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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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{Love Intoxicated…}

By, Ella N.

Do Not Copy, Fôol❗❗


♡´・ᴗ・`♡KISS YOU HARD♡´・ᴗ・`♡


“So? Did mother agree for you to go visit?” Mrs. Hills who just walked in to join her husband in the living room, asked as she sat near him.

“She….” Mr. Hills paused and sighed. He finds it difficult and even feels ashamed to say it.

These whole years, he didn’t even know Janella lost her baby, and he shamelessly and embarrassingly asked if he could visit so he could see his grandchild.

“Mom said Janella lost the baby immediately he was born” Janella’s dad told his wife, and she became speechless for a moment.

Wait, Janella lost the baby? And….oh goodness! It was a baby boy?

He would have been the first boy in the family since she only has girls, that’s Janella and Abbey.

She just couldn’t believe what she just heard her husband say.

Janella might indeed never forgive them!

Meanwhile, Abbey who was walking and heading to the kitchen to go get something for herself, overhead what her dad said and she instantly stood still on her spot.

She couldn’t believe that the niece/nephew she had been waiting to see all this while already dìed long ago. What the hell?!

Her poor big sister….only God knows the kind of pains her sister has gone through all this while. Oh Lord!

“Yeah, I guess and I believe you two are happy, right?” Abbey asked, sarcastically chuckling. And it was then that her parents realized she was actually standing there.

They immediately turned to look at her, but Abbey began to walk away, going back to where she came from. She didn’t even want to take what she came for anymore as she felt very bad for Janella, and she was broken as well.

“I hatê you two!” Was all they heard her say before she was completely out of their sight.


“Hello?” The unknown person’s voice was heard at the other end of the call.

The person on the other end answered, and that gave the unknown the go ahead. So, the person proceeded with the talk.

“So? What did you tell him?” The unknown asked, sounding very serious.

“Well, I told him what he wanted to hear. I told him what I have always been telling him” The other person replied.

The unknown kept quiet for some seconds before deciding to speak again.

“Great! Always tell him that and don’t forget to do what you are ought to do” The unknown said and the call was disconnected afterwards.


Just like Jerome’s house, his father’s house (he’s late now though).

The house has many guards and maids and male workers, just as many as they are in Jerome’s house.

Unlike the regular domestic workers you’d see most times, the workers here and those in Jerome’s mansion are always dressed in classic uniforms, especially the body guards.

And their salaries? Well, I guess I don’t have to say it.

That’s by the way.

Bianca can be seen outside at the pool, seriously working on her computer. She’s so focused on what she’s doing that someone would pass by and she wouldn’t even notice.

Bianca is Jerome’s elder sister. A very nice and cool lady.

Little Desiree’s best friend. Lol.

Well, let’s just say everyone in Jerome’s family is nice, because even their mom is like that.

Anyway, Bianca is a workholic who prefers her job to getting married.

Her mom has waited for that day Bianca will say I’m ready to get married until she’s tired already.

She doesn’t have any serious relationship to even begin with.

Anyway, Bianca is an engineer, but she also handles one of her dad’s Companies.

See? That’s a lot of work for her. She’s just like Jerome who is juggling so many things all at a time.

“Bianca, I’ve told you to stop over working yourself” Mrs. Meyers who is seen walking towards Bianca, said.

“I can’t help it, mom, just gat to get the work done” Bianca replied and her mom could only shake her head.

“You always “gat to get the work done”, Bianca. You say that all the time. I don’t want you looking very old before you even decide to get married….

“Here we go again” Bianca chuckled as she paused what she was doing just to look at her mom.

She signaled a male servant that was passing by and he immediately came.

“Please get me a glass of juice. Thank you….” Bianca dragged the last word.

“Yes, ma’am” The male servant said as he smiled and bowed before he left to go do what he was asked to do.

“You need to rest, Bianca. You see work? It never finishes, so stop stressing yourself too much, I know I’m just wasting my voice, but I wish you’d just take a break. You’re here doing yours, and your brother is there doing his. Goodness!” Mrs. Meyers said and Bianca could only chuckle.

“Mom, we’ll take a break when necessary” Was all that Bianca replied before returning to what she was doing.

“I need to visit them soon, I miss them, especially my little girl” Bianca said, whilst typing very fast on the computer.

“Like you’d even create the time to go visit them. Little Dee bàdly wanted to see you the other day they visited” Mrs. Meyers said.

Biancia only sighed.
“Thank you” She said to the male servant who already brought her juice for her.

“Mom, Jerome told me he visited the hospital….

“I hope my baby is alright?” Mrs. Meyer quickly cut in, worried about her poor son already.

“He’s fine, mom, it’s just the usual coughing and blòod” Bianca replied, closing her computer this time as she sipped a little of her juice, before putting it down on the stool beside her.

“My poor son, he’s too young for all this and hasn’t really seen much….” Mrs. Meyers couldn’t talk more, because she was starting to shed tears.

Bianca on the other hand, her head was bent low.

“I just wish there was a cure for this, mom. This is just too much for my brother alone.


Slowly, she turned like a robot to look at the daddy that Desiree just screamed.

The moment her Wolfy face showed, Jerome couldn’t hold it….he just let it all out loudly…

Janella still stood frozen while she watched the crazy psycho laugh at her. She was boiling hotly inside and felt like looking for a whip to go do him Justice right there and at that moment he was laughing like a maniac.

Desiree quickly ran to her dad and started pulling him.

“Stop laughing at Miss, daddy” She said, still trying to pull him.

After the maniac had laughed to his satisfaction, his laugh slowly dìed down and he cleared his throat, then his gaze fell on Janella.

Funny how she was still standing there in that costume, instead of taking them off.

“Are you done?” Janella suddenly asked as she gently took off the Wolfy head first, revealing her face. Jerome almost burst out laughing again as her angry face came to view, but he just held it back.

He doesn’t wanna be flogged with a whip!

“Did you see us, daddy? Miss Ella was so scary….” Little Desiree dragged the word “scary” as she shone her eyes, trying to tell her dad how scary Miss Ella actually looked.

She began to giggle as she stared at Janella who smiled at her, but when she turned to look at Jerome, she kept that angry look. And Jerome could only chuckle inwardly.

“Miss Ella is such a good actress, isn’t she?” Jerome asked as he squats to little Desiree’s level. He then carried her afterwards, kissing her hair and forehead and the little girl smiled and kissed her daddy’s forehead too.

Janella’s heart melted instantly as she stood and watched that beautiful and heart warming moment.

She didn’t even know when she started smiling.

This guy may be crazy and annoying, but he really does love his daughter. It’s actually rare to see this kind of father’s love.

And the little girl on the other hand loves her dad very much too.

But where is her mom?
What happened to her?
Did she abandon this cute little girl and ran away, leaving her alone with Jerome to take care of?

She has seen a photo inside this room( Desiree’s room), a photo of a lady that is hung on the wall. Could that be her mom? Because Desiree kind of looks like her.

If yes, then what really happened to her?

“How are you, my princess?” Jerome asked, smiling at his daughter as he was still carrying her like a baby.

“I’m very…..tired, daddy and I think Miss Ella is also tired. I think she needs a forehead kiss and hug too, daddy” Desiree said and both Jerome and Janella choked on their spits.

Wait, what?!!!!!

Is this little girl crazzzzy!! Like, what the f_ck?!!

Who told her that she needs a hug or a f.u.c.king what?!!

These were Janella’s crazy inward questions, swimming in high tides as she couldn’t believe this girl at all.

Maybe accepting this job was a bad idea after all.

“Sorry, Daddy….sorry Miss Ella….Are you okay? I can get you water to make you feel better” Little Desiree said. She tried to wiggle her body out of Jerome’s arms to go get the water, but Jerome didn’t let her.

“Don’t worry, princess, Miss Ella is fine, and so am I, hmm?” Jerome said and Desiree nodded innocently.

If looks they say, could actually kìll. Jerome would be in his six feet right now, because the dangerous glares Janella was giving him were glares you don’t want to look twice. Your eyes might even go blind as a matter of fact.

Jerome actually likes what Desiree said he should do to Miss Ella. Only he and his God knows the atoms of joy swimming in excitement in his heart right that moment.

They were even wearing sunglasses and hats as they enjoyed themselves, feeling so happy.

This daughter of his will never cease to amaze him and she never fails. She’s always making him proud and happy.

He alone knows how much he wants to scream out loud in excitement.

Geez! He’ll not only hug Janella, but kiss….what?

So cool! Another dream come true!

“So….are you going to make her feel better too, daddy?” Desiree asked, her voice sounding so innocent.

Janella held her breath for a moment as she coulndn’t believe this girl!

To think she had forgotten already and there wasn’t going to be any stùpid hug or kiss.

And she thought Jerome was crazy, not knowing he’s actually just Desiree’s apprentice.

If only this little girl knows the kind of World Wàr II she’s trying to create, then she wouldn’t be persisting.

“I definitely will, baby girl. She’s been a good-bàd wolf, right? So I think she deserves to feel better” Jerome smirked, staring at Janella who gave him that “I will kìll you!” sign again, but the way she did it this time, Jerome could already see himself in a càsket.

However, the little wìtch never gave up.

To be honest, the innocent girl actually just wants Janella to feel better too, just the same way she felt when her dad kìssed her forehead.

Nothing more than that. They are the ones thinking nónsense and taking it too serious.

“Come here, Miss Ella, my daddy will make you feel better” Desiree who finally got down from her dad, went to Janella and gently pulled her by the hand.

Janella followed the little girl like she was suddenly hypnotized and was now acting against her own body.

Finally, Desiree pulled her until they reached where Jerome stood and the crazy guy didn’t waste any second.

He immediately hugged Janella, kissing her forehead whilst he hugged her.

Jerome shut his eyes tight as he felt the sensation of that hug, and his lips actually touching Janella’s skin.

d@mn!! The craziest feeling ever!

It felt like this moment should never ever end. It should just keep going and going.

However, Janella who was acting like one who got hypnotized, suddenly pulled Jerome back just when he was about to break the hug.

She wìckedly began to pinch his back, even whispering in his ear, adding to the already hot fire.

“I told you I was gonna kìll you, right?” She said, pinching his back again, as she tightly held Jerome to herself.

“This is for laughing at me” She whispered and pinched him hard, causing him to flinch a little.

What kind of a wícked wìtch with no mèrcy is this?

Wait, does this Janella remember he’s actually her boss now?

What kind of employee does this to his/her boss?!

“And this is for…..

She was about to whisper something to him again, then pinch him afterwards, but…

“If you pinch me again, Janella, I’m gonna kiss your lips so hard and deep, right here and right now. I won’t mind that Desiree is here….


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