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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SILVER BULLET – Episode 43 & 44

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{Tragic Deaths}

She heard the doctors coming and fastly placed Gold in the crib beside her. She then pretended to be asleep as the doctors came into the ward, inspecting the sleeping mothers.

That’s how she brought Gold home, and Alice brought Sylvia to Shadow.

He once grew suspiscious about her because of her strange silver hair… None of them had silver hair. He later ignored it and loved Sylvia as his own, then died his hair silver as well to make her feel belonged.

Some years later, Wendy got pregnant again and was admitted to the same hospital. However, when she was given birth, she bleeded abnormally and no child came out. She was losing her life, then the doctor did a quick ultra-scan on her only to find out that she had a miscarriage.

Her womb got damaged because of the miscarriage, and it had to be removed. She was left barren in the hospital that day, which left her devastated and torn apart.

It must’ve been the work of karma. She must be reaping the fruit of her evil misdeed in swapping the babies. She h@ťěd herself and regretted her action so much.

” Doctor, is there anyway you can just help me get any baby to take home to my husband? I can’t return home with a miscarriage. He’ll destroy me ven more if he found out I lost a boy. He has been longing for a male successor for years, he’ll h@ťě me forever.” Wendy remembered narrating to the doctor ín his office almost drowning in her own tears.

” I’m sorry Madame, but the baby is gone, there was nothing we could do to save it. The only advice I can give you now is to adopt a child.” The doctor advised her.

” Adoption? But… I don’t know if I… My husband is a monster, he’ll ki|| that baby immediately he finds out the truth.” She said desperately.

” There’s nothing else I can do to help you. I’m sorry.” The doctor plainly replied.

Wendy thought about it for a while. She knew she wouldn’t make it out of that empire alive if she came back empty-handed, so she took the chance and went for adoption.

She reached an orphanage that day, which took her a lot of hours and brought her to the afternoon. She had to try several other orphanages, but none had a newborn baby boy till she reached this one.

That was when she saw Felix (Shadow), being so cute, young, frail and innocent. At first glance, she fell deeply in love with him. He was the perfect baby for her.

She carried him into her arms for the first tim, looking at his face dearly. He was fast asleep, cooing gently in her arms.

” What happened to this poor baby? Why doesn’t he have parents?” She asked the caretaker on duty.

” His parents were wealthy influencers who just got wedded today. They were heading home with their baby at the backseat when the brakes of a stray truck gailed and crashed into their car. It was a tragic accident, but this boy survived miraculously and didn’t get injured.” She explained with a heay face.

Wendy also felt sad and looked back at the poor boy. She noticed the birthmark behind his right ear and touched it fondly, then gave a heartwarming smile again.

She filled oút the adoption papers and wemt home with him, only to meet another tragic event. If only she knew what was going to happen, she’d have never set foot in the empire again.

She rushed into the empiré excitedly, but quickly slowed down when she notuced the emptiness and quietness of the empire,. Her heart began racing anxiously as she wondered what could bé happening.

She got to the door of the building and stopped there when she heard noises from within. She could hear Thorn’s cruel voice ranting ragingly.

” How could Wendy do this to me? She gave birth to twins and sold them off. How could she be so cruel? Where did she get such audacity?” He raged, and Wendy’s eyes widened.

She knew what he said wasn’t true, someone must’ve fed him some I’ll information about her.

” She even got a miscarriage of a baby boy. She took some abortion pills before going to the hospital, and it ki||ed the baby.” An anonymous person fed him more lies, and Wendy’s hand slowly found it’s way to her mouth in horror.

” What?” Thorn replied thunderously.

She heard footsteps approaching the door, and immediately she raced for the gates. Some mafiosos spotted her and instantly began chasing after her.

She got into the car and held Felix tight as she started the engine and drove off roughly. The mafiosos got into their car as well and followed her out.

Wendy reached the hospital in minutes and flew out of her car. It was the only place she xould think of going to next.

The nurses and doctors saw her running and tried to stop her. She was like a super woman because she pushed them down crazily and ràn into the nearest ward she could find.

In that ward, she met Alice her best friend, lying on the bed in pains. She was screaming and gasping for breath painfully.

” Alice!” Wendy gasped, then she quickly went to her bed.

Alice looked at her with red, swollen eyes. Wendy could see the pain in them and almost wished she could take them away as she started crying too.

” What happened Alice? Why are you like this?” She asked tearfully.

” I… Lost my baby boy. I’m losing a lot of blood, and I have no donor to give me more blood that I need to survive. I’m dying.” Alice spoke uneasily, and Wendy’s eyes widened.

Did she just say that she also lost a pregnancy? A baby boy? She just keep experiencing shock one after the other.

” Alice, I need you to do something for me.” Wendy said desperately.

” What’s that?” She asked, and Wendy showed her the baby in her arms.

” Please, take care of him. I know he’s not your baby, but no matter what, just promise to guard him with the few minites you have left to live. I’m so sorry.” Wendy cried out and handed Felix to her.

She held hin with delicate hands, staring at him for a while. She tore her gaze to Wrndy and gave assuring nods.

Her blood pressuree began rising, and Alice started to gasp for breath. Before Wendy could even move, Alice gave up the gjost right on the bed and went stiff forever while holding Felix.

Wendy palmed her mouth, and more tears poured out of her eyes.

” No!!!” She screaméd tragically, holding the bed tightly as she cried out her heart.

In the next second, Thorn’s mafiosos kicked down the ward door and found her. She was then taken away to receive justice from Thorn himself.

Outside the hospital, a woman in unacceptable clothing was searching for food in a dumpster. She found a tightly wrapped bag and pulled it out. She couldn’t see clearly what was in the bag and out of curiosity, took it home with her.

When she got home, she ripped the bag open to see wha wàs inside. Her eyes widened next to see the supposed corpse of the baby that Alice lost, only that he wasn’t dead but was well and alive.

That was Black. He looked exactly like Felix (Shadow). The doctors must’ve thought he was dead and threw his body away, but the strange thing was that he was supposed to be buried if dead. How come she found him in the dumpster?

She didn’t give iit much thought and concluded that destiny brought him to het. She had no child, so she began to take care of him from that day on.


By the time the flashback ended, the ice room was filled with the heat of anger, pain, regret, sadness and misery. The three couldn’t believe their ears as they heard everything from Wendy.

” I’m so sorry.” She sobbed out loudly, closing her eyes tightly as she remained on her knees.

Shadow was the most heartbroken. He lost his parents, and was adopted on the same day they died. He eventually ended up with a mother that wasn’t his, and it’s all still too hard to believe.

Sylvia fell on her hands and knees, sobbing so sadly. Her tears dripped from her eyes and dropped on the cold ground.

” I’m a monster. I’m such a bloody monster. I’ve been fighting for a reason that never existed all these years. I’m so heartless and wicked.” She spoke negatively to herself and kept crying.

” I never knew that Shadow wasn’t my father. I kept chasing after Thorn, determined to ki|| him because he i thought he ki||ed my family, not knowing he was my father all along, and Black was my brother.” She said, and more tears escaped as she used her fingers to cover her eyes.

Shadow appeared behind her and touched her shoulder. She looked up at him with teary eyes.

” Felix… Felix I love you so much.” She cried out and hugged him tightly, standing up. Shadow wrapped his arms warmly on her too.

Should he still be called Shadow? I doubt it. His real name is Felix.

” I’m so sorry Sylvia. I knew that it was you after I had that accident when I was trying to save you from Black. I don’t know how it happened, but it was exactly after that accident that I remembered everything. I’m so sorry.” Felix cried on her.

” I can explain.” They heard a low &cool voice, only to turn around and see Thorn standing by the door.

He took a few steps into the room, staring at Sylvia emotionally. She slowly left Felix’s arms and stared back with different emotions running through her body.

” That day when I swnr my mafiosos to attack Shadow’s empire… I didn’t exactly betray him. Wendy comfessed that she gave my child to shadow, and that was why I attacked. They were bringing Felix to my empire when somehow, they got an accident. Felix was lost that day.” He explained.

” I juat remember waking up to find myself on the side of the road. I picked myself from there and went to live my life, had to sleep under bridges and steal money to survive.” Felix said, and tears rained down his eyes just by thinking about all he went through.

” I’m so sorry, my daughter. I’m eternally and extremely sorry. I don’t deserve your forguveness.” Thorn muttered, and Sylvia couldn’t hold herself from bursting into more tears.

Felix has been beside her all this time without her knowing. Her mafiosos kept dying frequently in her empire, and she’s lost about 50% of them. Her empire has again crumbled due to her negligence, and to top it all… She fell madly in love with Felix. Is there anything more that could go wrong?

She remembered the oath she took with Godmother Emerald, and her words resounded in her head.

” I swear to never fall in love in my life. If I do, may I suffer a horrible death.” She remembered her oath to Godmother Emerald, she gave out an ear-piercing scream.

She fell on her knees, and held her chest tightly as her heart hurted badly. She gasped hotly for breath, and she spat out blood.

” Sylvia!!!” Shadow screamed and ran to her.

He sat down and placed her head on hís lap, holding her head gently as she kept spitting out more blood. She was seriously scaring him to death.

” Sylvia, stop this! Stop what you’re doing! You’re scaring me!” He shouted.

Her blood ran down her mouth and touched his hands. He started to cry helplessly.

” I know what’s happening to her. She has a rare heart disease that runs in my family. I once had it too when I was around her age, and it only shows its symptoms like this when the subject is being too excited, scared or even shocked.” Thorn explained.

” Then what’s the cure? Tell us the cure fast before something else happens! I can’t lose her a second time!” Felix shóuted tragically, and tears rolled down Thorn’s eyes.

” There’s no cure.” He replied, and Felix felt his whole world crash.

He slowly turned back to Sylvia with wide, terrified eyes in speechlessness.

” Dad… Am I really going to die like this? Is there no solution for me?” Sylvia asked weakly, but Thorn couldn’t reply and kept sobbing silently.

” You won’t die. You’ll never die as long as I’m here. You’re going nowhere.” Felix said seriously and held her face. She smiled weakly at him.

” I guess this is my punishment for falling in love with a lucky bastard like you. You made me fall really hard.” She said.

” I’m so sorry it had to be this way.” Shadow said pitifully. Despite the blood in her mouth, she spat it out and kissed him ironically… One last time.

” I have one last wish… In case anything happens to me.” She said after breaking the kiss.

” Just tell me what it is and stop acting like you’re going to die. I tíld you you’re going nowhere.” He replied.

” The crown I have in my room… Promise to wear it for me at all times. It’s yours.” She uttered wíth her last breath, and like that… Her eyes closed permanently and she stopped breathing.

Felix’s skin froze and went pale on seeing her go limp. His heartbeats quickened as he went insane.

” Sylvia, no!!! Sylvia, stop!!! Come back to me!!!” He screamed, but nothing happened. She was dead and gone.

” No!!!!” He screamed painfully, facing the sky as his voice echoed disturbingly.

Soon after, Thorn suddenly screamed and went down, holding his chest. He started gasping and spat out blood, just lile Sylvia.

Before any of them could touch him, he stopped breathing and died immediately. Felix felt like going crazy as he looked at the two dead bodies in the room.

Black fell weakly on his knees with a heavy heart. Wendy just stayed still and cried madly on her spot. Everything is her fault afterall.

TBC. To Be Continued.

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