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HomeSING ME A SONGSING ME A SONG - Episode 3 & 4

SING ME A SONG – Episode 3 & 4

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( Lani And Lonnie… )


By; Succie Brown




Lani was rushed inside the hospital with the help of some nurses who placed her in a stretcher.

Eloise was already crying, scared that she is going to lose her granddaughter just like how she lost her daughter and son-in-law.

Lani was quickly placed on the hospital bed, and a doctor approach them.

“What happened to her?”

“Her heartbeat stopped” A nurse said.

“Get the defibrillator” He said, and it was immediately given to him. He began using the defibrillator to bring back Lani’s heartbeat, and after so many attempts, her heartbeat began to read on the life monitor.

“She is already breathing” The doctor announced, and Eloise fell on the ground in relief.



“What happened to you Lani? I was so scared when I came back home and found you on the floor unconscious”

Lani looked at her with watery eyes. “Halmeoni. It’s Lonnie”

“What about him?” She asked. Even when the whole Koreans already knew about Lonnie’s accident, Eloise won’t know about it, because she’s not a fan of social media or K-pop idols.

“He got involved in an accident. I saw him grandma, blood were all over his body. If Lonnie dies, I’m going to die too” She said crying and Eloise hit her back.

“Halmeoni!” She increased her tears.

“You’re going to die because of an idiot you doesn’t know about your existence”

“He is special to me, grandma”

“Stop being biased over a K-pop idol, you’re just 14!” Eloise shouted at her, and Jimmy rushed inside the hospital ward.

His mom is friends with Eloise, so he is closer to Lani and her grandmother. He is twenty years old and preparing for college.

“Grandma, what happened to Lani?” He asked. He calls Eloise grandma too.

“Ask her?” She said and leaves while Lani sniffled.

“What happened Lani? Grandma told me you almost died”

Lani continued crying.

“Let me take a guess. It’s because of Lonnie, right?”

“How do you know?” She asked with a crying voice.

“It’s trending on Tv”

“What if he dies? I don’t want him to die”

“Do you think they’d allow Lonnie to die? He has millions of fans who will turn the world upside down just so he can survive. Don’t stress grandma okay, she almost got an heart attack because of you”

“I will apologize to her when we get home” She sniffles.

“Don’t cry, cuz Lonnie is going to be fine. It’s high time you stop being a crybaby, I won’t always be here for you” Jimmy said.

“Where are you going?” She asked and Jimmy smiled at her.

“I’m going to Seoul. I got admission into Seoul national university”

“When will you be leaving?”

“Few days from now. I was planning on telling you, before grandma called me about the state you are in. Don’t be a crybaby and always listen to grandma”

“Fine I will. Please check up on Lonnie and always send a message on how he is doing”

“Fine I will” Jimmy ruffled her hair and she pouted cutely.



They were lots of riots going on outside the hospital building in which Lonnie was admitted in. They all wanted to see how he was fairing, and the security men where trying to stop them from invading inside the hospital.

“Lonnie is our life, we want to see him!” A girl said, and the rest joined her.

👥 We want to see Lonnie!

👥Give us a chance to see him!!

The crowd shouted stubbornly.

Camren saw the crowd outside through the glass window, he sighed and went back to the coma room Lonnie was in.

Unfortunately he fell into coma after he was brought to the hospital.

“How is it outside?” Mr. Kang asked. He happens to be their manager.

“There’s a lot of commotion outside” Camren answered. Sage said nothing, she was just holding Lonnie’s hand crying silently.

“Even in his dead state, he is still showing how important he is” Miles said, and Sage stood up and walked up to him.

“How can you be so cruel Miles? Your fellow band mate is the edge of dying and all you can think about is fame! You’re so cruel!!” She shouted hitting his chest.

Camren had to stop her by holding her hand.

“I know you don’t like Lonnie, but wishing him dead is inhumane” Camren said, and Sage went back to holding his hand.

“Please wake up soon, Lonnie. I need you”

Miles saw the way Sage was holding Lonnie and he clenched his fist. He is in love with Sage, but nobody knows about it, because he isn’t obvious about his feelings.

Miles and Sage met each other during their trainees days, and they were closed to each other, cuz they were training to be rappers, but Sage slowly drifted away from him when Lonnie joined them as trainees.

He overshadowed everyone in just few months of becoming a trainee in D•K entertainment. Miles hatred for Lonnie began when he discovered Sage’s feelings for Lonnie and it worsened when they debuted as a group and he became the most popular one among them.

Miles felt like Lonnie has robbed him off the things that should be he his; Sage and his dream of being the most popular members in his group. He fakes a smile on camera and interviews, so that viewers won’t know he h@ťěs Lonnie.

“I guess I am not needed here” Miles said and leaves.

“Have you reached out to Lonnie’s mom? What’s her feedback?” Camren asked, worriedly.

“She said she still having her business meeting and can’t come to Seoul” Mr. Kang replied.

“What kind of mom is she? Her son is in coma and all she could think about is money” Sage said getting angry.

“This isn’t what Lonnie needs. As his band mate, he needs your prayers the most. He is a K-pop star, he can’t stay in coma forever” Mr. Kang said.

Camren and Sage sighed, feeling sorry for Lonnie.



“You want the band to go on an hiatus?” Mr. Jung asked his fellow board members.

He is the founder of D•K entertainment, while the rest people present in the boardroom were the board members of his entertainment industry, and they had lots of shares they invested into the industry.

“Yes. Lonnie has been the one who had made THE UNBEATABLE a success. If the band continues their music when he is still in coma, fans are going to lose interest. They’d say we’re cruel allowing the band continue their music when Lonnie is in coma”

Mr. Jung sighed and said. “You’re making sense, but we don’t know when Lonnie is going to wake up from coma”

“We’re all hoping he wakes up quickly. The band won’t be the same without Lonnie. Let them go a hiatus while waiting for Lonnie’s recovery” Mr. Kang said

The board members agreed to what he said, and Mr. Jung had no choice but to agree with it.



“What! We’re going on hiatus because of Lonnie? We already made efforts for our new album” Miles said.

“You think it’s going to be a success? Lonnie has most of the lines in that song, and he is the FOTG. How are you going to film a song without him?” Mr. Kang asked.

“This is bullshit! You’re making it seem like Lonnie is the only one making an effort. I h@ťě this!” Miles said angrily. He picked up his jacket and leaves.

“I agree with the hiatus, I want to take care of Lonnie” Sage said.

“What about you, Camren?”

“I will stay with Lonnie too. I’m the closest to him, so I should stay with him. You can just announce to the public that we left the county for a while. We’d stay in our different houses, during the hiatus” Camren said.

Sage nod in agreement.



📺 After being on a hiatus for four years, THE UNBEATABLE are back to the K-pop world, and they’d be releasing their comeback album title IT’S TIME. It’s a song dedicated to Lonnie Lee who is still in coma. We….

Eighteen years old Lonnie came out from the room and turned off the Tv. She was wearing a high school uniform.

“Why did you turned off the Tv?” Dami asked. She is Lani’s friend and a tomboy who enjoys being in boyish clothes. The only girly clothes she has is her uniform.

“How can they make a comeback without Lonnie?” She asked almost crying.

“It’s because Lonnie is still in coma. They can’t be on hiatus forever”

“I am sure they’d suck without him. Without Lonnie I won’t be a fan of THE UNBEATABLE” She said with a frown wearing her headphone.

“Don’t tell me you’re going to wear that while we walk to school? It will be like I am walking on the street alone”

“I can’t stay a day without listening to Lonnie’s voice”

“Don’t you get tired of listening to that song? It’s being four years now” Dami said.

“It was his solo song before he had an accident and fell into coma. It gives me hope that he will wake up and sing like he used to. He is going to sing me a song” Lani said, feeling emotional.

“Let’s go to school before you break down. Rory and Posy will be waiting for us” She said holding her hand.

Lani, Dami, Rory and Posy are friends cuz they grew up in the countryside together. Rory is the only male among them but he doesn’t care.



The school electric bell rang and the students all rushed to the cafeteria to have their meal with a smiling face.

Lani is seen sitting with her three friends. She had her headphone on, listening to Lonnie’s solo song, while playing with her food.

“She is at it again” Posy said. Dami looked at Lani and sighed.

“She is the biggest fan of Lonnie, no doubt. I wonder why he is wasting time to wake up” Dami said.

Rory took off the headphone from her head, and Lani looked at him.

“You should eat” He said

“Give it back Rory. I’m not hungry”

“You always lost your appetite anytime you are listening to Lonnie’s song. It’s your eighteenth birthday tomorrow. We should make plans to celebrate it” Rory said, and Lani began to cry.

“Why is she crying?” He asked and Dami hit his head.

“Tomboy, what’s your problem?” He asked.

“Are you suffering from dementia? It’s Lonnie’s birthday tomorrow as well. They share the same birthday date” Posy said, and Rory covered his mouth.

“Coward” Dami called him and wrapped her hand on Lani’s shoulder.

“Stop crying, Lani”

“It’s been four years without seeing Lonnie on tv and no words have been said about him. His band mates are making a comeback without him, what if something terrible has happened to him. I want to go to Seoul, I want to see him” She said, crying.

“You can’t go to Seoul, it’s far from here. You’d spend lots of money going to Seoul which I know you don’t have and your grandma won’t give you a penny” Rory said.

“I think I know of a way you can get to Seoul to see Lonnie in the hospital” Posy said.

“How?” She asked sniffling.

“My uncle is going to deliver some harvest products in Seoul tomorrow”

“Since when?” Dami asked.

“I heard him talking to my mom about it, last night. It’s my birthday gift to you Lani, I am going to talk to my uncle to tag you along while going to Seoul tomorrow” Posy said.

“Will her grandma allow that?” Rory asked.

“She is just going to pretend like she went to school with us, and tag along with Posy’s uncle to Seoul. You are going to see your Lonnie tomorrow” Dami said, tingling her and she laugh.



“Why is my son still reluctant in waking up? His band mate will be making a comeback soon and I want him to be part of it. It’s going to boast my business if I talk about him to my clients” Mary-Jane said.

She was dressed in a tight red body-con gown and black pencil heels. She has slim figure, such that one will think she just clocked 25.

“His condition isn’t improving and that’s why he is still in coma. He’d die in his coma state”




Lani came out from the trunk when she was done changing her uniform.

“Take her safe to Seoul and bring her back. Her grandma is scary and she’d ki|| you if something bad happens to her. I am also going to ki|| you too” Rory said, and Posy kicked him.

“Don’t talk to my uncle that way” She said.

“I’m just looking out for our friend” He said and Lani smile.

“Thanks Guys, for giving me a wonderful birthday present”

“It’s nothing. Just be back to Hadong on time. It’s your birthday today, and your grandma will love to celebrate it with you” Dami said.

“I will”

“It’s time to leave” Posy’s uncle said.

Lani waved at her friends before leaving with Posy’s uncle.

“Seoul is a very busy city, do you think she’d be fine?” Rory asked.

“Posy did you see the new drama that aired last night?”

“Yes I did?”

Dami and Posy left, ignoring Rory’s question.

“Being friends with girls and not guys sucks” He muttered, before joining them.



Lani formed an O in her mouth when she saw the beautiful city of Seoul while sitting in the truck.

She has heard about how beautiful Seoul is, and this is the first time she’d be seeing it.

“Seoul is so beautiful and it’s really busy compared to the countryside” She said wearing a big smile on her face.

“Yes it is. This is just the small part of it” Posy’s uncle said, and Lani smile.

He pulled into a halt when he arrived in the hospital Lonnie was admitted in and Lani’s eyes widen when she saw how big the hospital is. They don’t have such big hospitals in the countryside.

“Make it snappy, so that we don’t arrive in Hadong late, I will be back here after I’m done with my deliveries, ok”

Lani gave him the okay sign with a smile on her face before coming down from the truck.

She made her way inside the hospital not knowing who to approach. It’s her first time in Seoul, and she doesn’t know how things works.

“How can I see Lonnie?” She muttered, and she heard some nurses talking about Lonnie, she went closer and eavesdrop.

“Yes!” She said in excitement when she got the ward number of the coma he was in, but it took Lani forever before she could know where it was, and on arriving in his coma room, it was guided by two bodyguards.

“Ma. Mary-Jane wants you both to meet her outside” She said. Being a fan of Lonnie, she knows everything about him.

“Who are you?”

“Well, she just sent me here. She brought some new hospital facilities for Lonnie and she needs your help”

As foolish as they are , they believe her and left.

Lani entered the coma room and she began to cry when she saw Lonnie lying on the bed with his eyes closed.

“Lonnie. I can’t believe I have been able to see your face, but I never wanted it to be this way. It’s been four years and you’re still in coma, I miss you. I miss seeing you on Tv, and I missed seeing your bunny smile. I wish you could wake up so that I can hear you sing again. I missed everything about you” She sniffled and continued.

“I wish I can stay for long, but I can’t. Your bodyguards will soon realize that I lie to them. I don’t know when I am going to see you again, but I am really hoping you wake up soon. Happy 24th birthday, Lonnie”

“I have to go now, I don’t want to be arrested for trespassing. I’m so happy to finally see you, but not in this condition. Wake up soon okay, cuz I’m still your number one fan” She said and kissed his forehead, with her tears dropping on his face.

She stood up to leave, but she was held back by Lonnie who held her hand.

Slowly, his eyes began to open.



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