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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Life 💖

( Revenge Or Love …. )




By, Divine Peace



Nathan saw a figure walking toward them.

The figure suddenly stopped and said.

“You five pick the wrong guy to mess with today”

Nathan’s heart jumped into his throat.

He recognized that voice.

It was the voice of Cody.

“What are you guys doing to him?” Cody asked when he noticed that one of them was holding a gun.

“It’s none of your business, so get the hell out of here before I ki|| you” The guy with the gun said and Cody chuckled.

“Do you really think it is none of my business, the guy over there is my brother” Cody said pointing at Nathan.

“Huh?” Nathan raised his brows and Cody winked at him.

“And do you think you’re strong enough to ki|| me, that must be a joke” Cody said.

“What?” The guy was completely caught off guard by Cody’s statement.

“Nathan is my brother,” Cody said, his voice firm and resolute.

“And I will not let anyone hurt him” Cody added and the guy scoffed.

“You’re delusional,” He said.

“There’s no way that guy is your brother, He’s nothing like you” One of them said.

“You’re wrong,” Cody said.

“We may not look like each others, but believe it or he’s my brother, and I will do anything to protect him”

“I don’t believe you,” The guy with the gun said and Cody sighs.

“But even if he is your brother, that doesn’t give you the right to interfere in our business, you should just mind your own”

“Nathan is my business,” Cody said.

“And I won’t let you hurt him, I will do wh@ťěver it takes to keep him safe” Cody smiled and The guy sneered.

“You think you’re some kind of hero, don’t you?” He said.

“But you’re nothing more than a fool”

“You have no idea what you’re up against, you’re way out of your league here, so you’d better back off while you still can” The guy said and Cody laughed so hard before he said.

“I won’t back down,” Cody said looking serious.

“And I won’t let you hurt Nathan” Cody said walking straight towards the guy with the gun.

The guy was clearly taken aback by Cody’s response.

He hadn’t expected Cody to stand up to him like this.

He was used to people cowering in fear when he thr_@tened them, but Cody was different.

He was brave and determined, and he wasn’t going to let the guy intimidate him.

“You’re making a big mistake,” The guy said.

“You don’t know what you’re up against, I’m warning you, you’re making a big mistake”

“I’m going to ki|| him if you come any closer” The guy said and Cody just smiled.

“I’m not afraid of that,” Cody said.

“What” Nathan ‘s eyes widened in fear.

“That’s just show how coward you are, you can thr_@ten me all you want, but it won’t make a difference, I’m not backing down”

The guy looked at Cody, his eyes wide with surprise and fear.

He had never encountered anyone like Cody before.

Most people would have caved in by now, but Cody was different.

He was something else entirely.

The guy started to feel a little bit afraid, and he didn’t know how to react.

He had always relied on intimidation to get what he wanted, but it wasn’t working with Cody.

So he decided to try a different tactic.

“What makes you think you can protect him?” The guy asked, his voice soft and persuasive.

“You’re just one person, I have an entire gang behind me”

“You’re no match for us, you’re out of your depth here, and you’re going to get yourself hurt if you don’t back down”

Cody listened to the guy’s words, but they didn’t faze him.

“I’m not backing down,” Cody said.

“I’m not going to let you or your stupid gang hurt him” Cody added and The guy frowned.

“How about we have a match?” The guy suggested.

“What match?” Cody asked.

“We’ll have a duel,” The guy said.

“Me against you”

“One on one. If you win, we’ll leave your brother alone, But if I win, Nathan has to give us what we want from him. It’s a fair deal, don’t you think?” The guy smiled feeling confident in his fighting ski||s.

Cody didn’t know what to say, he was in deep thoughts about what they could want from Nathan apart from ki||ing him.

Cody thought, looking at Nathan then the guy.

“Are you getting scared already, don’t be so afraid of losing and let’s fight?” The guy asked, dropping his gun to the ground.

“I’m not afraid of you, and I’m not going to let you win,” Cody said.

Cody’s words seem to infuriate the gun as he begins to charge toward Cody.

“I will end this quickly, they are just five,” Cody muttered.

As the guy charged toward Cody, Cody could see the fury in his eyes.

He knew that the guy was out for blood, and he wasn’t going to stop until he had what he wanted.

But Cody was determined to stop him.

He braced himself for the fight, and he was ready for wh@ťěver came his way.

The guy lunged at Cody, his fist clenched and ready to strike.

But Cody was faster.

He sidestepped the attack, and he punched the guy in the gut.

The guy doubled over in pain, and Cody took the opportunity to strike again.

He kicked the guy in the ribs, knocking him to the ground.

The guy was dazed and in pain, but he wasn’t giving up.

He got to his feet and came at Cody again, swinging wildly.

But Cody was too quick for him to handle.

He dodged the attacks and landed a few more punches of his own.

The fight went on like this for several minutes, with the guy throwing punches and Cody dodging them.

The guy was getting more and more frustrated, and he was starting to tire.

Cody could see that he was weakening, and he knew that it was time to end the fight.

He landed a hard punch to the guy’s jaw, knocking him to the ground.

The guy lay there, dazed and defeated.

Cody looked down at him and The guy looked up at Cody in disbelief.

He couldn’t believe that someone could beat him in a one on one match.

He had underestimated Cody, and he was starting to realize that he had made a mistake.

He was starting to realize that he was outmatched.

“Are you a human?” The guy asked.

“I am,” Cody replied.

“But how could you be so brave, so fearless and so strong?” The guy asked.

“I’ve been through a lot in my life,” Cody said.

“I’ve faced a lot of challenges, and I’ve had to overcome a lot of adversity, I’ve learned and trained on how to be strong, and I’ve learned to never give up, I’ve learned that no matter what life throws at me, I can handle it”

“I can face anything including deaths and I can come out on top, I fear nothing and that’s what has made me who I am today” Cody said folding his fist.

“I got a second chance in life and I’m not ready to mess it up, I will do wh@ťěver I can to get my revenge” Cody muttered inwardly staring at his folded fist.

The guy was silent, taking in Cody’s words.

He could see the truth in them, and he could see the strength in Cody’s eyes.

“I can see you are really strong, but can you save him?” The guy said, looking at Nathan.

“Huh?” Cody also looked at Nathan and his eyes widened.

“Please, help me”

Nathan begged as his hand was being held behind his back and a guy pointed at his head.

“Please, I don’t want die, I just want to go home”

“Help me,” Nathan said.

Cody let out a short sigh and smirk.

“Are you guys testing me, of course I will save him” Cody said.

“I’ll do everything I can to save him”

Cody turned to the guy who was holding Nathan captive and the other two guys.

“Let him go,” He said, heading towards them.

The guy looked at Cody, his eyes narrowed.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” He said.

“This is the only way to get what we want, I’m not going to listen to you”

“Attack him, guys” The guy said and the other two guys started running towards Cody.

“But you should,” Cody said coldly as the men charged towards him.

Cody dropped into a fighting stance.

He was ready for them.

He knew how to defend himself, and he wasn’t afraid to use his ski||s.

He had trained hard for moments like this, and he was prepared to do wh@ťěver it took to save Nathan.

The first man swung a fist at Cody’s head, but Cody ducked out of the way.

The second man tried to tackle him from behind, but Cody spun around and kicked him in the stomach.

The man doubled over in pain and Cody knocked him out.

He moved on to the next one and quickly knocked him out too.

Cody looked at the man who was holding Nathan and said.

“I warned you” He started walking toward him.

When he was about to get to them, the man said,

“Don’t move any closer or else I will $h00t him” The man said and Cody chuckled.

“You think that will scare me” Cody laughed bending down to pick the gun one of them dropped earlier.

“What are you doing?” The man demanded.

“Are you crazy?”

“Maybe I am,” Cody said.

“But I’m not going to let you hurt Nathan, So if you don’t want to get hurt, I suggest you let him go,” Cody said, pointing the gun at the man.

“No way, I’m going to do that …..”

The man was cut off when a bullet hit his arm.

“Arggg!” He scream letting go of Nathan and Cody shot his leg.

“Stop!” The man yelled, dropping to the ground.

“Please, stop!” He begged and Cody lowered the gun.

“Thank you” The man said, his face pale and his body trembling.

“Are you okay?” Cody asked Nathan.

“I’m fine,” Nathan said.

“Thanks for saving me”

“You’re welcome,” Cody said.

“Let’s get out of here”

Cody and Nathan turned to leave, but Cody suddenly stopped when he noticed something strange.


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