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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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🍒 **DEVA** 🍒

I couldn’t resist the urge to continually touch my lips throughout the day, the sensation of his kiss lingering as a tantalizing memory. It felt almost surreal, like a dream I feared would vanish upon waking.

“You seem to be drifting off, Princess Deva,” Dariana’s gentle reminder pulled me back to reality as she carefully passed the baby into my arms.

“Apologies,” I murmured, my attention immediately drawn to the tiny bundle nestled against me.

“You’re her guidance mother” Dariana announced, her words carrying a weight that left me momentarily speechless.

“Truly?” I gasped, the significance of the role hitting me like a sudden wave.

“Yes, indeed,” Dariana affirmed, her eyes reflecting both solemnity and trust in equal measure. I couldn’t help but marvel at the responsibility that Paula had entrusted to me.

“And her name?” I inquired softly, already feeling a sense of connection to the child.

“Paula didn’t have the chance to give her a name before she passed,” Dariana explained with a touch of sadness in her voice.

“And what of Javox?” I suggested, recalling Paula’s husband with a pang of sympathy.

“Javox is still grappling with his grief,” Dariana replied with a sigh. “He’s in no state to make such decisions or provide proper care for her.”

My gaze shifted to the baby in my arms, her innocent features a poignant reminder of the woman who had sacrificed everything for her. She bore a striking resemblance to Paula, and my heart ached at the thought of the void left in her life.

“Paula,” I whispered, the name forming on my lips with a newfound determination. “Her name shall be Paula, and from this day forth, I shall take care of her.”

“Are You out of your mind or what?” Maze’s voice cut through the air like a blade.

“It’s not simply a matter of urge,” I responded firmly, staying strong in my decision despite her uncertainty. “This child is more than just anyone. She is Paula’s legacy, the one who saved my life. I owe it to Paula to ensure her daughter’s well-being.”

“But she has a father,” Maze interjected, her tone tinged with frustration.

“Maze,” Lucifer’s voice intervened, His voice firm, yet gentle.

“Let it go,” he urged, His words gently scolded Maze, making her briefly stop objecting. With a frustrated sigh, she retreated, leaving only Lucifer and me in the wake of her departure.

“I only want what’s best for her,” I confessed, the weight of guilt bearing down on me like a heavy burden.

“I can’t shake the feeling that I was the cause of Paula’s demise”

As Lucifer approached, a beacon of comfort in the darkness, I felt his presence envelop me.

“Shh,” he murmured softly, his voice a gentle caress against my ear.

“It wasn’t your fault. Paula made her choice.” With a tender gesture, he pressed a kiss to my furrowed brow, a silent promise of understanding and support.

“Together, we will ensure that Paula’s daughter is cared for and loved.” That was the best thing that I have heard today.

But as I nestled into his embrace, seeking refuge from the storm of emotions, a vivid flashback seized my senses. I relived the moment when Paula fell, the agony of helplessness washing over me anew. Trembling, I clung to Lucifer, my tears a silent testament to the pain within.

“I just saw Paula,” I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper, the weight of grief pressing down upon me. “I saw her fall.”

Gently, Lucifer brushed away my tears, his touch a balm to my wounded spirit.

“Everything will be alright,” he whispered, his words a lifeline in the darkness. Pulling back slightly, he met my gaze with unwavering reassurance. And as his lips met mine in a tender kiss, I felt a glimmer of hope amidst the despair, a beacon of light cutting through the shadows.

“We’re going to hell tomorrow,” he said, prompting me to lift my head and meet his gaze.

“Maybe seeing more of hell will help you remember more,” I nodded, nestling my head back onto his chest, finding comfort in his embrace.

His presence was more comforting than the softness of the bed itself.

“Are you hungry?” he asked gently.

“Mm,” I hummed in agreement.

“Okay, I’ll get some food for you,” he promised, releasing me from our hug before leaving the room.

A gentle smile crept onto my lips as I thought about the gradual improvement in our situation. Each day brought a flicker of memory, giving me hope for full recollection.

“Deva,” a familiar voice called out, causing me to turn towards the sound. My mother stood at the far end of the room, her appearance disheveled, dressed in rags. I hadn’t seen her since…

“Mother,” I breathed, a mix of surprise and relief washing over me as I approached her.

“Deva, thank goodness,” she said, tears welling up in her eyes.

“Why are you crying?” I asked, concern evident in my voice.

“I feared the worst for you, my dear. I thought they had done something terrible to you,” she confessed, her trembling hand reaching out to touch my cheek. Seeing my mother in such distress was unsettling.

“I’m okay, Mother,” I reassured her, my voice filled with sincerity.

“Their actions are unforgivable. They waged war against us and won, taking control of the Devona kingdom. They mercilessly took the lives of your grandmother, Paula, and Marvan. Everything they’ve told you is a lie, designed to manipulate you,” she revealed, her anguish palpable. Despite my doubts, her words struck a chord.

But what about the fleeting memories that haunted me? What did they mean?

“We must flee before they return, or they’ll end my life,” she pleaded, desperation evident in her voice as she tried to pull me along. But I resisted.

“No, Mother,” I protested, gently pulling away from her grasp.

“What’s troubling you, Deva?” she asked softly, attempting to hide her frustration.

“I can’t bring myself to believe you,” I admitted, uncertainty clouding my thoughts. Yet, her smile betrayed an ulterior motive.

“That’s why I have plan B,” she declared, casting a spell that sent me into a deep slumber.


A smirk played on Lucifer’s lips as he approached Deva’s chambers, a tray of food in hand. Despite her incomplete memory, he found comfort in her growing trust.

“I brought your favorite…” Lucifer’s voice trailed off as he swung open the door, only to be met with a scene that halted him in his tracks.

The tray of food slipped from his grasp, its contents scattering across the floor in a chaotic mess as he rushed into the chambers.

His eyes narrowed to slits, a primal instinct taking hold as he caught the unmistakable scent of Devina lingering in the air.

“What game is Devina trying to play?” Lucifer seethed through gritted teeth, his anger boiling over at the realization of her deception.

“I WILL ki|| DEVINA THE NEXT TIME I SEE HER!” he roared, his voice echoing through the chamber with a promise of retribution.


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