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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HIS BADDIE NERD – Episode 47 & 48

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Nuella hurriedly disengaged from the hug as the realization of her actions dawned on her. She cleared her throat nervously and meant to move away from him but he held her back not giving her the chance to do so.

“Are you planning on pushing me away again? Well just so you know, I’m never going away. I’m here to stay now” Alexander said staring deep inside her cute eyes. Nuella could almost swear that she pulled. Just the feeling off his piercing gaze at her was enough to send butterflies to her stomach.

“Ella” He called when he saw that she wad not saying anything and that jolted Nuella from her crazy thoughts.

She suddenly hit his chest in a gentle manner though.

“Were have you been? Do you know how long I waited for you? You suddenly left without a word, I thought you were going to come back the next day but that never happened” Nuella said

“I miss you” Alexander said instead and that got got her dumbstruck.

“I kept on thinking about you the whole time, I was going crazy not being able to hear your voice for a while. I guess you’ve grown on me. I missed you so much and here I am”He added truthfully

“Same here, don’t ever leave again”She said resting her head on his broad chest. Alexander’s eyes widened ad he wasn’t expecting that from her, he pulled her closer by wrapping his hands around her.

“I promise” He whispered in her ears.



The ambulance packed in front of the hospital and the door opened also immediately. Some nurses rushed out of the hospital with a stretcher and Twinkle was placed ontop of it before he was wheeled in.

His eyes were tightly shut against each other as he was already unconscious and he was bleeding profusely from his head. It appears as off he had hit his head on the steering wheel.

He was wheeled immediately to the operating room as his condition rather looked critical and needed immediate attention.


May paced around the waiting room anxiously, the tension didn’t even allow her to sit. She had been that way since they arrived at the hospital.

Rose was sitting on on the floor and crying while Vince was trying so hard to pacify her all to no avail. The tears busy kept rolling down her cheeks.

“It’s all my fault that he got into an accident, I am to be blamed for all of these mess. I should have listened to him at least, I should have heard him out or better still, forgotten everything I heard and draw him close. I acted so foolish, I acted without thinking. I pushed him away even thought he kept on coming” Rose whimpered almost voicelessly. She had been crying since they got the news of the accident.

“You are not to be blame okay? I equally did the same but now that I realized it…. gosh! It was so stupid of me” Vince tried consoling her.

“Let’s just keep our hopes alive and continue to stay strong for him. I’m sure he would overcome this” He added

“He must survive it, I have a lot to say to me, I have a lot I want to do with him. He promised to love me to the very end and this is not the end I want. He calls me his life line right? Then he should f-__-king pass through this stage and come back to me. I miss him already” Rose said with her voice quivering.

A nurse suddenly rushed out of the ER, she was looking pale and alarmed. May and the rest rushed to her immediately.

“How is he? How is the operation going? Is he safe now?” May inquired, the tears she had been holding the whole time came rolling down her both cheeks.

“He is in a very critical condition right now but we are trying our best” She answered

“But this is taking longer that it should? Is he going to be fine?” Vince asked this time.

“Just hope for the best” The nurse replied again before walking off.

“Twinkle” Rose muttered slumping on the floor dejectedly


The door to the ER opened and the surgeon came out. They rushed to him again, even without talking, their eyes were doing the questioning.

“Luckily, he is out of danger”The doctor blurted out and that made them sigh in relief

“But…. we still have to observe him for a few days, hopefully, he would be awake by then. He seemed like a strong person who would recover fast” The doctor added

May held the doctor’s hand in hers

“Thank you so much doctor” She muttered with teary eyes.

“That’s my twinnie, I knew that he would be able to survive it. Twinkle had always been really strong” Vince said with a small smile.



Ciara let out a sly smile on seeing Rose, she moved closer to her and knowing made their shoulder bump. Rose,who was absentminded, fell down due to the force of the push.

“Oh my! I didn’t see you. I’m so sorry about that” Ciara said with pure sarcasm in her voice. Rose took a deep breathe trying to calm her nerves, she already knew what Ciara wanted and she is not in the mood to give it to her.

Rose didn’t say a word and trying standing up but Ciara’s next statement got her frowning.

“I bet you are that weak that’s why Twinkle can’t even last a week with you and he came to me instead” Ciara said

“What did you just say?” Rose’s frown deepened, just the mention of Twinkle’s name was enough to send sparks in her head.

“You heard me right hunny or do you perhaps have hearing issues too?”

Rose let out a loud scoff running her hand through her hair, to think that Twinkle is currently lying down on the hospital bed because of her games was getting her mad already.

“I’ll prentend I didn’t hear that” Rose muttered and meant to leave but being Ciara, she dragged her back by pulling her hair really hard.

“You don’t have to pretend not to hear it because it’s true Ɓîtçh. You are nothing but a fling to Twinkle and it’s only sane if you realize that now. He belongs to me and no one else” Ciara said and that angered Rose the more.

Before she could process anything, Rose grabbed her hand and have her a back flip making her hit her back on the floor.

Rose sat on her stomach before setting to business giving her continuous slaps on the face.

“You should have just kept your mouth shut when I asked you to, you asked for it” Rose said breathing heavily. She transferred her anger and pains to the slap and continued hitting Ciara till she bleed.




Alexander was the one who rushed to the scene to separate the girls. He led Rose outside leaving Ciara to tend to herself.

“Just let me teach her a lesson, she is the cause of all of these. She made him to be on that bed right now…. She is the cause of his pains. I was a fool to have believed her in the first place… She….

Rose bursted into sobs while Alexander just pulled her closer to him, giving her pats on her back in a soothing manner.



“Why are you back early? Is anything the matter?” May inquired as Rose entered the ward.

” I just couldn’t concentrate on school and this is where my heart wants to be. I want to be the first person he will set those charming eyes of his on when he wakes up. I miss his mouth,his words… I just miss everything about him. Sometimes, I can’t help but blame myself… if only I was… more attentive or perhaps more reasonable then all of these wouldn’t have happened….

May smiled in understanding before pulling Rose closer to herself.

“You don’t have to blame yourself okay? Let’s just say…. it was meant to happen and just as the doctor had said, let’s keep our hopes up” May said in a reassuring manner

“I’ll get you something to drink, I’ll be right back” She added before stepping out of the ward. Rose sat down beside Twinkle on the bed and let out a sad smile.

She took his hand and kissed it

“I miss you so much, Knight” She muttered releasing a sad smile




Rose slowed on her pace as she felt a presence behind her, she soon started feeling uneasy as the footsteps drew near.

She was just returning from Dina’ s cafe where she had gone to see Nuella who had tried her possible best to cheer her up, all to no avail. She had been staying at the hospital for a week now and had been moody all through.

She turned back swiftly only to be greeted by the dark. The flickering light Was not helping matters too.

She fastened her pace and the person did the same too. Her heart was beating heavily as she walked as fast as her legs could carry her. She was trying hard not to make it onvious that she already knew that someone was behind her.

The sound of her phone’s ringtone eased down the tension in her. She brought out her phone from her bag and then picked up the call



May kept on fondling Twinkle’s hand in hers, not wanting to let go. She had been holding him since he woke up. She kissed his hand with a bright smile.

He has been transferred from the ER to the ward.

“Can you stop treating me as a kid? I’m totally fine as you can see” Twinkle muttered with an eyeroll, his head still had bandage around it.

“I’m glad you were able to pull through, what the hell were you thinking when you drive drunk?” May scolded momentarily

“At least I’m much better now” Twinkle answered giving her one of his charming smiles.

“I already called Rose, she would be here any moment from now” Vince announced stepping into the ward, he actually went out to make a call to Rose.

A slight frown appeared on Twinkle’s face mention of the name “Rose” and May noticed that immediately

“Is anything the matter son? Are you feeling pains anywhere? Headache? Discomfort? Should I call the doctor?” She inquired concernly

“I just need water” Twinkle said in a low voice.

The door suddenly bursted open and Rose came in, she was breathing heavily as she had obviously raced from the cab to Twimkle’s word. A smile appeared on her face as she sighted him sitting on the bed.

“My knight” She muttered and rushed to him, flinging herself on him while hugging him tight.

“I’m so glad you are awake, I was blaming myself already….. I missed you…. I…

Her words were cut short as Twinkle shoved her roughly to the ground making her hit her butt on the floor.

A loud gasp escaped from May’s lips, Vince was not left out too. Rose just sat on the floor still in daze, confusion was boldly written on her face.

“What did you just do Twinkle? Why would you push her to the floor? Do you know how long she waited for you to be up? She was here day and night waiting for you and….

Twinkle’s next statement threw them off guard.

“Who is she?” He asked giving Rose that disgusted look. An hiccup suddenly attacked Rose from nowhere, she blinked her lashed rapidly not believing her ears. Did she just hear right?

“Whosoever you are, just get the f-__-k off… your presence alone can make slip back to my unconscious state” He added rudely

Tears gathered Rose’s eyes immediately, she averted her gaze from May to Vince then back at Twinkle who gave her a look filled with nothing but hatred, the once love filled eyes was no longer there. Just hatred and deep resentment.

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