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Friday, October 18, 2024
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HIS BADDIE NERD – Episode 31 & 32

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“I’ve looked for you everywhere, I literally combed the whole city but it was like you vanished completely without leaving traces” May exclaimed. They had both settled down.

“I am currently running an orphanage” Gracie replied simply. She had her head bowed the whole time and she kept in staring at her nails.

“I’m glad to know that you are doing well since Mr Lawrence death” May said with a bright smile.

Miss Gracie swallowed into nothing at the mention of ‘Mr Lawrence’. Beads of sweat had gathered around her forehead and she was feeling very uncomfortable.

“This is my card, you can call me anytime you need my help or if you need my help” May passed her business card to Miss Gracie.

“I’ll take my leave now” May added standing up and Miss Gracie did too. They hugged each other for a brief moment.

Miss Gracie stared at the card for a while before proceeding to a trashcan and she dumped it there.

“Some things are better off hidden” She said



Twinkle’s eyes bulged out in shock as he had a full view of her. Just with a glance, he saw everything; her neatly shaped V and her small pointed B-__-bs which looked like they were calling him.

Her while body was screaming perfection, d@mn attractive. Twinkle swallowed into nothing as he righted his grip on the door knob, he was trying really hard to control himself. He was resisting the urge to slam the door shut behind him and make her scream his name in an unholy way.

His member was already erected, almost breaking his zipper.

“Arrrghhhh!!!!!” Rose screamed at the top of her voice. That was what jolted Twinkle from his naughty thoughts. His eyes widened as the realization just dawned on him. He hurriedly shut the door and left.

Rose picked her towel and ran back to the bathroom. Just the thought that someone saw her naked was enough to place her in disarray.

“What just happened?” She wondered aloud pacing around the bathroom. She was even scared to go out.

“He might still be there” She thought.



Vince stared at his phone screen as if he was expecting a text from someone. He had sent multiples of messages to Ciara hoping to get a reply but sadly, she didn’t even view them.

He grabbed his phone and dialed her number, surprisingly, she picked.

“Vince….” Her voice came up from the other end.

“Let’s meet” He blurted out

“I’m quite busy”

“You can tell me what I did wrong or where I went wrong but you can’t do this. We’ve been together for more than two years, we were made for each other. I just can’t bring myself to accepting that you broke up with me. Things can still work out between us, we can’t end it this way” Vince said

“I think it’s high time you get it, we are over and I want nothing to do with you. Just f-__-k off and get a life, stop being pathetic!” She snapped before hanging up.

Hot balls of tears rolled down Vince’s eyes, he couldn’t help but be petty.



Nuella dropped a cup of coffee in front of Rose before sitting down just directly opposite her. Rose visited the cafe after school.

“You are looking great even your skin is shinning than before. How’ve you been? Where are you staying currently?” Nuella asked

“A friend’s place” Rose answered sipping from her coffee. She scanned around the cafe heaving a deep sigh

“Is there something bothering you? You seem lost”

“I’m confused and I don’t know what to do. My heart keeps malfunctioning every time, I don’t know who I want,it’s hard” Rose blurted out without even knowing

“Is it about boys?” Nuella asked

“Not really…. a friend of mine… the one I am staying with, she is confused and she does not know who to choose between two boys” Rose quickly covered up.

“Tell me about the boys”

“The first one is very nice and he is quite handsome. He acts wierd sometimes and he ignores me…i mean, he ignores my friend for a while and then come back acting all nice. And lastly, he has a girlfriend” Rose explained

“And the second one is a big time flirt but he is really cool though. She feels comfortable around him and he knows how….

“Do what your heart tells you to do” Nuella cuts her off without even hearing her out to the end.

“My heart is confused too” Rose whined with a cute pout

“Go with your brain then” Nuella uttered

“My brains is clogged” Rose retorted earning a glare from Nuella and that made her laugh out loudly.



“Where have you been? I’ve been waiting for you, anyways, I have something to show you” Twibke said as soon as Rose entered the mansion. He meant to take her by her hand but she resisted

“Just leave me alone please” She said softly sounding very tired

“What happened?” He queried, his face laced concern. He stretched forth his hand and tired touching her forehead to feel her tenperature but Rose shifted backwards surprising him the more.

“Did I offend you or something? If it’s about the towel incident, I’m sorry.. ..

“Can you just stop talking and leave me alone” Rose snapped, she was slowly getting pissed with his questions.

Twinkle smiled lightly moving away from her

“I apologize for prying” He said dryly before taking the stairs.

“What did I just do?” Rose palmed her face with her hand.




Rose pushed the shopping cart while May did the shopping. The cart was almost filled up with the things they’ve bought.

“Did something happen between you and Twinkle? He had been acting strange and I noticed that you both haven’t been in speaking terms too” May began.

“We are good” Rose forced a smile.

“Are you sure about that? Did he perhaps do something that will annoy you? You can talk to me and I’ll give you advice one what to do” May pressed on further

“I’m just trying to discover myself, nothing happened between us” Rose’s answer still remained the same and that made May relented.

May stared at Rose for a while which made her uncomfortable. She averted her gaze somewhere else but then her eyes landed on someone; Miss Gracie who was coming from the opposite direction

“Miss Gracie” She called with a wave while smiling brightly. May raised a questioning brow.

“Do you know Gracie?”

“I grew up at her orphanage” Rose replied simply moving closer to Miss Gracie who was about moving backwards. Rose meant to hug her but she shifted backwards like she was avoiding any form of body contact with her.

May’s eyes suddenly widened as the realization just dawned on her. She looked at Rose critically before turning to Miss Gracie

“She is that Rose? Mr Lawrence daughter right?” She inquired

“Can we talk about this in private?” Miss Gracie said instead of giving May an answer.

“Go home Rose, I’ll be back soon. Take the car, tell the driver to take you home” May said to the confused Rose who obeyed reluctantly


“I took Rose in after her parents death and I hid her from the view of everyone. I raised her to become who is she” Miss Gracie narrated.

“You shouldn’t have hidden her from me! The conglomerate was willed to her but in her absence, it was given to Mr Jones, the board supported it and I had no say” May said. She is actually Mr Lawrence’s lawyer

“You were nowhere to be found, you suddenly disappeared and I had no choice but to do what I had to do. I was powerless and I couldn’t object Mr Jones”Miss Gracie answered

“Why did you send her out of the orphanage? Rose told me everything” May pressed further. Miss Gracie leaned forwards taking May’s hand into hers.

“I’m glad she is with you and I am sure she is safe. Take good care of her like she is a daughter to you” Miss Gracie requested



Rose walked around her room, she has been doing that since she returned from the mall. The house was empty and unusually quiet, she was feeling really bored.

She stepped out of her room when she couldn’t resist the urge. Her gaze landed on twinkle’s door, theorist meeting came flashing in her head.

“I’ll just apologize to him”She thought going closer, she knocked on his door and waited for a response.

The door knob twisted and Twinkle opened the door. Surprise was boldly written on his face as he stared at Rose who had her head bowed as she couldn’t keep the eye contact.

“Do you need anything?” He inquired but he got no reply from her. He moved away from the door but left it open and Rose walked it. She glanced around the room and a satisfactory smile appeared on her face. One thing that caught her attention was the neatness of the room.

“Did you loose your way? I wasn’t expecting you” Twinkle said again breaking the awkward silence.

“I was bored and I just thought….

Rose bit her bottom lips pausing in her words. “What am I saying? I should be apologizing and not spewing trash” she thought in her head. She swallowed into nothing and meant to say something but the blank countenance on Twinkle’s face made the words got stuck.

“You can leave if you have nothing to say” He said coldly and meant to leave. Rose went after him swiftly, she wrapped her hands around him from behind as that was the only way she could stop him from leaving.

“I’m sorry for the way I snapped at you, it wasn’t intentional. I wasn’t in the right state of mind when I said those words. I’ve was lost between two choice but I have made my stand”

“Don’t leave me but instead stay, let’s get back together. I missed you” She said the last part in a whisper, resting her head on his back.

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