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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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♤Chapter four♤



” She literally said she would marry him, she just met him once” Jon complained.

“Mom said you marry someone if you want to spend the rest of your life with them” Now she’s using my words against me.

” Well duh, you just met the guy today, mom have you seen the guy she calls handsome, d@mn you have a low IQ”

Okay, this is like my everyday routine, always trying to stop these two from fighting. I breathe out in frustration.

” Iris you don’t talk to a stranger”.

“Yeah, I told her” I gave Jon a Stern look.

” Don’t let me start with you young man” I point at Jon.

I turned to Iris who looked like she was about to cry.

” He doesn’t feel like a stranger, I like him mom, he is so kind” she murmured and Jon scoffed.

” I know baby but he is a stranger, you’re a child, he can take you away and I won’t see you again, your brother will miss you”. I tried to console her but you know Jon

” Miss you? God no…..”.

” Mama” Iris cried out. Jon rolled his eyes.

” Apologize now” I gave Jon a warning look.

” I’m sorry but I won’t be there when he takes you away just be careful” he frowned looking at his sister who quickly smiled.

” I know you cared about me” Iris giggles.

” Don’t talk to him,m okay, we don’t know if he is a bad man”. Iris grumbles.

” He is a good man”.

” How do you know that?” Jon chipped in.

” Because……” Iris paused.

” You see nothing, ng,” Jon said.

” No no, he is very handsome” Iris smiled.

” Uhm, that’s the only reason why you think he is good?” I asked and she nodded.

” And he has a nice smile too”.

” O…Kay,” Jon said in disgust.

” Okay, let’s end this discussion here, you have school tomorrow and I have work, Iris Don’t just talk to strangers and Jon Don’t be rude” I warned both of them and they both nodded their heads slowly.

I kissed their cheeks but not without Jon scowling me. Little devil.

” Goodnight baby” I kissed Iris’s forehead. I walked to Jon’s bed before kissing their forehead too. This boy is growing so fast and it gives me chills most times, especially when he rejects my kisses and the nicknames I call him. He is still my baby though.

” Dream about me” I jokingly said to Jon.

” Pls noooo” he exclaimed and we both laughed. I wonder how he took Jarden’s character so much but have never met him. Jarden didn’t stay with me during the pregnancy or even know about the kids but it seems his genes did a lot more than mine.

I took my phone from my nightstand when I heard a chirp. Lucas’s name popped up.


Hi, beautiful.

A smile crept on my face when saw the text.


Hey 😂


Uhm, can I call you?


Yh sure.

My phone started ringing almost immediately.

” Hi”

” Hey,” we both said almost immediately and we ended up laughing.

” How are the kids?” He asked.

” They’re fine, how are you?”. Lord knows the call was becoming awkward.

” I’m good, do you have any plans tomorrow?”.

” Yh, I have work”. ” But I’m free on Saturday though” I quickly said.

” Yh yh”.

Okay, that call with Lucas was awkward at first but we quickly adapted and then talked about a lot of things.

I slept off after the long talk I had with Lucas.


” Why do we have to go to school anyway” Jon grumbles as he packs his backpack.

” Because… you would not be as smart as you are now” Jon rolled his eyes.

” I don’t need to go to school to be smart, right Iris,” Jon asked Iris who looked at us cluelessly. Okay, she was not listening to our conversation.

” Yh, she needs to go to school to be smart though because she is dumb” Job said.

” I’m not dumb” Iris defended.

” I don’t need to study to pass you” Ugh he has too much pride.

” Wh@ťěver” Iris murmurs before carrying her purple bag.

” Remember, don’t talk to that man, okay, what’s his name anyways?”

” His name?” She asks before gasping

” I didn’t get his name” she mumbled.

” I will ask him today”.

” I said don’t talk with him at all” I scolded.

” See what I’m talking about, she is dumb” Iris eyed Jon before smacking him on his head.

” You’re such a bully” Jon rolled his eyes.

” Don’t fight, you both stress the living h*ll out of me every day”.

” Curse words” Iris murmurs.

“Mom, you said a curse word, do I have to say one pls?” Jon smiled looking at me with so much hope. Okay out of everything I said about them stressing me, they only heard the curse words.

” I’m sorry, okay, and Jon” I point at him.

” You don’t get to say a curse word, I will know if you curse, I can feel it”. That is the lie I always tell them so they won’t say any curse words. Okay, I know Iris wouldn’t but Jon. Hell no.

They were breakfast and I drove them to school, not without telling the teachers to keep an eye on Iris so she wouldn’t talk to that creepy man or wh@ťěver he was.


” My brother snitched on me, now I’m banned from talking to you” Jarden stared at the little girl in front.

” Why?” He asked and she sighed.

” Because my mom said you might be a bad man and you’re a stranger but I like you anyways”. Jarden smiled again before touching her cheeks.

“Yeah it’s not good to talk with strangers, Don’t ever do it again, most of them are bad guys” Jarden warned.

” Does that mean you are a bad guy?” She asked cluelessly.

” Me? No, I’m not” Jarden laughed and she laughed too.

” Can you please talk to my mom, I don’t want to stop talking to you” Jarden stared at the little girl in surprise, he didn’t expect that she would like him.

” How can I talk with her?” He asks.

” I know her number, she made us learn it in case of any emergency”. He brought out his phone.

” The number is 2456…..” She called the number, and then Jarden saved it as “Iris’s mom”.

” I will call her, okay”. Iris was so happy, at least she would get to talk to him every day.

” What’s your name?” Iris asked.

” Jarden” Iris’s eyes widen

“I like your name but can I call you Jared ?”

” Yes sure, anything you want darling”.

Jon stared at his sister and the weird guy from afar, he didn’t know what his sister liked in the man. He didn’t feel like the creepy man was a bad person, it’s just that Iris doesn’t normally disobey their mom but she is doing it now. Why is this guy special?

” Jon, this is Jared” Iris introduced him to the weird guy.

” Your name is awful” Jon said truthfully.

” Says the guy whose name is Jon, that’s plain”. Jon scoffed in annoyance.

” It’s Jon without a H so…. Get that old man”.

Jarden scoffed, the fact he was arguing with this six-year-old was surprising though. But it was fun.

” You’re rude” Jarden said and Jon rolled his eyes.

” Mama always tells him to be nice to people”.

” Not strangers though” Jon chipped in.

” How come your personalities are so different?” Jarden asked jokingly. Iris seems to get the joke but Jon is just paranoid.

” Uhmm because we are different people, God, Iris now I see the reason why you’re talking with this guy, you both are dumb” Jarden mouth widened. He gets that he was a rude guy but this boy is just six.

” Don’t mind him, he acts like this to strangers, he will slowly change when he gets to know you” Iris murmurs to Jarden.

” Not possible” Jon whispered.

” What is my tip again?” Jon asked and Iris sighed.

” My dessert for one day” Iris murmured and Jon frowned.

” Make it three”.

” No, just two” Jon sighed before smiling.

” Nice doing business with you, your secret is safe with me”. Jon smiled. ” But if you get missing, I wouldn’t hesitate to snitch”

Iris nodded before shaking Jon’s stretched hand. She doesn’t even really like lots of desserts so…she didn’t mind. Jarden stared at the siblings, they were so cute.

” And you” Jon points at Jarden. ” My sister is a dumb little girl so don’t take advantage of her kindness or you would have to answer me” Jarden smiled at the little boy’s fierceness.

” Deal” Jarden Mumbled. Jarden stretches his hand to shake the little boy but instead, Jon ignores.

” I don’t shake strangers” Jon said politely for the first time.


The smiles on Jarden’s face didn’t leave until he entered his company. All his workers bent their heads greeting him as he walked to his office.

” Good morning sir” his assistant greeted and Jarden gave her a quick smile.

Lora was shocked, her boss never smiled at her or anything, what happened today?

” What are the reports?” Jarden asked Lora who was almost lost in her world.

” Oh yh yh, you have a meeting with your father today by 11 am” Jarden nodded before dismissing her.

Jarden couldn’t help the smile that crept on his face whenever he thought of the kids. He wasn’t only thinking about Iris but also Jon. The little boy reminds him of himself when he was much younger.

He opened his phone staring at their mother’s number, he was definitely going to call her. He wanted to spend time with the kids and not just be a creepy guy who visited them in school.

It was already 10 and he had to start going to for the meeting. He got to his father’s company in no time. The man Jarden addressed as his father was the man that taken him in seven years ago. Mr GGrey had been his godfather since birth, but something happened between Mr Grey and his supposed father so they stopped talking.

Mr grey makes contact with him though, they used to talk, and even when his mom died, Mr grey and always been there for him.

He became part of Mr grey’s life and even took his last name.

” Dad” Jarden called happily, hugging Mr grey who couldn’t be more happy.

” Son” Mr gGreyhugged Jarden tightly.

Jarden sat down on an empty chair that was beside his dad. And they started about business.

” The file for the construction?” Jarden asked.

” Yeah my assistant went to get it” Jarden nodded and they continued talking.

” The first construction will begin but it seems the site is having a problem so… ” The man was caught short by Kiara who rushed into the conference room.

” I’m so sorry, I didn’t find the file and I got..”

” What the……. ” She was cut short by the exclamation of Jarden.


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