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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE WOMAN FOR ME – Episode 1

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๐ŸŒนThe Woman For Me ๐Ÿ˜˜




My name is Shinar… I’m 22yrs old..

My parent died ten years ago.
While I lived and grew up with my aunt…

Although I don’t live with her anymore..I left her place when I was fifteen after the unforgettable drama that happen years back.

Years ago when I clocked fifteen..I was R@PยฃD by an unknown guy…

On that aunt drove me out of her house saying I’m a grown up I can’t be staying with her anymore…

I pleaded with her on that night but she never gave ears…

I left walking on the street….


When I was fifteen…

It’s was late at night…I was sitting beside the road side when I saw a young boy coming to me..

Hey..why are you here..” he asked calmly”

I don’t have where to sleep sir” I said”

Really.. common.. listen to me go straight..over the red building you’re seeing there… just go in and have some sleep..but make sure you leave tomorrow morning okay ” he said”

Thank you so much…” I said happily and left”

I got to the building and went in.. everywhere was very dark…I couldn’t see anything inside..I tried to locate where the light was but unfortunately for me someone grabbed me from behind…

Let me go.. who are you” I asked aloud ..I couldn’t even see his face and he couldn’t see mine..all he wanted was to have me” have a sweet voice” he said smelling alcohol…”

Please let me go.. don’t harm me.. please don’t rape me ..” I cried but he threw me on the ground grabbing me with his whole powers as I couldn’t move or escape him..” meeee” I cried aloud as he off my P@ล‹tรฎฤ“แนฃ and began to ride on me”

Noooo.. you’re a fool..let me goooo” I screamed aloud ”


Everything happened so fast that after that day..I even reported it to my aunt but she said I should suit my self..

I got pregnant as the result of the rape.

It wasn’t easy staying with my aunt with that pregnancy….I didn’t know who R@PยฃD me because I couldn’t see his face….he ran away after that.

Months later I put to was a baby girl..she was just two days when some kidnapers came into the house one night and took the baby away..

I cried bitterly seeing them taking my baby away and they even shot one of my hands when I was trying to grab them back..

The next day my aunt chased me out finally saying I was a bad luck to her.. because of me robbers came into her house..

I finally left her house…

On my way out I saw my baby’s shirt on the ground with blood Stain…

I cried bitterly…
So they finally ki||ed my child..

As time flies..I tried to put myself together and do something for a living..

But I kept feeling my aunt was behind everything that happened to my baby..

Right now.. I’m a grown up and I work in the city..I work in a big bar…

Life has been sweet without my aunt but I can’t let go the pains of losing a baby..

I’m Romeo.. I’m 26..from a wealthy family.. I’m the only child of my parent..

I own a company and manage two of my father’s..

After work I drove down home..

I arrived home.. drove in..

I rushed into the house because I miss my little daughter so much..

Daddy..” she called happily rushing to me”

Oh my princess is back from school ” I said happily hugging her tight”

” This daughter of mine is 7 years old..her name is Sharon…… before I forget..i have a fiancee her name is Bella, she and I are parent to Sharon…although Sharon is not our biological child.. she was adopted by me..”

” I found Sharon when she was just a baby beside the road lying on the ground crying..I was driving when I stopped and rushed out of my car..I went closer and saw it was really a baby..and they was no one there…..I took her immediately ”

” I was supposed to take her to the police to find her parent but I couldn’t let go of the baby..she was too cute and I liked her that very moment I carried her in my arms ”

Although bella has been treating her badly and I h@ลฅฤ› her for that..”

Hey little princes.. how was school ” I asked carrying her”

Dad.. school was fine but Mum messed up “she said”

What do you mean by mum messed up..” bella asked angrily coming downstairs”

” She quickly stopped talking and began to look scared”

Hey.. bella what did you do to our daughter ” I asked going closer to her” you want to hit me because of her? Why are you looking she not my child? Don’t I have the right to decipline her the way I like”Bella said angrily while I walked closer to Sharon ”

My princess.. don’t be scared.. tell me what your mum did to you” ” I asked”

Dad..mum came to my school and flogged me..she said I left my room tattered ” she said when I stood up angrily and walked to Bella”

Sharon..go to your room” I said while she quickly rushed into her room”

Bella..are you crazy? Why did you do that.. she’s just a kid.. it’s your duty to dress her room” I said angrily”

My duty? What nonsense.. she’s 7years..her mates cook at home and serve their parent.. listen Romeo you better stop seeing me as the bad should talk some senses into that child of yours.. because I’m not her maid.. beside you haven’t married me.. we’ve been engaged for six years but you don’t want to marry me..the ring you gave me doesn’t even size my finger anymore because it’s been ages..are you not ashamed of yourself?” She asked angrily”

I can’t marry someone like you Bella, since you don’t treat Sharon as your child that means you can’t take care of our better be warned.. whenever you hurt Sharon again.. I’ll send you out of my house ” I said angrily leaving”

She’s just a baby you picked beside the road..why acting too concerned ” I heard her asking while I went out and drove out with my car”

” Leaving to have a drink”


I arrived at the bar and rushed in..

Bar Man.. fill me a glass of wine ๐Ÿท” I said to the lady Infront of me but she didn’t respond.. just stood there watching at me” Man.. I’m talking to you..I need some wine ” I said while she shouted at me”

I forbid you to call me a man..are you blind huh? Can’t you see I’m a lady? Don’t you have eyes? Listen I’m Shinar..a girl..” she said turning round for me to see her well”

Fine woman.
Please serve me” I said sitting down closer to her sitting seems she’s the only seller here.. else I would have left her for another person because she’s trying to piss me off”

Your money ” she said stretching her hands ”

Common,pour in .. I’m not running away..” I said ”

I should pour in so that when you get drunk you’ll leave without paying right” she asked while I dipped my hand in my pocket and paid her.. because I don’t have strength to talk much ”

” She poured in the wine ๐Ÿท and I began to sip ”

So tell me why are you here alone” she asked taking my glass of wine and began to sip too”

” I looked at her but thought I was she didn’t sip from it..”

It’s none of your business miss” I said and carried the glass of wine and sip..”

” Immediately I dropped it she took it and sipped from it again,that was when I finally descoverd it wasn’t an imagination ”

Hey young lady, what’s the meaning of this” I asked while she looked around asking ”

Where” she asked ”

You’re sipping from my glass..the same wine I just finished paying you” I said”

Oh is that it, should be happy I’m drinking from your many cups do you need more” she asked”

Fifteen glasses ” I said while she smiled”

Wow.. today is going to be sweet ” she said pouring in another glass as we began to drink from it..and gisting”



We’ve drank up to twelve glasses and I’m beginning to like her company..

Although we are both drunk but she won’t stop making me to laugh..

you know what..this is my first time drinking on the same glass with a rich customer” she said very drunked laughing ”

Hahahah.. really” I asked drinking ”

Yessssssss” she said aloud spreading her hands up when I recalled something in the past ”


Let me goo.. please don’t harm me.. don’t rape meee” she cried as I threw her on the ground and began to ride on her”


Miss.. your voice sounds familiar” I said very drunk smiling ”

Really” she asked smiling too”


Shall we??๐Ÿ˜ƒ

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