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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SOUL SWITCH – Episode 21

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⚜️⚜️ Soul
Switch 🔱🔱

By: Rosemary O.

° Episode 21 °


Chelsea opened the door quietly and entered inside the house.

Her face looked very pale and she looked lost.

Yeah of course she couldn’t stop thinking about Ryan.

She didn’t know what happened to her, but she knew it became worst than before.

Suddenly someone tapped her and she flinched.


I’ve been calling you for the past two minutes but you didn’t answer and you won’t even move, what are you thinking about?, Granny asked.

Well urhm just some crazy stuffs, Chelsea chuckled.

Then why does your face look pale?, Did something really happen?, Granny asked worriedly.

Chelsea smiled and held her hand.

Granny I am really fine, it’s just because I walked under the sun, I am really fine Granny, Chelsea said. Granny sighed and held her head.

Have you taken your drugs, Chelsea asked her. She shook her head.

Why didn’t you? Now go take them immediately, it’s already past the time, Chelsea frowned. Granny chuckled and left for her room.

Chelsea sighed and left for her own room.



She saw Ryan was sitting on her bed!!!!! But how????

She closed her eyes and rubbed it. When she opened it, he was no longer there.

She scoffed and sat on the bed.

What the hell! am I now hallucinating? Am I going crazy?, She screamed mentally.

I avoided you for days but nothing changed, now what do I do? I am definitely going crazy whenever I close my eyes I see you. I h@ťě you for doing this to me🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


Dami and Miles stood up and faced Kimberly who was now looking pale like she saw a ghost.

What’s going on here?, Kimberly suddenly asked. Her voice was shaking.

Why is she here, why are you…… Miles, she stuttered.

Can you calm down first, Miles asked. Dami scoffed.

I can’t calm down, I want to know!!!, she screamed.

Kimberly you……..

We are living together, Dami said cutting Miles off. Miles looked at her.

What did you say?, Kimberly asked

I am sure you are not deaf. Isn’t it normal for us to live together as couples, Dami asked

Kimberly glared at her.

Just leave Kim, I will tell you about it tomorrow, Miles said.

Kimberly grabbed a glass cup from the dinning and broke it, then she pointed the broken piece to her neck

Kimberly are you crazy, Miles snapped.

Kick her out immediately, ask the security to kick her out or I will ki|| my self, Kimberly screamed.

Didn’t you hear her?, How can I kick my girlfriend out because of you?, Miles asked

What girlfriend!!!!!, Kimberly screamed.

It was all a lie!! all a lie!!. Why are you now acting with her, Kimberly yelled.

Acting?, Will I live with her if I am acting with her, Miles scoffed.

It’s a lie!! a lie!!. It’s fake!! all fake!!, Kimberly screamed in tears. Dami tried hard to control her laughter.

OMG Kimsy, are you crying?, Dami asked. Kimberly glared at her h@ťěfully.

Chelsea, Miles called.

I will ki|| you Ɓîtçh!!, Kimberly screamed and charged towards her with the glass but before she could stab Dami with it, Miles blocked it with his hand. Dami’s eyes widened in shock.

Kimberly was also shocked.

The glass entered his hand and he was already bleeding immediately.

Kimberly stop this madness immediately, Miles said.

You how can you even try to protect her, Kimberly screamed.

Dami scoffed and matched towards Kimberly angrily. Before one could say jack, Dami slapped Kimberly very hard that she crashed on the floor.

Chelsea!!!!, Miles called in shock.

How dare you stab him huh!, Take your madness else where not here. You are just a friend and you keep acting like the wife. When will you stop your stupid obsession, Dami growled. Miles held her back immediately.

Kimberly stood up, Dami’s hands was imprinted on her face.

She then made to rush to Dami but Miles pushed Dami behind him.

Come over here if you dare, I will ki|| you for real I promise!!, Dami yelled.

Let me ki|| this witch, Kimberly screamed and continued trying to go to Dami.

You useless motherf-__-ker!!, Come here and see how I am going to hit you with a full swing from the bottom up so that your neck snaps, you piece of $h|t!!!!!!, Dami yelled.

It’s enough, Miles thundered. It was already frustrating trying to stop them.

They both stopped talking and looked at him.

Chelsea go upstairs, Miles said.

Dami scoffed angrily.

Aren’t you listening to me, I asked you to f-__-king go upstairs, he snapped. She glared at him and stormed off.

Where are you going Ɓîtçh, this is not your place, leave here already!!, Kimberly yelled and tried going after her but Miles pulled her back.

Let go of me Miles, she screamed.

He grabbed her hand and started pulling her.

She tried removing her hand but he didn’t budge till he got to the garage.

Miles ordered the driver to take her home.

She held his shirt and began to cry.

Miles how can you do this to me, what did I do wrong, why?, She cried.

Can you please stop this?, what did I do to you?, Miles asked already frustrated.

I don’t like her, I don’t want her near you, she sobbed.

Just go home, he said and pulled away from her grip forcefully.

The driver forced her into the car and locked the door. She started hitting the window crying.

Miles ignored her and walked away.

Dami was sitting on the bed when Miles came inside the room, she didn’t even spare him a glance.

Is she angry?, He thought.

He yelled at her because he wanted them to stop fighting. He didn’t mean to yell at her at all. And now seeing her ignoring him made him feel hurt, he didn’t know why.

He moved closer and sat beside her, she looked away.

Are you mad at me, he asked. She ignored him and stood up.

Is she leaving?

Surprisingly she carried a first aid kit from the dressing table and sat down again.

What is she…….

She grabbed his hand and began to treat his injury.

He didn’t know why he felt warm and happy at that point.

It was the first time that someone apart from mom and probably Ace was caring for him.

The way she got angry after Kimberly cut him and slapped her made him feel what he could not explain.

Remember that she is Jewel’s sister, you shouldn’t do anything stupid with her, he told himself

But when he looked at her, that feeling came again.


She bandaged the wound and stood up to leave, but then he held her back immediately. She didn’t even look at him.

Ignoring him again?

He sighed and left her hand. She dropped the first kit in her drawer and left the room.


Dami was not really angry at Miles but she was angry.

She had not intention of attacking Kimberly but when she saw Miles getting hurt she lost control.

She didn’t know but it pissed her off like hell, maybe it’s because he got hurt for her sake, she thought.

She knew he wanted them to stop fighting that was why he yelled at her but why is she ignoring him?

Even she has no answer to that.

She got to a door and stopped walking. Huh!!, Where was she?. She had been walking without any direction in mind and now……

Did she get missing in the mansion? Wh@ťěver. What’s inside anyway?

She opened the door and entered inside.


Is this a wine company????

How the OMG!!!!!!

Quintessa is even here, she squealed. Quintessa is a napa valley wine made from a variety grape materials. It is really expensive.

She smiled naughtily and opened the wine.

I will probably visit here everyday, she grinned.


The maids greeted Krystal immediately she entered the house. She simply waved at them and moved in.

And as usual, she made her way to her study first.

But she noticed the door to the study was open.

What the!!!

Is Fernando back?

She hurried inside immediately but froze when she saw who it was.

Pablo….., she stuttered.

A guy was sitting on her table, He was wearing a hoodie and the left part of his face was covered.

You….. how are you……

You must be surprised to see me alive, Pablo chuckled. Krystal gulped hard.

Wow I will say I am touched seeing how much you love your daughter, her picture is everywhere, even the restroom, Pablo chuckled.

You entered my restroom?, Krystal snapped.

Kind of. But does Chelsea know that you caused of Jewel’s death and you keep blaming her because you feel guilty?, Pablo asked.

Shut up your mouth, she snapped

And if I don’t? Are you going to ki|| me as you did before?, he asked. She closed her eyes and opened them again.

He moved close to her and removed his hoodie.

The left part of his face was badly burnt.

Do you remember this, he asked pointing at the scar.

Krystal looked away.

What do you want from me, name your price and get lost, Krystal snapped.

If I wanted money I won’t be talking to you sweetly. I would have ki||ed you and taken all your properties, after all I am already a dead man, Pablo said

Then what’s your aim?, Krystal asked.

He chuckled.

Do you think I should tell Fernando and Chelsea that Jewel fell into the trap you set for another?, Pablo asked.

Shut the f-__-k up!!!, Krystal snarled.

Pablo burst into laughter and spread his arms apart.

Your doom is here Krystal, wait for it, he grinned.


Miles went downstairs to look for Dami but of course she wasn’t there.

He sighed and ruffled his hair in frustration.

Did she leave again?, He thought.

But he didn’t hear any sound of any car leaving and the securities would have called him if she left, so where is she?

He remembered something and grabbed his phone immediately.

He had forgotten that the CCTV is connected to his phone.

Wine cellar? What is she doing there?

Don’t tell me she…….

He sighed and made his way to the wine cellar.

The first thing he saw when he entered the whine cellar was an empty bottle of…….. beside her.

Wtf!!!! Is she trying to ki|| herself??

She was dead drunk and was sleeping soundly.

He leaned over and touched at her face. She opened her eyes almost immediately.

Huh wasn’t she sleeping?

Chelsea are you okay, he asked.

I am not Chelsea, she mumbled.

I guess you are really drunk, you can walk to the room right?, Miles asked. She looked at his face and gasped.

OMG it’s Miles, am I dreaming?, she screamed. He scoffed.

She stood up and held his face.

Can I take a picture with you? Just a picture I want an autograph too, she said excitedly.

Stop it Chelsea, he groaned.

I am not Chelsea, she mumbled. He rolled his eyes.

Do you want to drink with me, she asked touching his face.

Let’s go to the room Chelsea, Miles said and grabbed her hand.

I am not Chelsea, she mumbled.

Yes ma’am Chelsea, Miles mocked.

I am really serious, she said. He glared at her.

She moved closer to him and held his ears

Actually I am not Chelsea I am Dami……..


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