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Friday, October 18, 2024
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{Love Intoxicated…}

By, Ella N.

Do Not Copy, Fôol❗❗



♡´・ᴗ・`♡THE MYERS BLOÕD・ᴗ・`♡

“Where is she? Where’s my daughter? Goddàmmit! What happened to my little girl?” Frustrated and panicking Jerome is seen running into the reception room like a madman. Janella and some of Jerome’s body guards who helped in bringing little Dee here, can also be seen around in the reception room.

The hospital they rushed little Desiree to isn’t actually their private hospital, it’s a different one.

The family hospital is farther than this one. So since this was an emergency, Janella saw no reason to go any farther than this, especially not when Desiree’s life was at stake. The hospital is among the best when mentioning good hospitals after all, so what’s the point?

And again, Janella didn’t wait for Jerome to come home before taking the little girl to the hospital because she didn’t know for how long it’d take him before he comes. So she did what she thought was right.

However, she texted Jerome the address of the hospital she took Desiree to.

She has been sobbing since from home. How this little girl just passed out in her arms is something that is still playing in her head like it is actually repeating itself over and over.

The sudden itches, rashes and all….oh, Lord! Is someone kidding her right now?

It happened so fast, so fast that she feels like this is just a deja vu.

Why won’t she think that way? Because what’s all this $h|t?!

What if they start pointing fingers at her? What if they start thinking she’s behind this because she was the only one with Desiree and the fact that she also ate from the Pastrami, but Desiree is the only one who is in that condition right now, is what is scaring her so much.

Would Jerome think that way? That she can actually harm his daughter?

Does he trust her? Even though they’ve not known each other for so long? Would he really believe her?

“Jerome!” Janella called with teary eyes when she saw him rush in. She got up from where she was sitting and went closer to to him, a bit scared though that Jerome might push her away.

Why is she even scared when she knows she’s innocent and totally confused?

Well, you can’t blame her. This is somebody’s child they are talking about here.
A little innocent girl at that, one whom Jerome cherishes so much and would do anything to protect her, even if it means kìlling someone.

Subconsciously, Janella hugged Jerome before she could stop herself from doing so.

She thought he’d push her away, but he didn’t. He was calm a bit instead.

“Janella? What did you say happened to Desiree?” Jerome asked, trying so much to control his breath but it wasn’t working. Even though he felt a bit calm, his breathing was still high.

“I don’t know….I don’t even know how to explain it because I am so confused right now” Janella said, throwing her hands in frûstration.

Anyway, she explained to Jerome everything that happened and Jerome frowned.

“What else did she eat apart from the Pastrami?” Jerome asked calmly, but that frown and confused look was still on his face.

Janella was so happy that he was overreacting like she thought he would. She even thought he’d start giving him attitude or start blaming her already for being careless and all.

“Nothing. She didn’t even get to drink water before the itching and all that started” Janella explained and he frowned more.

“And….you also ate the food, but nothing happened?” Jerome asked like a detective interrogating a criminal. Janella nodded and Jerome shut his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose.

He’s not even sure of what to say because the doctor is yet to say what caused it. If the food was poìsoned or not.

But his mind right now is not thinking that Desiree must have been poìsoned. After listening to what Janella explained to him, his mind is thinking about something else.

They were still talking when the doctor walked out of the ward that little Dee is in.

In a swift, Jerome was the first to rush to him even though the doctor was actually coming to them, but Jerome just couldn’t wait anymore.

“How’s my baby girl, Doctor?….is she alright? What caused her sudden itches and red spots? Was she poìsoned?” Jerome bombarded the doctor with questions. The doctor placed his hand on Jerome’s shoulder.

“Calm down, Mr……”

“Jerome….” Jerome quickly cut in.

“Mr. Jerome. You must be the little girl’s father” The doctor said, and Jerome replied with a yes.

“I see. Your daughter is absolutely alright, there’s nothing to worry about. You see, she just ate food she’s allergic to, that’s what caused the itches and red spots” The doctor said, still with his hand on Jerome’s body. Jerome finally let out a sigh of relief since he got in here.

Janella whose heart had been hanging in the air finally touched the ground when she heard what the doctor just said.

Jerome on the other hand looked confused.

“Um, doctor….she’s been eating that same food all this while but nothing as such has ever happened. She has never been in that condition after eating, so why that all of a sudden?” Jerome asked keenly, taking in short deep breath.

“Mr. Jerome, your daughter got sudden allergies from the food. Do wh@ťěver you can to make sure she doesn’t eat the food anymore, else what happened to her right will keep repeating itself” The doctor said, and Jerome nodded.

“Thank you doctor. Can we….see her now?” He asked and the doctor gave them the go ahead.

“But we’ll need to do a blôod transfusion after that. She lost a little blôod, that’s the cause of her passing out” The doctor told Jerome.

“Okay doctor, I’ll see you in your office soon” He said and with that, he and Janella left for Desiree’s ward.


Even though the doctor said Desiree was fine, Jerome was devastated and heartbroken when he entered the ward and saw his little daughter that way. Those red spots on her body are what is even breaking him most.

Janella said she was crying which means she was in pains.

Just how much pain was she in before she was brought here?

“I’m sorry you had to go through this, baby girl. But don’t worry you’re okay and….daddy is here now. Everything is fine now, hmm?” Jerome smiled, planting a forehead kiss on Desiree.

He held her small left hand and began to rub it whilst staring at her face like Desiree was actually going to disappear out of his sight if he stopped staring at her like that.

“I’m sorry little princess. You scared me so much, Dee and I was so confused on what to do” Janella who had been quiet finally spoke as she sat on a chair that was near Desiree’s bed.

“Thank you, Janella” Jerome then turned to Janella and said.

Janella only smiled and nodded. Her phone dinged that moment and she checked it immediately.

It’s a text from Lenora.

~Hey, Babes….Are You Home? Alexa And I Are Coming Over~

She read the text and she smiled, but texted back and told her that she’s not home at the moment. Maybe they can come later in the day.

Anyway, her friends were cool with it, but they just couldn’t wait to see her already.

“Jerome…goodness gracious!” They both suddenly heard a voice and Janella saw a middle aged woman rushing into the ward, and the stare began.

She looked at Jerome, then at the woman and back at Jerome with a frown.

“Mom!” Jerome immediately called as he smiled wide, happy to see that his mom was here already.

Wow! That’s his mom?! Now that explains the resemblance and now she knows where Jerome’s handsomeness comes from. And even little cute Desiree’s cuteness.

Wait, did she just say “Jerome’s handsomeness?”Oops!

“What happened to my grand daughter? Oh goodness! Look at her skin” Mrs. Myers said, her voice breaking as she ran her hands over Desiree’s skin. “What happened to her, Jerome?” Mrs. Myers asked again in worries.

She immediately sat on little Desiree’s bed and placed a hand on her forehead, then she began to brush her soft silky hair to the back.

“You aren’t saying anything Jerome, what exactly happened to her?” She asked again, taking her eyes off little Dee to look at Jerome. It was then that she saw Janella too and Janella immediately greeted her respectfully and Mrs. Myers greeted her back warmly with a friendly smile.

“Desiree is fine, mom. The doctor said she just got sudden allergies from the food she ate” Jerome told her.

“Sudden allergies? What did she eat?” Mrs. Myers asked calmly, putting down the handbag she was still carrying. She turned back to look at Desiree, feeling bad for the little girl.

“Well, she ate Pastrami and that’s what she reacted to”

“Wait….she got allergic to Pastrami? How? That’s….strange”

“I know mom, it’s really strange because she’s been eating that since like forever” Jerome said as he ran his hand through his hair. He and his mom both sighed at the same time.

Silence reigned for few seconds before Mrs. Myers eyes went back to Janella who was now busy on her phone.

“Who’s this beautiful lady, Jerome?” She asked and Jerome whose mind wasn’t with them anymore was suddenly jolted back to reality.

He was seriously thinking about his little angel and when she’d wake up.

Even Janella suddenly looked up when she heard the question being asked.

“Oh, she’s….well, my….” Jerome turned to look at Janella who quickly looked away. “She’s my….

“Desiree’s nanny, ma” Janella quickly cut in before Jerome could say wh@ťěver he wanted to say.

With the way he was thinking of what to say, Janella knew he was going to say something crazy as always.

Anyway, Jerome chuckled lowly, their eyes met and they began talking in sign language.

“Really?!” Jerome threw his hands in a questioning way.

“What?!” Janella raised her shoulders, questioningly even frowning her face.

“Come hug daddy, hmm?” Jerome opened his arms a little wide and even gave Janella a wink. Janella chuckled, shook her head then gave him a middle finger and Jerome chuckled again but a little loud this time.

Unknown to the both of them, Mrs. Myers has been watching them right from the very beginning of the short dramatic play.

“So….you’re the nanny Dee has been talking about so much each time she speaks with me on the phone?”

Janella was surprised, but she smiled regardless.

“Thank you for taking care of my grand child….Miss Ella” Mrs. Myers smiled.

Wow! She already even told her grandmother the “Miss Ella” name?

This girl….this little Dee.


All the maids, chefs and everyone who works inside the mansion can be seen all lined up in a long row.

Jerome had to quickly rush home to ask them questions. Only Janella and Mrs. Myers are in the hospital with little Dee right now. Bianca is still at work, though she’d be at the hospital soon.

Some of them are seen shaking so terribly, especially those who prepared the food that Desiree ate.

The only thing they’re thinking of right now is that Jerome is going to fire them because they know how he doesn’t joke with his daughter.

Someone who h@ťěs it when he comes back and sees that Desiree hasn’t taken her bath even when he knows that’s actually not thier job?

And now his daughter is in that condition because she ate the food they prepared?

Oh Lord! He’s so gonna fire them and it might not even end there!

Seeing him walk out of the entrance door to where all of them stood, their hearts began to beat fast.

“Who prepared the food my daughter ate?” Jerome immediately asked as he finally got to them.

Those in charge of cooking quickly stepped forward.

“We did, sir. And I personally did the supervision” Lucie the head maids was the one who spoke on behalf of the others.

Aside the fact that she’s the head maids, Lucie is another worker in the mansion that Jerome trusts his daughter with, though not 100%.

Jerome didn’t say anything, he only took s deep breath and was quiet for a moment before he spoke again.

“So….why did you change the ingredients? Did you add anything else you’ve never added to the food before? Because I don’t understand a thing here”

“Nothing was added, sir and nothing was left out either. The food was prepared the same way it has always been prepared this whole time”

“Who served her food?” Jerome asked immediately, almost cutting Lucie off because she barely finished talking before he asked the next question.

“I served the food, Master” Yet again, Lucie was the one who answered the question.

“Go back to your duty posts” He said and thier hearts that were in the air right that moment instantly landed on the ground, and some of them made signs of the Cross. “But I’m not done with you yet” He added before leaving.

“Yes, Master” They all said in unison, bowing thier heads. The moment Jerome was out of sight, the gossip began and some started talking about Janella.

Most of them even saying she must have added something to Desiree’s food.

“I can see you all don’t love your job anymore and you really are ready to leave this mansion. If Master happens to hear you say what you’re saying right now, trust me. He wouldn’t just fire you, but make your lives miserable. Get back to work now, gossips!” She scolded, and some of them scurried off immediately, while others rolled eyes and hissed before leaving.


Janella is seen walking through the hall way, trying to look for the restroom to go ease herself out.

She bádly needs to go, but she doesn’t seem to know where the restroom is and no one is even around to show her the way.

“Oh shocks! I hope I don’t pee on my body before I find that darn restroom!” She cussed, walking as fast as she could go nowhere exactly.

She continued to walk and at last, she saw a Nurse and she heaved a sigh of relief before speaking.

“Hello Nurse, please could you show me the way to the restroom? I really need to go right now!” She said, smiling sheepishly.

The Nurse who was supposed to tell her where the restroom is, was looking at Janella in shocks instead. Her heart beating so fast like she has just seen a ghost.

She blinked severely as if she was not seeing clearly.

“Um, hello….? Are you there, Miss Nurse?” Janella asked, waving her hand at her as the stare was becoming creepy and weird.

Shaking her head like someone who just got out of a trance, the Nurse immediately apologized.

“I’m so sorry….please the rest is that way” She said, letting out a short smile.

“Thank you so much” Janella said and quickly left.

Okay! What was that all about?

Why was the Nurse staring at her absentmindedly like that?

These were Janella’s questions as she thought about what just happened a second ago.

Meanwhile, the Nurse was still in shocks, still looking at the direction Janella went.


“She’s still not awake?” Jerome asked as he walked back into the ward.

“She isn’t. How did it go back at the mansion?” Mrs. Myers asked.

Jerome sighed and sat down on the chair he was sitting on before he left for the mansion.

“I am just so frustrated, mom. I don’t know why my baby girl would suddenly become allergic to what she loves most and has been eating it all the time” Jerome said, roughening his hair a little.

He was still like that when something popped up in his head, and he called his mom immediately.

“Mom! I know this may sound crazy but….what if Desiree’s allergies aren’t just any allergies?” Jerome asked, confusing his mom and confusing himself as well.

“What are you saying, Jerome?” Mrs. Myers asked, her bros curved in confusion.

“Mom, I remember dad told us about this hereditary thingy. He said his dad told him how he suddenly became allergic to this same Pastrami when he was three years plus, right?

“Same thing happened to Blake’s mom when she was that age, mom. Then you also told me how I suddenly became allergic to the same food when I was three years plus, and I stopped eating it since then. Now Desiree is three years plus, mom and same thing has happened to her” Jerome explained and his mom’s mouth was left wide open.

“Wait, you remember all that?” Mrs. Myers asked unbelievably, even smiling.

“Yes, mom”

What the?!

“Okay. So what exactly are you trying to say right now?” Mrs. Myers then asked.

“What I am trying to say is that….what if Desiree is not just an adopted daughter of mine? What if she’s actually the Myers blôod?

“What if Desiree is my blôod, mom? My actual and biological daughter?” Jerome asked and….

“Wait, what?!…..


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