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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Forced marriage 🤵👰

(A Deal For A Lifetime)

Chapter 18


Bethel POV

” who did this to you?” she asked.

” I just hit my head on the wall ” I lied.

” were you drunk or sleeping that you couldn’t see the wall?” she asked.

” Rico distracted me, you know,” I said smiling and she quickly understood.

” ewwwwwwwn, that is so ridiculous with those disgusting abs of his, he got you too?” she asked looking very irritated, Rico immediately opened the door.

” what do you mean by ewwwwwwwn, like I have 8 packs with built body and…..”.

” an ugly face” Katherine said cutting him short, he looked at her sternly.

” What a Ɓîtçh” he murmured.

” d***h**d” Katherine murmured, crazy siblings right?.

I put on easy wear, Rico and Katherine were already in the kitchen doing nothing looking for what to do because I told them not to order that I would cook, It was a waste of money if we order. ” go get the tables ready” I told Rico as he quickly went to the dining area because Katherine is looking at him with a deadly glare which means ( if you don’t go, you are in very big trouble) I laughed as she smirked feeling so proud of herself, bossy sister.

8:30 pm

it was almost time, Katherine put some powder on her face ” are you sure it is a very good idea?” she asked as she took a light red lipstick applying it to her mouth.

” yeah,” I answered trying to hold my laugh like the makeup is too much and it doesn’t suit her at all. she looked at herself in the mirror.

” I look like a slut” she said and I burst into laughter.

” Yeah, yeah” I agreed while laughing.

” like seriously” she exclaimed.

” that is not what I meant”.

” o…Kay” she said awkwardly, well I and Rico planned it, she will look so ugly that the guy wouldn’t want to stay for the night and might even break up with her, sorry but we have to do this.

9:05 pm

” ding dong” we heard the bell and Katherine happily jumped from the couch.

” he is here, he is here” she yelled happily, I and Rico opened the door and we saw a man and a little guy.

” oh hi, my name is Carl and I’m 8 I’m Katherine’s boyfriend,” he said in a British accent, so he is British, who even asked him?.

” Hi,” I said, I looked at the man who must be his guardian, and he smiled.

” good evening” he greeted, and they both walked in.

” Hey, Carl” Katherine called blushing.

” Katherine, how are you,” he asked.

” great” she replied.

” Why don’t we just have dinner” Rico suggested. we sat on the dining chairs as we began to eat.

” So what’s your full name and where are you from,” Rico asked.

” I’m Carlos David from London” he replied.

” never heard of that name so your father must be a commoner,” Rico said and chuckled, Carl looked at Katherine.

” you look beautiful today,” he said making Rico almost choke, he started coughing.

” thank you” Katherine Said, I took a glass of water handling it to Rico, and also patted his back.

” Why do you like Katherine?” I asked, he smiled for a while before replacing it with a serious face, what a gentleman he is.

” she is beautiful, mature, and wise and I’m proud to be her boyfriend,” he said.

” beautiful? like seriously, beautiful is not the first word you suppose to say not even the last, you can’t just like her because she is beautiful” I said as he looked at me confused, Katherine just kept wearing a fake smile, only God knows what was on her mind.

” you know when I was like you, I didn’t date, ” Rico said, I pitched him.

” that speech suppose to be for me” I whisper to him.

” oh”.

” I never knew any guy, like I thought they were monsters and guys don’t even know me,” I said as he narrow his eyebrows.

” hmmmmmm, I think I should be going now,” he said and Katherine quickly interrupted.

” what about the sleepover?” she asked.

” hmmm, I don’t think we should continue with the sleepover or the relationship,” he said and walked out with his guardian. Katherine yelled loudly, I and Rico shake hands as we laughed. we stopped immediately Katherine turn around looking angry as if she wants to ki|| us.

” I swear I didn’t want to do it, Rico forced me ” I quickly said.

” bethel……..” Rico yelled as Katherine kept drawing his ears.

” Ricky is so better than you at least he minds his business but what do you do, always spoil everything most especially for me and as for you bethel, I have punishment for both of you,” she said and I looked at Rico who was staring at me wondering what the punishment was and was also angry.

we lay on top of a small mattress on the floor with Katherine at our center.

” now you guys will do the sleepover with me on this hard floor,” she said ” good night” she added.

” good night,” we both said!!

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