I dialled her number, she’s not picking up her phone. I called again and again, no response. I know she’s doing it on purpose. Now she h@ťěs me!

I have to see her now to explain everything but first, Evelyn needs someone to be with her.

I’ve called her parents number but they’re not answering. They don’t know what happened to their child.

I called her mom, she answered.

Adam 📞 Hello?

Evelyn’s mom📞 Oh hi, my future son-in-law, how’s school with my daughter?

Adam 📞She got into an accident and she’s in hospital.

Evelyn’s mom📞 What?! On her first day!!

Adam 📞 Don’t worry ma’am, it’s nothing serious, she’s going to be discharged tomorrow. Just come to check on her. I’m going somewhere.

I hung up immediately before she says anything funny.

I smirked as he hung up the call and I called Jacinda and she answered “Hola Sara.”

Sara📞 Hola Mi amigo. Something that didn’t go as planned happened.

Jacinda📞 What is it?

Sara📞 My daughter got into an accident.

Jacinda 📞 What?! Is she okay?

Sara📞 Don’t worry, she’s all better, now that your son is with her alone in the hospital. They get to spend more time together.

Jacinda 📞 Wow, that’s so perfect.

Sara📞 Now he’s calling for me and my husband to check on her.

Jacinda 📞 Oh, don’t pick any calls or texts. Tell her dad.

Sara📞 Okay.

I smirked as I hung up. Now my daughter will finally be happy. This is fun.

*30 minutes later*
I sat at the waiting room, calling Evelyn’s parents number, why aren’t they answering? Anna Leigh is not picking her calls either.

I sighed, giving up. I can’t leave Evelyn in the hospital alone.

I stood and returned to the emergency room, Evelyn is already asleep.

I wonder how Anna Leigh is doing. Maybe she’s home, who knows?

I no know who send you this Evelyn. Do you guys think she’s an antagonist?

Do you think what Adam did is right?

Do you think what Anna Leigh did is right?

What’s Chris up to this time?

So Sara won’t visit her daughter because….?

May be an image of 1 person, blonde hair, smiling and text that says “Sara”

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