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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Chapter twenty-nine



” Unfortunately for you, No she is my girlfriend” .


I looked at Jarden who I haven’t seen in days. Greg’s eyes widened, while my eyes went round. I was paled.

” Hahahahahaha” Greg laughed out. No this is really funny. It was. I couldn’t help myself but laugh too.

” Hahahahahaha” this is was the most hilarious thing I have heard today. Was I dreaming or what? Jarden claiming that I was his girlfriend. Jarden?. I literally went all white.

” Just f-__-k off bro” Greg chuckled. Jarden tilted his eyes staring at us blankly before sighing.

” Kiara can we talk?” Jarden said.

” No she won’t” Greg replied. Jarden face turn into a scrowl.

” The last time I checked, you were not her boyfriend”.

” We didn’t break up, she can tell you” Greg said

” We all know Kiara can talk for herself” they both turn to look at me. Oh $h|t

Greg was a very wonderful guy and any girl would literally be lucky to have him but that girl is not me. he wasn’t for me, I will always continue to say this all the time, he is too good for me.

Jarden, my opposite, they really do say opposite attracts, Jarden gives mix signals, today he is so loving and the next day he does as if you’re strangers. I get he has gone through a lot and that is too much to take in at once buh he should at least change if he wants a girl to really love him. Although girls fall for him without really knowing his character and studying him.

God knows to choose from both of them was something else, I liked Jarden more obviously but to break Greg’s heart. Ohhh gawd.

” You like him more?” Greg questioned with so much hurt in his voice. I gulp as I looked at him. Ohhh $h|t

” it’s not….”.

” Just don’t” Greg abridged. His eyelid drops .

” He always gets the girls i Ever wanted anyways” he looked at me before nodding his head.

” Just be careful around him, he might end up breaking your precious little heart” he muttered before walking out.

I looked at Jarden who stared right back at me.

” I am sorry about that” he say as he walk towards me.

I could have replied him but I choose not to, Greg was right about Jarden, he keeps on breaking my heart whenever he has the chance to. Is it the kind of guy I want?.

” See I know I f-__-ked up and I regret it a lot, I was just being stupid” he said now standing right in front of me.

” Okay you can ask me wh@ťěver question you want, I promise I will answer you okay” he said calmly this Time.

Any question I want? This is a green pass for me to know him more.

” Uhhhhm we should sit” I suggested and he quickly nods. We both sat on my bed facing each other.

” So….” I paused smacking my lips at the process.

” What did Greg mean when he said you get all the girls he ever wanted?” I asked.

” It’s not like I wanted them back” he said. And I looked at him weirdly.

” Except you obviously” he chuckled.

” He liked Priscilla when we were still in junior high, but she was kind of the wild type of girl, but you Kno I don’t like Priscilla I just use to f_ck her that’s all, and most of the girls he likes just magically likes me, I dunno why though” he explained. I laughed when he said he doesn’t know why. Brooo you’re hot, what do you expect.

” So… You never actually liked a girl?”. I asked. He tilted his eyes for a while before smiling.

” There was one girl though, she is so… Beautiful, she has this brown skin and beautiful brown eyes, f-__-k don’t let me start with how her lips are, it makes me want to kiss her whenever we speak” he described. The way he talked about this mysterious girl made me jealous. She was brown skin, brown eyes. Why does she look like my description.

” She looks segzy when she is jealous though” Jarden smirked.

Hell, this f-__-ker is messing with me. I hit him on his shoulder playfully laughing,. He is a jerk, my jerk. He laugh too. I couldn’t help buh enjoy the ryhmes of his laughter. He was a segzy beast.

We both lay on the bed still staring at each other.

” I can ask you any question right?” I asked touching his chiseled chin slowly.

” Yh” he whispered softly. I really wanted answers, answers about his mom, sister and father, I just wanted to know Everything about him.

” Tell me about your mom and sister, I want to know everything that happened” I said. I was waiting for his expression to change or his body to stiffen but it didn’t and I was glad about it at least he wants to tell me everything.

” A long story though but I will try and make it shorter” he smiled nervously. ” Haven’t told anybody before so… it’s kinda weird” he added. I touched his hands encouraging him.

” My mom no let me start with my sister”.
” She was the most beautiful soul that I have set my eyes on, the day she was born, I never knew that someone could be sooo small and cute, she was my joy, my soul, I couldn’t live without seeing her at least 10 times in a day” he chuckled sadly. The way he described his sister was something else, he must have really cherished her so much.

” She was my favourite person in the world not even my mom, Jake or dad could come between our bond and do you Know that her first word was my name not even mama or dada, it was so exciting that I couldn’t even shut up about it, I went to school announcing to all my friends, the teachers and even school nerds that my sister called my name first”.

” Uhmm I loved my mom too, she was the most caring person that I have ever met, she was really nice, calm and always happy, although she scolds me all the time because I always get into trouble in school”.

” So… We were one Happy family, I was really close with my dad, he talk about a lot of things buhhhh our family problem all started when my dad always had business trip all the Time, he wasn’t spending time with us anymore or Iris my sister. When he finally comes back from the trip either he dive himself at work or he come late at night”.

” My mom started having doubt about my dad faithfulness, so they had a lot of fight about this, not like physical fight, just argue and it was affecting my sister, she was always crying about it, she was just 5 at that time just five”.

” When she was finally doing her 6 years birthday we throw a party for her, obviously as a child you would want your dad to be at your birthday party but that jerk of a father didn’t come, he didn’t f-__-king show up at his daughter 6 years old party instead we found out that my dad visited someone else, that day he went to visit his son, Lucas”.

” That same day was Lucas birthday, he neglected his 6 years old naive child to visit some jerk”.

” My mom found out that he had another son with another woman, a long time ago when she was still pregnant with me. My dad has been cheating on her”.

” The day she found out, she just picked Iris from school and she saw my dad car heading to a place that she doesn’t even Kno, you Know if you are a wife that have been suspecting your husband of cheating you will obviously follow him”.

” But the mistake my mom made was that she carried Iris with her, I wish she never did”.

” So when she got there, she saw my dad kissing a woman with their son beside them, it was so obvious that Lucas was his son because he looked like my dad. My mom got angry about it, she wasn’t really angry about the cheating stuff she was angry that Iris was there to witness it and he had a son with another woman and he didn’t tell her”.

” My dad saw her and he ran to meet her but before he could reach her she rush to her car and drove off”.

” My mom made a terrible mistake that day, a mistake I know she would never forgive herself for, she cried, cried in the car, cried in front of Iris, it was like she forgot that she was driving anymore”.

” And sh-she got into an accident, with my sister inside the car”.

” Iris was just s-six just six Kiara” he break down in tears. This was the first time I was seeing Jarden cry. I couldn’t help but hug him. His dad was a cheat, a wicked Person. Jarden sigh before redrawing from the hug.

” Iris dies at the spot, my mom didn’t die though, she was at the hospital, she kept on regretting her actions, she wished she didn’t follow my dad,she kept on blaming herself for the death of Iris, she wanted to ki|| herself but she didn’t because of me and jake, she still had something to live for. I visited her in the hospital, young me didn’t Know what Happened to Iris, they told me that she was receiving treatment that she was going to be okay, it was like they forgot that I was 14, I knew about things already. I didn’t believe them at all”.

” All I wanted to do was to see my sister, hug her, kiss her, take her to the play ground, get her ice cream. My mom gave I and Jake a letter incase anything happens to her. We didn’t know the cause of her accident yet”.

” So me and Jake both left to get food to eat, when I was done eating, I saw a beautiful necklace that I really liked I wanted to get it for my mom and Iris, and I purchased two”.

” I happily walked to my mom hospital room as I was about to enter I saw my dad with my mom talking”.

” My dad didn’t seem happy, he was angry, I couldn’t really hear what they were saying but I heard one statement my mum made, “you cheating bastard you ki||ed our daughter”, I was shocked, Iris was dead?”.

” That wasn’t all, I was more shocked when my dad turn off the hospital monitor”.

” My dad ki||ed my mom” I gasps at his statement, why would Mr Thompson do that, why?.

” He didn’t want us to know about his cheating scandal, but he saw me at the entrance, my eyes widen and my mouth wide opened such a jerk, we found out about everything when we opened the letter, my mom told us everything that happened.” Jarden chuckled sadly.

” I h@ťě him with everything in me, I lost my mom and sister because of him, I lost everything because of him”.

I hugged Jarden again, he has really gone through a lot, a lot that I could not even comprehend. My mom can’t get married to that monster.

She can’t.

” I will make sure your mom don’t end up like mine don’t worry” he muttered. I hugged him tighter, tears roll down my cheeks too. For Iris, his mom, for him, jake. There have really gone through a lot.

We were in that position for a while we redrawn from the hug. We stare at each other saying nothing. He had dried tears on his face now. But he was still looking so handsome, we were just staring at each other without saying anything.

At some point the tension was too much, I mean the segzual tension, it was like he could feel the segzual tension that I was feeling too.

I bend my head down and press my lips against his, I could feel his jolt of surprise. And then he kissed me back, his lips were warm and soft. I was quite nervous but he puts his hand on the back of my head, he strokes my hair in a reassuring way.

His lips parted slightly allowing my tongue to slip inside his own. Our bodies pressed together heatedly against each other breathing heavily as our lips pressed together.

I couldn’t help myself when I started trying to remove his shirt, I wanted more, more of him. I just wanted to feel him.

Jarden held my hands, then redrawn from the kiss. I looked at him confused.

” No not not” he mumbled before pecking my lips lightly. I was shocked, shocked that Jarden was rejecting segz. That’s new. Or does he not want me.

” you don’t want me?” I asked pouting.

” What? No, f-__-k hell no, you don’t know how much I wanted to tear your clothes, girl I have been thinking about you all day, all weeks how I am going to worship your body” I smiled when Jarden said that.

” Then why are you rejecting me?” I questioned again. Jarden sigh before cupping my face.

” Because I have not yet asked you that question” I couldn’t help but think.

” What question?” I asked.

” Would you be my girlfriend?”


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