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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SILVER BULLET – Episode 17 & 18

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{Poisoned Dinner}

” What!” Sylvia exclaimed.

They both rushed off together, dashing through the hallway in a blur.

When she got to the room, she met the door open and barged in. The chair that he was tied to was left empty with the bloody nail ropes on it. The heat in the room was unbearable, and darkness was still there.

She slapped herself hard in frustration, wishing it was a dream. She saw some fresh blood trailing out of the room and detected he mustn’t have gone too far.

” Lock all the exits first, alert the others and search him out for me. He can walk or run, but He’s still blind with that red powder in his eyes. He hasn’t gone too far, so if you dare not find him, I’ll ki|| y’all!” Sylvia roared at the mafioso, and he immediately zoomed off.

” Barbie! Barbie!!” She shouted , running to her room. She barged in without knocking, but met it empty.

” Barbie? Where are you?” She asked, but still no response.

Sylvia started to pant, almost going crazy. First, the only key to finding Thorn is gone. Second, she can’t find Barbie. What was going on in this empire?

” f-__-k!” She shouted and punched the wall beside Barbie’s door when she remembered Shadow.

” You won’t escape, I promise you.” She swore dangerously.


Sandy lasered a hole through the door. It melted away instantly, then she dragged herself and Barbie in, tying her up to a chair.

She stepped a few feet away from her. Barbie immediately snapped her eyes open and woke up, gasping for air.

” Where am I?” She panicked, struggling to be free from the chair.

Sandy threw something at her, and it landed right beside her. It was a bomb, with just 5 seconds left on it.

The 5 seconds changed to 4 and she gasped, struggling to get out of the chair more.

” f-__-k! Turn this thing off!” She shouted, but Sandy stood as still as a statue.

3… 2…

Barbie stopped struggling as she realized she couldn’t escape anymore. She closed her eyes tightly, expecting the worst to happen.

The timer reached 1 second. At that moment, Bomb sped into the room in a blur and kicked the bomb up into the air.

It exploded and disappeared completely, then Barbie opened her eyes when she realized she wasn’t dead yet.

” BossBaby, you’re okay.” Bomb said, and she looked to see him standing in front of her.

He just saved her life. He just freakin’ saved her.

He faced Sandy, who immediately tried to laser him. He dodged and rolled on the ground to another side of the room.

She tried to laser him again, but he dodged once more. He did a triple jump and landed right in front of her, but before she could laser him, he pushed her down.

She fell heavily on the ground and tried getting up, but he sat on her and clicked on her power button at the back of her neck, shutting her down.

He went to Barbie and untied her fron the chair, then she stood up.

” Come on. Let’s go search for Sylvia.” She said, and Bomb carried Sandy on his back.

She was twice his weight, but he managed to carry her as they both exited the room.


Mourning was going on presently because of Easter’s death. They were all gathered in front of her grave, dressed in sad black outfits. Even the bosses were present.

Each of them came forward and dropped their flowers respectfully on her grave. The burial had to happen fast because they had lost of important things to do.

Eagle was most hurt by her death, trying hard not to cry. Just yesterday, she came in smiles and gifted him his favorite drink ever. But now she was gone?

Agony was trying to pretend like he wasn’t pained, but deep down he was shedding tears and screaming inside. He needed to destroy Sandy for doing this.

Her graveyard was left, then they all returned back to the empire.

Sylvia was passing by her giant bulldogs’ den when they started barking on seeing her. She’s standing high above them while they were under her. They were vicious and looking so lethal, but wouldn’t hurt Sylvia because she was their master.

She found the mafioso who she met yesterday, and he immediately froze in fear. He tried running away, but she was quicker to grab him by the neck and raise him off the ground.

” Bosslady, have mercy.” He pleaded with difficulty, but she smirked evilly.

” Since you failed to bring Shadow back for me, how about a morning snack for my cannibals?” She said.

” No. No, have mercy Bosslady. I promise, I’ll bring him for you. Please.”

She threw him down to the bulldogs den, and he landed on his arm, breaking it so loudly.

” Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrgghh!!!” He screamed, sitting up.

He stopped immediately when he heard heavy breathing from behind him. He turned only to see the three dogs baring their monstrous teeth at him as white foam fell from their mouths.

They barked loudly before speeding to him, and they grabbed all parts of his body with their mouths.

” No! Stop!” He screamed agonizingly, but it was too late.

The first dog pulled out his broken arm, and the next door began chewing on his leg. The last dog feasted hungrily on his stomach.

His screams died down as he passed away from there. Sylvia squatted and kept watching the murder like the devil she was.

” Why?” Barbie asked beside her, and she turned to see her with Bolt. He sat calmly and watched the dogs.

” He offended. He failed to bring Shadow, so I ki||ed him off. Also, where were you last night? Shadow escaped.” Sylvia said altogether, standing up.

” He escaped? Bummer.” Barbie replied like it was no big deal.

” We don’t know where he is right now, but that’s not the problem. He already told us to visit Thorn’s ex, right? Then we’re going there today.” Sylvia informed her.

Barbie sighed for a response, then Sylvia left. She faced Bolt while stroking his hair.

” Go back into the room. Mama’s coming to give you meat, okay?” She said, and the tiger understood immediately. He walked out of the place.

Barbie was left alone, so she stared into space. The thought of Bomb saving her yesterday crossed her mind, and she sighed again.

She turned to the dogs and smirked. She picked up a stone and threw it at one of them, and it met it’s head.

It staggered and looked up at her. She stuck out her tongue naughtily at them, and they began barking angrily at her. They’ve never liked her before anyways.

She was enjoying their anger, not knowing that Virus was already behind her. She wore a mean look at her.

She looked down at her purple skin and thought that Barbie was responsible for her condition. So right now she was gonna pay the consequences, dearly.

She ran quietly and pushed Barbie into the dogs den. Barbie’s eyes widened as her feet left the ground and started falling down to them.

She quickly caught the ground and began dangling from it. The dogs quickly ran under her, jumping and trying to bite her.

” Help! Someone, help me!!” Barbie screamed, but no one came.

She was panting sacredly for her life, and the worst part was when her fingers began slipping off. She quickly held on tighter, gasping frightenedly.

Virus smiled, seeing that her revenge was going so well. She heard footsteps coming, making her eyes widen as she dashed off from there.

Bomb came in, and he was walking past when Barbie shouted again.

” Help! f-__-kin’ help me!”

His eyes widened, then he quickly stepped closer to the den only to see her dangling there. His eyes widened even more.

” Bossbaby!” He shouted, grabbing her arms immediately.

He used all his strength to pull her out, till shé was halfway up. He grabbed her waist and gave her a bug pull, which caused her to fly up and lose her balance.

She fell on him, and they both fell to the ground. Her body was on his own, and she was staring directly into his eyes in disbelief.

He saved her again for the second time, in such a small space of time.

” Bossbaby, are you okay?” He asked, bringing her back to life.

” Yeah, I’m fine.” She answered, standing up from him.

Virus clenched her fists angrily as she saw how she got saved. Her revenge plan failed woefully, and she was so mad about it!

No worries. She was gonna try a second time, and she wouldn’t fail by then.


Rose was in the kitchen, making a delicious delicacy. She gave the cooking food some mixes in the pot before leaving it to cook more, then she sighed.

She looks so beautiful, peaceful and kind in person. You’d never think that she was once the ex of a dangerous Mafia Lord.

Something like a big thud happened, causing the ground beneath Rose’s feet to rumble. She looked down at her feet and creased her brows in wonder.

She looked out of her window and saw that a big helicopter landed in front of her house. She also saw some strange people coming out of it.

A bang happened next, this time on her door like someone was trying to break in. Rose got so scared and panicked, trying to keep quiet as well.

Her door got banged again, and Rose almost screamed, covering her mouth. Tears began flowing down from her eyes in fear.

She quickly got her phone from the kitchen island and tried dialling 911, but failed when the door got pushed open, and it landed on the ground.

The phone fell from her in shock as she saw the strangers come in. It was Silver Bullet.

Barbie got to the kitchen, looking at Rose curiously. Rose almost peed on herself as she tried to stay calm and not scream.

” You’re Rose, Thorn’s ex-girlfriend, right?” Barbie asked, and Rose gave big nods.

” We aren’t gonna hurt you, so stop trembling and have a seat.” Sylvia said from the living room, and Barbie led her out.

She got to the living room and sat with her face down. She was too scared to look at any of them, they all had mean-looking and fierce faces.

Only Bomb, Sniper, Agony, Eagle and Treynor were present among the top mafiosos.

” Do you know where Thorn is? That’s all we came here to ask. We won’t do anything to you as long as you tell the truth.” Sylvia said, taking a seat in front of her.

Rose trembled even more, feeling her heart race mightily.

” I… I don’t know where he is. He left me 2 years ago, so I don’t know where he went after that.” Rose answered.

Barbie got pissed off and pulled out a knife. Sylvia gave her a glance, and she put the knife back.

” Are you sure… That you don’t know where he is?” Sylvia asked again, and she nodded.

” No. Not a clue ma’am.” Rose replied.

” Do you know any other relatives of his?”

” No. I don’t know anyone close to him.” Rose replied, finally getting the courage to look into her eyes.

Sylvia stood sharply and aimed a gun at her skull. Rose’s eyes widened, and she quickly collapsed to her knees.

” No! Please! Don’t ki|| me! I already told you what I know!” She pleaded tearfully.

” You are the ex girlfriend of a Mafia Lord, and you dare tell me you don’t know any other person close to him? Then how are we supposed to find him putanna (Ɓîtçh)! I can easily sniff out a liar, and you’re telling me nothing but lies!” Sylvia shouted, pushing the gun forward like she’d really ki|| her.

” I swear, I’m not lying! I know nothing else about him, please believe me!” She cried.

Sylvia’s eyes sharply caught sight of a paper, almost falling out of her pocket. She bent down and snatched the paper from her, making Rose gasp.

She bit her lips regretfully. She was gonna get ki||ed for sure!

The paper was actually the image of a young beautiful teenager. She looks like an exact carbon copy of Thorn.

” Who’s this?” Barbie asked.

” That’s… His… Daughter. I swear, I forgot about her and just remembered her now. She’s supposed to be back from America a week later. I forgot, please!” She said to buy her way out of doom.

Sylvia obviously didn’t buy it because of the cold look on her face. She bursted the woman’s head off, and she fell dead.

” We finally have a useful target, his daughter.” Sylvia said to herself, feeling so fulfilled as she stared at the image.

” We’re surely gonna get her, then Thorn will be doomed.” Barbie added.


Phoenix came into Thorn’s room. The door was wide open with smoke coming out of it, so she went in easily.

She met Thorn about to leave the room and instantly bowed, blocking his path.

” My Lord.” She greeted.

” Well? Have you ki||ed her yet?” He asked the question she feared, and she gulped.

” N…No.” She pronounced with difficulty. ” But I almost ki||ed the second boss. I hacked their android and was this close to ki||ing her. I could try again if you just give me more time.” Phoenix told.

” ‘Almost’ doesn’t mean that she’s dead. And I ordered you to ki|| the Bosslady!” Thorn roared, kicking her hardly.

She rolled over in pain and groaned, holding her right rib. It seemed to have cracked.

” Forget about this, I’ll find someone else worthy of the assignment.” He said, stepping out of the room.

” No! Please, give me another chance!” She shouted and scurried to her feet.

” Why don’t you give her another chance?” A cold voice said behind their backs, and they both froze.

They both turned back to the room, only to see Shadow sitting majestically on the bed with an unfriendly look. His skin looked burnt, he removed the knife from his chest already but as still bleeding from all parts of his body. Despite this, he still behaved strongly.

He stood fron the bed, leaving blood on it and walked to Thorn. Thorn smiled at him like he was a hero.

” I know you weren’t useless afterall.” He said, but Shadow knew that the smile was fake.

” You wouldn’t even care if I got ki||ed. You’re just pretending to be happy about my return.” Shadow retorted.

” You’re just being paranoid. You should go take a rest and shower, cool down your head and talk to me later.” Thorn said and patted him, but Shadow roughly slapped his hand off.

” I know what I’m saying, Thorn. Don’t try to play with me, or you’ll regret it.” He spoke thr_@teningly.

Thorn smirked evilly. Shadow knowingly brushed his shoulder against his while leaving, but stopped at the door.

” I hope you know this… But I’m not a fool. I know your every plan, the exact time you sleep and wake up. I know you’ll be spying on me from now on, but I’m not saying you shouldn’t. Just don’t try anything funny with me.” He said before leaving.

Thorn cackled afterwards, turning back and clapping his hands. Phoenix just watched cluelessly.

” He thinks he’s smarter than me, but he’s outsmarted. He’s so worthy to be my second-in-command.” He laughed.

” But what about me sir? You said you’d make me your second-in-command if I ki||ed Bosslady.” Phoenix said, making him turn to her.

He smirked and took slow steps to her before eventually palming her shoulders. Phoenix felt electric currents pass down her spine. This was the first time he’d be touching her… Gently.

” I have another idea. Become my s*x toy, and then we’ll ki|| him, and you’ll become the new second-in-command.” He said, and her eyes widened.

” What!” She exclaimed, and he left her shoulders.

” Aren’t you interested anymore?”

Phoenix gulped, not knowing what to do. She finally nodded, agreeing to his wish and a naughty smile crept to his face.


Venom was walking through the hallway when she stopped in front of Lucy’s room. She saw that the hallway was empty, so she walked in.

She saw a meal on Lucy’s table, meaning that was Lucy’s dinner. She smiled as she came closer to the table.

” This would be very easy.” She muttered.

She spat on the food, transferring her deadly venom to it. The venom was green, but it quickly turned transparent and blended with the food like it was never there.

She spat into the alcohol cup too, infecting it with her poison. She smiled satisfactorily.

Unknown to her, she forgot about the security cameras. There was one watching her the whole while, and it captured everything.

” The friend of my enemy is also my enemy. I bet you’ll be dead before tomorrow.” She laughed, leaving the room.

TBC. To Be Continued.

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