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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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❣️ WRITTEN & EDITED BY Anita obi ❣️



It was five hours already so I asked Roja to get Asama out from the ice room.

I saw Roja bringing Asama who was shaking seriously…I rushed to him and hugged him tight.

Asama.. I’m so sorry okay,I just want you to be strong ” I said in tears”

Yes I understand sis… don’t worry..I deserve the punishment and I’ve learned my lesson ” he said hugging me”

Thank you dear brother… come here I prepared something for us to eat” I said taking him to the table”

It’s won’t get cold ” Roja said sitting”

And you Roja..why are you sitting..go back to duty ” I said”

Common my future queen, I’m so hungry you know ” he said touching his stomach”

Fine, I’ll dish for you then.. but don’t talk too much okay,just leave after eating please” I said dishing out the food”

Yes my queen ” he said”


We’ll attack the land of panya tomorrow… inform everyone about my decision” I said feeding my brother”

Attack? But and the prince shouldn’t go..I can lead the one thousand worriors there…and I can assure you that I’ll ki|| bodam and his evil brother ” Roja said”

Roja..we are all going… including Asama…we can’t keep allowing you do things for us… you’ve done enough Roja and I really appreciate ” I said eating”

I made a promise to your dad,that I’ll protect you and the prince … give me the chance please ” Roja said”

Give you the chance? Do you expect us to sit and allow you fight for us huh ” I asked eating”

Of course yes, because you’re my future queen you know hahahah ” he said laughing”

Goodness gracious..I almost forgot you’re losing it ” I said”




I woke up in the morning and rushed to see mother…I can’t believe all our plans failed.

Greetings to you mother” I said bowing ”

My dear son,I know you’ve brought good news for me… don’t even say it because I know that Kadia is dead my dear”she said happily ”

Mother,you are wrong.. Kadia actually fought the lions..he ki||ed all of them” I said”

You’re joking right ” she asked smiling”

I’m serious mother,as I’m taking to you ,he is in his palace with princess okaja and his wife ” I said”

What! did he fight those lions…why didn’t he die…this is not good at all holia…if Kadia stays alive then your father will always want him to be at the top ” mother said angrily”

We need to find another way mother…I can’t let him live… let’s give him the Same poison then send someone to ki|| him mother” I said while we saw a guard rushing in”

My queen,my prince…the king sent for you two ” he said”

You may leave ” mother said”

Why does father wants to see us this Early ” I asked surprisingly”

I don’t know either.. let’s go son but before we leave.. send a cup of palm wine to your brother,we are going to add the poison in it okay… I’ll have someone to ki|| him” she said ”

Yes mother,let me do that right away.. give me the poison” I said while she handed it over to me”



I woke up and was about going to shower when I remembered the princess was in my bathroom.

I rushed and opened the door and saw her sleeping on the floor..I felt Pity for her and carried her in a bridal way and layed her on my bed.

I saw Tessa coming in…with a cup of plam wine.

Greetings my prince, your brother sent This” she said handing it over to me”

Thank you, holia is so kind,I wish his mother was good as he is ” I said collecting the wine”

You have to drink it my prince, it’s fresh” Tessa said”

I don’t feel like drinking any wine again for now.. maybe I should throw it away” I said about throwing it in the bathroom when Tessa stopped me”

My prince,let me drink it..I really feel like drinking palm wine,I mean my baby feel like drinking you know” she said about collecting it from my hand when I threw it on the floor”

I don’t want you to drink it, don’t worry I’ll get yours for you” I said”

ERM…my prince,you layed her on your bed?” Tessa asked looking sad”

Yes I did,she was sleeping on the I felt Pity for her ….I shouldn’t have done that to a princess you know ” I said”

But my prince…she might think otherwise when she wakes up..I mean..she might keep hitting on you because you layed her on your bed” Tessa said while I dragged her outside”

Are you trying to question me Tessa? What’s your problem Huh? Remember who you are in this house.. don’t talk to me as if I’m your husband ” I said angrily”

I’m sorry my prince..I admit I was wrong.. please forgive me” she said”

It’s okay.. how’s the baby..I mean how are you feeling ” I asked”

I’m okay my prince ” she said”

If there’s anything you need you should let me know okay.. I’m going to see my father after taking a shower..when she wakes up..tell her I said she should leave before I get back..” I said going into the bathroom”

Yes my prince ” she responded”



I arrived at the palace and saw mother and holia going in.

Greetings father” holia greeted ”

Greetings father, greetings mother and uncle” I greeted while they all looked at me surprisingly ”

I saw the shocks on their faces..they might be wondering how I managed to escape the lions.

Son😳.. you’re alive?” Father happily ”

Kadia…is that really you or a ghost?” Uncle bodam asked surprisingly ”

It’s me..I fought and defeated all the lions father” I said bowing when father walked down from his throne and came to me”

My son.. I’m very proud of you” father said hugging me tight ”

Thank you father..” I said happily hugging him tight ”

This is amazing.. that’s why you’re to be made the crown prince my son..even if I die today,I will be assured that you’ll protect our people my dear” father said ”

Thank you father,but I still stand on my word..that I’ll not be the crown prince..holia should be father” I said bowing ”

You are crazy son..” father said angrily when we saw a guard rushing in”

My king..the people of Buda are on their way to our land.. their almost close to our gate” he said aloud ”

What! ” We all said surprisingly ”

I can see they really want to die this time” uncle bodam said angrily ”

Holia, Kadia..go now and gather all our worriors…holia you’ll be in charge of the fire army, Kadia you’ll be in charge of the swords and arrow army” father said ”

But father” I was about to talk when he cut in”

No but.. leave now” he ordered while we left ”


We all assembled outside with our weapons listening to orders from uncle bodam.



I stood Infront of everyone giving instructions…I need to change my far as the little prince saved Kadia.. Kadia will always want to protect him.

Listen everyone,we have a change of|| everyone except the prince and princess.. capture them and I will deal with them the way I want ” I said”

Yes sir” they all responded”

But uncle..why the change of plan ” Kadia asked”

Kadia don’t question uncle ” holia said”

They’re almost here…hit the drum and get ready ” I said aloud”

Yes sir” they responded ”



We arrived at their gate.

Remember to protect the prince.. attack” I said aloud while we began to $h00t our arrows and others climbing on Thier fence.

Aliya.. please be careful ” Roja said climbing up with a rope while I followed him immediately”

Asama remember not to show Mercy ” I said aloud to my brother”

Yes Aliya ” he responded fighting”


I got up and saw bodam standing in front of me.

I quickly used my sword on him giving him a wound on his cheek.

You bastard..” he said angrily fighting”

You must pay for everything you’ve done to us” I said angrily while he pushed me to land on the ground”

” He brought his sword to ki|| me when I grabbed his hands with my legs..I jumped on him and nodded him with my forehead…he landed on the ground with Pains.

Suddenly I saw a prince rushing to me with his sword… seems like I haven’t fought with this one before .

You dare hit my uncle ” he said fighting with me ”

” I took a glance at my brother,I saw him fighting with no mercy”

The prince wounded me with his sword on my neck..I touched my neck and saw blood..I got angry and kicked him hard to land on the ground.

Don’t do itttttt” I heard Roja screaming while I looked behind and saw an enemy rushing to grab my little brother ”

I was about going to my brother when the prince and bodam cought me with a net.. covered all over my body…I fell on the ground and could not move”

I saw my brother ki||ing the enemies while Roja rushed to save me…..

Let her go” he said angrily with his sword”
While I saw the other prince coming ”

Uncle what’s going on here” he asked looking at me in the net”

ki|||| that enemy Kadia” bodam said to the prince ”

I can’t always do what you ask me to do uncle.. I’m fighting with other enemies” he said rushing back ”|| him” bodam said to the other prince while he started fighting with Roja”

I couldn’t get out from the net…I saw my brother fighting…our eyes met each other and he was surprised to see me in the net.

I saw him rushing to meet me when BODAM rushed to him with his sword.

I saw BODAM fighting with my little brother… suddenly I saw Asama kicking him to land on the ground..I saw Asama raising his sword up to ki|| bodam when suddenly an enemy covered him a net on his body…

Let me goooo” he said trying to go out”

I saw Roja giving the prince a wound on his right hand… suddenly I saw bodam standing up with his sword and rushing to Roja from behind”

Rojaaaaaaa” I screamed ”

I saw Roja about to look behind when suddenly bodam cut off his head with his sword”

Noooooooooo” I and Asama screamed”



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