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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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๐Ÿ“ž: Speak up Sophia.

๐Ÿ“ž: Umm, there’s nothing. Maybe you just misheard, good night.

Sophia didn’t let her speak anymore before she hang up the call.

“What might be the problem?” Ivy said before she went to bed.

โ˜… Next morningโ˜…

Ivy woke up and got ready for work. She helped her Granny prepare breakfast.

“Morning Granny.” Ivy said.

“Good morning Ivy, hope you had a wonderful night.” Granny said and she nodded.

They settled down to eat and in no time, she finished eating and left the house.

Ivy was walking along the road, she decided to walk instead of calling a cab.

Suddenly, a car passed by her and splah a little mud on her.

“Hey, are you nut.” Ivy yelled but the car didn’t even stopped.

“Such brat.” She said trying to clean the stain on her cloth.

She got to the restaurant and met Melody, soon after customers started coming in.

“Hey Ivy, you have been putting on a frown since. What happened?” Melody asked.

“Can you believe, when I was coming to work this morning. A car splashed mud on me and didn’t even bother to wait.” Ivy said.

“What! That’s bad.” Melody said.

“Yes, that person is a brat.” Ivy said angrily.

“Ivy Rhett.” Her boss called and she stopped wh@ลฅฤ›ver she is doing.

“In my office now.” Her boss said before leaving.

“What have I done wrong now?” Ivy asked starting to get scared.

“Don’t worry, am sure it’s not a big issue. Go.” Melody assured and she nodded before leaving.

Ivy breathe in and out before knocking on the door.

“Come in.” Her boss said and she entered.

“You… you called for me ma’am.” Ivy said hoping all is well.

“Am sorry to say this, am sure it’s going be devastating but I’ve got no choice.” Her boss.

“What’s it ma’am.” Ivy asked.

“You are fired.” Her boss dropped the bombshell and Ivy could swear her heart stopped beating at some point.

“What?! But what have I done, please ma’am you really can’t do this to me. Please ma.” Ivy said getting down on her knees.

” Am sorry Ivy, please get up.” Her boss said.

Ivy felt really dejected, how will she be able to manage her house. What will happen to her within this period, how will she be able to get another job within such notice.

These questions flashed through her mind as she walked out of the office.

She walked back to the restaurant and started packing her stuffs.

” Ivy, Ivy what happened, what did she tell you.” Melody asked seeing her packing her things.

” I’ve been fired.” Ivy said and Melody’s eyes widened.

” What! For what reason is that? I.. I will go talk to her.” Melody said trying to go but I’ve held her back.

” It’s of no use.” Ivy said.

” But…”

Melody hugged her instantly.

โ˜… Authur’s Empireโ˜…

Ivan entered his office and his mind flashed to how he had splashed mud on Ivy.

” Well, she deserves it anyways and I have done something else.” Ivan said and he smirks.

Then a knock came on the door.

” Come in.” Ivan said going to sit on his chair.

” Morning sir.” Melissa greeted.

” Morning.” Ivan responded. Just then, he noticed a bag in her hand.

” What’s that?” Ivan asked.

“Oh, I brought…food for.. you sir.” Melissa said with her head down smiling sheepily.

“Umm thanks but I had eaten before coming. You can share other workers, you know there’s love in sharing.” Ivan said and immediately her smile disappeared.

* Again? He keeps rejecting me.* Melissa said in her head.

“No problem sir.” Melissa said.

“Tha….” He just want to say thank you.

*Firstly, I don’t say Thank you.* He remembered what he said to Ivy.

“You can go.” Ivan said.

*He wanted to say thank you right? I didn’t misheard, that will be the first time ever I will be working with him hearing him say thank you, but why did he stop.* Melissa said inwardly.

” Uhmm sir, you will be having a meeting in the next thirty minutes, they will text the address to ME soon.” Melissa said emphasising on the Me.

” Good, I will be waiting.” Ivan said before opening the laptop.

Melissa nodded before leaving.

โ˜… Rhett’s residenceโ˜…

Ivy pressed the door bell and her Granny opened the door with a surprise look.

” Hey Ivy, what are you doing at home by this time.” Granny said.

” Granny.” Ivy said before bursting into tears hugging her.

” What’s wrong dear, come in first.” Granny said before closing the door.

” Granny, I .. I have been fired.” Ivy said.

“What! But why? What did you do, what’s your offence?” Granny asked.

“I didn’t do anything Granny, she didn’t tell me what I did.” Ivy said cleaning her tears which won’t stop falling

“It’s okay dear, you will find another job very soon okay?” Granny said.

“I will go to my room.” Ivy said.

โ˜… Ivy’s roomโ˜…

Ivy entered her room and slumped on her bed. Her phone kept ringing from Melody’s call but she didn’t pick it up.

She closed her eyes and let her tears fall freely and in no time, she drift off to sleep.

โ˜… Ellite Collegeโ˜…

Louisa was going to class when suddenly a hand pulled into an empty class.

“Hey.” Louisa said, her face suddenly changed to an angry one the moment it caught up Ryan.


“Why did you pull me here, let me go.” Louisa cut in.

“Louisa, listen to me. I know you must be very angry as to how I got your number..”

“Yeah, you really need to explain that.” She cut in again.

” Oh gosh, can you stop cutting my words.” Ryan said.

” Go on.” She said folding her arms.

” Okay, you must know that I like you a lot and it’s not because you are Rich or something. Trust me, I really do like you a lot, that’s why I found a way of getting your number. Please believe me.” Ryan said.

“Are you done?” Louisa said and he nodded.

“Bye.” Louisa said before leaving and he didn’t make an attempt to stop her.

โ˜… Eveningโ˜…

Ivy got a call from an unknown number. She squinched her brows before picking it up.

๐Ÿ“ž: Hello, who’s this

๐Ÿ“ž: I want you to meet me at Royal’s club tonight

“Uhn, that’s Sophia’s workplace, but who’s this.” Ivy said.

๐Ÿ“ž: Who are you and why should I listen to you.

๐Ÿ“ž: You will listen to me if you need a job

” What! A job?” She said again.

๐Ÿ“ž: I will be there

She end the call and start preparing for what to wear.

โ˜… Night timeโ˜…

Ivy got dressed and give Melody a call. She picked up at the fourth ring.

๐Ÿ“ž: Hey Melody

๐Ÿ“ž: Hi Ivy

๐Ÿ“ž: Umm, do you wanna go to the club now. Am dressed already

๐Ÿ“ž: Sure, why not. I will meet you in a while, wait for me

๐Ÿ“ž: No problem

Ivy went to the living room.

” Granny, am going to meet Sophia and Melody.” Ivy said.

” Of course you can go, but once again you come back home, you get locked outside.” Granny said.

“As if you did it the last time.” Ivy mumbled.

” What’s that?” Granny asked.

“Nothing, I won’t back late. Bye.” She Pecked her cheek and left the house.

A few minutes later, Melody came and they went to the club together.

โ˜… Aurthur’s Mansionโ˜…

Ivan got dressed ready to go out. He grabbed his phone and gave Bryan a call.

๐Ÿ“ž: Hi, you wanna meet up. Ivan said.

๐Ÿ“ž: Sure, at that club right?

๐Ÿ“ž: Yeah, I’ll see you. Bye.

Ivan said and ended the call, he suddenly smirk remembering something.

He then went downstairs, he met Louisa and Ma. Rose together at the dinning room while some maids stand behind them.

“I will be back.” Ivan announced before leaving.

“He never stays home, he don’t even know if his little sister is bored or feeling lonely or not.” Louisa pouted.

“It’s okay Louisa, he will be back soon. Am sure he’s doing everything for your well being.” Ma. Rose said patting her hair.

โ˜… Royal’s clubโ˜…

Ivy and Melody got to the club. Meanwhile Ivy tried calling the unknown number but he didn’t pick it.

“Wow, he is the one who told me to meet him here and now he’s not picking up.” Ivy said and Melody looked at her.

“Who’s that?” Melody asked.

“Nevermind.” Ivy answered and Melody smiled.

“Let’s go meet Sophia.” Melody said and they nodded.

Meanwhile at Sophia’s side.

“I pray I don’t come across that cheater today, I don’t even want to see his face.” Sophia said before she noticed Ivy and Melody coming her side.

“Hey girls, what’s up. Why are you here?” Sophia said before giving the two a hug.

“Ivy called me to come here.” Melody said.

“Hey Sophia, I came here because I thought you might be missing us. I will just go back.” Ivy said wanting to turn back.

“Hey hey, wait I was only joking.” Sophia said and she stopped.

They both smiled.

Ivy got a call after wards.

“I.. I will go pick this.” Ivy said before leaving to somewhere else.

The club was lively as they played song while some were dancing, some were also drinking.

๐Ÿ“ž: Hello, where are you. Didn’t you see my missed calls. Ivy yelled over the phone.

“She really got some nerves.” The person said.

๐Ÿ“ž: Come near the restroom, it’s the way on the left. I will be waiting.

๐Ÿ“ž: Okay.

Ivy said and went there as directed. She got there and the person back was turned to her.

“Am here.” Ivy announced and the person faced her.

Ivy’s eyes widened immediately, she couldn’t believe her eyes.

“You? Cold ice? I mean Sir Ivan, are you the one who had been calling me? How did you get my number in the first place.” Ivy said.

“It was me who gave him.” Ivy heard a person says and she turns back only to meet the least expected person.


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