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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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IRRESISTIBLE LOVE – Episode 43 & 44

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•|{Mission accomplished/unmasked}|•

Mason turned to the door and he quickly dragged his pants back up and turned to meet Guy’s shocked look and Seinna smirked.

The shocked look on Guy’s face suddenly turned into a silly look and he smirked satisfactorily.

“I knew you were a two face but I didn’t expect to see it myself,trust me you’ll explain a lot,a…lot”Guy chuckled and walked out.

Mason heart beat dropped drastically.

“Hey wait!!” he didn’t know when he rushed outside with only his pants leaving his upper body bare.

“Mason!!”Cecile yelled after him.

Guy kept walking away with a silly smirk on his lips and that moment luck went out on Mason cause Avril took a turn to where Guy stood.

“Hey,the boys are looking for you”Avril said and furrowed her brows on Mason and Cecile who was way behind.

“What’s going on?”Avril asked suspiciously.

Guy turned back and met Mason standing there like statue and his pants immediately fell down on it’s own,Guy began laughing loudly. Avril frowned deeply.

“Babe….I…”Mason sttuttered.

“We were practicing”Guy cut in and Avril nodded.

“But why is he bare and your belt baby”Avril frowned and turned back to Cecile, who stared back blankly.

“Your suspicions are hundred percent darling”Guy mumbled and Mason could feel his pants coming wet with the hotness he is feeling.

“What do you mean?”Avril frowned and Mason began sweating from his head.

“I mean your suspicion is right Cecile helped us”Guy smiled.

“Oh…then see you two on the court?”Avril smiled and walked out.

“What was that ,what were you trying to play at?”Mason snapped.

“Chill cheat,I only wanted to know how scared you could be”Guy chuckled and walked closer to him.

“I only stoped myself from talking course I know how shattered she’ll be when she finds out but that doesn’t mean I won’t change my mind soon…..very soon”Guy whispered in his ear and began walking out his hands tucked in his pocket.

Mason swallowed hard watching him leave.

“Baby are you okay?”Cecile asked holding his arm,he pulled her hand off roughly with great force sending her to the wall and walked out.

“Now I’ll really make you lose everything jerk!”Cecile smirked and licked the blood off her lips.

°Girls changing room°
“where the f*uk is Cecile?”Monique groaned loudly, she’s all dressed also waiting for the games to begin. Delilah walked in at that moment and Monique scoffed but Delilah ignored her and walked to a closet and began packing her things.

“Your new friend finally let you go?”Monique smirked and Delilah stopped packing.

“Here to pack my things,not to talk to you “Delilah muttered and began walking out, a pair of black gloves suddenly dropped from the bag and Monique eye’s followed it. She picked it.

It had a red skull inscription with two skull daggers.

“Is it yours?”Monique muttered and Delilah grabbed it from her.

“Now it is enjoy your stay with your new best friend “Delilah muttered and walked out.

“New best friend? She acts strange these days”Monique muttered.

“But I’m sure I’ve seen that sign somewhere before…where?”Monique thought when suddenly the door opened again but this time Cecile walked in .

“Where were you?”Monique frowned.

“Needed to finish up somethings before we went “Cecile smiled and Monique nodded and they both walked out of the room.

•~Basketball court~•
The whole place is filled up with students already all waiting for the two teams to walk in.

It’s a big game that happens only once in a semester between the two enemies.

Warren was first to walk in with Mason beside him and some other college students all wearing blue sports jersey.

👤Yeah!! My baby.

🗣️ Warren for me!!


The shouts immediately subsided when Princeton walked in with his team, he’s wearing a sleeveless shirt showing off his forearms,he had a black hair band on. “Hottie”


🗣️Argghh!!! So hot!!!!

🗣️Love you baby!!! . A girl shouted and Princeton chuckled.

The two teams stood in front of eachother and the glares passed from one angle to another it looked more like a war than a game and the glare Mason gave Guy was even hotter but Guy only retuned it with a cute smile.

“Two face”Guy mouthed and Mason swallowed.

Let the games begin!!

Hot hot that’s how it started and presently Princeton is running off with the basketball ball,he passed it to Xavier.

“Heh!! I’m here!”Guy said and Xavier smirked and threw it to someone else,thier team member.

*Go W°A°R°R°E°N* Monique and her cheer members screamed when Warren got a hold of the ball,he smiled when he saw Monique jumping and passed it to Mason.

“No cheerleaders yet, what is Avril planning?”Xavier chuckled running past Princeton.

“Better question what is doll up to”Princeton muttered.

The main door opened immediately Princeton said that at that same point Guy threw him the ball but it fell out his grip, luckily thier team mate caught it and continued.

🗣️ Francecsa?!!!

🗣️Oh my f-__-king days!!

The screams intensified when Francecsa walked in segzily with her cheerleaders,there wasn’t an outfit in her size so she got a customized skirt and red collared crop top ,a cheesy smile on her lips.

“I think you’re gonna end the game at this rate babe”Kitty chuckled beside her.

“I knew he won’t concentrate naughty Cherie”she chuckled inwardly.

The games still kept getting hotter, Princeton snatched the ball and threw it into the opponents net and everyone screamed.

*Wins are for the Prince’s* Francecsa screamed,she swayed her hair roughly moving her waist as segzy and Princeton swallowed loosing grip of the ball.

Xavier quickly caught it.

“What’s wrong with you dude?”Xavier groaned and continued the running.

“C’mon baby!!!”Sienna yelled and Francecsa scoffed and continued her segzy moves with the rest,she did a split and shook the pums in the air.

Francecsa didn’t stop there she bent low with the rest and swayed her hair again chanting their win .

“f_ck she’s so segzy”a guy muttered,how Princeton heard was the problem.

“Yeah if she didn’t have a brother here I would have found my way to her p@zzy”another one said and Princeton folded his fist. He stared at the idiots with deadly glare and he had to hold himself from moving towards them.

“Half time!”Princeton snapped and walked out.

Immediately he went out of sight Francecsa’s phone dinged and she knew it was him for sure.

“I’ll be back”Francecsa turned to Kitty and she nodded,she walked out the guys eyes followed her a*s till she went out of sight.

“It wasn’t time yet!”Xavier shook his head.

“Jerk!”Warren scoffed and grabbed a bottle water.

“Looking at him clearly now Warren is hot,why did you cheat on him?”Cecile muttered staring deeply at Warren, Monique stayed quiet admiring the view. His view.

Francecsa opened the door to their usual spot and met Princeton standing there with a frown. She has a red hoodie resting on her left hand.

“Was this your plan? To make me lose it out there”Princeton said and Francesca scoffed.

“Only wanted you to keep focus on me this time”Francecsa muttered and Princeton groaned.

“Every single guy out there kept their eyes focused on you,making eyes at you doll,it’s annoying I had to hold myself from punching out their teeths”Princeton frowned and Francecsa chuckled.

“It’s not funny,don’t cheerlead again or I’ll be to distracted to play”Princeton said taking a look at her and she immediately pulled the hoodie on her body, Princeton eyes widened.

“You brought it along…. like you planned this?”Princeton said squinting his eyes on her and she shrugged.

“I won’t cheerlead again you can concentrate now,happy?”Francecsa muttered and Princeton smiled and pulled her closer.

“Won’t you wish your boyfriend good luck with a kiss?”Princeton said flirtatiously and Francecsa pushed his head back.

“You’ll get that when you score seven points for me”she winked and walked out, Princeton chuckled lightly and walked out.

The games already continued immediately Princeton got back and it’s still the same hot vibe. Non ready to lose to the other.

Francecsa walked in with her hands tucked in the pockets of the hoodie and she looked small,it stopped below her thighs making her look cute.

“What happened Cesca?”Kitty asked.

“Can’t join you guys sprained my ankle”Francecsa muttered simply.

“It doesn’t look that way,you look fine”Avril said.

“It’s both,you guys continue I’ll just go seat over there”Francecsa smiled and Avril nodded.

She sat down beside Chase and he gave her a smile.

“You stopped?” Chase said.

“Sprained my ankle”she replied and began clapping loudly with the rest,he stared at her again before joining the claps.

👤Team Prince!!! The students yelled immediately Princeton made another shot in the net.

“Yeah!!”Francecsa screamed jumping on her spot.

“Thought you said you sprained your ankle?”Chase chuckled.

“It suddenly left”Francecsa smiled and Chase laughed.

**6:4!!* _Few seconds_ _left_

Princeton threw the ball to Xavier and he caught it like a pro and winked at some girls,they all blushed heavily.

Guy caught it next and threw it to Princeton,he made few moves and got to the opponents net where he threw the ball in. Another shot!!

🗣️ Whoa!!!


👤I expected it with ease,my babies!!!

Princeton winked at Francecsa and she blushed badly and bit her lips hard.

So the winners are!!! The Princes!!!!!. Warren kicked a bottle out of his way and barged out angrily.

“It was supposed to be a friendly game!”Guy chuckled when Mason glared at them and walked out.

°Prince changing room°
Princeton kept wiping his face with a towel,he placed it around his neck and turned to grab a bottle but they’re all empty,the door barged open and Princeton smiled when Francecsa walked in.

She’s holding a white towel and bottle water in her hand.

“Wondering where you were”he chuckled,she walked to him and began wiping his face with the towel and he carried her off the floor easily and she Instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist,his hand palmy her a*s possessively.

“This again?”she chuckled.

“It’s not my fault you’re so easy to lift,I love this style”he smiled,she cleaned his face perfectly and he kept staring at her face,she threw the towel when she was done and their eyes locked.

“7:4 like you asked my queen”Princeton whispered and she smiled cutely.

“I was so happy when you won,I was like…whoooo!!!! My… Cherie!!!!”Francecsa demonstrated throwing her baggy hoodie hands cutely in the air and Princeton laughed.

“You’re so cute, f-__-king cute”Princeton laughed and she smiled and uncapped the bottle.

“How cute?”

“Hundred percent…”was the only thing he could say before she placed the bottle on his lips,he drank little from it and she drank exactly from the spot before closing it back,he smiled.

“Why are you staring that way?”Francecsa squinted.

“My kiss….”

“No Cherie you’ll get addicted”Francecsa mimicked his voice and he laughed.

“Are you using that against me now?”Princeton smiled.

“Nope,I’m just not in the mood to kiss anymore”Francecsa smirked,Princeton scoffed.

“Then resist it…if you can”he smirked and smacked his lips on hers,she didn’t even wait a sec before reciprocating back,his face in between her small palms as she rubbed them softly.

She broke it almost immediately when she heard foot steps,the door opened aburtly and Warren eyes popped out when he saw them. They already broke the kiss before he came but she’s still on him.

Warren eyes darted from Princeton hands on Francecsa a*s and how clingy she was on him.

Princeton groaned frustratedly and Warren smirked.

“I thought you only played with other girls but your best friend’s lil sis really sick”Warren smirked and Francecsa rolled her eyes.

“Doll leave”Princeton said and Francecsa shook her head clinging tighter.

“You two aren’t gonna fight right?”Francecsa pouted,Warren eyes widened even more.

Princeton took few steps to Warren his one hand carrying Francecsa and the other tucked in his pocket.

“You wanna tell Xavier right,be my first guest,it’ll be fun”Princeton smirked.

“The nerves you have… bastard “Warren smirked and Francecsa frowned.

“I’ll leave you two now”she muttered and made to jump down but Princeton dropped her gently and she began walking out,she stopped beside Warren and gave him a blank expression before walking out.

Warren stared at Princeton one last time and also left. Princeton sighed and drank more from the bottle water.

Warren slammed door immediately he got into his own changing room,he actually entered Princeton’s accidentally since they looked alike.

He was surprised to meet Monique seating there staring at his things.

“It’s still the same when we were dating”Monique smiled.

“Why are you here i think you missed the direction to Princeton’s room he’s the one who won”Warren frowned and Monique sighed.

“I expected this,he isn’t your enemy unno I wronged you he….he didn’t know we were a thing….”

“I don’t wanna here it”Warren cut in,he began taking off his shirt and Monique bit her lips.

“Stop staring it’s not yours anymore “Warren scoffed and Monique looked away.

“You played well today”she muttered.

“I don’t need your sympathy”Warren muttered coldly and wore another shirt.

“I guess I’m suffering for what I did to you,I actually thought he loved me and….but I guess he really can’t love anyone,he meant what he said “Monique muttered and Warren scoffed.

“He’s already found his doom,no one can see it that’s all,he is fooling everyone”Warren scoffed and Monique blinked.

“He is dating Xavier lil sister “Warren said bluntly and walked out the room.


Sienna rushed into the changing room immediately she got the text message but when she opened the door she met it empty.

A text was sent to her that she’ll find Princeton here and foolishly she ran here.

“Fraud where the hell is he anyway?”Sienna muttered and made to close the door when she saw a phone on a table,she walked to it immediately and picked it ,it had a video ready to be played on it so she played it but immediately she did her eyes widened.

*You wanna take me hard?* Francecsa voice said and her eyes widened even more ,it’s the video from the engagement.

“Tha…that was were he got the hickeys!! He spent a night with her on our engagement night!!”Sienna sttuttered her hands shaking on the phone,it fell due to shock and she rushed out.

Cecile came out of a corner and smiled devilishly, she’s wearing the black gloves Monique had earlier seen. She’s the lady!!!!!!

“Mission accomplished,time for hell to spell on that witch”she chuckled and picked the phone from where it was left shattered.


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