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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A SEX FRICK VIRGIN WIFE – Episode 11 & 12

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💞💞A segz FRICK 💞💞💞

🔞 RATED 18 🔞



Old man Quin sat with his special doctor’s.

So is their a cure to Fe Cheng wife illness , he asked casually resting into his coach.

After four months of research , scientifically no cure as been found for cancer , and in su mie case it last stage , but our special Chinese doctor’s have found something that could work but in a hundred chance’s I only guaranty a thirty percent chance it might work ~ the doctor spoke facing chairman Quin.

He rested up from his sit .

I’m listening ,he responded.

It really risky and she might still die in the process , if her heart weak ,she as to have something to live for that the only she would fight to stay alive most times the patient we have tried this test on haven’t been able to bear ~ the doctor spoke .

Tell me what the treatment is ? Chairman Quin asked .

Someone as to be passing blood into su mie body while we drain the contaminated blood inside her system , the person donating his or her blood is still likely to die along side with the patient if the person isn’t healthy enough~ the doctor explained and chairman Quin hummed resting back into his chair.

Prepare everything for the treatment ,I will handle the rest ,he replied and the man nodded leaving as a bodyguard escorted him out.

Get my car ready am going to the mansion , chairman Quin spoke facing his personal bodyguard .

Yes sir ~ the guard responded going to inform the driver.

A witty smile appeared on chairman Quin face and he thought of a great plan.

Sir the vehicle is ready , the bodyguard returned Informing him and he stood up going to his shelf grabbing a book staring at the title that wrote boldly how to make a baby .

He walked out the door his guard’s following behind, going outside the mansion into his car ,the driver shorting the door going to start the car driving out of the compound .

And other black cars covered his car driving by his car until they got too the mansion.

He stepped down going into the mansion , all the maid’s gathered bowing .

Welcome chairman Quin ,they chorused.

Call me su mie yang , he ordered going to the library of the mansion.

One of the maid’s went to the guardian certain that were su mie would be with Kim rayon .

She found them placing a bow on su mie pet rabbit head.

Doesn’t Milo looks so pretty Kim rayon ,she spoke hugging her bunny.

Yeah he looks cute like you now ,she replied with a smile.

Good morning Mrs , the maid greeted and they both turned towards her direction .

Is their a problem ? Kim rayon asked facing the maid.

No but old man Quin wants to see Mrs su mie in the library, the maid responded walking away.

Wow grandpa here , su mie spoke standing up quickly dragging Kim rayon up as well.

Slow down su mie , Kim rayon spoke as she followed su mie into the mansion they arrived at the library and the guards bowed pushing the door opened letting them in.

Grandpa !!;

She screamed running to hug him as he stood by the shelf.

How are u dear ? He asked laughing by her excitement.

I’m fine everyone as been nice to me so far me and Fe Cheng are friends now , but he came back late last night and drank it smelt really badly , but we talked about it and I think he won’t do it again~ she told him everything.

Is that all come tell me more , he spoke taking her hand as they both went to sit.

Hmm let me think , I don’t want to say this but I think Fe Cheng likes keeping snake’s on his pants , she spoke whispering in a low tone.

And grandpa Quin laughed loudly and su mie was confused to why he was laughing.

Did I say something funny ? She asked nervously.

No dear ,did he show u the snake ? old man Quin asked teasingly.

No he ran off to take care of it , so I asked this morning at the dinning hall because I wasn’t so sure he ki||ed it properly , last night when we slept together it kept pocking me on my tommy , she spoke pushing her finger on her cheeks.

And old man Quin coughed slightly his cheeks turning red

My grandson is slowing losing himself guess my plan will fall into place without me even trying , he spoke inwardly.

Next time dear if u sport the snake , do u know what u should do ? he asked whispering tone.

What ? She whispered back.

Grab it tightly, not too tight ,and don’t let it go even if Fe Cheng demands I should let go ~ old man Quin spoke and she nodded.

But what if Fe Cheng doesn’t like it and he gets angry with me again , she asked in a sad tone.

Don’t worry he will like it I promise trust grandpa , old man Quin responded.

Hmm alright so why did u come to visit? she asked Kim rayon came to drop a plate of cookies Infront of her and a cup of orange juice for old man Quin.

Thank u , old man Quin spoke facing Kim rayon as she stepped aside.

What that ! su mie asked sporting the book in old man Quin pocket.

That exactly why I came to visit I got a book for u ,and am sure u will really like it , he spoke handing her the book ,her eyes sparkled staring at the baby pictures on the cover.

I love it thank u grandpa ,I will ask Kim rayon too read it for me ,she spoke climbing down the chair to go show Kim rayon the book .

Kim rayon was surprised by the book old man Quin brought for su mie even after knowing she was too innocent to understand a thing giving her more work to have to explain deeply to su mie so she could understand.

He smiled standing up to leave stopping by the girls side.

Kim rayon don’t leave a single details out by now su mie should know more , he spoke walking away his guards following him out .

She held the book tightly facing su mie who looked excited to learn.

Can u read it for me now , she asked urgently.

U have to promise me one thing first and u know u can’t break a promise , Kim rayon asked .

Hmm okay I promise just read it to me now ,she spoke dragging Kim rayon to her room they both sat on the bed.

And Kim rayon opened the book reading it too su mie but the more she read the more confused su mie became and she really wanted to ask questions .

After Kim rayon finished reading the book she closed it placing it aside ,su mie bite her lips tightly.

Kim rayon can I ask just one question I promise I won’t ask anymore , she pleaded giving her a cute look.

She sighed deeply.

Alright just one and no more ,she replied.

What those segzual intercourse mean ? she asked waiting for Kim rayon reply.

It means when a pen passes true a donut ~ Kim rayon responded nervously.

Oh , silly people why didn’t they just say it that why , alright I have another question ,she spoke and Kim rayon placed her hand on her lips.

Just ask Fe Cheng all your questions and am sure he will answer them all , I have work to do just stare at the pictures in the book ,she spoke standing up to leave giving su mie the book.

She tried pronouncing the words on the book that Kim rayon skipped

After reading for hours she fell asleep on the bed, and woke up hearing Fe Cheng car hone , she jumped out of bed running downstairs with the book in her hand.

Shan Kong stared at her from the balcony as she ran towards Fe Cheng it only made him even more jealous .

Fe Cheng welcome back ,she greeted panting softly.

Are u alright ? he asked before noticing what she was wearing and his eyes traveled around her body he noticed zhan Quin and rie yang Quin eyes on her exposed tommy and long legs ,she was wearing a bum short and crop top packing her hair into two ponytails.

He became cold glaring at them and zhan Quin took his eyes off her body so as rie yang Quin ,he removed his jacket wearing the suit on her ,she looked so small inside it.

Fe Cheng it too heavy I don’t want it , she complained trying to take the jacket off but he stopped her with a cold tone.

Su mie married women don’t review much skin when men are in the house expect only to her husband ,that means am the only u can dress like this for, don’t come downstairs dressed like this again understood ,he spoke adding some softness in his voice .

Is Fe Cheng mad at su mie again for trying to dress nice ,Kim rayon said I should dress more like my age ,and I like the look it makes me look like a baddie that what Kim rayon said , she spoke innocently.

I should sake Kim rayon secretly , Fe Cheng spoke inwardly.

She is right u do look like a baddie but u are my baddie su mie so dress all hot inside the room when we are together ,he spoke softly and she nodded taking his hand leading upstairs.

He followed her silently and zhan Quin thought inwardly.

Is he falling for her already what changed we need to carry out the next stage of the plan now ,he spoke inwardly walking away towards his own bedroom .

Rie yang Quin also went to his room kissing is wife on the bed .

Welcome back honey ,his wife greeted with a smile .

Can u dress more like a baddie , rie yang Quin asked his wife and her lips moved slightly parted by her husband’ request.

If it makes u happy why not ,she replied with a smile.

She quickly short the door removing the suit jacket off her .

Please sit down their is a lot of questions I need too ask u ? she spoke pushing him to sit down on the bed .

He sat down wondering what was making her so happy .

So what questions would u like to ask me ,? he asked trying not to look at her segzy body.

She stood Infront of him with the book held tightly to her hand ,she opened it up and dropped the bum.

We’re do babies come from? she asked with a glow in her eyes and he coughed adjusting his neck tie.

Who told u about babies ? He asked a different question.

Just answer me first and I will tell u as well~ she spoke frowning deeply

He didn’t know what to tell her .

A baby is made by touching a man u really love ,he responded ,that was the only thing his brain could come up with.

Those that means am carrying u and Shan Kong baby I have touched u both and I love u both equally ,she spoke happily.

Fe Cheng frowned deeply seeing her happy about being pregnant for two men.

That not what I meant su mie ,I mean u can only get pregnant ,by getting intimate someone u actually really love , like someone that makes u really really happy with someone u can’t do without seeing or talking too ,with someone u trust totally , someone u get really heartbroken when u both have a fight , some u can die for , someone your heart beat fast for ,that who u can touch and u will get pregnant~ he explained hoping she understood.

But I don’t know if I feel any of that with neither of u ,Fe Cheng have u felt something like that for someone ? she asked curiously.

Yes but I lost her ,he replied sadly.

I’m sure it wasn’t your fault ,she spoke touching his hand.

No it was my fault ,I couldn’t protect her ,it good u don’t feel any of those things for me ,am sure I can save u either ~ he spoke disappointed with himself standing up to leave.

We’re are u going too ,she asked hurriedly.

Su mie get some rest ,I be back soon ,he replied leaving the room texting sulin.

Meet me at our sport , he wrote pressing send and she received the message sending a text to zhan Quin .

It time for the second faze let meet up at the cafe I will tell u what to do, Zhan Quin texted back .

Sulin quickly grabbed her bag going to the cafe and zhan Quin left the mansion as well , shin Yu pretended to be asleep following him after he had gone for a while.

Su mie couldn’t fall asleep so she decided to go chart with Shan Kong since Kim rayon was busy with evening chores today was her shift.

She entered his room seeing him working out ,she realized Shan Kong wasn’t any different from Fe Cheng he looked handsome and fit as well.

Su mie do u need something,he asked standing up wearing his shirt.

Can u take me out to stroll ,she spoke and he nodded leaving the room with her , going outside he opened the car door for her and she got in as he drove them to the pack, her mind kept thinking about Fe Cheng she wondered if she said something to upset him.

They both got down walking side by side like the rest of the people.

Su mie why do I feel like something bugging u ? Shan Kong asked she seemed worried.

Is it possible to love two people at the same time ? she asked sighing deeply.

Yes it very possible su mie sometimes when u are dealing with emotions their are something u get in such a tight sport u have a apple and a cake for explain u like them both right , Shan Kong asked .

Yes because the both taste great ,she replied .

But which do u like more ,can u do without eating a apple or can u do without eating cake , which can u do without having ? Shan Kong asked watching her think deeply.

I like apple’s a lot but I love cakes even more so if I were to choose I would pick eating a cake instead ,she spoke happily finally realizing what Shan Kong was trying to explain.

She smiled widely hugging him for the first time .

Thank u Shan Kong ,I get it now ,I just have to choice who I want more in my life ,she spoke holding his hand as they kept waking a small smile appeared on his lips.

❣️ Cafe ❣️

Zhan Quin walked into the cafe sporting sulin sitted waiting for him , he came to sit Infront of her and shin Yu arrived at the cafe much later.

Today I will find out what u are hiding zhan Quin ,she spoke going inside wearing a black shade and a glass sitting close to their table holding a menu up to her face .

Zhan Quin am pregnant and it you’re baby not Fe Cheng ,sulin spoke and he looked shocked he had only had segz with her twice he was surprised she got pregnant so quickly.

Alright that fine ,let take care of the matter on ground before talking about my child ,u will pour this into Fe Cheng drink it will make him even more vulnerable to your touch , while making out with him u will give him this document’s to sign , bring them to me tomorrow at the were house I be waiting for u ,zhan Quin spoke and shin Yu ears rang her eyes growing big in shock.

So that your plan u been preparing to take Fe Cheng out of the picture ,she spoke inwardly , secretly taking her phone to snap them together before standing up to leave casually like she was a stranger.

Are u sure this won’t back fire what if he finds out , sulin asked.

He won’t my plain full prove u should go now so he wouldn’t wait for long ,he spoke standing up so as she as they left the cafe taking different vehicles to their various locations.
.shin Yu quickly removed all the cloths she was wearing hiding them jumping into the bed closing her eyes turning off the lamp as zhan Quin walked in.

He removed his clothes going to sleep next to her kissing her neck and she felt disgusted after he was expecting a baby from another woman he still had the guts to touch her.

Zhan Quin am tired ,she murmured in a sleepy tone.

Don’t deny me ,he replied coldly and she had no choice but to let him have his way with her.

💞 SUIT 💞

Fe Cheng walked into the suit to see sulin dressed in a segzy gown she held two cups of wine moving over to him kissing his lips.

Welcome ,she spoke stepping back her hair trown to the side of her shoulder

Sulin I don’t want to do this anymore that why I called , am married now and I want to spend time with my wife at list for her last days that means I can’t see u anymore 1/~ he spoke and she only hummed a sweet smile on her lips.

Them drink with me one last time before we finally say goodbye ,she spoke casually and he took the glass cup from her they both clicked their cups together before drinking the wine in one go.

He dropped the cup not letting her pure for him another short.

My wife wouldn’t want me to get drunk ,I think I should leave now ,he spoke and she touched him on the neck ,he groaned feeling hard instantly and it was hurting like hell.

Did u drug me , he asked coldly and she smiled pulling him to the bed.

She kissed him and he couldn’t resist sinking into the pleasure she got him to sign the papers and su mie sat up all night waiting for him to come home but he didn’t show up and she found herself crying feeling betrayed.

Sulin rested up staring at Fe Cheng sleepy face.

Non of this would have happened if u only learnt to love me ,this is my revenge against the Quin family ,she spoke softly kissing his cheek’s, leaving the bed with the documents after getting changed.

TBC ✍️

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