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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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❣️ WRITTEN & EDITED BY Anita obi ❣️




We saw the enemies retreating…

We saw them taking the prince Lying on the ground…and left in a hurry.

Retreat everyone” I said to my worriors”

My princess,my prince are you two okay” Roja asked rushing to us”

How dare you dare you save the prince…” I asked angrily”

Aliya, I’m sorry but he saved me first you know” he said”

I don’t care…you shouldn’t have done that,he wanted to ki|| you himself that’s why” I said angrily”

My princess,I was shocked When I saw their prince saving ours….I don’t understand ” Roja said”

Aliyah please I’m sorry ” Asama kept saying”

You did a good job Asama but you ruined everything by saving that prince…you must be punished…. Roja… take him away and locked him up in the ice room for five hours ” I said angrily leaving”

My princess, please forgive the prince” Roja begged while I turned to him angrily”

Shut your mouth Roja, don’t you remember what father did to us when we felt Pity for an enemy at war? You and I Know why I want to decipline my brother… and as for you Asama when I’m done with you , you’ll never think of showing kindness to an enemy at war.. take him away now” I said angrily”

Sister.. please I’m sorry.. I’ve learned my lesson” he begged while the took him away”

That prince has the guts to wound my hand… he’s nothing but a fool.



Back to my brother’s land with Kadia who was feeling weak.

Greetings my king” I said bowing”

Where is Kadia, don’t tell me he was ki||ed” the king said”

Bodam…was prince Kadia ki||ed?” The queen asked”

My king.. prince Kadia is still alive but he was poisoned…I think someone did that to harm him” one of the guards said”

What! Poisoned? Who the heck did that to my son” the king asked angrily”

Why will someone want to ki|| the prince huh?” The queen asked angrily”

Father… Kadia went against our rules… he saved the prince of Buda when he was about to be ki||ed” holia said”

What did you say? He saved the prince?” The king asked angrily”

Yes my king,holia here Is right… prince Kadia saved the little prince..our target…he ruined everything my king” I said angrily”

What a foolish prince…why will he do that…my king did you see the reason why I said holia should be the crown prince? Look at what Kadia did … unbelievable” the queen said angrily”

” We saw a guard rushing in”

My king… prince Kadia has finally vomited the poison… he’s strong now” the guard said”

Go and bring him here now” I said angrily”

Yes my king” he responded bowing and left”

My king,you have to punish the prince..he went against the rules” the queen said while the king shouted at her”

Will you shut your mouth woman” the king said angrily”



The prince is here” the announcer said”

Greetings father, greetings mother” prince Kadia said bowing” dare you saved an enemy huh?that boy was the reason for this battle… how dare you save him” the king asked angrily”

Father…I didn’t know the prince was a little boy… he’s too young to be ki||ed father.. beside that land doesn’t belong to us… uncle bodam shouldn’t fight for the throne” prince Kadia said”

You idiot..did you want to tell me that the reason you went to that war was to save the prince of buda…you are a disgrace… guards.. take him away and lock him up with four lions….” The king said angrily while I smiled”

But father…lions? Father please don’t do this.. I’m not Samson…” Prince Kadia begged”

Then you’ll die there, take him away” the king said angrily”

But father,the little prince saved me too..he ki||ed their own worrior just to save me” prince Kadia said”

What! He saved you? Did you all go to play games in the battle? You must be punish Kadia, because you saved the prince first.. take him away” the king said angrily”

Father.. father please don’t do this..holia.. please beg father for me ” prince Kadia said”

Father.. please don’t lock Kadia with lions…he might not survive it” prince holia begged”

Shut up holia” the queen said angrily while they took prince Kadia away”



Mother sent for me immediately. called for me” i said bowing”

Holia…why is Kadia still alive Huh” she asked Angrily”

I don’t know,I did everything you asked me to..he drank the you all know he was about to be ki||ed but that little prince saved him …that boy ruined our plan mother” I said angrily”

Holia…we still have hope..I don’t think prince Kadia can defeat the lions… he’ll die there and the king will be blamed” she said happily”

Yes mother, their four lions there.. it’s impossible for him to survive.. maybe he’s dead already mother” I said happily”

Don’t worry son.. I’ll make become the crown prince and marry the princess…Les I forget,the princess is in Kadia’s mansion waiting for Kadia to return” she said”

What! Mother..are you she really serious about marrying Kadia?” I asked”

I think so son but don’t give up because you deserve the princess” she said”

Mother, I’ll go to Kadia’s palace now.. beside he’s going to die Tonight..and his mansion will be mine..see you later mother” I said leaving”

Enjoy yourselves son” mother said”



They locked me up in a room with four lions .

And threw some swords to me.

This is wickedness.. father is becoming worst…. it’s all my fault though…but I can’t stand by and watch a little boy be ki||ed.

I saw the cages opening and the lions began to walk slowly and slowly to me.

I picked up my two swords and closed my eyes angrily.

I heard them rushing to me when I opened my eyes and began to fight them.

I saw two jumping on my body when I used my swords to cut off their heads immediately.

I started walking behind and noticed it was left with two already.

When I get out of here, I’ll find the person that got me poisoned.. I’ll make that person pay with his life.

” I saw the two lions coming bending their heads from one point to another…they rushed to me.

The other one grabbed my hand with his mouth while the other grabbed my leg”

They started trying to destroy my armor…I used my two legs to grab the one on my leg…I twisted my legs together and broke it neck while he landed on the ground…I used my sword to hit the other one but he didn’t die…I stood up immediately moving away from it .

I stared at my hand and saw it bleeding….I saw the lion rushing to me while I fell on the ground with my swords pointing up then the lion jumped on my body and was pierced by my swords .

I stood up immediately,and looked around..I descoverd I have just finished ki||ing all of them.

I climbed up, opened the door and left to my palace with my wounded hand.


I arrived at my palace about to go into my room when I heard holia discussing with princess okaja…what the heck are they doing in my room.

I badged in and saw the three on them .

Tessa was sitting on my bed while princess and my brother were standing.

” I saw the shocks on holia’s face”

What! Kadia.. you’re alive?” He asked surprisingly touching me”

Of course I am brother,I ki||ed them all” I said when Tessa rushed to me”

My prince, welcome back” she said”

Thank you my beautiful wife” I said smiling while princess looked at me angrily”

ERM.. Kadia..I think I should be going.. since you are back..I came to check on them.. good night brother” holia said leaving”

Good night holia” I responded”

My must be tired,what if I give you a massage” princess okaja asked”

Don’t bother,and why are you here..I mean what are you doing in my room” I asked sitting on the bed”

I came to see you my prince, I’ve missed you allot…” She said smiling”

ERM.. Tessa please get me something to eat ” I said to Tessa”

Yes my prince” ” she Responded”

Kadia.. you’re wounded,let me get you some leafs to heal it” the princess said”

Don’t bother, please you have to leave, it’s late already…I need to rest” I said”

Leave? I can’t leave now my prince, it’s late already.. it might be dangerous for me ” she said”

Your guards are outside waiting for you,if you don’t mind I can ask some of our worriors to take you home..” I said when she walked closer to me robbing my chest”

All I want is to stay beside you Tonight my prince” she said about kissing me when I held her hand and started dragging her out” prince, where are you taking me to” she asked struggling when I pushed her into the bathroom and locked the door”

You can pass the night there” I said and left” prince” I heard her screaming”



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