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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💔Episode 1💔

Rose! Rose!! what are you still doing in there, are you not done eating and dressing for school, hope you’re checking the time abi?

Rose mother called out to her from inside the kitchen where she was preparing her yam porridge.

Mama, I’m almost ready for school, Rose replied back to her mother who was in the kitchen hut preparing a pot of food for the whole family

Alright my daughter, always remember to be careful and stay out of trouble, pay attention to your teachers and make sure you don’t return home with a dirty school uniform oo! today is just Monday. Do you hear me?

I have heard you nne, Rose said hanging her school bag after putting on her stockings and sandals.

When you comes back from school, you will see your food inside the big empty pot well covered and please my child, after eating it and you didn’t bellevue, don’t touch my pot of food oo! Drink plenty water and your belly will be filled up, because that food is for this night and also tomorrow morning.

I know mama, Rose chorused with a smile on her face and hugged her mother.

Mama don’t worry, when I finish school and start working, I will make sure you and papa will not eat one food twice a day talk more of eating it the next day. We will be eating balance diet. Innugo mama (Did you hear mama)

I heard you my daughter, come and start going is almost 7:30 already so that you won’t be punished… This one Gift your friend is not here yet that means you will be going to their house to wait for her

Yes mama, I know she must be rounding up now or probably maybe on her way here. Rose said in certainty.

Alright, you girls should not go to school late oo! to avoid punishment

Okay, mama bye bye…

Omaricha nwam, bye bye…

(Rose ran off and went straight to Gift her friends house to wait for her so that they will go to school together )

Nne good morning, Rose greeted Gift’s mother who was coming out from her house

Ehe! my daughter, how are you and how are your parents? she questioned

They are fine mama, what of Gift, has she finished dressing for school? Rose asked

My daughter, your friend Gift is a pen in the neck, look at how I’m sweating, we have been looking for her stockings every where in the house but can’t find it, she doesn’t know where she placed it.

Gifts mother narrates to Rose as she used the edge of her wrapper to wipe off the balls of sweat that has formed on her forehead

Chai! and today is Monday oo! lemme go and help in the search. Rose said and went into the house

My daughter, if she will make you go to school late, make sure to leave her behind so that you doesn’t get punished.

I have countlessly thought her how to arrange her things properly but she doesn’t listen at all, she don’t know she is a woman and God knows I’m trying my very best.

Gift mother said before heading towards the back to cut some firewood for her cooking.

Rose and Gift searched for her stockings and turned the whole house upsidedown but they couldn’t find it.

Let’s go Gift, I have spare socks in my bag, just that is a little bit torn but is manageable and will save you today’s punishment, maybe when you gets back home after school you will now cool down and look your socks.

Rose suggested to Gift whose countenance wasn’t bright at all.

I did rather go to school without socks than wear those torn socks of yours, Gift said harshly to Rose and picked up her school bag

But the torn parts are not noticeable when you folds it I promise, Rose said trying to coerce Gift into managing the socks like that but Gift blatantly refused.

Let’s go or I will leave you behind, Gift yelled out to Rose who has been patiently waiting for her to finish wearing her sandals.

Mama, we are off, Gift told her mother and without waiting for her mother’s reply dash off to school.

Rose said bye to her friends mother and followed suit because Gift is walking so fast almost leaving her behind

When they got to the school gate, Rose once again tried to pursued Gift to manage the socks like that but Gift gave a long his and walked into the school compound.

They were both punished for coming late to school with a few others that also came late.

Gift was also punished for not putting on stockings to school thereby making her punishment double while Rose was only punished once for late coming.

All through the day in school and even during the break period, Rose tried so much to talk and communicate with Gift but Gift was giving her the silent snubbing treatment.

Rose finally decided to leave Gift alone and find out what her problem is once school dismisses.

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