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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY GHOST LOVER – Episode 25 & 26

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“I know…wait what” Cherry yelled shocked…..

“Shhh.. don’t yell”

“What the f-__-k are you saying bess, you can see a ghost?? ”

“Yes but… ”

“Holy Cherries, did he or she hurt you, do you need help, is your place hunted?? ” Cherry questioned quickly feeling scared for her friend.

“Cherry am fine, he won’t hurt me”Xia replied calmly.

” How sure are you? huh? ”

“You need to calm down first” Xia muttered.

“Okay, am calm, am calm” Cherry mumbled continuously while inhaling and exhaling.

Xia pulled her to one of the neat chairs at the back, after they had both settled down, and Xia was sure that Cherry was calm enough she started.

“Don’t freak out but, the ghost is my ex, no my lover”

“What… ”

“I told you not to freak out” Xia reminded.

“Fine, how, when and who is this your ghost lover” Cherry asked calmly.

“I really do trust you Cherry and I also need help, that’s why am telling this to you” Xia stated nervously.

“Thank you for trusting me bess” Cherry smiled.


“Have you seen Cherry? ” Luwies questioned Adam worriedly.

“I think she just went out with that Chinese girl” Adam replied.

“Xia? ”


” Thanks, and oh Dora.. “Luwies stopped talking when Daisy approached them with Dora trailing behind her.

” Hi Luwies”Daisy smiled. All the class turned silent as they all anticipated the new drama.

Who didn’t know about Daisy’s obsession in Jupiter Collage?, No one, and the fact that Luwies detest her was funny as she claimed to be his fiancé, a new drama always happen each time she goes close to him, and everyone loved it.

“What do you want now? ” Luwies muttered his eyes glued to his book.

“I just wanted to see my fiancé cause I missed you” Daisy replied smiling widely.

Dora on the other hand scoffed inwardly ‘Two face timed Ɓîtçh’ She taught.

Meanwhile Adam had his eyes glued to Dora’s face, and that made her uncomfortable even if she tried to hide it.

Luwies looked at Adam who smiled in return as he got the signal. Both stood to their feet wanting to walk out when Daisy rushed to Luwies.

“Hold on” She yelled wanting to touch him.

“Ahhh” Luwies yelled, shifting away from her quickly as if she had some sort of disease.

“Don’t touch me, ever” He said, finally walking out with Adam who threw a last glance at Dora.

👥:”Luwies seriously despise her”

👥:”Haha.. she looks like she’s seen a ghost”

👥:”Funny how she always throws herself at him”

👥:”Don’t blame her though, Luwies is hot”

👥:”So Is Adam”

Dora immediately frowned at the last comment “Ɓîtçh” She cussed under her breath.

“Shut up all of you, shut it” Daisy yelled storming out.

“Ah Jess” Dora groaned going after her.

Draco who sat at the far end of the class all this while signed.”Been there” He mumbled before vanishing out of sight.


“Hey its okay, you shouldn’t cry and spoil your makeup” Dora cooed.

“Why can’t Luwies love me huh, aren’t I pretty? “Daisy cried.

‘In your dreams you are, you aren’t even up to..Aissh’ Dora taught but wined when Daisy pinched her.

” What can I do for you Dai?? “She asked.

” Luwies is your step cousin right?? ”


“Persuade him to love me huh”

“Am not sure I can, besides its his choice who to love” Dora replied.

“You have to slut, If you don’t then am gonna tell the whole school including your lover boy how… ”

“Fine am going” Dora cut in walking out.

“Always works” Daisy mumbled to herself grinning evilly.


“That witch” Dora mumbled walking down the hall way, but paused on her track when a conversation cut her attention.

Peeping in she spotted Xia and Cherry,so trapped in their conversation that they didn’t notice her presence.

“So you’re saying, you remember every single thing, and he still thinks you don’t?”.

” Yeah, at first after I woke up from Coma I didn’t remember a thing, but then I always had a dream, so after coming to California, he introduced himself as ‘Draco Hart, My Personal Ghost’, I fainted that day not cause I was scared but because I was shocked, his face matched with the boy in my dreams, and weirdly I wasn’t scared of him, rather I felt safe”.

“I overheard his conversation with my brother, at firist I taught it weird that my brother knew him, but then slowly it all came back. I was his Xia, we fell in love when I was 16 and he was 18,we first met at my brothers office”.

“I was a magical moment as I fell in love with him at first sight, it was same for him too, he told me of his feeling and I played hard to get, I know the length and how hard he fought to win me since he had many competitors”.

” But then it all ended in the accident, I lost him”Xia explained tears falling from her eyes.

“Its okay bess, don’t cry” Cherry cooed pulling Xia for a hug.

“Its okay” She mumbled again, tears falling from her own eyes too, she couldn’t believe what her friend had been through. Just the taught of losing her crush had her in wreck.

“You should tell him bess”

“Am scared Cherry, what if he leaves again, I can’t bear to lose him for the second time” Xia muttered, more tears falling from her eyes as she pulled away from the hug.

“But… ”

“You should tell him Xia”

Cherry and Xia Jolted as they heard the voice.

“How long have you been there? ” Cherry asked.

“Long enough to hear a really heartbreaking story, and to know that your best friend has a Ghost Lover”Dora stated.

“Please don’t tell anyone”Xia pleaded.

” I won’t Xia, and thank you for the save back then. But I still suggest you tell him”

“Right, you can’t keep him in the dark forever, he needs your love and that’s why he’s back” Cherry muttered.

“Yeah, and he won’t leave so soon, as a ghost lover I do know that he has a specific time on earth, so he won’t and can’t leave once he finds out the truth” Dora added.

“Really?? ” Xia questioned unsure.

“Yes” Dora replied while Cherry nodded.

“So show him some love” They both yelled at a time.

“Yea” Xia hyped.

“You’re actually not as bad as I taught” Cherry smiled.

“Am not bad at all, you’ll see” Dora winked causing them all to laugh.

“We should go now, class must have started” Xia muttered.

“Some one is eager to see her lover” Cherry teased.

” Yea I bet she wanna kiss him”Dora supported, both she and Cherry winking at each other.

“Hey… no teasing” Xia pouted…..


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