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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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❣️❣️A segz FRICK ❣️❣️

🔞RATED 18 🔞

Do not copy write

㊗️7❣️ 8 ㊗️


Su mie had been in the hospital for two days her parents hadn’t left her side neither did Shan Kong leave as well, and Fe Cheng hadn’t come home after that .

How can u tell me to still leav my daughter with that monster after what he as done ,he didn’t even come to see his own wife ,what kind of a man those that ? Mr dang asked angrily .

Old man Quin looked down .

I’m sorry old friend , please give Fe Cheng one more chance that all I have of u and if he falls this last time I will let u take her away ,he pleaded .

If he doesn’t come to see her till she is realized from the hospital am taking su mie yang home ,her father spoke strictly going back into the ward.

Shan rested against the hospital wall ,he had been watching su mie for days he wondered why the whole family was so consigned than normal about her.

Fu fu jing hasn’t stop crying ever since her sister was brought to the clinic .

Thank u for staying by her side, fu fu jing spoke standing Infront of him holding her coat

U all have stayed here for good two days ,I think u should all head home I will look after her your mum looks tired ~ he spoke softly and she nodded going to tell her parents.

They were excitant at first but later agreed going home letting Shan watch su mie as she slept peacefully.

U know from the very moment I meet u at the pack following a butterfly , smiling so radiantly ,I wished you till a distance after saying u from those bad guys I know I wanted to keep u in my arms forever, I still hope that possible ~ he spoke with a deep sigh holding her hand when the doctor walked in holding a pad.

Are you are guardian ! ? The doctor asked .

Yes her parents left her in my care ,is their a problem ? he asked a bit worried.

Come with me too my office , the doctor spoke leaving true the door , Shan Kong kissed her palm before following him to his office ,he took a sit as the doctor pushed a file towards his direction.

What this ? Shan Kong asked.

I’m guessing u have bo idea about her critical condition apparently your friend is suffering from blood cancer ,and it sad to inform u that she as only six months left ~ he dropped the bomb casually.

And Shan Kong say frozen remembering losing his mother as well true cancer ,hw couldn’t believe the woman he loved was also going to die by such a thing ,he suddenly snapped grabbing the doctor by the coat.

How can we help her she can’t die ,he screamed his heart pounding loudly.

U have to calm down , he spoke trying to calm Shan Kong down.

She can’t die ,he spoke in a whisper letting go off the doctor lab coat .

I’m sorry but their is nothing we can do for her now, just make her last days memorable ~the doctor spoke understanding the young man state of mind.

He stood up leaving the office staggering like a drunk person images of his mother dying replaying in his eyes and the first day he meet su mie yang.

His eyes darkened in anger thinking off Fe Cheng her how he held her above the air the fear in her eyes are the thought of dying .

He took out his cellphone dialing won number and ones the man picked chills ran down won spin.

We’re is he ?

Club ,won asked in a shaky voice his eyes staring at drunk fe Cheng making out with four ladies .

Shan asked his bodyguard to watch su mie ward with their life’s before going to the club ,he $h00t his gun up into the air making all the ladies and drunk men to run and scatter for their life’s.

FE CHENG !!!;!!!!!!!!

Shan called out loudly sporting his friend making out with different women while his wife was suffering in a hospital bed , Fe Cheng turned towards Shan direction a broad smile appearing on his face before he could say jack , Shan had punched him against the face repeatedly.

How can you satisfy your segzually desires while she is dying , how !!! , Shah screamed still punching him it turned into a battle between both men.

I know that u liked by wife the moment u saw her ,I could see the sparkle in your eyes , Fe Cheng laughed mockingly spitting out blood punching Shan Kong back.

U don’t deserve her , Shan Kong yelled at bus face.

Then buy are off my hands am a business man after all , f-__-k u Shan Kong ,u are hitting me for a common woman ,he yelled right back.

Sell her to me then , name your price ,I will make su mie yang last days way better than what u could ever give her , I thought I was heartless guess u are way worst , Shan Kong spoke letting go of his shirt.

What do u mean her last days ? Fe Cheng asked before he could work away .

And Shan Kong suddenly turned punching him against the face for the last time leaving his nose broken .

If u had truly given a f-__-k , you would have found out su mie his dying of cancer ,u couldn’t have show her a little care knowing she was suffering from a defeat having the brains of a child ~shan Kong spoke walking away .

His word’s played in Fe Cheng heard repeatedly.

A young guy of 20 stood outside a ward as doctors tried saying his lover life.

One two charge !!

The placed the pads on her chest trying to get her heart starting .

Again one two charge !!! The doctor screamed shocking her heart.

Fe Cheng stood outside the ward staring true the open class allowing him to see how he lost her forever.

The lights turned green and a white coat was placed over her face, the doctor coming out shaking their head.

We lost her , they spoke sadly.

He walked into the ward traumatized carrying her dead body not carrying people stared at him as he walked away with her lifeless cops taking her to the beach refusing to cry.

Ting Yu look at me you said yes to marry me at this very sport common open your eyes tell me u love me , he spoke softly but nothing happened ,he held her hand tightly.

Y promised ting Yu , common u can’t give u on us now wake up ,this isn’t funny anymore ,I will never love someone else , please don’t leave me , he begged hugging her body tightly crying loudly.

Old man Quin arrived at the scene with his bodyguards ,they all stood and watched , tears dropping from his grandfather eyes

Chairman Quin should we take her from him ? One of the guards asked.

No give him a minute , he stopped them letting Fe Cheng grief.

From that moment he lost his smile he brutally murder Jon Ulon son after finding out he was the course of his lover death sending all his family into bankruptcy.

The blood line of Ulon was crumbled under Fe Cheng feet ,but he never returned to being the bright young man he was as before .


Su mie was brought back to the mansion two days back and she was spoiled routine by her family and maid , Shan Kong really was supportive and she had grown found of him.

U haven’t still heard from my grandson ? grandpa Quin asked staring at the guards.

Yes chairman Quin but we are still doing our very best , they replied and Fe Cheng suddenly walked into the office , he looked tired.

Grandson were have y been ? Chairman Quin asked.

Everyone leave ,he ordered in a cold tone and the bodyguards left immediately as he took a sit facing his grandfather.

Why ?he asked waiting for an explanation.

I guess u found out about su mie illness, I and Mr dang as been friends from school days , he saved my life ones , and his only wish was for su mie to spend her last days being treated like a queen , but u haven’t been much of a good person to her ~ old man Quin spoke irritatedly.

What if I had fallen for her ,u would have let me go down that part again , he asked coldly.

I knew u wouldn’t fall in love with her that why I allowed it happen between the both of u , all I ask of u is to treat her like your wife for only six good months that all she have left ,she is a wonderful woman if u try and get to know her , grandpa Quin spoke .

Read my lips ,I will never be a husband figure to her or anyone else you choice the wrong man for the job , he spoke coldly standing up to leave.

Then Shan Kong wouldn’t mind taking your position ,and he is even doing a better job at it than u could ever do ,it about time u let Ting Yu go ~ his father spoke ,he sighed leaving the office completely.


U are truly my child your plan is brilliant , the Quin family will be under your feet u can finally take the revenge your brother truly deserves ~ she spoke swilling her wine.

Over good nine years I had thought the man who destroyed our family ki||ed brother and made father commit suicide was one of father enemies I can’t believe the real monster as been sleeping with me , I’m not only going to make Fe Cheng and his family beg for my mercy I will make them crowel on their knees and eat like dogs just like he made us suffer , sulin spoke beclouded with hatred.

Don’t let his step brother suspect u plan on conning him as well , zhan Quin sounds like a dangerous person to mess with , Mrs gu spoke crossing her leg’s.

For the first time mother I have never wanted something so badly , they will never see me coming ~ she replied getting a text from zhan Quin .

Meet me at our location

The text wrote boldly , she grabbed her bag standing up to leave.

Nothing we are going to get married at the court ,the drama is about to begin ,she spoke with a floorless smile .

Are u really going to trust her ? Lum Quin asked pushing his glasses up.

Do u really think am a fool , this is all staged the moment she hands me the documents , I will send someone to finish her off ~ he spoke smocking lowing it into the air.

This chair suits u , I really hope Fe Cheng doesn’t come back he annoys me , Lum Quin spoke showing his full annoyance for Fe Cheng.

That aside have u greated a duplicate account , my first plan is to keep Fe Cheng on a wild Goss chase , let him think someone is anonymously stealing from his company ,u will keep sending money from our company business account to a private bank and inform Fe Cheng about it , second faze while he is still handling that I will cause a scandal that he loses many of our company shareholders ,they start to pull out, during the night of the gala he will try and be cunning as usual , inviting many of our shareholders to the gala to get them back on his side , my men will deliver the final blow ,ki|| Fe Cheng and after acting like the heartbroken senior brother , I will hold a self conference with the board and bring a brand new business strategy that will captive many and Fe Cheng will become hold news ,u will receive your rightful position in the company Lum Quin ones am true ,u can get read of your good for nothing wife ,and freely welcome your male lover to the family , Zhan Quin explained .

Lum Quin smiled widely drinking his wine.

What about rie yang Quin , should we bring him into the plan ? Lum Quin asked

Rie yan Quin as always been predictable and weak he can’t handle or keep such a big secret we will just find him something ones we get exactly what rightfully ours ~ zhan Quin replied.

I have never doubted u for ones brother , Lum Quin spoke stretching his wine cup forward.

Lum Quin wife gasped hiss dropping on their conversation ,she had recorded the whole thing she came to give Lum Quin is normal lunch box ,but his assistant said he went to see zhan Quin at Fe Cheng office that zhan Quin was running the company in Fe Cheng absence until he returned . She decided to go meet them their but heard them having a conversation in a whisper,so she decided to hiss drop on them until she was sure it wasn’t something important they were talking about.

She quickly went back home pacing back and forth wondering what to do with the new information she discovered,she immediately had a plan forwarding the message to Fe Cheng private message Incase after using her evidence to comply her husband to make love to her and it backfires their plan will be exposed before it even happens, she jumped happily going to shop online for segzy night gowns. And her delivery was brought to her shortly.

She decorated their bedroom styling her hair while sitting Infront of the mirror , soon everywhere became dark and whole mansion was silent , zhan Quin and Lum Quin arrived back at the mansion .

The plans still remains the same ~ zhan Quin spoke going up to his bedroom .

Lum Quin arrived at his bedroom going inside removing his suit he hadn’t even noticed the romantic decorations around the bedroom ,he was curious turning around seeing his wife completely dressed half naked on the bed ,she smiled widely and he wore a disgust look.

What are u doing Le o ming ?he asked coldly .

She smirked coming off the bed seductively going to stand Infront of her robbing her body against his chest.

What do u think that am doing Lum Quin, I want my husband to make love to me ,she responded kissing him on the chest going down to his pants,he grabbed her by the hair dragging her up,she groaned but still wore a proud smile.

U think u gone insane , he spoke angrily.

Yes mum Quin you are driving me nuts all I want is u , if u don’t touch me like the way u touch your gay lover ,I will expose u and zhan Quin plans do u think I didn’t hear u both plotting against Fe Cheng common deny it ,she yelled at his face.

I don’t know what u are talking about u slut ,he replied coldly pushing her away and she fell on the bed be picked up his suit to leave as always .

I have evidence Lum Quin don’t test me just one push of a finger and u and zhan Quin will be routing in hell were u both belong ,be a good husband to your wife and make her happy , she spoke with a smile watching him freeze at the door.

His hands folded tightly as he turned around stretching his hand forward.

Le o ming give me the phone and I will comply to your request ,he demanded in a soft tone.

Oh no dear husband you won’t play that trick on me again I won’t fall for your lies the same way I fell for them into this worthless Cham of a marriage ,u will serve me first tonight is my honeymoon the one u never showed up for ,she spoke tears rolling down her face.

Alright ,he complied taking off his shoes and cloths going onto the bed grabbing her by her waist kissing her while body back to her lips imagining his male lover instead as he pleasured her ,she Mõ@ɲed happily giving him more access all she wanted was to feel loved by her husband ,he gave her exactly what she wanted f-__-king her brain’s out till she floated slowly from the clouds painting softly ,he stared at his manhood disgusted by the stain of blood on it ,she was unfortunately a virgin .

U got what u wanted me o ming now give me the cellphone ~ he spoke going to shower wearing his cloths.

She rested up on one arm holding the bed cover above her chest blushing deeply.

Let me hang on to it for a while love , I want to keep feeling this way ,she spoke sweetly.

He wanted to tell at her but thought of a different evil plan.

U are right maybe I was wrong thinking I only enjoy segzual desire with men ,u were the most delicious woman I have tasted and I want to taste more let go for another round,he spoke removing his belt climbing cover her she giggled happily falling for his lies again .
I knew u would come around,she spoke excitedly and he suddenly grabbed a pillow pinning her hands tightly.

Lum Quin what are u doing? She asked fear reflecting in her eyes.

Pleasing my lovely wife,he replied pressing the pillow over her face,she screamed trying to struggle but to no avail,he chocked her till she stopped moving standing up spitting on her dead body.

Disgusting Ɓîtçh see u in hell ,he yelled at her lifeless body taking his telephone calling zhan Quin ij his own room.he stepped out of the shower taking the telephone as shin Yu creamed her leg Infront of the mirror she watched zhan Quin expression change and wondered who he was speaking too the person on the other end.

I will be on my way ,he responded dropping the telephone going to change into neat cloths.

Honey are u heading out ? Shin Yu asked applying light makeup to her face.

Yes I be back soon go to bed,he spoke leaving the bedroom to Lum Quin room seeing Le o ming lifeless body on the bed.

What happened ? Zhan Quin asked coldly.

She focused my hand she had a recording of our discussion this morning ,she was at the office ,he explained.

Have u found the cellphone ? Zhan Quin asked more consigned about the evidence.

Yes , he replied and Zhan Quin took it from him stepping on the cellphone in frustration.
He took his cellphone calling some men they arrived shortly and he ordered them to trow Le o ming body into the sea .

They silently carried her away in a box , rie yang Quin son was coming back from a friend’s hang out and his broils arched together confused seeing four men dressed in black taking a box into a van driving off.

What that ,he muttered going into the mansion secretly ..

Zhan Quin what am I going to tell grandpa Quin about Le o ming disappearance ~ he asked worriedly.
U will tell him she travelled to Japan to go see her family understood ,he responded leaving the room.

Lum Quin packed all the bed cover and asked a maid to set them on fire , cleaning everything inside the bedroom.


She giggled as Shan Kong swinged hr back and forth at the back of the house ,he couldn’t stop thinking about her being no more in a couple of months.

Su mie yang what do u really want to do like what wishes do u have? He asked gazing distantly.

1. Su mie wants to learn how to ride a bick.

2. Go to the amusement park

3 go on a hick.

4 celebrate my birthday

5 get Milo a girlfriend

7most of all to help Fe Cheng smile again

8 get my two bestfriend to fall in love with each other .

She spoke with a smile Shan was amazed by her seventh wish even after everything Fe Cheng did to her she still wanted to see him smile.

Do u love Fe Cheng ? he asked his heart beating fastly.

Yes I do , he love him ,she replied but not in the way Shan u was thinking,she meant she loved him as a person.

Even after what he did , Shan Kong asked jealously.

Why do u sound upset , alright I love both of u equally but grandpa asked me to look out for Fe Cheng and as his wife and queen I have to honor my word ,he may be a bully but am sure he as a heart ,she spoke sincerely and Fe Cheng over hearing their discussion felt his heart melt as he held tightly to a large red teddy bear.

He walked over to her and Shan was stunned to see him.

Su mie I got this for u ,he spoke coldly handing it to her and she stared at him in shock hugging the teddy tightly.

U see I told u he as a heart am going to show Kim rayon my new teddy bear ,she spoke skipping away.

What are u doing here ? He asked pocketing his hands into his pants pocket.

This is my house so am meant to be here , he responded coldly.

U agreed to give her to me ,so u should stop trying to get her attention ,Shan Kong spoke coldly.

Well I change my mind ,I want to be by my wife side till her last days ,he spoke coldly staring at Shan Kong in a face off.

Let see who she decides to stay with me or u , right now she loves both of us ,he spoke walking away.

TBC ✍️

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