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Friday, October 18, 2024
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SILVER BULLET – Episode 19 & 20

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{ Accidental S*x }

” The friend of my enemy is also my enemy. I bet you’ll be dead before tomorrow.” She laughed, leaving the room.

After she left, Lucy entered. She sat in front of the table and took a spoon out of the food, but before she ate it, the thought of Storm crossed her mind.

She squeezed the spoon in anger and stood, flipping the table upside down. She threw the soon as well and went to sleep.


Eagle was chilling in his room when the door to his room opened. Storm came in, walking on his own two feet.

Eagle gaped on seeing him. He ran and hugged him tightly like he would run off if he didn’t do so.

” Stop behaving like a child.” Storm said, and Eagle left him.

” Dude, you had me worried sick. Where have you been?” Eagle asked concerningly.

” I got my back broken by Lucy when I tried giving her a valentine present, so I’ve been in the clinic ever since till my back healed.” Storm revealed.

Eagle’s face dropped.

” She… That Ɓîtçh that I told you to say away from… She did that to you?” He said unbelievably.

” Yeah, but it’s no big…”

He got cut off as Eagle immediately dashed for the door. Storm quickly pulled him back, but Eagle struggled to go out of the room.

” Don’t dare try to do anything to her. I love her!” Storm yelled, still trying to pull him back.

” I won’t sit back and allow her to keep hurting you like nothing. You might be stupidly in love with her, but that doesn’t mean she can hurt you anyhow she wants!” Eagle shouted back and stopped struggling to go out.

At that time, Sandy entered his room. She looked down guiltily and began rubbing her arm by the door when she saw Eagle’s face.

” I’m… Sorry.” She said, and Eagle chuckled, insanely.

” Sorry? Sorry that you ki||ed your own friend? Sorry that you ki||ed the person who gave me a valentine gift? That’s what you’re sorry for? What’s there to be sorry for?” He said, laughing again.

” Wait… What’s going on? Who died?” Storm asked, looking at them both in confusion.

Eagle held his shoulders tightly and looked straight into his eyes… Lile he could ki|| someone right now.

” She… Died. Easter, she died just recently. And that f-__-kin’ android right there ki||ed her.” Eagle spokes seriously, then he pushed him aside and turned his back to Sandy.

” Wait… What?” Storm exclaimed, looking at her. She looked down immediately and bit her lips.

” Í didn’t do it intentionally. I got hacked, and I was controlled to do what I did.” She exclaimed.

Eagle panted aggressively. He turned and started running to hurt her, but Storm stood in his way and spread his hands out.

Eagle glared at Sandy over Storm’s shoulders. He pushed Storm away and walked out of the room, not sparing her another glance

” He looked hurt.” Sandy said worriedly to Storm.

” Don’t worry. He’ll come around.” Storm assured her.


Thorn was currently f-__-kin’ Phoenix from behind, slamming her hole wildly. Phoenix had tears in her éyes as she tried so mích not to scream.

No one informed her that he was such a hard f-__-ker. His meat was long enough to enter her mouth and rrach her stomach. It was so big that it tore her hole open, and blood was dropping out of it.

She had only a shirt on her body. Even the buttons on the shirt were left open, so her B-__-bs could be seen shaking bàck and forth.

Thorn hasn’t pulled out of her for the past 7 hours. She has been facing hell and torture from his Ďïčk ever since she stepped into his room.

If this is what she’ll do till she becomes his second-in-command, she doesn’t minf if she dies there.

Thorn pulled out of her, pouring his Com on her @zz. Phoenix collapsed on the bed, sighing out painfully.

” Don’t worry. Just keep coming here to please me everyday, and you’ll be second-in-command for sure.” He reassured her, and she left his room in just her shirt.

She was too tired to do anything correctly. When she came out, she met Scarlet and Smoke there, listening to everything.

Their eyes immediately landed on her open B-__-bs and p**Sy. They bursted into laughter immediately, slapping themselves without care.

Phoenix covered herself in shame and ran off, but they kept laughing so loud.

” f-__-k! Her p**Sy is so bushy! I almost couldn’t find a way out!” Smoke said as tears were coming out of her eyes.

” She became his slut just so he’d make her his underboss? That is so low!” Scarlet added, holding her tummy as it ached from so much laughter.

Shadow walked past them. They didn’t even notice him because they were still laughing, and he smirked.

” None of you will be laughing soon, I promise.” He said devilishly.


Sylvia couldn’t take her mind off Shadow ever since he escaped. Morning and night, his thought was disturbing her like f-__-k. She couldn’t fall asleep.

She was thinking about him so hard, sitting on her bed. A part of her says she’s met him before, and another part says she hasn’t.

She has been drinking extreme coffee all day and night like it was alcohol. It’s an illegal drink that’s banned in most countries because of its extreme effects on consumers. Strangely, the coffee doesn’t make her act crazy. It instead clears her mind up, but now she’s out of it.

She put her hands on her face, sighing out. She suddenly remembered the bar where she first met him and left her face.

” I have to get there.” She said before leaving her room.


Barbie took a sip from a cup of tequila and left it on the table, right beside the alcohol bottle.

She proceeded to sit on her bed. But immediately she did, she started to feel her V@ģĭń@ throb hornily.

Her eyes widened, and she immediately closed the gap between her laps in embarrassment, trying to suppress the segzual urge there. It didn’t work and her V@ģĭń@ throbbed even more, begging for s*x.

” What’s going on?” Barbie panicked, feeling so scared. She had to spread her laps when closing them made the situation worse.

Her eyes rolled back as she felt drowsy as well. She gripped the sheets on the bed as her whole body awoke and became segzually active.

In no time, her n**ples were as hard as a rock. Her V@ģĭń@ was already wet and dripping, and she felt pleasure waves flow through her system.

She laid on the bed, trying to make everything stop, but her efforts were futile. Soon, she started Mõ@ɲing against her will.

Bomb peeped through her door, glad that his plan worked. He slipped a pill into her drink that’d make her both hungry for s*x and dizzy for sleep, and that’s what’s happening now.

The pill’s effects will last for more than five hours, so there’s now at she’d stop Mõ@ɲing before then.

He walked into her room and stood right beside her bed, biting his lips naughtily. Barbie turned and gasped when she saw him.

He smiled knowingly and pulled off his top, showing off his abs, muscles and bare chest. Barbie gasped even more because she got even hornier seeing his hot front.

” Do you want more of this, or something else?” He asked, flaunting off his muscles and caressing himself.

Barbie dragged him down to the bed as an answer, then she went on top of him, kissing him so hungrily.

Bomb responded with his eyes closed, and in no time their clothes were off their bodies as they had s*x.


Sylvia arrived alone in the helicopter, landing in the same forest she landed in the last time she came. She decided to go alone and find out the real truth behind Shadow.

After a long time, she found herself walking over a bridge. She stopped to catch her breath and realized she didn’t even know where she was going. She seemed to have lost her way.

She turned around to walk back, but the bright headlights of an incoming car hit her face, blinding her. She staggered around with her eyes closed, not realizing that she was standing close to the bridge edge.

The car kept coming and drove past her. It made her lose her balance and tip over the edge, and she started falling to her doom.

Her mask fell off while she fell, and her hair came out of the hoodie, flowing freely with the air.

A hand suddenly caught her own, and she looked up to see herself dangling, but couldn’t see who was holding her. The figure hoisted her back up to the ground.

She could see his face more clearly now and discovered it to be Shadow. Her eyes instantly became furious.

She tried attacking him with a punch, but he caught her fist. She tried punching again with her other fist, but he caught that one too.

He brought her hands down, and she immediately tried kicking him. He caught her leg right in front of his face and gently lowered it.

” Why are you attacking me after I saved you?” He asked, but she kept trying to attack him.

” Because you fooled me, you liar. You made me look stupid!” She shouted as she talked while fighting him.

” I never fooled you. I haven’t even seen you in almost a month now.” He said, and she stopped fighting him with a confused look.

” A… A month? But you saw me some days ago.” She said amidst heavy pants.

” No, I haven’t. I’m only seeing you for the second time, right now.” He replied.

Why is he pretending again, like he’s someone else? This is becoming too crazy to comprehend.

” I’m the guy who works in the bar, where you came to order some boiling extreme coffee. Remember?” She said, and her eyes widened.

She must have mistaken him for someone else! Shadow never betrayed her, he just looks like Black! They’re exact carbon copies of each other!

Even the part of his neck where she tore off the Goldeneye logo is completely fined. It doesn’t look bruised or wounded, it makes even more sense.

” What? Why are you looking so surprised?” He asked.

” Nothing. I’m fine.” She answered.

He bit his lips as his eyes went to her hair. His brows furrowed anxiously as he stared at it.

He looked back at her like she was a strange new person. His own eyes widened, making Sylvia confused.

” Why that face?” She asked.

” Nothing. I’m just, curious about your hair. I haven’t seen it before.” He said to cover things up.

” You look pretty.” He smiled, making her stomach churn. Her heart even skipped a beat like last time.

They began to stare again, and she felt some forbidden feelings in her body, feelings that she has never experienced before.

She doesn’t know what’s going on, but it’s making her feel nervous before him. He smiled at her again, making the feelings worse.

She felt like hugging him all of a sudden, but restrained herself from doing so.

” I have to go. Thanks for saving me, I’ll repay you.” She said and started to run off in a flash.

Before he could say another word, she was already gone from his sight. His countenance changed from cheerful to dark afterwards.

” She’s Bosslady? The Donna of Silver Bullet? I can’t believe I didn’t notice it before.” He muttered to himself.


Barbie was already fast asleep in Bomb’s arms. He was asleep as well, and the sheets were covering their naked bodies.

They had steamy s*x together, and after they were done, they slept off immediately.

Barbie yawned, opening her eyes drowsily. She saw arms wrapped around her and slept back, but she instantly snapped them open.

She stood from his body and looked at his face, then under the sheets.

She cried out in shock and regret upon seeing that their bodies were naked, and there was Com all over the bed. She looked at Bomb, but her eyes turned red with fury.

” You sick motherf-__-ker!” She shouted with rage, attacking his right arm with her teeth. Bomb instantly woke up with pain and yelled, falling out of the bed.

The sheets got pulled along with him, showing her naked body. She immediately covered herself and went to wear something.

When she came back wearing a robe, he was standing and covering himself with the sheets. She yelled and pushed him to the ground, sitting on top of him.

” What were you doing in my room, you pervert! Why were we both naked? What did you do to me!” She shouted, slapping him.

” I didn’t do anything to you. You pulled me to the bed with you and started kissing me. You were the one who wanted to have s*x with me!” He explained.

” What?” She exclaimed, staring at him.

The memories of everything quickly rushed in, right from the moment she took the tequila shot. She stood from him and quickly went to the table.

She took the cup from it and smelt it, but there was no strange smell. She looked into the alcohol bottle and smelt it, but there was nothing off about it. She palmed the table, closing her eyes tightly in remorse.

” Bossbaby, are you okay?” He asked concerningly.

” Leave.” She whispered, but he still stood there.

She turned back and met him still in her room, and got furious again. She grabbed the alcohol bottle and threw it at him, making his eyes widen.

He dodged, causing the bottle to fly into the wall.

” I said leave!!!” She shouted, throwing the glass cup at him as well.

He dodged and packed himself out of that room, then she palmed her face and went to sit on her bed.

What has she done to herself? She slept with a mafioso of her own clan. How would it sound that a boss had s*x with someone as low as a mafioso?

But worse, what could happen if Sylvia hears about this? Sylvia would definitely ki|| her for sure. She wouldn’t even pity her a bit.

She feels like drinking poison right now. She wished to be like Easter right now, to be dead!

She began panting and laid face-flat on the bed, burying herself in it. She screamed at the top of her lungs, but the bed absorbed it all.

TBC. To Be Continued.

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