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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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IN LOVE WITH A MAFIA BOSS – Episode 19 & 20

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(She’s too holy and innocent)





CHAPTER 19 & 20•••••••

Leslie lay on the hospital bed as she sobbed, Jordan and William sat down beside her as they consoled her while Emily just stood and watched as they consoled her.

“Mom! Dad! my head hurt! Emily should be kicked out of our house, I don’t want to live with a gangster! ” Leslie cried out.

Jordan stood up from the bed and marched angrily to where Emily stood.
“Have you seen what you did?! you

f_cking slammed your sister’s head on the TV! don’t you feel any remorse?! Speak up!!! ” Jordan screamed.

Emily scoffed,
“I don’t feel remorse instead I feel like slamming her head more on the wall

and force some sense into her brainless head since she lacks one” Emily retorted, coldly.

Jordan gritted her teeth and landed a hot slap on Emily’s cheek.
“You nuisance! ever since I sent you to college you turned a new leaf, now you are practicing on how to be a gangster and a prostitute! Watch out Emily, if

you don’t go back to your normal holy life…me and William will have no other choice but to disown you” Jordan retorted, venomously.

Emily still maintained her cold and neutral face,
“I don’t care…after all I’ve always felt like am not part of this family right from the start. I’ll take my leave now

but please warn that green snake over there not to cross my path again because the next time she does, i’ma break her head with a bottle ” Emily uttered, dryly and left.

Jordan clenched her fist tight as angry tears forced their way out of her eyes, she turned and glanced at Leslie who was sobbing on the bed,

“Dad I can’t feel my head anymore! ” Leslie sobbed.
William had to call the doctor and they put Leslie to sleep.

William and Jordan went to a secluded area inside the hospital,
“I just gave her a last chance to see if she would change her ways… ” Jordan muttered, lowly.

William scoffed,
“Last chance you say?! Just take a look at what she did to Leslie, am afraid she will do more than this next time!” William retorted.

“Don’t worry I’ll take care of it next time” Jordan uttered, coldly.

“But the way am seeing things…Emily is another definition of him…” Jordan muttered, coldly.

William glared at her and raised a brow,
“Definition of who? ” He asked, slowly.

Jordan was silent for a while,
“Alejandro ” Jordan finally blurted out through clenched teeth…..


Emily got home and threw her backpack carelessly on the couch, she yawned hungrily and strode towards

the kitchen, she opened the fridge and hissed when she saw that there was no food inside. She shut the fridge and stormed out of the kitchen.

She took out her ATM card and was about to head out of the house when her room door swung open.

“f_ck!” Emily cussed when she saw Andrea, her arms folded under her Břě@šť.

“Scaredy cat I’ve been waiting for ya, where the f_ck did you went to? ” Andrea asked, coolly and scurried to where Emily stood.
“Wait! don’t tell me that you sneaked into room through the window, Andrea I have a door right here! ” Emily snapped.

“As usual, using the window is more fun” Andrea mumbled, dryly.
Emily shook her head.

“Can’t talk now am going out to get foodstuffs ” Emily retorted calmly and strode towards the door, opened it and went outside.

“The f_ck?! Emily please let’s just gossip a little! ” Andrea whined and ran after Emily.


“What?! so that f_cking dude that I almost broke his head that day is Freddie, your ex!!?!” Andrea shrieked.

Emily gasped and closed Andrea’s mouth with her palm.
“Geez! People might hear you!” Emily

snapped, Andrea removed Emily’s palm from her mouth and released a faint grin.

They were seated seated on a bench which was under a big tree.
“Sorry baby but am just shocked. I mean if he’s your ex, you should have

taught him a big lesson by kicking his dry as. Come on be a baddie like me! ” Andrea retorted, unhappily and scoffed.

Emily had told her about Freddie and how he had R@P£D her years ago, it was so annoying because Emily allowed him to go scotch free.

“It’s all in the past now Andrea and besides, I don’t want to ever set my eyes on him again so my wounds won’t open” Emily mumbled, dryly.

“Your slut of a sister’s gat to be kidding me! first she took Freddie away from you and now she’s tryna ki|| you by swapping your drugs?! seems like that Ɓîtçh is tired of living! ” Andrea uttered and hissed.

“She wasn’t even feeling any remorse so I had to slam her head on the TV ” Emily mumbled and Andrea shrieked excitedly.

“That’s ma baby!! Look I told you, being a baddie helps because no species on earth would dare step on you! ” Andrea

retorted and pecked Emily on her cheek. Emily scrunched up her face in disgust.

“Geez! am not Eduardo! ” Emily snapped and scurried off to where the grocery store was,

“I’ll be back! ” Emily yelled.
“Oh… Okay I’ll be waiting ! ” Andrea yelled.

Emily got into the grocery store and started picking all what she wants,
After picking all what she wanted, she payed for it using her ATM card, she walked towards the exit,

“Emily?! ” She heard someone called out her name and she froze. She needed no one to tell her who it

was…of course she could recognize the voice anywhere…the one who caused her pains for years….

Emily turned and faced him with a cold look on, her gaze held no emotion at all.

“Emily…it’s really you…?” Freddie mumbled and stood in front of her.

“What do you want? ” Emily asked, coldly that Freddie almost flinched.

Emily has really changed, before when he knew her, she was the shy type and
she would always smile at him even

though she was angry or sad but now he felt like trash in front of her…it felt like he held no place in her heart anymore.

Freddie thought and swallowed.
“I…i missed you” Freddie blurted out softly.

Emily gazed at him unbelievably, she scoffed and turned to go but Freddie grasped her hand, Emily snatched her grip from his hold in a harsh manner.

“Don’t f_cking touch me Freddie and stay the f_ck away from me! ” Emily snapped, sharply at Freddie.

Freddie sighed and ran his fingers through,
“Look Emily I know you are still mad at me but it was a mistake, I made a mistake when I left you, when I forced

myself on you, all was a mistake and I wasn’t thinking straight ” Freddie uttered, desperately but received no response from Emily.

“Look just come back to me and leave that mafia boss in which you’re dating else your life would be at risk! he will only hurt you! ” Freddie retorted, seriously.

Emily frowned.
“Don’t say what you don’t know Freddie! ” Emily snapped, irritated.

“You don’t know? Luciano is a mafia lord! ” Freddie retorted, desperately.
Emily ignored him and turned to go but Freddie blocked the exit.

“Emily…please just hear me out ” Freddie retorted, softly.

Emily got angry and grabbed his collar,
“If it is Leslie that sent you again tell her that this is what I did to you when you approached me” Emily uttered,

icily and began throwing punches at Freddie’s face, she slammed him on the floor and started kicking him all over his body.

Freddie was strengthless and couldn’t do anything.
Andrea walked in and quickly pulled Emily away from Freddie.

“The f_ck?! man I thought I warned you to keep your tiny Ďïčk away from her?!” Andrea shrieked at Freddie, angrily.

“Let’s just go Andrea ” Emily muttered, coldly.
Andrea gave Freddie a hard glare, she and Emily left leaving Freddie on the floor.


Emily and Andrea were sprawled on the bed, filled up. Emily took her phone and checked the time,

“It’s seven pm already? Andrea I have to go see Luciano ” Emily uttered and got down from the bed as she dressed up.

“Alright I guess I’ll just have to go see Eduardo too” Andrea muttered under her breathe, she got down from the bed as she ran her fingers down her ginger red hair.

“Erm…Emily…you said you love Luciano…but how sure are you that he also feels the same way for you? “Andrea asked, seriously.

Emily pursed her lips and gave it a thought,
Andrea is right…Luciano has never told her anything about love…the only thing

he only said to her was only about how he couldn’t sleep a wink without her and how she’s always on his mind.

Emily thought and took her phone, she shoved it into her pant pocket,
Today she’s going to ask him what he feels about her, though she knows that

it’s still early because they just started seeing each other but she’s hundred percent sure about her feelings for him so she also wants to know his too.

“Good night Andrea” Emily uttered, lowly and left through the window.

Andrea sat down back on the bed and sighed
“Maybe I shouldn’t have told her that ” Andrea mumbled, lowly.


Emily got to Luciano’s penthouse and his men allowed her in, she strode in towards his room, she pushed the door open and smiled when she heard the running sound of the shower inside the bathroom. She pushed the door open and there she saw him lying inside the bathtub, the white foams covering his naked figure.

Luciano raised his head up and smirked, he motioned for her to come closer and she obeyed.

“Come join me Emily ” Luciano uttered, huskily. Emily smiled and took off her clothes slowly in front of him. She

strode towards the bathtub, got in and smiled when the water touched her skin.

Luciano turned her around, making her back to face him,
“You really missed me that bad huh?” Luciano asked with a faint grin.

Emily pursed her lips and nodded uncomfortably when she felt his hard and erected Ďïčk touching her butt.

Luciano wrapped his arms around her waist, he bit down on her earlobe and Emily shut her eyes, clearly enjoying what he was doing to her.

She released a faint Mõ@ɲ.
Suddenly, she remembered the main reason she came to see him and her eyes snapped open.

She turned and faced Luciano,
“I want to ask you a question Luciano….? ” Emily stated, seriously.

Luciano nodded, gazing at her immensely.
“H…how do you feel about me?” Emily asked, slowly.

Luciano froze,
“I feel like I can’t sleep or think clearly whenever you’re not here with me. It feels like you’ve occupied my mind” Luciano uttered, seriously.

“Am talking about your you have feelings for me? do you love me?” Emily asked, softly and Luciano froze.

His gaze darkened and his jaw clenched,
“Emily just forget about that let’s just–

“No Luciano please give me an answer, I don’t want to be fooling myself without me knowing…please tell me, do you love me?

” Emily asked, her heart beating fast like a party drum.


“Do you love me Luciano?! ” Emily cut Luciano off, harshly.

“Emily listen–

“Do. You. Love. Me?! ” Emily yelled.

“f_ck no! ” Luciano snapped, angrily.

Emily’s eyes widened and she stood up and came out from the bathtub, Luciano followed suit.

Emily chuckled and paced around the bathroom,
Luciano cussed and ran his fingers through his black silky hair,

“Look Emily am a very dangerous person to be with, trust me if you know the real me you wouldn’t wanna fall in love with me ” Luciano uttered, seriously.

“Then who are you?! I don’t care if you’re a gangster or not! I love you Luciano. I still find it difficult to believe that I could fall in love with a man like you. ” Emily uttered and sniffed.

“Am sorry Emily…but I can’t fall in love, let’s just keep seeing each other for now…” Luciano muttered.

Emily huffed, angrily and walked out of the bathroom, she put on her clothes as tears rolled down her cheek,

She wiped it off, angrily.
“Now that I think about it, I shouldn’t have fallen in love with a man like you Luciano and please just stay far away from me! ” Emily screamed and ran out.

Luciano stood by the door way shirtless as he gazed at her retreating figure, he sighed and ran his hands through his black silky hair.

He took a cigar stick, lit it and smoked from it, furiously. He puffed out heavy smoke, he took his phone and was about to

call someone but changed his mind when he remembered that Emily had told him to stay far away from her.

“f_ck!!” Luciano cussed.


The road was dark and secluded that no cars could be seen driving, Emily was seen seated by the road side as she sobbed,

Her phone rang and she glanced at the screen,
“Hello…Andrea? ” Emily mumbled and sniffed.

📱The f_ck! Emily are you crying?! what happened did Luciano hurt you?!” Andrea’s worried voice emerged from the phone.

“No…am okay…am just” Emily mumbled and began to sob.

📱Hurry tell me where you are so I’ll come pick you up! ” Andrea uttered seriously on the phone.

Emily glanced around her surrounding and told Andrea where she was,

📱f_ck Emily! you shouldn’t be out there, I mean it’s late! just hold on I’ll be there shortly ” Andrea uttered and Emily nodded and hanged up.

That was when it dawned on Emily, she glanced around the place she was and fear gripped her, not even a soul could

be seen passing, she stood up and went to the roadside so she would stop a car but couldn’t see any.

Suddenly a black Mercedes Benz screeched to a halt beside her and she flinched, she took a step back in fear.

The tinted glass wined down and Scorpion’s face came into view, he let out a short grin,

“Get in quick, Luciano ordered me to take you home ” Scorpion uttered, coldly.

Emily gave it a thought and somehow it was strange to her,
“Sorry I can go home myself ” Emily mumbled.

Emily’s phone beeped and she brought it out from her pocket, she glanced at the screen, it was a text message from Luciano

‘Get in Emily, Scorpion will take you home’ Emily read.

She sluggishly got into the car and shut the door, but somehow she was feeling somehow.

Sh decided to ignore the feeling, Scorpion roared the engine to life and drove off, he released a slight grin in which Emily did not see.

Emily suddenly glanced around her surrounding and saw that the road he was taking wasn’t the way to her house, Emily blinked and decided to speak up,

“Sorry…this isn’t the way to my house, you’re going the wrong way ” Emily uttered but Scorpion ignored her.

That was when fear kicked in,
“Please stop the car I think I would like to drop! ” Emily retorted, sharply her voice shaky.

Scorpion glanced at her and smirked,
“There’s no going back Emily ” He retorted, coldly.

Emily quickly took her phone and tried to call Andrea but he hit the phone out of her hand, angrily.

The car came to a halt with a loud screeching sound, he grabbed Emily’s neck and squeezed it tight.
Emily coughed and choked as she struggled against him,

She clenched her fist tight and punched him on his face,
“f_cking Ɓîtçh!” Scorpion cussed.

He raised his hand and punched her back on her face, Emily felt her vision blurred and her head ached badly.

His hand was so big and strong compared to hers.
She still
managed to struggle, Scorpion hissed and brought out a syringe, he shoved it into her neck and Emily lost consciousness.


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