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HomeLOVE IN CHAOSLOVE IN CHAOS - Episode 25 & 26

LOVE IN CHAOS – Episode 25 & 26

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≈Two Days Later≈
“I’m gonna miss you dad” Mulan said dramatically as he hugged Pa Oh who hugged him too.

“I will miss you son. Don’t stay long here so you could join us because I’m not seeing any improvement in your acting career. You can change your career over there” He shrugged.

“That hurt dad” he held his chest dramatically.

“What dad is saying is really important. Mulan you need to change your career. You can’t only be a servant on a movie for over three years” Mishiti added earning a glare from Mulan as Arya thought was far beyond what they were discussing.

As they were discussing,the heard a voice from the speaker that passengers should get inside the airplane.

“Is time to go. Take care of yourself kids and make sure you eat properly till you join us there”. Rishi advised as she hug them one by one.

“Yes mom. Take care of yourself and that little girl here” stylishly touching Arya.

“I will”she replied.

“Arya make sure you study hard to be a good and responsive surgeon” Mulan said but Arya didn’t reply.

“Arya”! He shouted as she held her chest in fear.

“Why did you shout out my name like that brother” she raised her voice little.

“I have been talking to you for about three minutes but you were lost” he said.

“Oh.. what did you say” she touch awkwardly.

“I can’t say it back. You may leave mom” he refused.

“He said that you should take your study serious and make us proud. Also,make sure you meet him…what his name… Emmanuel before I come” Rishi whispered to her as Arya blushed heavily.

“Okay is time to go” Pa Oh announced as they started going to the aeroplane.

“Bye mom,bye dad”!! They choursed.

They entered the plane and sat according to their seats numbers.


They did as the were told,within ten seconds the aeroplane took off.

“I hope I will find you boys” Arya muttered as she closed her eyes imagining her future ahead of her.

Emmanuel dress in a black suit descended the stairs majestically as he did the cufflinks of his shirt staring at the mirror before him. He was looking so beautiful and handsome at the same time. No doubt he going for a board meeting with some group of Americans elite men.

“You are looking so adorable and…”

“Where are the files I asked for”? He interjected.

“You shouldn’t have interrupted me when I was praising you” Sir Joseph muttered.

“Give me the files already” Emmanuel said as Sir Joseph handed the files to him. He took it immediately and glanced at him briefly before turning to the mirror and did his collar of his clothes before grabbing his car keys that was on the table and start heading out of the living room.

“Aren’t you going to have your breakfast”? Sir Joseph shouted but Emmanuel ignored him and walked out.

“That is how it should be” he muttered smiling to himself.

“Where is my son,he didn’t have his breakfast”? Rosetta asked worriedly when she came down the stairs.

“Real men doesn’t eat when they are serious about things” Joseph replied her but she chose to remain silent.

“Real men aren’t selfish as you are” she spat and went upstairs.

“And you are comfortably not searching for your son who I disowned. Too bad that you are not a good mother as you claimed to be” he said making to halt on her track.

“Who told you that I don’t where my son is”? She fired back.

“Okay. Sorry I under estimated you” he said mockery. She rolled her eyes and went into her room.

“Stupid woman” he muttered grabbing his suitcase and exist the house.


“Building a delivery station that will extend our company at the rural villages in Africa will bring enough profit for us by the end of the year. Because Africa is one of the biggest continent in the world. Imagine having twenty delivery stations in a country in Africa which have many populations and states,we will be earning more than we invested in this project” Emmanuel explain as he stood at the front of the board membership as he slide on the projector.

“How much exactly are we going to make at the end of the year”? A white matured man asked.

“Let’s start with one hundred and fifty billions a year” he said as the board members began murmuring in surprise.

🗣️”I support what he said.

🗣️”Having a country like Nigeria,Ghana and South Africa is good enough.

🗣️”Wow! Is a whole lot of gain”.

“I’m interested investing with you” a man raised his hand up meaning that he was going to invest with them.

“Me too” a man added and everyone seated in that room all raised their hands up as Sir Joseph smile proudly at his son who was just giving him a blank expression.

“Then let’s get started by signing the deal” he announced as the began signing on a file before them.

“It was nice working with you” a man said and shared a handshake with him.

“Mr Joseph I envy you a lot for having such a brilliant and deligent son. My son is so useless that he doesn’t know what is the meaning of shares. All what he is after is doing what that will gives him happiness” a man said as those men laughed.

“Sir if I may ask,what do you son does that gives him happiness”? Emmanuel suddenly asked as those men turned to look at him as the stopped laughing even his dad.

“My son loves singing a lot and he has this melodious voice that can make a hard heart to soften mere listening to him and I h@ťě it to the core because he is my only son and he should be the one to take after my business when I am gone but as it stands now,I will hand it over to my younger daughter” the man said.

“At least you should be happy that he is not a criminal. If singing is what makes him happy allow him to do it because when he becomes popular he will be the one to bring potential customers and investors to your company Imagine having a son that won a Grammy award, everyone will be dieing to work with you Sir. Everyone must not be like me Sir” Emmanuel said politely as the man felt as if a burden was lifted up from his chest.

“No one have advised me like this. Not only that you are intelligent,you are a good advisor. I will do a as you say. I will stop resenting him and support him. Thank you so much for telling me this. I will never forget it trust me” the man said and hug him.

“Thank you everyone” Emmanuel said as everyone started leaving the board meeting room till he was left with his father.

“You did well son. I’m proud of you” his father said and patted his shoulder which he ignored.

“Maybe if you continue like this I wouldn’t be thr_@tening with the deal we had” his father said and sharply he turned to look at him.

“Don’t you dare to change the deal,if not you will regret ever birthing me” Emmanuel warned seriously and left the room.

“You can also tried to an advisor” he shouted behind him but Emmanuel slammed the door hard.

“Hahaha”! He laughed as he brought out his phone seeing the headlines of the news.

“So sorry Mr Governor. Too bad that you were a victim. That is why I h@ťě spending on the poor they are such a bad luck to people” he said and pocketed his phone .

“Today was good” he muttered falling into his chair.

Theresa was in her dressing room where a makeup artist was beautifying her face because she was about to model for a Calvin Klein set of underwear when a loud noise interrupted her silence.

“Ashley please check what the noise is all about” she said as Ashley her manager left and came back in few minutes.

“What is it”? She asked as her manager who was smiling brightly.

“It is Carl the hot model who have be reigning for two years now. He came to the studio today who knows if he has a $h00t today. I can’t wait to take a picture with him”! She giggled.

“Carl is here”! Theresa asked unbelievably.

“How? It been five years since she saw him. What is he doing here? Have him come to have his revenge on her since she couldn’t fight for their love”? She thought.

“Tessy”! Ashley shouted as Theresa shook her body.

“What”! She asked.

“You seems lost at the mention of Carl,are you perhaps crushing on him? You know married woman can also crush on their favorite celebrity” she said as Theresa rolled her eyes.

“I over heard that he will be modeling for Calvin Klein too” the make-up artist added.

“Wait! He is the male model that the director was talking about that you are going to be pair with. Omg! I can’t believe this I’ve got to see my crush after all these years”!! Ashley rolled on the floor as Theresa couldn’t help but smile at her craziness.

“Theresa get ready”! The director shouted from outside.

“Okay Sir” she replied.

“All done” the make up artist said and left her after giving her the final touch.

“Bring those set of underwears” she said as Ashley brought it which she wore. Ashley gave a long jacked to over her skin because of cold which she could remove when the $h00t is about to start.

“You are good to go” she said as Theresa stepped out from her dressing room as other models couldn’t help but to compliment her while some was giving her h@ťěful glances which she doesn’t give a f-__-k.

She stopped breathing when she saw her ex-lover wearing a Calvin Klein short standing segzily as the camera capture him at every pose he made. Some female models were drooling at him segzily while he just focus on what he was doing.

“Is time for the couple $h00t” the camera shouted as Theresa walked slowly to the where Carl was. Carl himself was a bit surprised seeing her,her segzily tone curves was what he saw before looking at her cute face which never changed. Her beauty still stood out after many years he saw her last live, but too bad he is still angry at her for not fighting for their love but instead she ki||ed him with her words that night.

His once smiling face became mean when she looked at him.

“Hi”! She said passing him a smile which he h@ťěd the most.

“Hi”! He said coldly not looking at her as she bit her lips as the began posing like a couple. He held her waist in a possessive manner as she shiver as his arms came in contact with her skin.

“I still have effect on you Tessy” he said in his head as a smile formed on his lips.

“I love that smirk” the camera man shouted as the continued the $h00t.

Suddenly, Fernando walked into the studio where they were taken the picture,as a model shouted his name as he passed them a smile.

🗣️The youngest billionaire is here Fernando”!

🗣️”He is handsome”!

🗣️”Too bad he is taken”

Fernando smiled at their comment before settling his gaze on his wife with a young man beside her which he remembered as her ex lover.

“Fernando you came” the director exclaimed upon seeing him.

“Yeah, your brother told me that you will hand over some files to me that is why I came”he said.

“Oh yeah I have forgotten. But you should have sent your P.A” the director replied.

“Well my P.A is currently in the hospital and the files is important that is why I came myself” he explained.

“Okay. Won’t you say hi to your gorgeous wife”? The director teased him.

“I don’t want to distract her. Can I have the files now”? He requested.

“Come with me” with that he followed the director to his office.

“It seems your husband is stalking his wife too” Carl stylishly whispered to her as she held her breath unable to reply.

“I don’t know… what you are talking about” she stuttered but she ignored her.

“Thanks everyone for your cooperation. I hope to work with you guys next time* the director said.

“Me too” Carl said and left to his dressing room. Theresa also left for her dressing room not without looking at Carl stylishly.

“You were amazing Tessy! Good luck. Your husband came but he left already” Ashley said as Theresa formed an ‘Oh’ with her mouth.

“Let leave” she said after dressing up.


Upon coming outside she saw Carl standing beside his car as if he was waiting for someone.

“I think someone’s rich husband already left his wife stranded” he said enough for Theresa to hear but she snubbed him and went for her car.

“Won’t he come to drive you home”? He asked annoying her.

“If you want to talk about me then you do it than to be calling my husband name” Theresa shouted breathing heavily.

“I still love your nasty temper” he said as she stopped frowning.


“Goodnight Tessy” he said and enter his car driving out from the environment.

“Jerk” she muttered as a smile formed on her lips remembering what he said before he left. She entered her car and drove off before Ashley could come.

“I didn’t remember telling you to show your face at the studio today. Why did you show yourself among all the days of the week you chose Saturday to come to the studio,why”! Theresa shouted immediately she entered the living room on seeing Fernando working on his laptop.

“I don’t have an explanation to give you. Do I”? He asked not looking at her.

“Yes you do Fernando. Did you just come to show your annoying face to my $h00t so that others will know that my husband came”!! She yelled but he ignored.

As furious as she was,she grabbed his laptop and smash it on the ground.

“Are you happy that you broke the laptop Tessy”? He asked as she was fuming with anger.

“I didn’t come to your $h00t to distract you from your lover. I came to collect an important files from your director. I told you that I will leave you alone which I’m already doing, don’t make me do worse than it. I will be preparing the divorce papers since your lover is now closed to you” he said as he grabbed his phone and left the living room for his room.

Theresa stared at his retracting figure and look at the damaged laptop biting her lips in guilt.

It was late in the night when Arya and her parents arrived at Australia. Arya was very happy as she came out from the plane breathing in the lavishing air of Australia. Despite feeling sleepy she brought out her phone and snapped her self for remembrance.

“Welcome to Australia” she shouted as other passengers laughed at her.

“Let’s go. A car is waiting for us” Pa Oh said as the began walking out from the airport where a black Toyota was waiting for them.

“Good evening Sir! How was your flight? The young man who was waiting for them asked immediately Pa Oh got him.

“It was good. You are Henry right”

“Yes. I was sent by the head office to come and pick you and your family from the airport” he said politely.

“Okay. Arya give your luggages to him so he could drop it on the car boots” Pa Oh ordered.

“Okay”! She replied and handed her luggages to him.

“You are handsome” she whispered to him as he smiled in returned.

“And you are beautiful too” he complimented her but a spank on her backside her to straighten her body. Henry laughed at her behavior.

They entered the car and drove off to their new home.

Something happened that night Arya arrived at Australia in the Hernandez mansion. That night Emmanuel was not feeling sleepy,he stood up from his bed and opened his window as he rested his arms on it gazing at the beautiful stars above him.

🎶The stars are beautiful at night when I look at it,
But I found something beautiful than it,when I looked into your eyes.
I found the purest soul one can ever wish to have in you,
Your eyes glisters like the stars at night, but yet
I can feel a magnetic force pulling me towards you
Anytime I look at you.

He sang the first stanza of the poem he wrote when he relocated to Australia because of her. As he was singing a white dove flee and rested on his shoulder.

Emmanuel was surprised because doves does not fly at night why then is this dove resting on his shoulder? He thought.

He was still thinking when another black dove flee and rested on his shoulder. He remembered one thing, that it was a couple dove. But he was yet to identify the meaning of this superstitious acts was when the two Doves flee away.

“What the f-__-k”!

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